Circle work. Additional education in the senior group

Club work in the senior group of kindergarten: goals and principles of organization

Club work in preschool educational institutions (DOU) is a form of additional education, the main goal of which is the development of the individual creative abilities of each child. A developmental circle is a bringing together of children based on their desires and interests to obtain deeper, expanded knowledge in one of the educational fields. There are also correctional circles that are designed to facilitate the perception of program material by children with developmental disabilities and disabilities (speech therapy, for children with impaired posture, vision, hearing, etc.). The organization of clubs in kindergarten complies with all the principles of preschool education enshrined in the Federal State Standard (FSES):

  • supporting childhood diversity;
  • preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person; full-fledged living by a child of all stages of preschool childhood, amplification (enrichment) of child development;
  • creating a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics and inclinations;
  • assistance and cooperation between children and adults in the process of children's development and their interaction with people, culture and the world around them;
  • introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;
  • formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child through his inclusion in various types of activities;
  • taking into account the ethnocultural and social situation of children's development.

In addition, when organizing a circle, you must consider:

  • Children's interests. The selection of children for the club is carried out on the basis of the teacher’s monitoring of the pupils’ interests and hobbies. In the older group, this is especially important, since children at this age are quite independent, generally formed individuals. They already have strong preferences, demand respect for themselves, and react negatively to violations of personal space. At the same time, a teacher who shows interest in their lives and is able to express his understanding of children's problems and hobbies becomes an authority for older preschoolers.
  • Parents' wishes. To implement this requirement, surveys and questionnaires are conducted among parents of pupils, the analysis of which makes it possible to adjust the direction of additional educational work in preschool educational institutions. The work of the teacher with parents is very important in this regard. Some mothers and fathers believe that their child should attend several clubs and sections, and immediately enroll the child in choreography, English, drawing, and swimming. Such accelerated development is unlikely to bring positive results, even if the child willingly attends all the clubs at first. However, fatigue still accumulates and can result in an emotional outburst (crying, screaming, sudden refusal of normal activities, performing routine tasks) or even aggression towards younger brothers and sisters who do not need to go to clubs, therefore, they are in a more advantageous position, in the child’s opinion. The teacher needs to conduct explanatory work with such parents, emphasizing that the physical and mental health of the baby should always be in the foreground. The maximum number of clubs and sections recommended by psychologists and doctors for older children: two per week, with different directions (drawing and gymnastics, English and dancing).
  • The second extreme that parents sometimes go to is choosing a circle of their own free will, regardless of the child’s abilities and wishes. Here, the painstaking and patient work of the teacher is also necessary: ​​you can “open your eyes” to the child’s talents by showing drawings and crafts, and if a preschooler, for example, has a craving for mathematics and a desire to study it in more depth, then the child’s extensive knowledge in this area can be demonstrate in dialogue with him using some math quiz questions.

    Excessive workload of a preschooler with clubs leads to the development of fatigue and stress, decreased mood and performance

  • Age characteristics of children. In the senior group, the abilities and capabilities of students are fully revealed. Among preschoolers appear:
      curious people who are interested in the world of objects, numbers and numbers, nature;
  • book friends who adore fairy tales, poems and even short stories;
  • athletes and gymnasts;
  • little craftsmen who never part with construction sets and materials for crafts:
  • artists, singers and dancers.
  • Almost every child in the senior group has a talent that teachers must discover and develop. At the same time, we should not forget that the leading activity even in the sixth year of a child’s life is play. Game tasks, exercises and games themselves must be present at every club lesson. It is also important to take into account the child’s need for sleep, rest, a change of activity, and a walk.
  • Club classes are held during hours intended for independent activity of children in a group; they are not allowed to be organized during walks, naps, or direct educational activities.

  • Material base, creation of the necessary developmental environment in the preschool educational institution. For example, sports sections require special equipment depending on the chosen area of ​​work (step aerobics, ball school); a theatrical club is unthinkable without dolls, costumes, masks, related attributes, and screens. For help in equipping the circle with equipment, teachers often turn to parents, who can sew costumes, make easels for drawing, etc.

    A class of choreography and theatrical performance is incomplete without costumes and scenery.

  • Selection of teaching staff. There are now specialized specialists, such as a music director and a physical education instructor, in every preschool institution, and they lead clubs in their field. Garden group teachers lead the following types of clubs:
      social and personal (local history, patriotic, according to traffic rules);
  • cognitive and speech development (on the formation of mathematical concepts, environmental, learning to read according to the methods of Zaitsev or Glen Doman);
  • artistic and aesthetic (art activities, origami, folk arts and crafts, literary, manual labor). Their work is carried out in their free time and free of charge.
  • Meeting the wishes of the pupils' parents, the kindergarten management organizes paid clubs (foreign languages, oriental wrestling), which are led by specialists who do not work at the preschool educational institution.
  • Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

    Long-term plan for the group activity “Our hands know no boredom” for children 4–5 years old Goal: To contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood in children; promote the development of fine motor skills of the hand, imagination , thinking. Objectives: 1. Development of imagination , the ability to see the unusual in ordinary objects, development of artistic and creative abilities and...

