Summary of the lesson “Our Motherland - Russia” in a general developmental group for children 5-6 years old

There never was slavery

We have all heard about Western free labor , which for many years helped wealthy people rise. Harsh times reigned in the territory from England to Poland, while in Russia there was no talk of such cruelty.

But if you dive deeper into history, many questions arise. For example, we used to have slaves, and these are the same forced people as in the West. This category included prisoners of war, unpaid debtors, and convicted criminals.

Perhaps, as such, the concept of “slavery” did not exist on our territory and the owner did not have power over the life of his subject, as in Europe, but power over ordinary people existed in full.

The territory is washed by twelve seas

The territory of all of Russia is washed by 12 seas , which belong to the three largest oceans of the whole world. Borders with neighboring states lie along many seas. Our country is rich in sea coasts.

Summarizing this fact, it is worth saying that our residents have a place to celebrate their summer holidays. No one can boast of such a diverse selection of seaside resorts.

Fact 4. Where did the concept of “dacha” come from?

It’s easy to guess, since we are talking about Russia, then the concept of “dacha” is most likely connected in one way or another with the history of this country. This is true! During the time of Peter the Great, courtiers were given suburban plots so that they could express their architectural preferences outside the city. This is where the concept came from that “given by the king” would be called nothing other than “dacha”.

Native Americans are the descendants of our Eskimos

Due to the proximity of the territory of Kamchatka and the coast of Alaska, the indigenous people of the two continents had fairly close communication. This event was also helped by the fact that in the winter months it became possible to travel on foot from one continent to another. Based on this, as well as from their external, cultural and traditional similarities, we can conclude that both Native Americans and our Eskimos are representatives of the same people .

There are 40 closed cities

Today there are forty closed cities in the country . The correct abbreviation for them will be ZATO, which stands for closed administrative-territorial entities. Along the perimeter of which there are military patrols providing security and access control, the territory is surrounded by barbed wire and a concrete fence.

These cities belong to the Ministry of Defense, Rosatom and Roscosmos. To enter the territory of the ZATO you need a special pass. The easiest way to get it is for people whose relatives live and work in a closed city. The pass will also be issued in case of employment at the facilities or marriage with a resident of the closed city.

There are also workarounds to visit such a town. Some ZATOs sometimes host sports or cultural events, you can visit them or even take part. The most desperate ones simply find holes in the fences or go into the city along various secret paths. However, it is worth considering that illegal entry into the territory of the closed administrative unit is fraught with administrative punishment and immediate expulsion with the most unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you shouldn’t take such risks, especially since this is not the most attractive area for tourists.

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