Tales about vegetables materials (preparatory group)

What does a fairy tale teach?

A fairy tale is not just entertainment for a child. She is able to teach, educate, solve many problems, and also calm. Thanks to a fairy tale, you can explain to your baby or toddler many things that are difficult to understand with a normal explanation. There are, for example, children's fairy tales about vegetables and fruits that will help you find out the names of certain products, as well as recognize their beneficial properties.

Poems about potatoes for children


I won’t leave a single crumb from the crumbly potatoes. I’m very happy with the potatoes, they look good. And also, look, she has a wide mouth.

Author: Mezhins P.


I would never have guessed Before this, I myself would have - Potatoes are not put at the table, They are put in pits. Without darkness and dampness She cannot grow!

Author: Mullin M.


Dig up the bed a little, and look, there are potatoes living there. One potato, two and three... Take it all into the bucket.

Author: Golubenko E.



Dig up the bed a little, and look, there are potatoes living there. One potato, two and three... Take it all into the bucket.

Author: Golubenko E.


I didn’t pretend to help my dad dig potatoes: Half a bucket is my valuable contribution, Not potatoes - just a treasure!

Author: Sibirtsev V.



I think from vegetables, the best of all is potatoes, without it you can’t cook cabbage soup, you can’t eat okroshka.

Author: Gromova L.


Tubers grow underground, they are waiting for ripening. Everyone is feeding their "profile". That plant is a potato.

Author: Talyzin V.


I am the most beloved on any table, And in my honor it’s time to give fireworks! After all, your mother will prepare a hundred different dishes for you from potatoes in the kitchen!

Author: Polak F.


We eat these tubers - Sometimes we sit by the fire, We bake in the coals a little, so that the potatoes don’t burn.

Author: Talyzin V.

The therapeutic effect of fairy tales

Incredibly, fairy tales have a therapeutic effect. A fairy tale about vegetables for children can be no worse than one where the main characters are people. This way, the child can quickly get acquainted and “make friends” with new vegetables. If he refuses to eat certain foods, then an interesting fairy tale about vegetables will help change his attitude towards them. Reading or listening to fairy tales, you are involuntarily transported to the world of magic and fantasy, dreams and daydreams. In this amazing world, anything can happen. Animals and birds can talk, houses can be made of candy, people can travel through time, fly, etc. The world of fairy tales is always kind and beautiful. That's why not only children, but also adults like them so much.

Speech games with preschool children on the topic “Fruits”

Game 1. Ladder in the garden. Choose a word.

Together with your child, come up with as many words as you can about what kinds of fruits there are. For example, today we will play with the word “apple” - “What kind of apple can there be?”, and next time with the word “pear” - “What kind of pear can there be?” You can choose words on the road, on a walk, on the bus or in the car. But the best thing is to play!

How to generate interest in a word matching game?

Speech exercises are difficult for children, so it is best to carry them out in a playful way and so that the child can clearly see the result of his efforts. I came up with my own technique for this - “visual game assessment of the result of speech.” This is how I do it.

I usually draw a large tree on an easel with a felt-tip pen (you can also draw a tree on a piece of paper or on a board). On the tree I draw fruits, but they must be drawn very high from the ground. There is a ladder next to the tree. The staircase is drawn as two vertical parallel lines. But - this is important - there are no steps drawn on it!

How we play: we select words and climb up the stairs to get fruit. One word = one step.

As soon as we have chosen one word, I draw one step. We found another word - I draw another step. How many words were chosen - so many steps appeared on the ladder! With each word, more steps are added, and we climb higher and higher (you can rearrange the children’s figures according to the image of the ladder). The task is to get to the top of the tree, and for this you need to choose a lot of words!

There should definitely be a pleasant surprise waiting for children at the top of the tree! When children take an apple (or plum) from the crown of a tree, on the back of the picture they should find something - a plan indicating the place where a surprise is hidden, a riddle, a small gift, a beautiful piece of paper, words of congratulations from the Gardener, a drawn medal, magic words etc.

Hint for adults

Words for the game:

fragrant, large, tasty, tasteless, sour, sweet, rosy, tender, fragrant, juicy, bulk, red, yellow, golden, striped, ripe unripe, ripe, round, oval, elongated, soft, hard, rotten, wormy, dried , large, small, boiled, summer, early, early ripening, southern.

“The apple is ripe, red, sweet, the apple is crisp, with a smooth skin. I’ll split the apple in half, I’ll share the apple with my friend.” (Ya. Akim).

Here are more poems about apples, in which there are many beautiful figurative words for speech play.

Fragrant, rosy, Some are sweet, some are spicy, Some are sour, some are tart, Some are soft, some are strong. There are fresh, dried, and even soaked.

The most important sweet fruit grows in our garden. It is amber and fragrant, sweet and sour, golden. Large, round and crispy, the King's son is real! There is one with a ruddy side and a cheerful worm. Our apple tree amazingly gave us a lot of apples: very sweet, aromatic, and so pleasant to the taste.

Game 2. I know.

The first player begins: I know a lot of fruits: an apple. The second player continues: I know a lot of fruits: apple and pear. The third builds the chain further: “I know a lot of fruits: apple, pear and plum.” The task is to continue the chain and not confuse anything. An adult can make a deliberate mistake in a game, for example, naming a vegetable instead of a fruit. Will children notice this mistake?

The game develops attention and memory.

Tips for playing the game:

For children, the chain should not be too big! If there are a lot of children playing, then it is better to compose not one long chain of words, which is difficult to remember, but several chains.

When making a chain, you can string large wooden parts onto a cord. This way we can clearly see how many words we have remembered and selected.

Game 3. Let's collect fruits in a basket.

