Summary of the lesson on cognitive development “Golden Autumn”

Abstract of an art lesson for 1st grade “Golden Autumn”

Preparation for practical work.

Guys, on the table in front of you are paints of different colors. Name these colors (children's answers)

. What other colors do you know?

Tell me what each color reminds you of? (yellow – sun, green – grass)

Before you start painting, you need to dip the brush in water, then take paint on it. Each time you change color, you need to wash the brush well in a jar of water, and you can blot off excess water with a napkin.

You need to store paints clean, but you can and should mix them on paper and a palette.

Working on new material.

You and I have repeatedly read poems about autumn

. I would like now about

Summary of an open lesson on cognitive development in the senior group on the topic “Autumn”

Lesson on cognitive development in kindergarten in the senior group.
Theme: "Autumn". Abstract with presentation Purpose: to summarize children’s knowledge on the topic “Autumn.” Objectives: Educational:
• Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the autumn season.
• Improve your ability to listen carefully and answer questions. • To form in children ideas about the periods of autumn and their characteristic features, a generalized idea of ​​the forest and trees in the autumn period. • Learn to select leaves for a tree. Develop attention and thinking. Developmental:
• Develop children's cognitive interest, their attention and memory.
• Develop interest in completing tasks. • Develop a culture of verbal communication between children and each other and the teacher. Educational:
• To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature.
Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”. Preliminary work: - Observations of living and inanimate nature. — Examination of paintings and reproductions about autumn. - Reading fiction. - Memorizing poems, guessing riddles. Equipment: TV, ball, audio recordings with tasks from Autumn, the sound of the autumn forest, cardboard leaves for the path, baskets with pasted images of trees, hoops for “bumps”, gouache, Whatman paper, brushes, jars of water, napkins.
Progress of GCD
Children stand on the carpet in a circle. Educator. Hello guys, look how beautiful it is in our group, and for our journey to be fabulous and exciting, first we need to greet each other, we stand together in a circle, repeat everything after me: Hello golden sun (arms to the sides)
Hello blue sky
( hands up)
Hello free breeze
(we swing our hands over our heads)
Hello little friend
(they take each other’s hands)
Educator . And now guys, listen to what I’m going to tell you: This morning they sent me an audio message, but to find out who it’s from, you need to listen to it (turn on the audio recording with the riddle)
: At the edge of the forest I mixed paints, I quietly ran a brush over the leaves.
The hazel tree turned yellow, and the maples stripped, and the birch leaves turned golden. Children. Autumn. Educator. Yes, this is a message from Autumn (slide with autumn screensaver)
Audio recording. Guys, I have prepared interesting tasks for you, and in order to complete them, I invite you to the autumn forest. Educator. Well, guys, do we accept Autumn’s invitation? Children. Yes. Educator. Guys, to get into the autumn forest, you need to walk along the autumn leaves and not lose your way. Well, are you ready? Then let's go. (the guys walk along the autumn leaves laid out like a snake on the floor, the audio recording “Sounds of the Autumn Forest” plays)
Here we come to the autumn forest (slide with a picture of the forest)
Educator. Autumn forest - what a miracle! Foliage lies like a carpet everywhere. The trees stand slender, their branches rustle in the wind. How nice it is in the forest! Guys, Autumn addresses us (audio recording)
: In autumn, a cold wind blows and tears leaves from the trees.
Look how many leaves, different, different, they are all mixed up. Help the trees return their leaves so you can once again admire the beauty of the autumn forest. Educator. Let's help autumn return its leaves to the trees and help it determine “Which tree does the leaf come from?”
Listen to the rules of the game: leaves are scattered in front of you, you need to find which tree the leaf is from, if the leaf is from a birch, as it will be called birch, you put it in a basket, with the image of a “birch” tree, if the leaf from a maple is maple, put it in the basket , with the image of a maple tree, and if from oak, in a basket with an image of an oak tree (baskets with birch, maple, oak trees glued on)
Educator. Well done! We completed the task. Guys, it’s so beautiful in the forest, and how clean the air is here. Inhale slowly through your nose deeply and exhale quietly (Breathing exercises)
Educator. Guys, what autumn months do you know? Children. September October November. Educator. Tell me, please, what is autumn called in September? Why? (slide early autumn) Children. Early. Because the leaves on the trees are still green, the sun is shining brightly, it’s warm. Educator. What is autumn called in October? Why? (golden autumn slide) Children. Golden. Because the leaves change color and become yellow, red, orange, the most beautiful phenomenon of nature, leaf fall, begins, the sun no longer shines so brightly. Educator. Well, what do we call autumn in November? Why? (slide late autumn)
Children. Late. Because it becomes cold, windy, rainy outside, the trees are preparing for winter, shedding their last leaves. Educator. It's time to continue on our way. Guys, a swamp blocked our path, but you and I are not afraid of difficulties? What do we do? Children. Go ahead. Educator. Guys, we need to step right on the bumps and not stumble, otherwise you will end up in a swamp (children step from hoop to hoop, stepping over the swamp over bumps)
What a great fellow you are! We completed the task successfully. I suggest you don't get bored and play a little. Physical exercise “We are going to the autumn forest” We are going to the autumn forest (marching in place)
And the forest is full of miracles!
(we spread our arms to the sides, “we are surprised”)
It rained in the forest yesterday
(we shake our palms)
This is very good!
(clap our hands)
We will look for mushrooms
(we put our palm to our forehead, now in one direction, now in the other)
And collect them in a basket
(they bring their hands together in front of them into a “basket”)
Here are the boletus
(they bend one at a time for each name of the mushroom) finger)
On the stump there are honey mushrooms, and in the moss there are chanterelles, Friendly sisters
(make beckoning movements with their hands)
Boletus, milk mushroom
(they threaten with the index finger of their hand)
Get into the box!
(sit down, hug yourself with your arms)
Well, and you, fly agaric
(get up, spread your arms to the sides)
Decorate the autumn forest!
Educator. Guys, Autumn has prepared another task for us. Listen to him. Audio recording with the words of Autumn:
Children, what is the weather like in autumn?
Educator. Let's help Autumn answer her question and play the game “What is Autumn?” (with a ball)
• When it rains, rainy, • When the wind blows, windy, • If it’s cold, cold, • If it’s cloudy, cloudy, • If it’s damp, damp, • If it’s gloomy, gloomy, • If it’s clear.
• If warm-warm. Practical part. Educator. Educator. Guys, what wild animals do you know? (children's answers) Educator. Guys, while you were completing interesting Autumn tasks, suddenly a strong wind blew and the hedgehog lost his needles from the strong wind, let's help him find them. Children. Let's. Educator. Let's sit on the chairs at the tables and do the collective work "Hedgehog" with our handprints (with the help of an assistant teacher)
Educator. Guys, did you like our trip with Autumn? What did you like most? Which Autumn task was the most interesting? What new have you learned? What do you like most about autumn? (children's answers)
Well done guys!

