Card file of greetings for classescard file (preparatory group)

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic “Meeting and greeting”

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic “Meeting, greeting. About the most precious words"

Description of the material: I offer a summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Meeting, greeting. About the most precious words." This material will be useful to teachers of secondary and preparatory groups. Goals of the task: To bring to the awareness of children that a truly polite person not only knows magic words, but also always tries to do something nice for other people. Accustom children to the idea that it is very difficult to get along without polite words in any society. Learn to analyze your actions and the actions of literary heroes, develop coherent speech and thinking. Cultivate love and respect for the people around you, a friendly attitude towards each other. Children's activities: Game "Greetings!"; Game "Guess"; Game “In the Circle of Magic Words”; Game “Don’t make a mistake, please!”; Game "Polite-impolite." Equipment: Circles: yellow and blue, magic wand, audio recording, proverbs and poems about magic words.

GCD move.
1. Organizational moment. Game "Greetings!" Educator: Let's say hello. There is a good sign to give greetings to everyone in the morning. The sun is red... Children: Hello! Educator: Clear sky... Children: Hello! Educator: Adults and children... Children: Hello to you from the bottom of my heart! Hello! Educator: You need to start every new day in a good mood. And so that the mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and pass on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our hearts. Feel how kindness passes through our hands from palm to palm. May she accompany you throughout our entire communication. Let's smile and wish each other a joyful mood. I ask you to take your seats. 2. Conversation. - Children, how many of you remember proverbs and sayings about kind words? A good word is more valuable than wealth.
The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. “Warm clothes warm the body, warm words warm the soul.” A good word inspires. A good word will build a house, and an evil word will destroy. Good words are always appropriate. - Let's listen to the poem now and remember what words are important for every person.
3. Reading a poem and memorizing S.Ya. Marshak "Kind words" Kind words are not lazy, repeat to me three times a day. As soon as I go out the gate, To everyone going to work, To the blacksmith, the weaver, the doctor, “Good morning!” - I scream. "Good afternoon!" - I shout after everyone going to lunch. "Good evening!" - this is how I greet everyone rushing home for tea. 4. Talk about magic words. There are different magic words. We will call them: Words - greetings Words - requests Words - gratitude Words - wishes Words - apologies Words - farewells Game "Guess". Words - greetings: (hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening). Words of gratitude: (thank you, thank you very much, thank you). Words of wishes: (all the best, all the best, be healthy, good night, bon appetit, good journey). Words - apologies: (forgive me, please; excuse me, please). Words are requests: (please, be kind, be kind, I ask you). Words - farewells: (goodbye, see you soon, goodbye, bye). 5. Dynamic pause. “Please don’t make a mistake!” -I will give commands, but you will only carry out those that contain the “magic” word. -So, let's start! Make no mistake please! Stand up please! Hands up. Please raise your hands! Please clap! Stomp. Jump please! Sit quietly. Please sit down quietly! 6. Game “Polite-impolite.” Yellow and blue circles are used. Yellow means "polite" and blue means "impolite." - shout loudly (raise a blue circle); - give way (raise the yellow color), etc. 7. Game “In the circle of magic words.” A magic wand is passed along to the music; when the music stops, whoever has the wand left calls out the magic word. 8. Consolidation. Now you all need to remember the “Golden Rules” of polite treatment. • At home, in kindergarten and on the street, do not forget to say polite words “Hello”, “Hello”, “Good afternoon”. • The younger ones greet the older ones first. And boys greet girls first. • When addressing someone with a request or question, bow slightly - this will mean greeting. Remember the word “please”. • When you receive a gift or purchase, or an answer to your question, do not forget to say a kind word “thank you.” • If you accidentally pushed or offended someone, apologize immediately. This is only a small part of all the rules of good manners, but we must know and follow them. 9. Reflection. — What new and interesting things did you learn today? - Which of you remembers to say “magic words”? I wish you that a spark of goodness burns in each of you...!

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Games and exercises for meeting and greetings

"Two Circles of Hell"

The main goal is to get to know each other and establish contact. Everyone, standing in a circle, raises their palms at chest level. As we pass by each little person, we must stop, touch our palms and look into their eyes. Everyone goes through the first round saying their name. The second circle is calling the name of the person who is now standing in front of you.

