A selection of literary material “Our Motherland - Russia”

Curious ant

Once upon a time there lived a little ant in his little anthill. He carried grass and twigs and thought that his country was just as small.

One day he saw a big dove and asked it:

— Is it true that our country is so small?

- No, she is very big and beautiful. Do you want to look at her?

“Then get on my back and fly.”

As they flew, the ant saw green forests, clean rivers and lakes, tall houses, and flat fields.

And when the ant flew home, he told everyone how big and beautiful our country is.

Russian folk tales in the system of patriotic education of children of senior preschool age

This work included the following stages:

Relevance. The use of fairy tales for the formation of patriotic feelings and universal human values ​​of preschool children is especially relevant at the present time, since in the conditions of Westernization, the traditions of the Russian people and their customs are being reduced to a minimum.

Formation of patriotic consciousness of children of senior preschool age on the basis of Russian folk tales.

Project activity passport

Age of children for whom the project is designed: 6th year of life

Direction of children's development, within the framework of which the work on the project is carried out: complex (different types of activities: manual labor, listening and retelling fairy tales, theatrical activities, cognitive activities, creative activities: modeling, drawing.)

Project participants: children of preparatory school group No. 10, teacher of group No. 10 Oksana Vladimirovna Kitaikina, educational psychologist Semina Ellada Iosifovna, parents

Type of project: practice-oriented, group.

Duration and place of implementation: The program is designed for one full academic year

By the time children leave kindergarten, they should have a formed understanding of the richness of Russian folk culture, the national characteristics of the character and way of life of the Russian person.

Presentation of the project: Motherland in Russian folk tales.

Long-term plan


- “Teremok”


- “Healing of Ilya Muromets”

- “Ilya Muromets idol”

- “About Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych”

- “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey”

Relevance. The modern period of improving the process of patriotic education of the individual is taking place in the direction of increasing its quality and optimization. The leading role in this process belongs to education as a purposeful process, including a diverse educational impact on individuals.

The use of fairy tales for the formation of patriotic feelings and universal human values ​​of preschoolers is especially relevant at the present time, since in the conditions of Westernization

Work on the education of civic and patriotic feelings in children of senior preschool age was carried out in two directions.

2. Working with parents

Each type of activity pursued the solution of its own tasks and goals.

The content of the conversations and the questions posed were drawn primarily from Russian folk tales.

With the help of such fairy tales as Seven Years Old and Snegurushka, children were introduced to the family hierarchy in Rus'.

The main work with children was carried out in specially organized classes.


Short essay about the small Motherland

Option 1

My small homeland is the village of Glyaden. This is the very place where I can feel calm and free. This is where I was born, where I received my education, and to this day I am learning something new.

My small homeland is a part of my soul. Many relatives and friends of mine live in the village of Glyaden. The atmosphere that reigns in my small homeland gives me the strength to move forward in terms of self-education and gives me hope for success in my endeavors. I love my small homeland, Glyaden.

Option 2

My small Motherland is the place where you were born, where you grew up, where you spent your childhood, where everything around you seems dear and beautiful. My small homeland is the small village of Kibiten. The sun always shines here and the birds sing.

Evening comes, and all nature begins to play with completely different colors, which make me very happy. I also love when winter comes - there is indescribable beauty here.

We all must protect and love our small Motherland, because it is a part of our “I”.

Option 3

My Motherland is my little world, where I feel comfortable and warm. Every citizen of our country has a place where he feels very good and comfortable. Love for our small Motherland can be expressed in different ways, but I prefer to very often visit this corner dear to my heart, once in which I feel like I’m in a fairy tale.

In the village, my grandmother has her own house, where this small Motherland is located, which I love very much and will never betray. The village is very nice in the summer, as here you can relax and gain new strength for the school year.

It’s especially good here in winter, as all nature freezes and waits for something mysterious and unpredictable. In winter, I really like to go to the forest, where it is somehow especially breathable. Together with the local guys we play hockey, ski and sled.