Presentation on the topic: Autumn

We recommend watching:

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic: Autumn GCD for the senior group with a presentation on the topic: Gifts of Autumn Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the museum program on the topic: Autumn Summary of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group for children with mental retardation. Journey to the autumn forest

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Guys, what can grow in a clearing or forest in the fall?


Mushrooms, berries.


What kind of mushrooms are there? (edible and inedible)


Do you know what edible mushrooms? (white, boletus….)

What about the inedible ones? (fly agaric)


Guys, you said that fly agaric is an inedible mushroom, but can you kick it or trample it?




Of course not, why?


Animals are treated with fly agaric.


That's right, because everything in nature is interconnected, everything that grows and lives on earth is beneficial.


We've been sitting in the clearing for a while, let's play.

Didactic game “Come to the mushroom”

(Dummy mushrooms are laid out on the floor, children approach the named mushroom)

One, two, three go to the porcini mushroom, etc.


Tell me please, how do wild animals prepare for winter? (Bunny, bear, hedgehog)


animals gather supplies, change coats...


Why do you think the bunny changes his fur coat? What does the bear do?

(children's answers). Why does a hedgehog collect leaves?

Didactic game “Find the same leaves”

- Look how beautiful the leaves are under our feet.

-Are they all the same? You need to find identical leaves.


Guys, why is there such silence around, and you can’t hear the birds singing in our forest?


The birds flew away to warmer climes.


: Why do birds fly to warmer regions?


the insects hid, it became cold.

Sedentary game “Whose bird will fly farthest”

Children line up in a line and, on command, launch their paper bird.


Guys, look, there is a strange flower growing in our clearing, each petal is different. Does he remind me of something? Let’s say a tongue twister about autumn together.

Autumn has come to visit us. Autumn has brought colors. Now, name the colors of autumn.


Yellow, red, orange, green, brown.


Well done, you see how the spell worked, you remembered all the colors of autumn.


: And now for a minute, I’ll turn you into autumn leaves, take the leaves in your hands and stand in a circle.

Physical education lesson “We are autumn leaves”

We are autumn leaves. We sat on the branches (the children form a circle.) The wind blew and we flew (they scatter in all directions.) We flew, we flew (they run, waving the leaves.) All the leaves are so tired! The wind stopped blowing - We all gathered in a circle (squat down, raise the leaves above our heads.) The wind suddenly blew again and blew the leaves off the branches (run around, waving the leaves.) All the leaves flew and sat quietly on the ground.


Did you enjoy being leaves?



Drawing leaves on a prepared tree silhouette.


Guys, look at these trees, there are no leaves on them, and there are no leaves on the ground either. Help me decorate them with fall foliage. Now you will see how much work autumn has. And now you will draw, and the music will help you! Oh, guys, there are no brushes, so what are we going to use to paint the leaves? I suggest you squeeze the paper into lumps and draw with it.

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