Each player names one fruit. If he named correctly, then he puts the cube in the basket. One word is one cube. The task is to fill the basket with words - cubes, remembering and naming as many fruits as possible. You can play against the clock - you need to fill the basket in 2 minutes. This is a fairly long period of time, sufficient to complete the task.

What children can name: apple, pear, quince, cherry plum, shadberry, apricot, peach, plum, lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pomegranate, pineapple, persimmon, banana, mango, avocado, kiwi and other fruits.

You can “put” in the basket not only the names of fruits, but also phrases. For example: “fragrant apple” - put a cube. Now we need to come up with the next phrase - “golden pear”. Next is a new phrase – “blue plum”. And so we fill the basket.

Game 4. Classification. Fruits and vegetables.

Children are given pictures of mixed fruits and vegetables. You need to put fruits in one basket and vegetables in another.

Be sure to ask your child: “Why do you think this is a fruit?”

To summarize children’s ideas about fruits and clarify the general concept of “fruit,” with children 4 years of age and older, you can conduct an exercise with pictures to develop logical thinking, “What are fruits?”

Step 1.

Place 3-4 pictures of fruits in front of your child.
For example, apple, pineapple, banana, plum. You can also use real fruits or dummies. How are these items different
, you ask ?
Let the child compare
them with each other and tell them that they differ: a) in color - “the plum is purple and the apple is scarlet”, b) in size “the plum is small and the pineapple is large”, c) the nature of the surface (smooth, rough), d) shape (round, oval, long - short).

Step 2.

After that, ask the main question: “
How are these pictures similar?”
What do these items have in common? " It's a difficult question. If necessary, help your child with guiding questions.

Step 3.

After discussion, make
a conclusion
that all these pictures depict plants - fruits. And again discuss the main characteristics of fruits. Fruits are plants, they are always edible, they grow in the garden, they are planted and grown by people, people take care of them. People make jam, compotes, jellies, marmalade and other delicious treats from fruits.

Step 4.

Ask them to select fruits from pictures of different foods. Why is this a fruit, you ask? Maybe it's a vegetable? Emphasize the difference - fruits grow on trees in the garden. And vegetables grow on the ground in the garden.

Game 5. What is made from fruits? Cheerful cooks.

At the beginning of the game, we remember all the dishes that are made from fruits. Remember the most favorite dishes of your children and your family.

Hint for adults: juice, compote, jelly, fruit drink, jam, jelly, marmalade, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits, Turkish delight are made from fruits. Do you remember anything else? I will be glad to see your additions in the comments after the article.

And then we start playing with the children - “cooking” their favorite dish. For example, let's make marmalade. We depict how we stir the mass in a saucepan, how we spread it with a spoon on a baking sheet, and then cut it into slices with a knife and treat the toys. And at this time we talk about marmalade, learning to form adjectives from nouns.

Let's make marmalade from different fruits, and we will succeed (we start the phrase, and the children suggest the answer). Apple marmalade - what should we call it? Apple.

And then we start playing in the cafe.

Each time we don’t just say a word, but depict a whole scene - we treat visitors, taste it, lick our lips, make suggestions, ask questions. And at this time we say: “Oh, how fragrant our apple marmalade turned out. Would you like to try the pear one? Maybe you’ll like plum better?” If a child makes a typical mistake, for example, says “apple” instead of “apple,” then it is best to treat the guests – the toys – with apple marmalade, saying this word many times in the game in different phrases: “Would you like to treat yourself to apple marmalade? It is very tasty!". Or: “Our apple marmalade is very aromatic and not cloying, you will like it!”

One of the variants of such a game

– persuade the character to try apple marmalade, praising it in every possible way. And each time repeating its name and reinforcing the correct version of the word in speech. Naturally, at first the toy refuses, and then agrees. And she really, really likes apple marmalade. And your baby, while playing, masters a new word for him, and will no longer make mistakes in it! And before you know it, you will learn to speak grammatically correctly!


You will only need to remind him of the correct option in everyday communication: “Remember, we played with fruits. What is the correct name for apple marmalade? Correct your mistake. What a clever girl! Yes, apple!” Never repeat your child's mistakes. It is very important for a child to hear grammatically correct speech from adults!

Game 6. Call me affectionately.

Game 7. Wizards.

Give your child a magic wand and let him turn into a wizard. An ordinary pencil wrapped in foil can act as a stick. For beauty, you can attach a brush, bell or other attribute of magic to the pencil.

The task of our little wizards is to grow a lot of fruit. An evil wizard bewitched the garden, and only one apple grew in it. But our little wizard waves his magic wand, and a lot of things happen? Apples!

In this grammar game, your child gets to know the genitive plural of nouns. You will be able to see and correct common grammatical errors. For example, children may say that there are a lot of “apples” instead of the correct version of “apples.” Children often say that there are a lot of “pears” or “pears” instead of the correct version of “pears”. If the kids make mistakes, then play the following game with them to consolidate their speech skills.

Game 8. What happened.

Place 6 pictures in front of your child. Each picture depicts fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, pineapples (you can take another list of pictures). Let the baby close his eyes, and at this time you remove one of the pictures. What's missing? Grush.

In this game, the child also learns to correctly use words in the genitive case.

Visual material (pictures)+ for this game and other games in the article

has already been posted in the section of the website “Library of games, pictures and materials for activities with children” -

Game 9. Fourth wheel.

Be sure to ask children why they chose this particular word as extra. Children have their own logic, and it also has the right to life! In addition, the ability to explain and prove one’s point of view, to build arguments is very important in life and begins to develop in a child in preschool age! Take advantage of these baby development opportunities!

Game 10. Guess who?

This entertaining and fun game makes it very easy to learn how to use genitive plural nouns correctly. It happens so naturally! Children love to play, they play the game many times, and each time they develop and consolidate their speech skills without any teaching, boring exercises or long explanations - naturally and playfully!

To play you will need pictures, each of which depicts several fruits. You need two identical sets.