    Additional lesson on mental arithmetic in the senior preparatory group

    Mental arithmetic is a method of harmonious development of the intellect, which uses the Asian technology of calculations using a type of abacus - abacus (soroban). The mental arithmetic training program consists of mechanical exercises with fingers on an abacus,…

    Tasks of circle work

    The tasks of general development circles, first of all, depend on the educational field and type of activity chosen by the teacher. The goals and objectives of the circle work are indicated in the circle program: general - in the target part, specific - in the work plan for each lesson separately.

    Table: planning the work of the “School for Young Book Lover” circle, developed by A. N. Pimenova

    Purpose of the program
    • Fostering a love of books and introducing children to reading.
    Program objectives
    • introduce children to various genres of literary works, poets, writers, artists and illustrators.
    • enrich vocabulary with figurative words, expressions, help in the formation of literate speech.
    • promote psychophysiological development (phonemic hearing, memory, attention, imagination, artistic and literary creativity).
    • cultivate the need to communicate with books, a culture of reading, and respect for books.
    Methods of working with the book
    • Expressive reading aloud.
    • Conversation about what you read.
    • Drawing and sculpting your favorite character.
    • Games and quizzes for reviewing and consolidating what you have read.
    Long-term work plan for the circle (fragment)
    MonthLesson topicLesson objectives
    September"Excursion to the children's library." Getting to know the reading room, the librarian, and his work. Find out how books live, arouse interest in them.
    Conversation "Her Majesty's Book".Arouse interest in reading fiction. Reveal the role of books in people's lives, show the importance of books and reading for the formation of children's intellectual and creative abilities.
    Conversation “The fairy tale is rich in wisdom.” Reading the Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” Introduce children to the variety of Russian folk tales. Enrich children's reading experience with works of a more complex genre (fairy tales). Provide the ability to tell a fairy tale from the perspective of a literary character.
    Getting to know the works of A.S. Pushkin. Reading poems about autumn. Introduce children to the biography and work of the poet. Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word. Arouse interest in the poet’s work, a desire to listen to his works.
    OctoberConversation “Where the book came from”Give a basic idea of ​​how books are created.
    Group visit to the mini-museum of books. Excursion “Books of our grandmothers”. Give children an idea of ​​what books looked like in the last century, what kind of illustrations they had.
    Competition "Let's bring our fairy tales to life."Learn to note the features of a fairy tale, understand the motives of the heroes’ actions, learn to transform, developing intonation expressiveness.
    Acquaintance with the work of N. Nosov. Reading the story “The Living Hat.” Introduce children to the work of the writer N. Nosov. Contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude towards a literary work.
    NovemberCelebration of “Dedication to Readers”.To help little listeners become readers, to instill interest, love, and respect for the book as a source of new interesting information.
    "Journey through the Russian Fair"Introduce children to various genres of oral folk art. Arouse interest in folklore.
    Acquaintance with the work of Yu. Vasnetsov. Productive activity: drawing “Favorite fairy tale characters.” Expand your understanding of the work of an artist - an illustrator of children's books.
    “Miracle Tree” - quiz.Consolidate knowledge about the works of K.I. Chukovsky.
    Quote By:

    Organization of circle work in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

    Like all activities in a preschool educational institution, the work of the circle has a regulatory framework and requires the teacher-leader to clearly maintain documentation.

    Senior group documentation

    Organizing circle work involves studying the following regulatory documents:

    • charter and educational program of the preschool educational institution;
    • regulations on additional educational activities of a preschool institution.

    Based on the needs of the children and the results of the children’s assimilation of the general educational program, the teacher draws up a program and work plan for the circle for the year. Mandatory sections of the circle's work program:

    • An explanatory note that reveals the relevance of additional education in the chosen field.
    • Goals and objectives of the circle.
    • Methods and techniques of work.
    • Expected results of working with children.
    • Methods and methods of diagnosis.
    • List of used methodological literature.

    Planning the work of the circle includes:

    • subject of classes for the year;
    • objectives of each lesson;
    • a brief description of work methods (didactic game, conversation, experience, etc.), techniques for performing work (for arts and crafts and manual labor);
    • dates of classes.

    In addition, the circle leader keeps a log of class attendance. At the beginning and end of the school year, he also fills out diagnostic cards for each child attending the circle in order to see the dynamics of the students’ development in the chosen educational area.