“The Two Circles of Hell 2” is a game that uses 2 circles (inner and outer).

The group was divided into 2 circles of 10 people.

  1. The inner circle faced the outer circle. There was no more than 50 - 70 cm between the outer and inner circles.
  2. Task: within 1 minute, tell the person opposite your opinion about his strengths (make a compliment, or make an assumption about character traits). Some guys knew each other for a long time, and some only met at camp.
  3. Every minute the leader says which circle is taking a step to the right (outer or inner). Thus, all people from the outer and inner circle in pairs were able to speak to each other.

You can also calculate them for the first second and organize another one in each circle. You will get 4 small circles. 1 and 2 numbers of each find a separate circle and everyone will tell each other everything

"I'm not a slowdown"

Everyone stands in a circle. The driver comes to the center and says the words “My name is... and I’m not a slowdown.” Everyone answers, “We noticed.” After this, the presenter asks the owners of some characteristic to swap places, and he himself tries to take the place of one of them. Those who did not make it in time become the new presenter.

"Bang Bang"

Everyone stands in a circle, the leader is in the center. He turns slowly and, having chosen a “victim”, fires a shot. The victim should sit down, and the people who are next to her should say each other’s names. Anyone who does not have time to do this leaves the game. The “victim” continues the game. This goes on until one person remains in the circle.

"Dwarf houses"

The players are divided into threes: two - a house, one - a gnome. There is a presenter who also takes part in the action. He tries to take someone's place during natural phenomena. There are natural phenomena during which certain actions occur: thunder - the gnomes change, flood-houses, earthquake - everything gets mixed up (a gnome can become part of the house and vice versa). The one who failed to take a place becomes the leader.


The work begins with expressing wishes to each other for today. Participants stand in a circle and throw the ball to the person they want to wish something to and at the same time say their wish for today. The wish should be short, preferably one word. It is necessary to carefully ensure that everyone has the ball.


The participants of the game stand in a circle. The presenter invites the children to say hello to their neighbors to the right and left in a certain way. For example, as is customary in some countries, he names the country and the accepted method of greeting.

Greeting options:

  • in Russia it is customary to shake hands;
  • in Italy - warmly hugging;
  • in Brazil - clapping each other on the shoulder;
  • in Zimbabwe - they rub their backs;
  • in Macedonia they greet with elbows;
  • in Nicaragua they greet each other with their shoulders;
  • Australian Aborigines have a triple greeting: a) clap your palms; b) jump; c) push with your hip.

"My neighbor on the right"

The first participant introduces himself (this could be the leader), says his name, where he studies, what he expects from classes, what his hobbies are or other information about himself. Then the one sitting to his left says the phrase “My neighbor on the right...” and in his own words repeats everything that he remembers from the neighbor’s monologue. After that he introduces himself. And so on in a circle.

"We are drawing"

The first child says his name and what he would like to draw in the overall picture of the group (for example: sun, rainbow, family, etc.). The next one, sitting on the left, calls the name and drawing of the first one (then the names and drawings of all previous participants will be called), and then his name and drawing. And so on down the chain. When the picture is “painted”, it is necessary to discuss what kind of mood it turned out to be. Why?

"Name with symbol"

Everyone sits in a circle. Each player comes up with a symbol for himself, the initial letter of which matches the initial letter of his name, and draws this symbol on the card. Everyone introduces themselves by name and names their own symbol (showing a card). For example: Misha with a teddy bear or Vitya with a bicycle. The next player repeats the name and symbol of the neighbor who just introduced himself, etc. until everyone has said their names.

"My name"

The first child says his name: the next one, sitting on the left, says the name of the first (then the names of all previous participants will be called), and then his name. And so on down the chain. The last participant must remember the names of all participants.


Group members open their palms and take turns saying, “I have never... (done anything).” The one who did the proposed action bends his finger. The game is good for getting to know each other.


