Cabbage partymaterial (preparatory group) on the topic

Cabbage partymaterial (preparatory group) on the topic

Cabbage Party

The hostess (host) in the upper room is preparing to welcome guests. There's a knock on the door. Children in Russian folk costumes enter.

Children. Aren't you enough, aren't we needed? Hello!

Mistress. Hello, hello, please come in! A good guest is always just right.

Girl. The legs are dancing, the arms are waving, the tongue is singing songs.

We welcome autumn and generously bid farewell to autumn. We generously bid farewell to autumn, cheering on the snowflakes!

Mistress. Come on in, come on in. You haven't seen me for a long time! I invite you to sing and dance and say goodbye to autumn.

Round dance “On the mountain is viburnum”

Mistress. A good start is half the battle. I have a lot of guests today. And many guests mean a lot of news. Make yourself comfortable - let’s sit and talk about this and that.

Boy. Thank you, Hostess, honor to the guest and honor to the owner.

They pass and take their seats.

Mistress. That’s nice: let’s sit side by side and talk well. I want to ask you this: how many seasons of the year do you know? (Children's answers). Right. Each season has its own months. Each month has its own signs and its own name. People called September howler, gloomy - this is from gloomy weather and from autumn winds, Well, which of you will name the most sign of September?

Children. In September there is one berry, and that bitter rowan.

In September, the fur coat trails behind the caftan.

In September, even a leaf does not stick to the tree. September is cold, but full.

Mistress. And September has a brother - October. They call it winter, leaf fall, mud. Can you guess why? (Children's answers: leaves are falling, there is a lot of dirt after the rains). Do you also know the signs of October?

Children. September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.

In October, neither on wheels nor on a sleigh.

October is crying cold tears.

Mistress. And what they say is true, and not in vain: autumn brings eight changes. And you probably don’t even know the old chants about rain?

Children. We know, we know. It’s raining, it’s raining, it’s pouring down, getting our kids wet

Mistress. Well, well done, you made me happy. Well, what month of autumn did we not name? (Children answer: November).

So the turn has come for the last month of autumn - November. After all, November is September's grandson, October's son, winter's dear father. The half-winter layer and chest also boil up (piles of frozen earth appear). What do you know about November?

Children. November nights are dark before the snow.

In November, winter fights with autumn.

November is the gate of winter.

In November, the man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh.

Since November, winter has been freezing.

Mistress. You know a lot about autumn and its months. Only all the sad signs were remembered. But there are also joyful and cheerful ones.

Dot and. Autumn is generous with harvests and gifts.

In the fall, don’t yawn - pack everything in a box.

Mistress. Everything is peaceful, guys. The Russian people are observant, they noticed it long ago; that every plant has its own holiday in the fall. Tell you? This is what they were called: onion day - completely remove onions from the ridges; Potatoes, carrots, and beets are harvested on Kupriyan. Potatoes help bread. On Nikita - turnips are removed from the fields. So you won’t thresh the sheaf with folded hands. Go out and harvest!

Musical game "Golden Autumn".

Mistresses. Autumn is great, but winter is long. It's hard to earn bread, but you can live with bread.

Children. Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi, there are rolls on the street,

There are gingerbreads on the street, apples and cabbage in the garden!

Musical game "Cabbage"

Mistress. The Russian people have also come up with many riddles. Name which ones you know!

Children ask three or four autumn-themed riddles, and call the last one. “Who has one leg, and even that one without a shoe?” (mushroom).

Mistress. Let us also remember how we went mushroom picking.

Game "Oh fungus, you are a fungus"

Mistress. Don’t be generous (generous) in the fall—you’ll be rich by spring.

The solstice is at the gates, come out and dance, people! Those who worked from the heart - dance with the leaves!

Dance of autumn leaves

Mistress. In autumn, every animal looks for the winter. It's time for the hare to change his fur coat. Why do you think? (Children's answers). In the fall, bees seal the entrances tightly with wax. Hedgehogs and squirrels store mushrooms and nuts for the winter. And the mother-father is preparing a warm den for himself for the winter.

Mistress. It's fun here, everyone sings, dances and plays games. Do you want me to amuse you? A fairy tale is a fold, and it’s sweet to listen to!

I was walking along the roads, I found a mitten - a moss fly, I wanted to put it on: and lo and behold - a big bear was sitting there. Bear: roar, roar, roar, I'll be damned. And I, from a fable, from under the trough into the gateway - sniffed.

And here the Little Bear came to visit.

Bear. Hello, kids, girls and boys! Aren't you waiting for me?

Children. We are waiting for you, Little Bear.

Bear. I received your invitation, but I can’t get ready right away, I need to look after everything, check if everything and everyone in the forest is ready for winter.

Children. So tell us, how do you prepare for winter?

Bear. I chose a cozy winter home for myself - a den. I made a soft bed of spruce branches, and to make it warmer and more comfortable, I covered myself with dry wood. The time will come, I will go to bed, and the blizzard will cover me with a warm fluffy blanket. So my house is ready for the whole harsh winter.

Mistress. Before you, Little Bear, go into hibernation, have fun with us. You rarely visit us, but a rare date is a pleasant guest. Welcome!

R.n. song “Oh, I got up early.”

Bear. Aren't you guys afraid to go into the forest? I’ll see which one of you is clever and brave, now I’ll see!