    Forms of organization of circle work

    The most interesting forms of organizing work with children that make it possible to implement the program objectives of the circle are:

    • Frontal (with the whole group) indoor lesson. Usually, children gain new knowledge and master new skills there.
    • Classes carried out at the preschool educational institution site. This could be search and research activities in a flower garden, vegetable garden, or ecological trail (for a natural history group). Sports section classes can also be held in the fresh air, which will bring additional benefits to the health of the students.
    • Entertainment, leisure, competitions and quizzes, which can take place in a music or sports hall, with the invitation of parents or children of other groups as spectators.
    • Activities outside the preschool educational institution (excursions, themed walks). They are used to consolidate acquired knowledge, enrich children's experience with new impressions of objects and phenomena that cannot be displayed in a kindergarten setting (library, local history museum, park, cultural monuments).

    If children enjoy participating in a club, they will fully reveal their talents.

    Work with colleagues in a preschool institution is carried out in the form of master classes, consultations, and round tables, at which each teacher can both express his opinion and ask for advice from colleagues.

    We should not forget about working with the students’ parents. The head of the circle can show the results of current activities by organizing an exhibition of children's works, a speech at a parent meeting, a photo exhibition based on the results of an excursion, visiting memorable places in the city, or photographing the kids at work during a circle class.

    The photo report on the activities of the circle will be of great interest to parents.

    Structure and time plan of the circle lesson

    Club classes are held in the senior group once a week in the afternoon; their duration should not be longer than the duration of organized educational activities for a given age according to SanPiN (20–25 minutes). Children are divided into subgroups of no more than 12–15 people.

    The structure of a circle lesson does not differ from the traditional structure of educational activities:

    1. Introductory part. Organizing the children, communicating the topic of the lesson, drawing attention to the topic by looking at equipment for the experiment, costumes for theatrical performance, and a beautiful craft to be made. 2–3 min. min.
    2. Main part. Motivation for artistic and cognitive activities. Games, conversations, practical, independent, creative activities of children. There are no strict requirements for conducting the main part of the circle’s lesson; each teacher conceives and carries out the work, ensuring that the tasks of the lesson are completed, according to his creative plans and capabilities. The only requirement: children must receive positive emotions and joy at the same time as benefiting their development. Up to 15 min.
    3. Final part. Summing up, analyzing activities (briefly). If children have learned new information or mastered a new skill, it is worth emphasizing this so that preschoolers see the club activities as not just an enjoyable, but also a useful pastime. 1–2 min.

    When organizing a circle class, one should not forget other sanitary and hygienic requirements (change of activities, physical education breaks, minutes of psychological relaxation, inadmissibility of using dangerous equipment and materials). Since during club classes children often receive information that goes beyond the scope of the program, more expanded and in-depth, gaming techniques that help relieve fatigue and clearly explain complex things to children are becoming especially relevant.

    Children's work with unsafe objects (needle, scissors) should be carried out under the strict supervision of the teacher

    Table: examples of the motivational stage in group work classes with children of senior preschool age

    Topic and author of the lessonTechnique usedContents of the stage
    Club lesson “Watercolor” Topic: “Dandelions have blossomed”, teacher Gritsenko N.V.Literary word, conversation.Educator: - Spring has finally come into its own, and no matter how angry winter is, its time is over. Spring is often called the blooming time. Why do you think? (Children's answers). The sun came out. The first flowers appeared. What are their names? (snowdrops, dandelions, tulips, daffodils, mimosas). What flowers grow in our area? (dandelions). Listen to O. Vysotskaya's poem.
    • The sun dropped a golden ray. The dandelion grew, the first one, young. It has a wonderful golden color. He is a big sun Small portrait.

    - How is this flower similar to the sun? (round, yellow) . — In the old days, people said: “The golden dandelion is the sun’s dear son!” " The buzz of a bee sounds. — Grandma Bee has arrived. She is preparing for the holiday, she needs to treat all her guests to tea with honey. Only the honey has run out over the winter. Where can she get a new one? (from flowers). Bees love to fly to dandelions, they drink sweet dandelion nectar and make dandelion honey - thick and fragrant. How can we help our guest if there are no dandelions in our group, but there are brushes and paints? (draw). Quote from:–1-0–82

