GCD using ICT in the senior group on the topic: “On the roads of fairy tales”

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    Home Group “Stars” Days of our group Summary of a lesson on speech development using ICT in the senior group

    Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

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    MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

    Open GCD lesson using ICT in the senior group on the topic: “Hello, hedgehog!”

    For the implementation of educational areas “Artistic creativity” (drawing using non-traditional methods), “Cognition” (Formation of a holistic picture of the world), “Communication” (speech development)

    Goal: to teach children to apply in practice the non-traditional drawing skills acquired in the classroom.


    Educational: continue to teach how to describe the appearance and habits of animals by asking riddles. Clarify children's understanding of wild animals. Strengthen skills in working with non-traditional drawing methods. Reveal creativity when using paper and available materials in combination.

    Educational: activate children's imagination and speech.

    Educational: to develop children's cultural communication skills and humane feelings. Cultivate an interest in caring for living nature.

    Material: computer presentation about the life of hedgehogs, wet wipes...

    Preliminary work: talking about wild animals, looking at illustrations, asking riddles...

    • Introduce children to unconventional drawing methods - imprinting with crumpled paper, drawing with forks, cotton swabs.
    • development in children of cognitive interest in nature, ideas about the dependence of the existence of a particular animal on environmental conditions.
    • expand children’s knowledge about the possibilities of paper (not only can you draw on it, but you can also draw on it).
    • develop fine motor skills of the hands, teach to strengthen the fine muscles of the fingers through Su-Jok gymnastics.
    • Cultivate interest in fine arts, accuracy in drawing



    Equipment and materials:

    • A-4 size sheets of paper
    • gouache brown, black, green, red, yellow
    • paper napkin
    • plastic forks, 2 pcs.
    • cotton swabs 3 pcs.
    • wet wipes
    • Sujok balls
    • soft toy hedgehog
    • interactive box
    • magnetic board
    • presentation - hedgehog

    Methodical techniques:

    • conversation-dialogue, use of art. words, playing with a toy

    Preliminary work: reading M. Prishvin’s story “Hedgehog” , looking at paintings from the wild animals series, conversation

    The author of the article is teacher of kindergarten No. 11 “Baby” Olga Vladimirovna Lucheva, Lukhovitsy

    Progress of the lesson:

    Q. Hello guys! Today is an unusual day for you. Guests have come to see you. Everyone come to me, turn to face the guests, say hello to them.

    Children: Hello!

    Educator: Let's introduce ourselves to our guests.

    D. We are kids from kindergarten, We are preschool kids, We all come here in the morning, here we dance and sing.

    In kindergarten we are all friends. After all, we cannot live without friendship!!!

    V. Well done guys, now come to me, I’ll tell you something now.

    Today I went to the group, I found a magic box in the group, the box is not simple, it contains a secret and together with you we will find out the answer to it.

    This box can tell riddles. Let's listen to her carefully.

    V. offers the children a riddle:

    Angry touchy lives in the wilderness of the forest There are a lot of needles. And not a single thread (hedgehog)

    Who are these guys?

    Of course it's a hedgehog. I invite you to learn about the life of hedgehogs in the forest. Let's go.

    D + V. One, two, three, four, five 1,2, 3,4, 5 we want to know everything about hedgehogs.

    A film about a hedgehog.

    Q. You and I watched the film, now answer my questions

    Questions for children after watching the film:

    1. Where do you guys think hedgehogs live?
    2. What kind of life does a hedgehog lead?
    3. Do hedgehogs have enemies in nature?
    4. What does a hedgehog eat?
    5. Why is it dangerous for a hedgehog to be in water?
    6. Why does a hedgehog need needles?

    Q. Children, we remembered and learned a lot of interesting things, and now let’s rest a little.

    Physical education minute.

    There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest, He was a ball and without legs, (They hug themselves by the shoulders.) He didn’t know how to clap - Clap-clap-clap, (They clap their hands.) He didn’t know how to stomp - Top-top-top. (Perform “stompers”.)

    He didn’t know how to jump - Jump-jump-jump (They jump on two legs.) Just move their nose - Sniff-sniff-sniff And the kids came to the forest, They found a hedgehog in the forest, (Walking in place.)

    They taught you to clap - Clap-clap-clap, (Clap your hands.) They taught you to stomp - Top-top-top. (They perform “stompers.”) They taught them to jump - Jump-jump-jump, (They jump on two legs.) They taught them to run... (They run in place.)

    V. Well done, guys! You now know a lot about hedgehogs. And most importantly, I am sure that none of you will ever offend a hedgehog.

    • Let's play with the hedgehog.

    6. Game “Finish the sentence” (They pass the hedgehog to each other in a circle)

    1. The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog... (prickly)
    2. The hedgehog sleeps during the day and hunts... (at night)
    3. The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the hedgehog... (in a hole)
    4. The fox has cubs, and the hedgehog... (hedgehog) +
    5. the bear is big, and the hedgehog... (small)
    6. the dog is a domestic animal, and the hedgehog (wild)
    7. The hare has long legs, and the hedgehog has short legs.
    8. The piglet grunts and the hedgehog (snorts)
    9. The snake crawls and the hedgehog (runs)
    10. The fish are happy in the water, but the hedgehog is dangerous

    Well done, you did a great job, but the hedgehog

    one is bored in the clearing, how can one help him?

    Let us invite him to our creative workshop. And we’ll draw him a lot of friends – hedgehogs, so that he won’t be bored alone in the forest.

    Come in and take your seats.

    - We will be artists today. But before we get to work, we will prepare our hands. We will do gymnastics using a massage ball.

    Finger game "Hedgehog"

    Description: the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then on the left.

    Hedgehog, hedgehog, cunning hedgehog, you look like a little ball. (children roll Su Jok between their palms) The needles on the back are very, very sharp.

    Even though the hedgehog is small in stature, he showed us the spines, and the spines also look like a hedgehog

    But today we will draw in an unusual way. Look at your tables, there are napkins, forks, and cotton swabs. Take Shows how you can complete the face and paws using cotton swabs. We will make needles for him using a fork. What else can you draw with a fork (grass). Let's glue the eye.

    The children get to work.

    Now bring me your finished work.

    At the end of the lesson, the teacher, when examining the work, draws the children’s attention to what kind of friends the hedgehog turned out to be, hedgehogs are so different, not similar to each other.

    What did you guys learn new and interesting about yourself today?

    Guys, where have we been?

    What did we do there?

    What did you like best?

    What do you remember?

    Now let’s say goodbye to the guests and go to the group.

    And the hedgehog liked his friends and your poems about him so much that he prepared a surprise for you, these mushrooms.

    Thanks a lot, everyone!!!!

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