R.n. game "Bear - Father"

Mistress. Oh, well done Mishka! It was not suitable for anyone, but we really fell in love with it!

Hey, laughing girls, start singing ditties!

Sing quickly to please your guests!

Ditties are performed inviting the Bear into the circle.

Bear. Oh yes kids, oh yes little ones! You have pleased me with your skill.

Mistress. The guest is happy - the owner is happy. And I have prepared special gifts for you guys. I sewed the scarves big and warm, it’s just a pity that I didn’t have time to put the patterns on them - there is no joy in these scarves. (Shows the children white scarves.) This is what I’m thinking: let’s you guys and I share our joyful mood with the bear. Maybe he’ll add his own to us.

Bear. Why not share it with good people!

Mistress. I ask everyone to go to the tables.

Children perform the collective work “Decorating scarves with a pattern” using wax crayons, paints and draw a pattern on square-shaped sheets of paper based on Dymkovo painting, then these squares are glued “on the scarf”.

Bear. But I didn’t come to you empty-handed. I brought you my forest gifts: here is honey, so that you don’t get sick all year, and here are pies with cabbage, so that everyone is fat! (Invites you to the table). And a samovar with hot tea made from aromatic herbs is waiting for you all. Help yourself to your health, and I’ll go to my forest, to my den - it’s time. We'll see you in April.

Mistress. We are glad to receive your gifts. Thank you. Well, it's time to know the honor. Taras-bars-rastabars, let's drink tea from the samovar?

Girl. Why not drink! Drinking tea is not cutting wood.

Everyone is invited to the table.

Cabbage gatherings

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 7, Vyazma, Smolensk region

Scenario for the autumn holiday “Cabbage Gatherings”

For the preparatory group.

Musical director: Vinokurova L.P.

To the music, the boys enter the hall and take their seats.

Girls perform a round dance with wreaths.

The presenter enters. The girls take their seats. The presenter is also the Mistress (addresses the parents):

Hello, dear guests!
Come in, make yourself comfortable. (addresses the children)
Oh, you, dear guests, Beautiful girls and daring guys, Come help, and chop the cabbage. Don't be warm on the porch, Come closer to the stove, It will be fun with us - Where there is work, there is dancing!


In the old days, Russian people had such a custom: when the field work ended and the harvest was harvested, they whiled away the autumn and winter evenings together and had gatherings. So all our gardening chores are behind us and I decided to invite you to cabbage gatherings. And, to tell the truth, the cabbage was a great success!

Presentation about cabbage



Today we are having cabbage gatherings.
We will salt the cabbage and sing songs about Autumn. Song “Autumn in the Forest” Hostess:
It’s October—autumn!
It was in October that cabbage was chopped and harvested in Rus'. What you sow in spring, you reap in autumn. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies. What do you need to do to grow cabbage? The children answer.
First you need to sow the cabbage seed, then grow the seedlings. Previously, in Rus' there was a custom, before planting seedlings in the garden, they took a large clay pot (the housewife takes out the pot). They put on a white scarf and then a flower. They put it on the bed and said: Be round - like a pot, Be white - like a scarf, Be sweet - like a flower. Children pronounce the plot together with the presenters.
After such a conspiracy, not a single worm will eat cabbage, but the cabbage will grow white and strong. Let's curl some cabbage. Song “Weave, hang, cabbage” 1. Weave, hang, cabbage, Weave, hang, white. How can I, a cabbage, not curl up and be born white and white? 2. We welcome guests at home, and invite everyone to the table. We pour aromatic tea and treat them to pie with cabbage.

After performing a round dance, the children sit down.
Yes, they harvested a big harvest, but the cabbage was bad!
It’s not for nothing that many proverbs and sayings about cabbage have been invented. -Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick. - Cabbage soup and porridge are our food. - Why fence the garden if you don’t salt the cabbage? You can hear the crunch of cabbage.
Hostess: What's that creak, what's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this? How can there be without crunch, If I... (children: cabbage) A cabbage girl comes in to the music and stands in the middle of the circle.
Cabbage: I am real cabbage, ripe, crispy.
I'm tasty, good, I look like a lady. Chubby, pot-bellied, strong and curvy. And, as a lady, I was always held in high esteem by the people. They love me, respect me, they know about my usefulness. Hostess:
Well, come in, we've been waiting for you!
(stands in the middle) Game “You roll, roll, cabbage” Text:
You roll, roll, cabbage, More fun in your hands.
Whoever has cabbage now, dance for us soon. (A head of cabbage is passed around in a circle to the music, the children sing (see the lyrics of the song above). After the words “quickly for us,” the child who has the head of cabbage goes out into the circle, dances to the music, the rest of the children clap their hands. Hostess:
For Why bother with the garden if you don’t salt the cabbage. Come on, let’s salt our cabbage.
There are 3 children: 1st child:
I peel and cut the cabbage, And then I rub the carrots, I’ll salt it a little and put it in a barrel.
2nd child
: Mom puts the sticks. Dad will press it, And when it ferments, we will pierce it with a stick.

3rd child:
She wandered for a couple of days, We must take her out to the cellar, Otherwise the Goats will have to feed her all of her. Hostess: Come on, get up, guys, fence the garden! song "Merry Garden".

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