    Theater group lesson “In the world of fairy tales”. Topic “Profession of an actor”, author Egorova I.G. The appearance of a fairy-tale character, a mimic game, a study on changing the timbre of a voice.Musical director: - Hello, my dears! I'm glad to see you! Today we will have an unusual activity. The Theater Fairy has come to us, here she is! (Shows the doll) Together with her we will talk about the theater and try to become actors ourselves. (Places the doll on the table) - And now we’ll say hello to you. The mimic game “Give a smile to your neighbor” is played (in a circle). — People who play in the theater are called artists. Becoming an artist or actor is very difficult. It is necessary to master facial expressions - using facial expressions to convey the hero’s mood, reaction to an event, real or imaginary. A good actor must master not only facial expressions, but also gestures—hand and head movements. Let's try to learn how to change our voice depending on the mood and character of the hero we are portraying. Study on changing the timbre of the voice: - Pussy, what is your name? - Meow! (gently) - Are you guarding the mouse here? - Meow! (affirmative0. - Pussy, do you want milk? - Meow! (with great pleasure) - And a puppy as a companion? - Meow! Fff-rrrr! (portray in different ways: cowardly, scared, indignant). Quoted from: https:/ /
    Lesson of the “Literacy” club. Theme “Travel to Africa”, author Gainanova V.Z. An invitation to travel, asking a riddle.Educator: - Guys, you traveled a lot during classes to get acquainted with the outside world in different countries and continents. Today we will also go on a trip. But where? Find out by solving the riddle:
    • The continent is big. The hottest and driest, there is summer all year round. Who will call him for me? (Africa).

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    Table; lesson notes for the “Theater and Children” club in the senior group on the topic “Playing theatre,” author S. V. Sologubova

    Lesson stageContents of the stage
    • Learn to build a dialogue between two heroes of famous fairy tales, taking into account their characters and inventing a situation in which they had to meet.
    • Promote the use of both verbal (tempo, voice strength, intonation expressiveness) and non-verbal (gestures, facial expressions, posture) means of expression.
    • Stimulate the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination.
    • Induce in children a state of creative search and inspiration.
    • To develop children's ideas about the moral qualities of a person, confidence in the victory of a good beginning.
    • Continue to develop a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities.
    • Improve children's ability to dramatize a fairy tale.
    • Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to negotiate and act together.
    Introductory partEducator: - Guys, look at the obstacle in front of us at the entrance - there are planks. To get into a fairy tale, you need to put together a path of fabulous, magical words and expressions from famous fairy tales. Children call fairy tale words - they lived, they were; in some kingdom; at the behest of the pike, at my will; fly, fly petal; this is the end of the fairy tales, etc. d. “Greeting game” Take each other’s hands. I ask you to stand in a circle and start the greeting game.
    • Hello sky! (Raise your hands up). Hello, Sun! (Make a large circle with your hands above your head.) Hello Earth! (Gently lower your hands onto the carpet). Hello, our big family! (All the guys join hands and raise them up). All the children gathered around, I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands together and smile at each other! (Hold hands and look at each other with a smile).

    Educator: - Guys, today we have an unusual, magical activity, but do you know who the artists are? (Children's answers). Today we will try to become real artists. Many of you dream of becoming one and love to perform, and today we will find out what you need to be able to do to become artists. Make yourself comfortable. (children sit down).

    Main partTeacher: (takes out a letter and reads): “Hello guys! If you are reading this letter, it means that you have encountered the first obstacle that we have come up with for you, we have heard that you want to become an artist, but for this you must pass several tasks - tests. The assignment is in an envelope. See you soon. Children of the theater studio “Vesely Balaganchik” Teacher: (takes assignments out of the envelope and reads) Task 1. “Theater professions. What's behind the door? Teacher: - Guys, there are cards in front of you. What theatrical profession do these images belong to, who works behind this door, what do they do in the theater?
    • Comb, wig (make-up artist). Paints, brushes (artist-decorator). Needle, scissors (costumer). Sheet music, baton (conductor) Ticket (ticket attendant).

    Task 2. The teacher reads.

    • Do you like to read fairy tales? Do you want to read about artists? Then show me, friends, How can you change yourself? To look like a fox? Or a wolf, or a goat, Or a prince, Yaga, Or a frog in the pond?

    You will have to show the hero using gestures and movements. Sketches:

    • “A hungry wolf prowls the forest” (several children show).
    • “Girl Zhenya at the North Pole” (trembling, shivering, breathing on her hands, knees closed).
    • “Satisfied Bear” The bear walked slowly through the forest, suddenly he felt a wonderful aroma, he stopped, looked around and noticed raspberries, the bear licked his lips with pleasure when he saw ripe, fragrant, so sweet raspberries.
    • “The Fox in the Chicken Coop” The fox approached the chicken coop to feast on a young cockerel or chicken. The cunning cheat was quietly sneaking along the fence, covering her tracks with her tail, but suddenly she stopped, became alert, sniffed the air and sensed the presence of a yard dog. The dog barked loudly, and the fox tucked its tail in fear.

    Task 3. Breathing and speech warm-up “Echo”.