One of the children is the leader. He is given one set of pictures. All participants in the game take a picture from another set.

The presenter's task is to guess who has what. The dialogue goes like this:

It is discussed in advance how many questions the presenter can ask one player. Usually this is 4-5 questions. If he was able to guess, then the children change roles in the game. The presenter becomes the player, and the child whose picture was guessed goes on to guess further.

If the presenter has not guessed right after 4 questions, then he continues to guess.

You can play this game together with your baby. Then the adult asks questions, and the child answers. Then switch roles.

Merry vegetable garden

This is a short story about vegetables. One day a puppy was walking through the garden and met its inhabitants. But I just didn’t know what their name was. We need to help the puppy learn about the inhabitants of the wonderful garden.

First the dog saw a green and pimply creature. Who is it? So this is a cucumber, a real brave daredevil.

Then he met a handsome red man. It was ripe, juicy and a little chubby. It's Signor Tomato!

And here is a business lady, she is dressed in a hundred fur coats. And in the summer she is not the least bit hot. This is cabbage that just can't get warm.

Who is it that exposed his side to the sun? He didn't tan, but just turned a little white. Yes, this is a couch potato.

He walked further and saw colorful bushes. These were sweet peppers of different colors: red, orange, yellow and green.

He also saw a girl whose braid was always on the street, and she herself was sitting in prison. Who is this? Of course, carrots. Now the puppy knows who lives in the cheerful garden. It is inhabited by wonderful people.


We bend our fingers one by one.

We shared an orange. There are many of us, but he is alone! This slice is for hedgehogs, This slice is for urchins, This slice is for ducklings, This slice is for kittens. This slice is for the beaver, And for the wolf it is the peel!


We depict actions in accordance with the text:

We will cook compote, We need a lot of fruits: We will chop apples, We will chop pears. Squeeze out the lemon juice, drain, and add sand. We cook, we cook compote. Let's treat honest people.


We bend our fingers one by one.

This finger is an orange, He is, of course, not alone. This finger is a plum, delicious, beautiful. This finger is an apricot, growing high on a branch. This finger is a pear, Asks: “Come on, eat it!” This finger is a pineapple, a fruit for you and for us.

Tale about vegetables (funny)

Grandfather planted a turnip. And I expected her to grow very, very big. It's time to. Grandfather began to dig turnips. He pulls and pulls... And then he hears that the vegetable is talking to him.

- Grandpa, what kind of turnip am I to you, I’m a red carrot with green curly hair!

“These are miracles,” says the grandfather, “but where did I plant the turnip?” I do not remember. Get into my basket, you’ll need it for soup, but in the meantime, we’ll look for it together. He walks further through the garden. Pulls and pulls...

“Oh, be careful with me, I’m not a turnip, but a beet,” answered the burgundy lady in a businesslike manner.

“How can that be,” says the grandfather, “I got it mixed up again.” I'm an old fool. Well, come with me, you’ll need some borscht. He moves on.

“You’re probably a turnip,” the grandfather turned to another vegetable.

- Who am I? No, what are you? I'm a potato.

“Here you go,” muttered grandfather, “oh, old age is not a joy.” He's blind and has problems with his memory. How can I find a turnip?

“Here I am,” exclaimed the turnip, “how long can I wait for all of you?” I'm sitting here, bored, alone.

“Finally,” the grandfather rejoiced. I wanted to pull it out, but a really big, big turnip was born. Probably we should call our grandmother, granddaughter and others. How did grandfather pull the turnip? Well, that's another story...

Poems about carrots for children


The girl cleverly hid, She’s comfortable in the ground. The scythe reveals a cheat, We pull a carrot from the ground!

Author: Sibirtsev V.


Like a grandmother’s garden, a very sweet vegetable has grown. Let’s do a training session to see who can gnaw a carrot the fastest.

Author: Gromova L.


Carrot said with dignity: “I have a lot of merit!” I have a special vitamin – essential carotene.

So that my skin is velvet, so that blindness does not let me down, I will always remain valuable, everyone needs me, believe me!

Author: Anishina N.


We have grown carrots. Red-haired, like a cheat. Hidden in the cellar, Just a braid on a hillock.

Go to that cellar. And pull the braid. After all, she is a carrot! Full of vitamins.

Author: Mikhaleva M.

*** Carrot

Carrots are dozing underground. What is she dreaming of there? Let's threaten, frowning - Show yourself, girl!

Author: Fink I.


I am a carrot, or a carrot, make a salad out of me, put it in borscht, and in soup, from peas and from cereals,

Add it wherever you want and eat it raw. Sweet and juicy, I am very loved by everyone.

Author: Zhukovskaya E.


The carrot grew delicious, a very long head, orange color, sunny summer.

The tail sticks out above the ground and says to the guys: Show some skill, get out the carrots.

Tasty and sweet, but don’t eat it on the sly. Wash it very thoroughly, everything will be fine.

Author: Borina M.


Carrot has a red nose

The carrot has a red nose, a juicy, tasty, sweet fruit. And the green lush tail decorates the garden.

Author: Dovzhenko N.

Vegetable dispute

This is an autumn tale about vegetables. Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. Grandfather watched TV in the evenings, and grandmother knitted socks for him. They became bored with living like this. We decided to get a vegetable garden. They spent days fiddling with it. They really liked that time flew by quickly and it was not boring at all. It's time to sow the seeds. The grandfather did not entrust such a serious matter to the grandmother. I went to the market myself and bought everything. I decided not to call grandma, but to sow the seeds myself. But he stumbled, and all the seeds scattered throughout the garden.

Grandfather came home gloomy. And he says: “Now how can we find out where the carrots are and where the beets are!” “Don’t worry, grandfather,” said the grandmother, “the time will come, we’ll figure it out ourselves.”

