Short-term project “Our good deeds” in the general developmental group “Bell” (Senior, preparatory group) secondary preschool kindergarten “Polyushko” MBOU secondary school in the village of Kamyshki


"Our good deeds"

We would like to share how we encourage children to engage in certain activities. It's no secret that it is often difficult to persuade a child to do something he doesn't want to do. My partner and I thought for a long time about how to persuade children to finish what they started, put toys away, how to make the child strive to keep his locker in order, etc. And we decided to try to make a screen “Our good deeds” in the group, in which rewards all the child’s positive actions during the week. Helped a friend put away toys, carried out an order for an adult, repaired a book, helped a janitor collect dry leaves on the site - receive a “happy sunshine” incentive badge. There is also a reprimanding badge, which is very disliked by children - this is a “sad cloud” if you offended someone, were pugnacious, if you didn’t listen all day, were mischievous and spoiled the mood of others. This badge is hung in extreme cases and is very helpful in curbing a child’s aggression and helping him to be friendlier.

What does the screen look like? We placed pockets on the door with photographs of children in which earned badges are placed. The children are very proud of their achievements, at the end of the day they lead their parents to the screen so that they can be proud of them. Sometimes you don’t even need to tell moms and dads about how the child spent the day, how he distinguished himself, everything is visible on the “Our Good Deeds” screen, which is available for both children and adults. Parents have the opportunity to personally ask their child about the badges they have earned, and then ask the teachers any questions they may have.

Much in our group is made by the hands of the fathers and mothers of our children. They helped us design the group, built various modules, made bird feeders and much more. For every good deed of the parents, the child also receives a sun. Parents really liked this idea and are happy to take on any assignment or request.

We will be glad if this information is useful to someone.

List of good deeds for the week

  1. Help mom with general cleaning in the apartment.
  2. Make a bird feeder.
  3. Feed homeless cats.
  4. Give your old toys to children in an orphanage.
  5. Help your old neighbor take out the trash.
  6. Wash dirty benches and swings in the yard. (In winter, make a snow slide for kids.)
  7. Plant flowers in the front yard (water, weed).

And there may also be small and seemingly unnoticeable at first glance good deeds that can lift someone’s spirits:

  • Make someone laugh
  • Call a friend or relative with whom you have not spoken for a long time
  • Do housework for someone in the family
  • Make a surprise with your own hands (card, bookmark)
  • Write someone a note with kind words
  • Smile at everyone you meet
  • Greet everyone, even strangers
  • Tell your family how much you love them
  • Be kinder to those you don't like very much
  • Offer help to someone who needs it
  • Give someone a compliment

And don’t forget that good deeds are always done selflessly, and not for an A in Russian or literature

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