    • Get ready, kids! Children: Ra! Ra! The game begins! Ra! Ra! Don't spare your palms! Lei! Lei! Clap your hands is not more fun! Lei! Lei! What time is it! Hour! Hour! How much will it be in an hour? Hour! Hour! And it’s not true: there will be two! Two! Two! Think, think head! Wow! Wow! How the rooster crows in the village! Wow! Wow! Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! Wow! Wow! Are you sure that's true? So! So! But in reality, how? How! How!
    Final partEducator: - Guys, you did a great job with all the tasks, which means you are real artists and are ready for our rehearsal and then show the kids the fairy tale “Turnip”. Choose the hero you will play, put on costumes. Is everyone ready? (Children show the fairy tale “Turnip”).
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    “Creative Workshop” program for older children

    Svetlana Shmakova

    “Creative Workshop” program for older children

    “Creative Workshop” program for children 5-6 years old.

    The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Psychologists and teachers have come to the conclusion that the early development of creativity is the key to future success. The desire to create is an internal need of a child; it arises independently and is characterized by extreme sincerity. The formation of an artistic image in preschoolers occurs on the basis of practical interest in developmental activities. The artistic image underlies the aesthetic experience transmitted to children and is the central connecting concept in the system of aesthetic education. Mastery of technology is understood not only as the basis for the emergence of an image, but also as a means for a child to generalize his idea of ​​a particular aesthetic object and ways of conveying generalizations about it in a specific product.

    The novelty of the program lies in its innovative nature. The work system uses non-traditional methods and methods for developing children's artistic creativity. The advantage of such techniques is the versatility of their use. Therefore, such techniques are very attractive for children, as they open up great opportunities for expressing their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.

    The relevance of the program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. Currently, there is a need for new approaches to teaching aesthetic arts that are capable of solving modern problems of creative perception and personality development as a whole. In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to the fine arts. The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world contributes to the cultivation of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, fosters determination, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, and provides the opportunity for creative self-realization of the individual. The program aims to introduce children to creativity through art. Children get acquainted with a variety of non-traditional methods of visual activity, their features, the variety of materials used in drawing, and learn to create their own drawings based on the knowledge gained. Thus, a creative personality develops, capable of applying their knowledge and skills in various situations.

    Age characteristics, children of senior preschool age

    In cognitive activity

    The perception of color, shape and size, and the structure of objects continues to improve. Children name primary colors and intermediate color shades.


    characterized by the ability to analyze the conditions in which this activity takes place. Children use and name various parts of the wooden construction set. They can replace building parts depending on the available material. Master a generalized method of examining a sample. Constructive activity can be carried out on the basis of a scheme, according to design and according to conditions. Children can design from paper by folding it several times; from natural material.

    In visual arts

    A 5-6 year old child can freely depict objects of round, oval, rectangular shape, consisting of parts of different shapes and connections of different lines.
    Ideas about color are expanding. Drawings can be very diverse in content. The image of a person becomes detailed and proportional. In modeling
    , it is not difficult for children to create an image that is more complex in shape. Children successfully cope with cutting out rectangular and round objects of different proportions. Older preschoolers are distinguished by a strong emotional reaction to music.

    In work activity

    previously mastered types of child labor are performed efficiently, quickly, and consciously. Planning and self-assessment of one’s activities are actively developing.

    The goal of the program: to develop in children of senior preschool age an aesthetic attitude and artistic and creative abilities in visual arts.


    Familiarization with the universal “language” of art – the means of artistic and figurative expression.

    Introducing children to various types of visual arts, a variety of artistic materials and techniques for working with them.

    Enrichment of individual artistic and aesthetic experience.

    Creating conditions for free experimentation with art materials and tools.

    Development of artistic and creative abilities in productive types of children's activities.

    Cultivating artistic taste and sense of harmony.

    Formation of an aesthetic picture of the world and basic elements.

    Principles of program design and implementation.

    General pedagogical principles:

    the principle of cultural conformity: constructing the content of the program taking into account regional cultural traditions;

    the principle of seasonality: constructing the content of the program taking into account the characteristics of a given area;

    the principle of systematicity and consistency: setting tasks in logic “from simple to complex”;

    the principle of optimization and humanization of the educational process;

    the principle of the developmental nature of art education;

    principle of conformity to nature: setting tasks taking into account age characteristics and individual abilities;

    principle of interest: building a program based on the interests of individual children and groups of children as a whole.