Autumn has come, it's time to harvest. An old man and an old woman were watching, and the vegetables were all so beautiful and ripe. But they argue with each other about which of them is better and more useful.

- I am a tomato, I make a delicious tomato. I'm the best.

- And I’m the most useful of all. I am the onion, I save everyone from illness.

- But no. I'm also rich in vitamins. I am a sweet and very tasty pumpkin, and I am also very bright and beautiful.

“You’re not the only one who shines with beauty.” I am a red carrot, I am a beautiful girl. Healthy and tasty, everyone really likes it.

The vegetables argued for a long time until the grandfather and grandmother said: “You are all in charge, important and useful. We will gather you all, we will not leave anyone in the garden. Some will go into porridge, some into soup, and many of you will eat it raw and very tasty. The vegetables were delighted, laughed and clapped.”

Fairy tales - compositions, children's creativity

Section: Methods and technologies

Publication date: 2012-07-11 | | Author: Olga Bogdanova

Matryoshka's tales.

Speech development is of fundamental importance in the development of a preschool child, which is aimed at practical language acquisition and speech awareness. In preschool age, its practical use is improved. The child’s activity in relation to language is expressed in word formation, word creation, and writing. Older preschoolers come up with various stories and fairy tales with interest and imagination.

How to help a child write if he has not yet learned to write, or writes in block letters, but very slowly. The desire to write down your thoughts may leave the child due to the difficulties of preserving what he has invented.

In this situation, parents or educators will help. I offer you options for work done by parents together with their children.

Tales about vegetables and fruits.

Author Katya Peshina - 5 years old.

Author Makar Baykov - 6 years old.

“Vegetables in the garden” In the summer we planted vegetables in the garden: beets, carrots, onions, cabbage and pumpkin. The sun was warm, the rain was pouring and the vegetables were growing quickly in the garden bed. Birds collected harmful beetles, cats caught digger moles. The vegetables lived well and amicably in the garden. The vegetables grew and told each other fairy tales, sang songs, the only thing that upset them was that they couldn’t reach each other and play because they grew in different beds.

Summer has come to an end and autumn has arrived. It became cold and rainy in the garden, all the fairy tales were told, all the riddles were asked - the vegetables became sad. But the time has come to harvest. People dug and collected vegetables, brought them into the house, peeled, cut and cooked delicious vegetable soup from them. The vegetables were so happy when they met all together in one pan! They began to run after each other, catch up, catch and run away again.

The tasty and healthy vegetable soup was swirling merrily on the stove.


Author Anya Kern 6 years old.

"The Fabulous Journey of Vegetables"

Once upon a time there were cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots. One day a tomato says: “My grandfather told me that somewhere far away, beyond the seas and oceans, there live creatures similar to us.” “Oh, how interesting!” - exclaimed the carrot. “Let’s go on a trip and get to know them at the same time,” suggested the cucumber. So they began to get ready for the long journey. Two days passed, the friends put together a boat, inflated the mattress, pulled the sail and set off.

They sailed for a day, then another, suddenly it began to rain heavily, the wind blew, and a storm began. The wind tore the sail and the boat almost capsized. When the sea calmed down, they looked around, and there was nothing around except water. The cucumber, tomato and carrot got scared and started screaming and waving their arms. Suddenly someone’s face appeared from the water. It was the dolphin Styopa who swam past and heard screams. Friends began vying with each other to say that they had sailed to look for creatures similar to themselves. And Styopa answers them: “Yes, I know, people like you live here not far away on the island. I will accompany you!

A cucumber, a tomato and a carrot jumped onto the back of a dolphin and swam to the island. Styopa quickly brought them to the sandy shore. They went ashore, and the carrot screamed: “Look, look - what an orange tomato and a yellow cucumber!” The dolphin laughed: “Yes, these are oranges and bananas. Come on, I’ll introduce you to them!” This is how cucumber, carrot, tomato, banana and orange became friends! They began to visit each other, and they didn’t forget about Styopa!

The fairy tale is over.


A therapeutic tale about healthy vegetables. Part one

This story about vegetables is perfect for those children who have problems with food. Approximate age: from 3.5 years. Many children enjoy conversations about tasty and healthy food, as well as junk food. The main thing is that they are interesting. If you are telling a therapeutic story, you should not use your child's name for the main character.

So, a therapeutic tale about vegetables could be next. Katya, as usual, was visiting her grandmother during the summer holidays. She really liked this village. The bright and warm sun always lifted my spirits, and I could always swim to my heart's content in the clean river. Only Katya was very often capricious and did not obey her grandmother. She did not want to eat cooked vegetables and fruits. The girl refused to eat them and said: “I don’t want this, I won’t do this. I don’t eat this green one, but take away this red one.” And everything like that. Of course, this greatly upset the grandmother, because she tried so hard for her beloved granddaughter. But Katenka couldn’t help herself.

Conversation about fruits L.K. Schleger. 1913

Preparing for the conversation.

There are different fruits in front of the children. They name them, determine their shape, colors. Determined by touch and taste with eyes closed.

Catalogs of fruits should be at hand; drawings in paints (that is, color pictures); artificial fruit


What do fruits grow on?

What is the name of the tree on which apples grow? Can plums grow on an apple tree? What does a ripe apple look like? What does it taste like? (Sweet, juicy). Who colored the apple so much? What protects the apple pulp? (Skin). When is the apple ripe? The beauty of an apple tree hung with ruddy apples. Has anyone ever seen an apple tree with apples? What are the apples sitting on?

Who can tell me how an apple grows?

Is it always so big and ruddy? What color is an unripe apple? What does it taste like? Before the apple appears, the apple tree blooms. When does it bloom? In the spring. Has anyone seen an apple tree in bloom? We'll look at it in the spring, but for now let's look at the picture.

