Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. Kindness will save the world

Kindness week in the middle group: planning

The thematic week of kindness in the preparatory group, as well as in the secondary group, is of great relevance.

For your information! It is necessary to draw up a plan to more effectively conduct classes and prepare for them.

Good children are good children

Goal, program

The goal of the thematic week “Kindness Rules the World” is to convey to kids the value of kindness in this world. Explain that in any situation it is important to remain human, help others and accept help from loved ones.

Thematic week program content:

  • Monday. Conversation about good and evil (lexical lesson).
  • Tuesday. Thematic screening and discussion of the film “The Little Princess” based on the story of the same name by Frances Burnett.
  • Wednesday. A lesson in drawing using the "raw" technique.
  • Thursday. Application using stencils based on the cartoon “The Adventures of Funtik the Pig.”
  • Friday. Final event. Demonstration of a production of a selected fairy tale about kindness with the obligatory invitation of parents.

Kids need to be taught kindness from childhood.

Lexical topic

Topic of the week: “Kindness rules the world” (preparatory group).

Goal: to teach children to understand where an evil act is and where a good one is, to expand their vocabulary.


  • good;
  • evil;
  • positive;
  • negative;
  • lie;
  • lies;
  • slander;
  • resentment;
  • anger;
  • a pity;
  • help;
  • mutual assistance;
  • compassion;
  • action;
  • event;
  • Friends;
  • enemies;
  • world;
  • war;
  • generosity;
  • friendship;
  • enemies.

The production of fairy tales clearly demonstrates the theme

It is also important to discuss kind and polite words with children:

  • good morning;
  • good day;
  • good evening;
  • Good night;
  • Hello;
  • Welcome;
  • glad to see you;
  • glad to meet you;
  • all the best;
  • see you soon;
  • see you soon;
  • Bon Voyage;
  • please;
  • allow;
  • sorry to bother you;
  • Please accept my apologies;
  • I admit that I was wrong;
  • Sorry;
  • Thank you;
  • accept gratitude;
  • sorry to bother you;
  • I will be grateful;
  • let me ask;
  • allow me.

Final Event

The final event may be the production of a fairy tale about good and evil. Their choice is great. For example:

  • "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf";
  • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs";
  • "Swan geese";
  • "Cinderella" and many others.

For your information! The main thing is that good must defeat evil in this fairy tale.

Parents are required to be invited to the performance. Preschoolers, under the guidance of teachers, can make scenery, costume elements, and prepare props. The final event will not only explain the difference between good and evil to the kids, but will also help develop their creative abilities and strengthen their public speaking skills.

"Kindness rules the world"

on the topic of:

Pokrovka village 2014 - 2015

Open lesson on psychology

on the topic: “Good and Evil”


- developing in children an idea of ​​kindness and good deeds;

- develop the ability to correctly evaluate oneself and others, teach to see positive and negative qualities in people, heroes, characters;

- encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds;

- cultivate a kind attitude towards loved ones, towards your peers, and be able to correct your mistakes.


Illustration of the sun, chest, magic wand, illustrations of fairy-tale characters, audio recording “We quarreled - made up”, magic chair, paints, wet wipes, hearts.

Progress of entertainment


Hello guys! I am the Good Fairy! I came to you from the country of Dobrandia for help. The magical country of Dobrandia in which I live was attacked by an evil wizard from the country of Zlovandia and bewitched the sun. The sun stopped shining, it became gloomy and dark. The country has become gloomy, people in this country have become all evil. He enchanted everything around: the grass dries, the flowers wither, all the trees are covered in cobwebs. The birds have not sung their songs for a long time, and the animals, the forest dwellers, have fallen into hibernation. It is necessary to disenchant the sun and then all living things will come to life.


Children, can you help me cast a spell on the sun?

(Children agree)


Guys, look, it’s somehow sad, and the rays aren’t shining. It's enchanted. We need to do something good to break the spell.


I brought a magic chest with me. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Are all fairy tale heroes good? In fairy tales there are good and evil heroes. Now we are going to play a game.

Game "Good - Evil"


Various fairy-tale characters hid in my magic chest
(Golden Fish, Ivan Tsarevich, Koschey the Immortal, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, geese-swans, gray wolf, Baba Yaga, Malvina.)

I will give you cards, you look carefully and remember the fairy tale and its hero. If the hero is kind, then the card should be placed on a yellow color, like the sun; if the hero is evil, then we place the card on red - the color of danger.

(Children complete the task to calm music)


Well done guys, you completed the task!
In fairy tales, good fellows and beautiful maidens are always good, good wizards conquered evil. (Opens the first ray.)

A kind person always uses magic words. Do you know the magic words? I will touch you with my magic wand, and you must say the magic word.

(Children say polite words to quiet music)


Well done guys, you know the magic words.
(opens the second ray)

Are you guys friendly? What good deeds have you done?

(Children's answers)

(opens the third ray)

You probably not only know how to sing, but also dance.

So we spread our hands, As if we were surprised. And to each other, to the ground, they bowed to the waist! Bent over, straightened up, Bent over, straightened up. Lower, lower, don't be lazy, bow and smile.

Children in pairs, standing opposite each other, perform the dance “We Quarreled - Made Up” (music by T. Vilkoreiskaya) to the music.


Well done, you really are cheerful, polite and friendly guys
(opens the fourth ray).
Game "Magic Chair"

The children stand in a circle, the teacher places a chair in the center of the circle and says: “Now I will touch this chair with my magic wand, and it will instantly become magical. And its magic lies in the fact that if someone sits on this chair, the people around them immediately begin to say only good words about this person (child).

