Summary of GCD on the surrounding world in the preparatory group “Types of Sports”

Faculty of Multimedia Technologies of the educational portal "My University"

Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Winter Sports”


1. Expand children's knowledge about winter sports.

2. Learn to distinguish and correctly name winter sports.

3. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, and imagination in children.

4. Consolidating the “Scratch” drawing technique

5. To formulate the need of each child for physical activity and physical improvement, the desire to play sports.

Equipment: presentations “Winter Sports” and “Ancient Greece”, film “The First Olympic Games”, cards for completing tasks “Find a Pair”, Whatman paper, candle, watercolor paints, black gouache, toothpicks.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group.

— Guys, look outside the window, what time of year is it now? (winter).

- What time of year is it winter? (frosty, cold)

— In winter, it’s probably very sad, uninteresting?

-What games do you like to play in winter? (snowball fights, sledding, skiing, skating, building a snowman, etc.).

— What do you need for winter games? (sleds, skis, skates, clubs, snow, buckets, shovels).

— What games can’t be played in winter and why? (in the sand, because it is cold and the sand is covered with snow; you cannot play board games, because you can freeze and get sick; in the ball, because the ball is rubber, and rubber is afraid of frost, and the ball will not jump and jump.)

- Look. What is this? (White list). Does it remind you of anything winter? (snow, snow carpet). There are still paints here, let's color this sheet.

Guys, look. What is this? (the Olympic rings appear on the sheet - the emblem of the Olympic Games).

— Children, do you know that the Winter Olympic Games were held in our country? (children's answers).

-Where did they go? (in the city of Sochi). Guys, do you know where this city is? (children's answers). The city of Sochi is located high in the mountains and therefore now roads have been built there, stadiums and ski slopes have been prepared. Many athletes came from all over the world and competed in various winter sports.

- Now please guess the riddle.

(Children’s answers are accompanied by a slide show. Children are given the opportunity to guess what sport is depicted)

There are guys, I have two silver horses.

I drive both at once. What kind of horses do I have? (skates)

-What winter sports use skates? (children's answers).

That's right guys. This is hockey - a very popular sport. More people are playing it. Figure skating is one of the most beautiful winter sports. Speed ​​skating is speed skating. Short track - races in skates on small areas. (View slides depicting these sports).

-Guys, pay attention to the symbolic image of each sport. Maybe someone knows what it's called?

Children's answers.

— Guess the following riddle:

I leave two stripes on the snow as I run.

I fly away from them like an arrow, and they come after me again. (Skis)

What sports involve skiing? (children's answers).

- Absolutely right guys. This is biathlon, where people ski and shoot at targets. Cross-country skiing is the most widespread and popular type of skiing competition, alpine skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, freestyle, Nordic combined. (Looking at the slides. Children try to guess for themselves which sport is depicted. Then the correct answers appear).

Next riddle:

We stood there all summer and waited for winter.

We waited until the time was right and rushed down the mountain. (Sled)

Do you know any sports that use sleds?

There are winter sports such as luge, in which the athlete lies on his back on a sled and guides the sports equipment with body movements. Bobsleigh and skeleton are downhill races on controlled closed and open sleds.

Other winter sports include snowboarding and curling (tell us briefly about these sports). (Looking at the slides).

- Let's play the game "Find the Pair." Select cards (cards are upside down and have winter sports icons on them). Look carefully, on your table there are pictures with the necessary equipment for different sports, only the equipment is all mixed up. You need to determine where, whose inventory is and select the appropriate pictures. (Children choose the necessary equipment, saying out loud: skier - skis, hockey - stick and puck, figure skater - skates, etc.)

- Well done, the guys completed the task. And now you and I will become athletes ourselves. Want to? Then repeat after me.

You and I are running on skis (children pretend to ski) The cold snow licks the skis. And then we were on skates (pretend to be skating) And then we were on a sleigh, (squat down) But suddenly we fell and... Ah! (“fall”) And then they made snowballs (they make snowballs) And they bombed the fortress (they imitate throwing). We played enough, rode (having fun, jumping) And we gained health (show strength).

- Well done boys. Did you know that the first Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece a long time ago and are held every four years? Let's close our eyes. (movie intro plays) What is this music like?

Children's answers.

Open your eyes. (film showing) This is Ancient Greece, the place where the first Olympic Games began...

This is how the first Olympic Games were held. The ancient Greeks believed that a person should engage in sports from childhood to strengthen his body, and music to educate his soul.

Guys, now we can get any information. How do we find out the news? (children's answers) How do you think we learned about these games, since before there were no phones or the Internet?

Children express their guesses.

(Showing images of the first Olympic Games)

-Look. And here is the ancient wall. Let us also try to depict different sports?

(We offer a sheet of whatman paper in the form of a rock, prepared for the grattage technique)

Children use toothpicks to scrape out images of any sport.

Result: Well done, guys? You did great. What did you depict? I think it turned out like the ancient Greeks. You like? Was it interesting for you today? Did you learn anything new? Or maybe something was difficult or unclear for you?

Children talk about their impressions.

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