    Specific principles:

    the principle of aestheticization of the subject-development environment and everyday life in general;

    the principle of cultural enrichment of the content of visual activities, in accordance with the characteristics of the cognitive development of children of senior preschool age;

    the principle of the relationship between productive activity and other types of children's activities;

    the principle of integration of various types of fine arts and artistic activities;

    the principle of aesthetic reference to universal human values;

    the principle of enriching sensory experience;

    the principle of the relationship between generalized ideas and generalized methods of action aimed at creating an expressive artistic image;

    the principle of natural joy (the joy of aesthetic perception).

    Forms of work:

    directly - educational activities, conversations, games, exhibitions, travel activities, photo collages.

    Topics are planned in accordance with the time of year, as well as taking into account related holidays.

    Musical accompaniment shapes the mood of children. It is used depending on the constructed plot.

    One lesson per week for 30 minutes for this age group.

    Forms for conducting program implementation results:

    Organizing monthly exhibitions of children's works for parents.

    Thematic exhibitions in preschool educational institutions.

    Participation in city exhibitions and competitions throughout the year.

    Creative report of the teacher - the leader of the circle.

    Design of an aesthetic development environment in the group.

    Expected results.

    They are fluent in obtaining new colors and shades.

    They independently choose means of expression to depict a more accurate image.

    They have drawing and sculpting skills.

    Possess primary design skills.

    They are fluent in the genres of painting.

    They receive emotional satisfaction from drawing, modeling and appliqué.

    Fine art has a variety of materials and techniques. Often, familiar, traditional ways and means are not enough for a child to express his fantasies. Non-traditional methods are very attractive for children, as they open up great opportunities for expressing their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.

    In practice, these tasks are implemented through additional education classes “Creative Workshop”.

    Long-term plan for the artistic activity circle “Creative Workshop” in the senior group


    Drawing the plot “Happy Summer” Ave. tasks. Create conditions for reflecting summer impressions in the drawing. Learn to draw simple scenes, conveying human movements. Involve children in collective conversation, playful and verbal interaction with peers. Describe the images in the pictures.

    (I. A. Lykova Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group. p. 20)

    Drawing according to the plan “Look out your window” (collective composition for interior decoration) Continue to teach children to draw scenes according to plan, decorate paintings with applicative frames and create a collective composition - a panel. Identify the level of development of graphic skills and compositional abilities. Build cooperation skills. To cultivate curiosity, interest in understanding the world around us and its reflection in drawings.

    (I. A. Lykova Fine creativity in kindergarten. p. 38)

    Silhouette applique with drawing elements “Colored palms” Introduce the possibility of creating images and symbols based on identical elements. Develop the ability to cut out an image along a complex contour (hand). Arouse interest in your own hand. Develop imagination.

    Modeling objects from colored salt dough Autumn still life Teach children to create three-dimensional compositions (still lifes) from salt dough. Improve visual technique (choose your own method and technique of sculpting). Develop compositional skills - place several objects, creating a harmonious composition (large ones in the center or in the foreground, small ones on top or to the side).

    (I. A. Lykova p. 40)


    Drawing according to the content of riddles and poems Riddles from the garden To learn to convey the shape and characteristic features of vegetables according to their description in riddles; create expressive color and fantasy images; mix paints yourself to obtain the desired shade; clarify ideas about well-known natural objects. (I. A. Lykova Senior group. p. 20)

    Drawing Autumn Forest (Printing with leaves, mixing watercolors) Teach children to draw from life, depicting the shape and color of autumn leaves. Improve visual technique (mix watercolor paints to obtain complex shades and convey autumn color). Introduce a new way of obtaining an image - imprinting leaves on paper (learn to apply paint to leaves and “print” them on paper). Encourage children to embody their ideas, experiences, and feelings in artistic form. Arouse the desire to convey the characteristic features of objects and natural phenomena; support creativity.

    Drawing Trees under a window (Pointillism) Learn to draw deciduous trees, conveying the characteristic features of the structure of the trunk and crown, colors; develop technical skills in drawing with pencils, paints and other materials. To introduce children to a new type of visual technique - pointillism. Improve visual skills and develop the ability to create expressive images using various media.

    (I. A. Lykova Senior group. p. 32)

    Application with elements of paper plastic “Funny Portraits” Learn to compose a portrait from individual parts (an oval - a face, strips or lumps of crumpled paper - a hairstyle). Introduce a new way of cutting out an oval from paper, from paper folded in half (along a self-drawn contour). Develop color perception (choose the color of paper and pencil in accordance with the color of your hair and eyes).

    (I. A. Lykova Traveling in slippers and felt boots. p. 30)

    Decorative sculpture in relief Leaves turn into trees Make children want to make stucco paintings. Introduce the technique of relief modeling. Offer a choice of techniques for decorating a stucco image: relief moldings, cutting or scratching with stacks, brush painting. Develop a sense of form and composition.