What kind of seeds

at the cherry? At the plum?

Who eats

ripe fruits? Do some people eat and love them? Do people eat seeds? They spit them out. What do birds eat? Seeds fall on the ground, and what grows from them?

What do you sometimes find in apples, pears, plums? Worm. How did the worm get into the apple tree? Does the worm remain in the apple? He gnaws it and comes out (find an apple with a worm in it). A worm is made into a pupa, and a pupa is made into a butterfly.

What do we make from fruits?

What do we make jam from? Has anyone ever seen dried fruit? Show and try. What else is made from fruits? Kvass, liqueur.

Is it growing here?

grape? What do they make from it? What other fruits do you know that grow in warm countries? Oranges, tangerines, lemons. Are the skins of oranges and lemons as thin as those of an apple?

What fruits does an oak tree or a Christmas tree have?

Who collects and eats them? Is this fruit?

Children's work on the topic "Fruits".

Question for educators to consider:

Exactly 100 years have passed since the publication of this conversation for young children by the talented teacher Louise Karlovna Schleger! Have we and our children changed? What is different about the conversation about fruits by L.K. Schleger from modern conversations about fruits in kindergarten? What requirements for a conversation with children were taken into account when compiling this conversation? What would you change about it?

You will learn more about conversations with children and about our history of methods for developing children’s speech from the article based on materials from the book by E.A. Flerina “The Living Word in a Preschool Institution.”

A therapeutic tale about healthy vegetables. Part two

One day the girl went outside and heard someone talking in the garden. She came closer to the beds and was very surprised. The vegetables were arguing among themselves.

“I am more important than anyone in the world,” said the potato, “I am able to saturate the entire body and give strength for the whole day.” Thanks to my beneficial properties, every child will run, jump, gallop for a long time, and will not get tired at all.

- It’s not true, I’m the most important! - said the beautiful orange carrot. You have no idea how much beta-carotene is in me - a supervitamin. It is good for vision.

“Hmm,” Katya thought, “grandmother probably loves carrots very much, since she still knits and reads without glasses.”

Meanwhile, the vegetables continued to argue:

“Dear friend,” the pumpkin joined the conversation, “don’t think that you’re the only one rich in beta-carotene.” I have plenty of it too. I help people cope with autumn ailments. I also contain vitamin C.

“I also have this vitamin,” the red pepper answered playfully, “I have much more of it than citrus fruits.”

- No, guys, of course, you are important, but I’m still the most important! - said broccoli. - You can eat me not only boiled, fried or stewed, but also raw. I contain the most useful vitamins. And the soup I make is excellent.

- Friends, you are all right, of course, but without me the dishes don’t turn out as tasty. - said the bow in a deep voice, - and I can cure a person of various diseases.

And then the vegetables noticed that someone was watching them, and they immediately stopped their argument, as if they were not talking at all.

- These are miracles! - Katenka said quietly. - And then the grandmother called her granddaughter to eat. Katya realized that she was very hungry and ran to wash her hands. When the girl saw that pumpkin porridge was waiting for her for breakfast, she was very happy. She wanted to try all the vegetables herself and choose which of them was more important and tastier. Katya decided that now she would enjoy eating her grandmother’s salads and porridge and would become beautiful and healthy.

A wonderful harvest Fairy tale for children Remizov read

The rich peasant Arkhip Semenov lived in the same village with the poor man Osip Ivanov. Their stripes were nearby. And when they were sowing rye and came together at the end of the strip, an old wanderer approached, looking like the priest Savely who died last spring and, turning to Osip, asked:

-What are you sowing, baptized one?

“Rye, good man,” answered Osip.

And the wanderer, blessing the field with a wide cross, said:

- God damn rye.

And turning to Arkhip as he turned, he asked:

-What are you sowing, baptized one?

“What I sow, so I sow,” Arkhip answered displeasedly, “I sow pegs.”

“God damn the pegs,” said the old man, blessing Arkhipov Field with a wide cross.

Osip's greenery has turned green, the rye has risen high - he can't stop looking at it. But Arkhip’s field is smooth and bare, like a priest’s palm, and on the bare ground, God knows what: such a thick stalk will jump out, develop and under the cap, well, and stand like a boletus mushroom.

It became hard for Arkhip, and not only that the rye disappeared, but the shame is great: at home his bride-daughters are crying, they are afraid to go out, and the neighbors are making fun of him.

- What do you mean, Semenych, what kind of wheat grew in your field?

And the other one will blurt out bluntly, he wasn’t listening.

* * * The gypsy Gamga came to the village, he was a farrier, and Arkhip came to him. The gypsies looked around the field, grunted, but couldn’t help.

“Go,” he says, “to the monastery and ask the fathers how you can overcome your grief.”

With that he left.

Arkhip gathered for a pilgrimage.

And wherever there was a church or chapel along the way, he served prayers and lit candles everywhere: the shame overcame him too much. And when he entered the monastery and saw an old man written on the wall, his veins began to shake: he recognized the stranger, but it was too late.

Arkhip defended mass, and after mass he went to the recluse with the pilgrims. He stood at the window, waiting for the recluse to look out and everyone to come up, some for a blessing, some for a misfortune.

The recluse looked out, it was Arkhip’s turn, Arkhip kept telling him about his field, and how he sowed and what happened next.

“Father, help me, there’s no escape from the shame.”

And the old man even stamped his feet.

“Go away,” he says, “go away, you accursed one, with your stick.” There is no place for you in the holy monastery, go to the filthy Jew.

Arkhip bowed and left.

And he thinks to himself:

“Which Jew is the elder telling him to go to?”

And the poor tailor Solomon lived in the village.

“It must be to Solomon!” - Arkhip decided, without going home, straight to Solomon.

And to Solomon about his field - why even tell him: the field is in front of everyone, except that a blind man cannot see it!