Each participant in the game, and then the child sitting on the chair, is interested in how he felt, and whether he was pleased to hear kind words addressed to him. Then another child is invited to sit on the “magic” chair. Game continues. At the end, the Fairy is invited to sit on the “magic chair”, the children say kind words about him.

Well done, the fifth ray has opened
Drawing: “Sun”


And now guys, in order to completely disenchant the sun, you need to draw her a friend. A solar circle is drawn on whatman paper. We need to draw rays of sunshine with our warm palms.

(dip your palm in paint)


Friends, I ask you: please close your eyes for a minute, be sure to smile from your heart.
(At this time, the Fairy imperceptibly turns the sun over with the image of a cheerful smile)
Open your eyes, look: it has become lighter in our hall. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth.

Open your eyes and look

We love you all and you love us!


Now this is good sunshine! It smiles and illuminates everyone with its rays. And from its rays we feel warmth. And may they warm our hearts today.

There is a big sun - it is in the sky. And there is a little sun - it shines in each of us. This is our love and kindness. That's why people sometimes turn to us: Sunshine, my Sunshine.

A kind person is one who loves people and helps them. He loves nature and takes care of it. And love and the desire to help warms us like the sun. I wish you all goodness, love and happiness!


Thank you guys, you helped me disenchant the sun, now in the country of Dobrandia, everything will be as bright as before, the animals will come to life.


Guys, thank you for the warm, confidential conversation, for your kind, smart thoughts, and I want to present all of you with “Kind Heart” medals, and may your heart be kind!

They perform the song “On the Road of Goodness”

Long-term event planning - table

Systematicity and consistency are one of the most important principles in pedagogy according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Tables for long-term planning of events for the calendar year help the teacher comply with these principles.

For your information! It is important to have notes for each lesson.

Classes on the topic “Kindness Rules the World”

Topic of the week: “Kindness rules the world” (middle group and preparatory)

Age groups in kindergarten by year according to Federal State Educational Standards

Goal: to explain the existence of good and evil, to convey why good is needed and what it gives.


  • laptop;
  • projector;
  • multimedia board;
  • loudspeakers;
  • recording of the film "The Little Princess";
  • book "The Little Princess".


  1. “Guys, today we have a slightly unusual topic - “Kindness rules the world.”
  2. “How do you understand this statement? It is true that there is still more good in our world, and people do more good deeds than evil. It’s not for nothing that they say that “Good always triumphs over evil.”
  3. “I want to introduce you to an amazing work called “The Little Princess” by Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett. Of course, you and I won’t have time to read the book during our thematic week, so we’ll watch the movie.”
  4. After watching the film, the children sit in a semicircle and the discussion begins. “Children, did you like the film and what did watching it teach you? That's right - it is important to be kind and merciful. Good people will always appreciate this. Sarah Crewe, despite her wealth, never boasted of it, was not arrogant, and was kind to everyone. And, finding herself in trouble, she received support from her friends, as well as from strangers who also turned out to be kind. She did not become bitter in her grief, although that would have been the simplest option. As a result, her father’s senior comrade saved her. Even while starving and wearing cast-offs, she was able to find strength in herself and help those who were even worse off than she was. This is the great power of kindness and great courage. Be sure to read this book at home with your parents."
  5. “Each of you can do such good deeds. It happens, of course, that we do bad things. You need to understand that we are all human, and people often make mistakes. The main thing is to find the strength to apologize and make amends. You need to be able to draw conclusions from such situations, learn from mistakes and try in the future to ensure that things are only good.”

Drawing class

A drawing lesson in a preparatory group can be conducted using any technique, since children 6–7 years old already have a fairly good command of various materials for creativity.

Drawing develops motor skills well

Topic: “Kindness rules the world.”

Goal: to study the technique of drawing “in the raw”.


  • drawing tables;
  • plastic napkins;
  • simple pencils;
  • erasers;
  • watercolor paper (A3 format);
  • brushes;
  • watercolor paints;
  • water containers;
  • rainbow pattern.


  1. “Guys, today’s topic is about kindness. We have already discussed this necessary quality for a person. We will depict kindness in the form of a bright butterfly against a rainbow background.”
  2. “First sketch out the drawing in pencil. Today we will work in the technique of drawing “in the wet”. To do this, take a sheet of paper, a large brush and a jar of water. Apply water to the paper with a brush. Your task is to thoroughly moisten the surface of the sheet with water.”
  3. “The “wet” technique involves painting with watercolors on a wet sheet like this. Now your colors will blur a little and mix with each other. There is no need to be afraid of this, because this is the essence of this technique.”
  4. “Start by drawing a butterfly. Choose rich colors for it, take more paints per brush: blue, green, yellow, purple or another.”
  5. “If desired, paint a colored pattern on the wings. The background will be a rainbow. Remember what colors it has? Look at the pattern and remember the clue: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” The first letter of each word gives a clue, namely: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.”
  6. “Notice how beautifully the colors flow and mix with each other. It looks very picturesque. Such works look more impressive from afar.”
  7. “After the drawing has dried a little, take felt-tip pens and finalize the small details: antennae, patterns, eyes. Maybe your imagination will tell you something else. When everyone has finished their work, we will all organize an exhibition of drawings together! We’ll issue a passport and sign your first and last name.”

Speech development in children of senior preschool age

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