We should all remember our native places and visit them whenever possible. After all, our small Motherland is waiting for us, and we must not let it down. A person has one homeland, she loves us like her own mother and takes pity on us, like her own children.

What is Little Motherland? – reasoning

Homeland... How often do I hear this word from the lips of others. According to the law of society, this is the word that should make the heart of a true patriot tremble.

This feeling is brought up at home, instilled in children at school, but you can truly realize the full power of the magical connection between a person and the Motherland without watching TV, without participating in patriotic events, but by living in your native land, the cute town or village where you were born. It is customary to call this place dear to the heart the Little Motherland.

Small Motherland, what do I know about it? Maybe there isn’t much of what they talk about in local history museums yet; these discoveries of mine are still ahead, and I need time to make them. But I’m definitely a great connoisseur of my town: I know every corner, every street here, so well that with my eyes closed I’m ready to talk about the small details of the architecture.

The Small Motherland is a place where a person feels good, no matter where he lives, and no matter how old he is. He is eager to “get treatment” in his native land when he feels bad, and is instantly healed as soon as he sets foot on his native land. He wanders through his native streets, reviving dear memories, and he gets better and better, his heart pounding in his chest with excitement.

Yes, many of us, growing up, leave our father’s house, our hometown. They create families in distant cities and foreign countries, but the blood relationship with their small homeland remains for life.

In new cities, we involuntarily begin to look for our fellow countrymen, communicate with them, we shudder when we see mention of our hometown or village on TV or radio, or perhaps on social networks.

And if earlier, as children, we did not understand the strong connection with our city and were eager to explore other territories and conquer big cities, now, on the contrary, we are looking for a reason to go on vacation to that very point on the map, pulsating with memories.

We are anxiously awaiting this desired meeting, counting the days, making plans, and how we wish that there, in our hometown or village, they were also very, very waiting for us and would be glad to meet you!

Small Motherland is love forever. There are many examples in history when world-famous scientists and cultural figures bequeath to bury themselves in the places where they were born and spent the best time of their lives - childhood.

My life is still ahead, but I already realize that I will never betray my small Motherland, even if I don’t live here, but I will come often, and also proudly tell my friends and acquaintances about the best, brightest and most wonderful, the most expensive place on planet Earth!

Essay Native land

Every person has his own homeland. This is the place that is most dear to a person. Wherever a person is far away, his native land will always call him. Everything here is near and dear. As small children, we ran around our native land and were happy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a city or a small village somewhere on the river bank.

We will always remember our native land. He will always be in our thoughts. It will be expensive with all its features. There is unique nature, unique places and everything near and dear here. We know every little corner here. Our native land constantly calls us, although very often people simply do not admit it.

People are busy with their work, busy with their fast-paced lives. The modern age requires great speed. Often people get tired of all this, and then their native land comes to the rescue. This is where people can rest their souls. For them, there is nowhere more beautiful than this place.

It is our native land that is connected with our childhood. It was here that we experienced our most favorable moments in life. We were children, and everything around us seemed fabulous. We believed in miracles and when some of them came true, the person became happy. Usually our parents live in our native land. They were the ones who performed some miracles. This is what we lack in everyday life.

Our memory remembers the positive moments. Only from them do we draw strength and energy.

That's why people always return to their native land. Let it not be immediately, but in a few years. This still happens without fail. Very often, old people return to their native land. They want to be here and be happy in their last days.

Motherland. Everyone has their own, and yet childhood memories are the same. This is the smell of warm pies, crowing roosters or mooing cows, beautiful sunsets and vast open spaces. Everyone can probably remember hiking in the forest, fishing and swimming.

Generation after generation comes to the village to visit their grandmother. For many, this is their native land. Everything here is simple, everything is natural.

Those who live in their native land are the happiest people. They rejoice at all the updates, but if modern civilization completely changes such corners of our country, then the flavor of their native land will simply disappear.

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