“What a misfortune,” said Solomon, “your grief is not a grief, but a treasure: take a sickle, water it with dewy water, take some of the ripest horseshoes, and take it home, and then wrap it in sugar paper, tie it up and take it to sell.” But don’t sell it right away: a hundred rubles for a peg, and a hundred rubles for a secret. And the secret is this: you say, well! - goes to work, you say: whoa! - will disappear.

Arkhip thanked Solomon, promised a ruble for every hundred and returned home satisfied.

* * * Arkhip is unrecognizable; or is your mind clouded? They poke him with a prick, and you know, he chuckles in his beard. Or what are you planning?

Early in the morning Arkhip came out, blessing himself, and went with a sickle into his bare field. He soaked the sickle with dew water, picked it up more maturely, pressed a whole stripe and went home. And the next day he loaded the cart and took the goods to the city.

- Rod! Who needs a rod? – the cart creaks, Arkhip shouts.

And a young widow was sitting by the window, resting her elbow on the windowsill: her rooms were cramped, she couldn’t forget sleep. And he hears: a cart, a merchant with goods. I woke up and shouted to Pasha:

- Go and find out what it is?

When you’re bored, you know what you’re not happy about—every click makes you jump.

Pasha returned, but she couldn’t say anything, she just snorted into her apron.

- You're crazy! Call a guy here and I’ll see for myself.

- Rod! Who needs a rod? - Arkhip drawls outside the window.

Pasha ran and was not the only one who returned.

- What is this? Come here!

- Rod, lady, rod! - Arkhip got it right.

And as Palageya Petrovna unwrapped the package, she turned red and moved towards it.

- What is the price?

- One hundred rubles.

- Take it.

And now money is on the table.

And before Arkhip had time to leave the door, Palageya Petrovna’s hand went to the package, unfolded it, took it out, and it was like a cork - there was nothing wrong with it.

“Pasha,” he shouts, “Pasha, run, catch up with the man, tell him to come back.”

But Arkhip knows, he’s walking one step at a time. And Pasha returned it.

- Tell me a secret? - Arkhip winked, - you can: a hundred rubles.

And if he had said two hundred, he would have given two hundred.

Palageya Petrovna put the purchase in the chest of drawers and no matter how many times she couldn’t stand it until nightfall, she would take it out, unwrap it, look at it, but when night came, there was no need for sleep.

And the next morning she’s cheerful and doesn’t yell at Pasha and has forgotten the window. And what does she care about: she doesn’t dream.

And the days went by - they became sore, not like widows.

* * * Palageya Petrovna once got ready to visit a relative-general out of town.

Everyone was very happy about her, and most of all the owner himself: he would look at Palageya Petrovna and seem to be all wet.

And Palageya Petrovna, as soon as lunch was over, went home.

Well, they keep her to spend the night - and they seduce her with the weather and the country air! - and she doesn’t want to hear. And finally, she admitted that she forgot one thing at home and couldn’t sleep without it.

- Eka, what to grieve about! - the owner was delighted, - yes, I’ll send Tishka away now: Tishka flies away with a living hand, just punish him to deliver.

Palageya Petrovna agreed.

And not even a minute passed, Tishka galloped from the estate to the city to get the thing. And he arrived safely, received a package from Pasha, put it in his back pocket and, immediately, back.

I went out onto the main road - I could drive freely. - Well! - Tishka shouted.

And he disappeared: as soon as he jumped out of his pocket and then he pushed it in and went and went -

Tishka can’t understand anything, he broke out in a cold sweat, it surges, he jumps, and it itches and itches, and the more Tishka prods, the worse.

The hat rose above his head - on a hair's length.

And he doesn’t remember how he got there.

- Whoa! - the unfortunate man shouted and suddenly, freed, he slammed to the ground covered in cold sweat and barely entered the porch with a bark.

* * * We sat on the balcony until late at night.

The evening was wonderful, the guest was unusually animated - she was so glad that her inseparable bundle was with her! - and her revival drove the owner crazy.

For some reason he took everything in and became so confident that when everything was quiet in the house, he quietly crept into Palageya Petrovna’s room.

It was a moonlit night, the moonlight was dizzy and blurred his eyes - the general, making his way around the room, touched a chair.

- Well! – he muttered with annoyance. And he disappeared, like Tishka.

The package fell to the floor, turned around and something bit into the general.

The poor fellow, not understanding anything, fell to his knees out of fear, but it did not let go. I lay down on the carpet - it didn’t make it any easier. Or is he dreaming? I touched it from behind: no, it’s alive. And there is no escape.

Losing all patience, he slipped onto the balcony, from the balcony into the garden.

- Well! Well! – he groaned, not realizing anything. And exhausted, he stretched out face down on the path.

And the next morning they found the general in the garden: he had died! - and they can’t believe their eyes - it sticks out from behind like a feather.

They were amazed, they tried to drag it, but it was like a bent nail, you couldn’t take it with pliers or anything.

Yes, they buried him like that. And there were a lot of tears, but Palageya Petrovna was most upset.

Poems about radishes for children



What kind of ostriches are these? They grew up in the garden in the summer. Above the ground there are only one Leaves - the tails are visible. Red radishes are clever, they hid their heads in the ground.

Author: Rukosueva G.

*** - Hey, radish! Jump into the bowl! - No, I won’t jump! Don't want! The kids didn’t wash their hands. As soon as they do, I’ll drop by!

Author: Avdeenko K.



There is a large harvest of radishes in Anfisa's garden. And the neighbors are all tearing radishes for salad.

Author: Darnina I.


Radishes, straight from the ridge, Washed under the tap, All glistening in droplets of water On a woven towel. And how delicious it looks - Well, it teases the appetite!

Author: Sibirev V.



A radish with a white tail has browned its side, and sister Raiska has collected a large bunch from the garden bed for us.