    (I. A. Lykova Senior group. p. 46)


    Drawing Toys are not simple - clay, painted Conversation Continue to introduce children to Dymkovo toys as a type of folk arts and crafts to enrich visual impressions, develop aesthetic feelings and assessments. Draw children's attention to the figurative expressiveness of objects of art. To form an idea of ​​some artistic crafts, knowledge of what materials and tools craftsmen use (to make toys you need: clay, a pottery wheel, a special stick or brush to draw a pattern, a kiln to fire the product, special paints for painting).

    (I. A. Lykova Senior group. p. 58)

    Drawing “Gatherings” (Pointillism) To create conditions for the development of children’s creative abilities, to increase the level of aesthetic perception of decorative and applied arts. Instill interest and love for folk art. To consolidate children's knowledge about the Dymkovo toy, to develop the ability to create patterns from circles and dots. Practice drawing with a “poke” with a cotton swab. Develop aesthetic senses: a sense of color, a sense of rhythm, the ability to come up with a decorative pattern. Foster independence, confidence and desire to engage in creative activities.

    Modeling from salt dough based on folk toys “Horses” Clarify children’s ideas about the specifics of the Dymkovo toy: what, how, and by whom it is made; how it is decorated (decorated); what kind of character (cheerful, festive). Introduce children to the variety of toys and the specifics of decor - characteristic elements and color combinations. To create conditions for children’s creativity based on the Dymkovo toy. Form generalized methods of creating images (modeling figures).

    (I. A. Lykova Senior group. p. 60)

    Drawing Dymkovo painting of toys made from salt dough Continue teaching children to decorate silhouettes of horses with elements of decorative painting (circles, dots, straight lines and strokes). To cultivate interest and aesthetic attitude towards folk art. Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape, rhythm, proportions. Learn to confidently (without interruption) draw straight and wavy lines, loops, and spirals.


    Drawing Winter patterns (Wax crayons and watercolors) To introduce students to a new technique of depicting with wax and watercolors, teach them to transform a real form into a fairy-tale one, express their feelings, and depict the beauty of the world around them. Develop attention, perception, creative imagination, fantasizing, the ability to see beauty around you. To cultivate artistic taste, interest in works of art and the surrounding world.

    Drawing Our Christmas tree Drawing a New Year tree with gouache paints, conveying the features of its structure and placement in space. Transferring the texture of the spruce with a hard brush and decorating the Christmas tree with New Year's toys using cotton swabs.

    Applique New Year's wreath Teach children to make crafts from fabric using the trimming technique. To promote the development of children's thinking, attention, memory, eye, fine motor skills. To cultivate in children aesthetic taste and the joy of creativity. Teach children to make gifts with their own hands.

    Modeling a Snowman from salt dough To strengthen children's skills in working with salt dough, making small parts, using a variety of modeling techniques to create a holistic image of a snowman; develop fine motor skills and creativity; clarify children’s knowledge about geometric shapes, strengthen the ability to recognize shapes, regardless of their location; reflect spatial location in children’s speech (left, right, above, below); cultivate accuracy, independence, and the ability to complete the work started.


    Drawing Magic snowflakes Learn to draw snowflakes using the blotography method, blowing rays from the blots through a tube. Develop a sense of color (find beautiful combinations of colors and shades depending on the background, imagination, fantasy, sense of composition, creative activity; fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. Form an emotional attitude to reality.

    Drawing Winter Teach children to convey in a drawing a picture of winter in a field, in a forest, in a city. Strengthen the ability to draw different houses and trees. Learn to draw by combining different materials in a drawing: colored wax crayons and watercolors. Develop imaginative perception, imaginative ideas, creativity.

    Application Funny Pictures To strengthen children's skills in making a mosaic of one of the proposed pictures by cutting paper. Establish the sequence of work for making mosaics. Cultivate interest in creative activities.

    Modeling Snowflakes Learn to invent and implement a “snowflake” pattern on a horizontal basis, conveying its natural features through plasticine. Develop skills in working with plasticineography techniques - pinching, rolling sausages with your fingers, flattening. Expand knowledge about natural phenomena, activate speech, develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination, general and fine motor skills. To develop confidence and independence in artistic search and in the implementation of ideas.


    Drawing “Acquaintance with Gorodets painting” Introduce children to Gorodets painting. Learn to highlight its bright, elegant colors (pink, blue, lilac flowers, pattern composition (in the middle there is a large beautiful flower - a rose, with buds and leaves on the sides, strokes, dots, dashes - animations (black or white). Learn to draw these elements brush. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, sense of beauty. Arouse the desire to create a beautiful pattern.

    Decorative drawing Teach children to paint a pattern based on Gorodets painting. Learn to highlight decorative elements of painting, their compositional arrangement, and color. Develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition.

