Patriotic education project “Russia is my Motherland”

Implementation plan for the project “My Small Motherland”

  1. Select photos for the project
  2. Come up with bright captions for photos

It is enough to paste 2-4 photographs in a workbook; there is simply no room for more. You can use up to 10 photos when making a presentation.

Requirements for photographs.

The photographs should show not just views of your hometown or village, but memorable and dear places to you personally. It’s good if the author himself, the student, is present in the photographs.

Requirements for captions for photographs.

Captions should be laconic, but emotional, otherwise they will not express the author’s personal attitude.

An example of a photograph and caption:

Caption: The most beautiful place in the world!

You should also be prepared to tell from photographs about your favorite places in your hometown or village.

An example of a finished presentation for the project “My Small Motherland - Moscow”

The world. Pleshakov. Workbook. 1 class. Answers

Hello! My name is Maria, I am the author of the Pushkin website. I hope that my site helps you, in turn I ask for your help. My son was diagnosed with autism. He needs daily correctional activities, if you can help, I will be grateful to you. Every 10 rubles you give is another chance for my child to live a full life. Collection page here

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