Author: Dovzhenko N.


Look at the radish, the pink head is down, there is a green bunch at the top, it is not high, just on the side.

Author: Review I.



We watered the radishes, and everyone was waiting for them to grow. With sour cream, very tasty, with the addition of cabbage!

Author: Yudina T.



What kind of ostriches are these? They grew up in the garden in the summer. Above the ground there are only one Leaves - the tails are visible. Red radishes are clever, they hid their heads in the ground.

Author: Rukosueva G.


There are no more beautiful radishes in our garden. How juicy, red, round, Don’t look how small it is.

The turnip was also a success, lit up like a yellow sun. Well, is the onion really bad, an old man in a hundred clothes?

Author: Nishcheva N.

Poems about peas for children


And our peas sprouted, Lisa exclaimed: “Oh! It needs to be watered! Pull out the grass by the roots! Look after him, and then we’ll eat him!!!”

Author: Goryunova N.

*** He hid in a pod, His mustache was like a worm. It is sweet, since it has not dried out. They put peas in porridge and soup.

Author: Talyzin V.


In the supermarket, the peas shouted: “Oh-oh-oh! How many kids are here, guys! Everyone's looking at the candy!

Here I am, kids, look! Well, hurry up and buy me! Sweets are of no use... I am needed more than a hundred sweets!”

Author: Avdeenko K.


I will weed my garden and water it from a watering can. I'll grow sweet peas in the garden everyone. There will be my little brother. I'm most happy with peas.

Author: Burtan L.


There is a commotion in the yard - We scattered peas. The mother strictly ordered: “Collect up to a pea!” An hour later we knock on the door: “We’ve collected everything, check!” Mom believes the children: - Oh, my good ones! And in the spring, peas grew in the yard.

Author: Demyanov I.


The peas spread their mustache, There was a commotion in the pod: A whole brood of peas, They all looked alike.

Author: Bikmetova R.

Poems about turnips for children



The yellow ball has grown into the ground, with only a green tail on top. Holds onto the bed tightly Round vegetable. It's a turnip!

Author: Savelyeva


Turnip is not a simple vegetable, but it is a little bitter. And as a doctor he is golden - He treats the throats of children

It also helps adults and bears fruit in the fall. An inconspicuous root vegetable, Which, like a doctor, grows with us.



The turnip has grown, It’s ripe and delicious, It’s tasty and glorious, And even more so for us.

Author: Review I.


I sit like a mouse in a hole, with a green tail in the yard. To pull everything out, you need to try really hard. After all, it’s not for nothing that Grandfather, Grandmother, cat, granddaughter, Mouse and dog Bug pulled me together for half a day! This fabulous turnip holds onto the ground tightly.

Author: Emelyanova O.

*** Turnip

She fed everyone, young and old. Today, too, on the table - look, honest people always take off their caps, When we sing a turnip song.

Author: Review I.

Poems about corn for children


We all love corn And we eat it from the belly - Young, juicy, very soft And when it gets old, we feed all the animals with it.


Corn cobs

Corn cobs are dressed up on the stalk either in diapers or in gloves. The grains ripen in the warmth.

Author: Dovzhenko N.


Young corn - Always looks so delicious, Tempting for us, That both adults and children

Having spit out their candies, they can’t take their eyes off And they want to eat from the belly, Yellow corn!



Eat corn from your belly, Because you like it! And everyone likes her - Yellow Beauty!

Author: Review I.


Corn, corn! The taste is not the same as watermelon! Children love it very much, because the cob is sweet and juicy! It crunches on your teeth, The salt on the grains glitters! A bright sunny cob will make anyone laugh! There are more than enough benefits in it! Hey guys, come on!

Author: Zolotova V.

Poems about eggplant for children


On a ridge, near a distant plum tree, a blue eggplant grew: A fat, sleek boy, And all around were his brothers. Everything shines in the sun, like light bulbs are burning! The long-awaited Delicious Eggplant Breakfast will be coming soon - Eggplant Caviar... It's a wonderful time!

Author: Grudanov E.


You get up early, eggplants in drops of dew on the beds. The vegetable is tasty, bitter-sweet, given to us by nature for a reason. If our cook is skilled, He will cook it very tasty.


A dark blue Eggplant hangs from a bush and straightens its beautiful mustache with a brush!


Everything is in order today, I walked around the beds in the garden. On one of them lay a Dark Blue Eggplant.

He was important and pot-bellied, It seemed that he even glanced sideways at me, I asked my grandmother:

-Why do we need it, this blue eggplant? -Do you remember, grandson, last week we ate delicious caviar?!

-I remember, I remember, how can I forget?! EGGPLANT???!!! - Can't be!!!

Author: Poletaeva A.

Poems about onions for children


Oh, this feisty bow! With him you will experience so much torment! It burns your eyes and burns your tongue, will make you cry in an instant.

Author: Zhukovskaya E.


We poured water into a jar and planted onions. He is on the bank, as if on a throne In a new jagged crown. There’s just one problem - my beard gets very wet.

Author: Simbirskaya Yu.


Tears are flowing like hail - Senya is cutting onions. The brother laughs nearby: “Onions are not your friend!”

- It’s okay, brother, it’s your turn soon! The onion is too biting, it will find you.

The fun is over, Seva rubs her eyes. There's no time for laughter here: There's a tear on my cheek.

Author: Agarkov S.


I hate onions in soup, There is no worse picture. And the grandmother repeats: “My grandson must eat vitamins!”

Yes, I’m not against vitamins, but you can’t see them in the soup. There's only one onion floating there, That's why it's a shame!

Author: Efimova O.


Onion is ripening here on the Letter “L”, He is the best friend for health. Although Onion sometimes brings you to tears, But it never leaves our table. We'll cut an onion into the salad. Go, quickly pick a bunch.