    Modeling from salt dough “Goat” Continue to teach children to sculpt a figure based on folk (Dymkovo) motifs; use the technique of rolling out a column, bending it and cutting it into a stack at both ends (this is how the legs are sculpted). Develop aesthetic perception.

    Drawing Painting a goat Decorating a three-dimensional figure with elements of Gorodets painting Cultivate an interest in Russian folk art, the ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding things. Teach children to make patterns on three-dimensional forms, to develop a sense of color when independently selecting paints to convey the color of Gorodets painting. Practice composing shades of color (adding a little paint of the desired color to white paint to get the desired shade). Develop artistic taste and sense of rhythm.


    Drawing “Spring Sky” Create conditions for free experimentation with watercolors and various art materials. Learn to depict the sky using the “wet” method of color stretching. Create conditions for reflecting spring impressions in the drawing. Develop creative imagination.

    Drawing Fishes play, fish sparkle Continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about nature using various visual and expressive means. Arouse interest in depicting fish in the lake with cotton swabs. Develop graphic skills and shape-making abilities. Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

    Relief sculpture “The wind blows across the sea. » Introduce children to a new modeling technique - color stretching (water, sky, showing its possibilities for a coloristic solution to a theme and enhancing its emotional expressiveness; provide conditions for children to freely choose content and technique (sunset on the sea or a moonlit night, a storm or a light breeze, a boat close-up or in the distance; volumetric or relief modeling, sculptural or combined method, free combination of different techniques); searching for ways to solve an artistic problem: to convey the movements of the wind, i.e., to show how it walks on the sea.

    Paper sculpture “Across the seas, along the waves. » Teach children to create different boats out of paper, independently combining the mastered techniques of silhouette and relief appliqué: mastering the applique composition on a tinted background; design of the application using graphic means. Develop compositional skills (place boats “at sea” across an entire sheet of paper).


    Drawing Outer Space Arouse interest in creating outer space in various unconventional ways. Create conditions for experimenting with different art materials and tools. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm and composition; create conditions for the creative use of acquired skills; teach children to negotiate and plan team work.

    Modeling, appliqué or drawing (optional) “Flying saucers and aliens from outer space” Arouse interest in depicting various aliens and their means of transportation in outer space. Encourage children to independently search for ways to create fantastic images (using plastic, graphic or applicative means). Develop imagination and the ability to transfer familiar ways of working to a new creative situation. Form cognitive interest.

    (I. A. Lykova Fine art in kindergarten. Traveling in slippers, felt boots, flippers. p. 126)

    Relief modeling “In deep space, or the starry sky” Continue mastering the technique of relief modeling; invite children to create together a relief picture that includes various space objects (sun, planets, stars, comets); initiate an independent search for image means and techniques (twisting and twisting elongated cylinders for the tail of a comet, superimposing layers in the solar corona); remind you of the possibility of mixing plasticine colors, of plasticine stretching for an emotional color solution; develop a sense of composition.

    (I. A. Lykova We sculpt, we fantasize, we play. p. 75)

    Application “Stars and Comets” Teach children to cut out five-pointed stars: fold a square sheet of paper according to the diagram and make cuts (sharper or blunter). Arouse interest in creating an image of a comet consisting of a head - a star, cut out according to a diagram, and a tail, made up of strips of torn, crumpled and twisted paper or scraps of fabric.

    (I. A. Lykova Fine creativity in kindergarten. Traveling in slippers, felt boots. p. 122)


    Drawing “White birch tree under my window” Learn to draw a birch tree in spring with wax candles (white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, spring color of foliage). Continue to learn how to paint with a semi-dry hard brush when depicting foliage. Develop aesthetic perception;

    — continue to develop children's visual creativity. Cultivate a love for nature, for the native land.

    Drawing Magic Butterfly Using unconventional drawing techniques, develop children's strong interest in visual arts. Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints that matches the joyful summer mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Arouse a positive response to the results of your creativity.

    Transformation of pebbles Teach children to create an artistic image based on natural forms (stones). Introduce different techniques for drawing on stones of different shapes. Improve visual technique (choose artistic materials in accordance with the task and the plan being implemented). Develop imagination.

    Collective modeling “Miracle Tree” Arouse interest in creating a collective composition based on a literary work. Continue mastering plastic modeling materials - roll out a layer of salted dough and use molds to cut out relief figures to place on the miracle tree. Create conditions for experimentation (prints on the test). Develop formative abilities (sense of form, sense of humor. Develop cooperation skills (negotiate, discuss ideas, place your crafts on a common compositional basis). Cultivate curiosity, independence, goodwill.

    (I. A. Lykova Fine creativity in kindergarten. Traveling in slippers, felt boots. p. 158)

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