Author: Krasnoperova N.


Baba Tanya is peeling an onion. The grandson ran away from the kitchen. He may be small, but he knows for sure that he will bite the onion by the eyes.

Author: Kazyrina T.


There, in the kitchen, what is that smell, that dad ran away from there? There in the kitchen, what's that sound? This is mom cutting onions!

Cuts onions and cries. What does all of this mean? Who hurt mommy? But when I saw the onion,

I’m also crying in two streams... Why am I crying? I’m not hurt, I’m not offended, And there’s no end in sight to the tears!

Author: Popova E.

Poems about tomatoes for children


Shine on satin skin. Stop! There is a traffic light in the garden! This is a shining bright red juicy ripe tomato.

Author: Nemenko E.


This bright red fruit just begs to be put into our mouths. It's soft and juicy inside, call it a tomato.

Author: Masley N.



Tomato, aka Tomato, is no longer happy with anything, He blushed with fear: Lest someone eat him!

Author: Lyzlova V.


Cheerful tomato

Why did they pick me and call me a tomato? What kind of jokes, what kind of nonsense? I am a happy tomato!

Author: Alferova A.


Garden tomato - Like a traffic light. If it is green in the garden, stomp past, guys! It turns yellow - wait, don’t tear it yet. If it turns red, don’t yawn, Stop, don’t walk any further! Turn off the traffic light, Eat a sweet tomato!

Author: Ranneva E.


I am a tomato, or a tomato, I am rich in vitamins, I am not terrible in appearance: I am round and red, Everyone will be very happy to put me in a salad.

Author: Zhukovskaya E.


What kind of sir is this here?! Large red tomato! He played hide and seek with me, I found him in the garden.

He approached quietly from behind, I parted the bush lightly, He didn’t have time to hide - I ate it in the salad!

Author: Poletaeva A.

Poems about garlic for children



Our garlic guy is not visible, but not at all harmless. If you put a lot in your mouth, it will burn your whole mouth.

You have to eat a little bit, Otherwise you won’t be able to breathe. And garlic, like peppers, is very hot, believe me!

Author: Simbirskaya Yu.


The sandpiper got all wet in the swamp: - I got sick with the flu, like... - Here, sandpiper, garlic for you - It helped a lot of people.

Author: Luksha V.



Eat garlic, dear ones, store it for future use, so that it will always be in the house and give us health.

To heal us and invigorate us, giving us more strength. And protect everyone from illnesses Our reliable friend garlic.

Author: Luksha V.


It grows in a garden bed and takes care of you all year round. Everyone who grows up next to him is fine: He himself is not sick, and he won’t let others.

Microbes bypass him, He is like a strict doctor with infections: Healing and nutritious garlic will get rid of colds and chills.

Author: Karelin O.



There are battlements, but I am not a tower, There is an arrow, but not a clock. I grow in your garden bed, But not only for beauty

- You add me to your dishes and they will taste better. No spices for sure. Smells like garlic.

Author: Emelyanova O.

Poems about cucumbers for children



I am long and green, Sometimes fresh, sometimes salty, I grow in the garden, I am loved by all the people, That’s how great I am, I’m called a cucumber.

Author: Zhukovskaya E.


What did the woman pickle? Maybe baby crocodile? The crocodiles dived, deftly arched their backs. Or are there some Very Strange Frogs in the tub? They swam in the water, were silent, only their tails stuck out. Did you guess it? Well done! There were cucumbers in the tub.

Author: Rukosueva G.



In the garden, a cucumber, like a lazy little man, sleeps in the garden all day and yawns and snores.

Author: Bakhrushina S.


How similar they are, You can recognize them by their clothes. They are twin brothers. The cucumbers are turning green!

Author: Sibirtsev V.

***Green cucumber

Green cucumber - Big, big sly: Sits in his garden, Plays hide and seek with people.

Author: Bezladnov V.


The long-awaited firstborn, a cucumber appeared. With a flower on his nose, Little Frog lay down in the dew.

Covered in green pimples, like I did when I was cold... I warmed it in my palms, and then took it to my grandmother.

Author: Snezhny I.


A cucumber grows in a garden bed, So everything will be fine, The harvest will soon be harvested, If you want, pick it.

You ask him a question: “What did the cucumber grow for?” And you will get the answer: - For salad and vinaigrette.

Author: Borina M.

Poems about cabbage for children


Elegant cabbage

On a hot day and on a cool day, Cabbage wants to be elegant. She stands on a large leg and holds all her clothes in her arms.

Author: Grinev G.


The garden, the field are empty - The hare is sad, very sad. The bunny remembers summer, the bunny quietly hums: “Oh, how delicious

Cabbage leaves!..” And all night long the hare dreams of a vegetable garden. There are countless sweet stumps in the beds.”

Author: Vasiliev G.


I don’t like my stomach to be empty, so I eat cabbage! Without a doubt, this vegetable is a help for digestion!

Author: Gromova L.



Look, the cabbage in the garden is all dressed up in fashion! A hundred outfits, that's too much! There is a stump under the leaves!

Author: Sibirtsev V.

*** Tied her head, Are you sick, cabbage? Are you cold in summer too? Are you wrapped up, cabbage? — I wear a turban to protect myself from the sun. I don't need heat at all.

Author: Tangrikuliev K.


If you are found in cabbage, You have no reason to be sad, Because then you will be provided with food.

Author: Ivoilova A.


Lady - cabbage

This lady is a cabbage. She wrapped the leaves in a ball. “It will be very tasty with cranberries” - That’s what the chef told us.

Author: Dovzhenko N.


We started skipping and tearing cabbage stalks. Only on top of the stalk there were too many leaves. Let's take the cabbage to mom - The leaves will turn into cabbage rolls.

Author: Golubenko E.

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