One of the greeting options in the group. The first participant says a short greeting to his neighbor, for example: “Good morning!” The neighbor should quickly get up, repeat this phrase and sit down again. The next player repeats, etc. This results in a wave of getting up and repeating. But as soon as the leader claps his hands and says: “Freeze frame,” the participant who “got caught” at that moment must add, at his discretion, another element to the greeting (gesture, phrase, etc.). For example, a player stands up and says, “Good morning!” and claps his hands twice. Now all subsequent players perform this complex until the next “Freeze Frame”, etc.


Participants are given cards with an outline of a man. The task is to draw yourself. Show those present by saying your name and the adjective that characterizes it. All the little people are glued to a sheet of paper

On a separate sheet of paper, you are asked to draw the sun the way children draw it: with a circle in the middle and many rays. Write your name or draw your portrait in a circle. Next to each ray write your best qualities - what the participants love, appreciate, accept in themselves. The task is to write about yourself as best and as much as possible. After that - discussion. The guys show the sun they have drawn and read out a list of their own merits.

The presenter invites the children to carry this piece of paper with them and add rays, and if they feel sad, take out their sun and look at it.

"Tell me about me"

Participants are asked to write a mini essay on the following points on a piece of paper:

  • three main events in my life;
  • my motto;
  • my hobbies;
  • Most of all I don't like...

3-5 minutes are allotted for the task, then the guys are divided into pairs, tell each other about themselves and introduce each other to the group.


All participants are given cards, which are divided into 9-16 cells. Each card contains a task. The essence of the tasks is the same: write down in a box the name of a person who (loves fish, keeps a dog at home, likes to look at the stars, etc.). The more unexpected the task, the better you can put what you need into this card. For example: identify lovers of singing, drawing, playing the guitar, etc. The winner is the one who collects information faster and more accurately.


The lead counselor says a fly on Anya and everyone runs to hug her:) to get acquainted)

Rules 1-13: everyone stands in a circle and takes turns counting, then everyone remembers their number, and the leader comes to the center and says, for example, 1 and 8, they must slap their legs twice, and then quickly change places! The task of the presenter is to take his place) whoever did not have time, then takes the place of the leader, so you can still play with names like this with children.


Everyone forms a circle. The leader comes to the center of the circle. A galler steps outside the circle and identifies the frog by touching the back. Everyone's eyes are closed. Having identified the frog, he stands in a circle and crouches. Everyone else opens their eyes and, together with the central one, tries to guess the frog.

The frog's task is to show its tongue and do it so masterfully as to remain unnoticed by the central body. If people are in, they crouch, but do not show with their eyes or voice. If a person sees a frog in the center, he wins and already identifies the frog as the next player. Well, the frog becomes

All players stand in a circle. There must be at least 6-7 players. First, the presenter calls the name of any player. The person named must sit down. And his neighbors to the right and left begin a duel. Its principle is very simple. You need to extend your hand in the form of a pistol towards the enemy and say: “Bang-bang.” The one who does this a little later than his opponent or instead of “Bang-Bang” says, for example, “Ptyzh” (which happens very often) loses. If the person whose name was called does not sit down on time, then he is eliminated, because he finds himself between two shooters. The loser leaves the circle. The winner of the match calls someone's name and everything is repeated. You cannot name your neighbors. The winners are the two remaining in the circle.

"Flying Names"

All participants stand in a circle. The presenter says his name and throws the ball to one of the guys. The one who caught the ball must say his name and throw the ball to another player. An important condition is that players who have already had the ball are prohibited from throwing the ball.

2nd version of this game (for remembering names) The leader says his name and then calls the name of another person and throws the ball to this person. The one who caught the ball must say his name, the name of the other player and throw the ball to the person whose name he said. And so on until every player has the ball. The condition remains the same - players who have already had the ball are prohibited from throwing the ball.


The group sits in a circle, the leader gives the command to change places to those who have something in common (favorite activity, height, eye or clothing color, favorite musician, etc.), while the children introduce themselves to each other. At the end, the counselor learns from the squad what they learned about each other.

Instead of introducing the player gives clues:

My name starts with the letter “I” My name ends with the letter “B” It consists of 7 letters (Yaroslav) The one who guessed the name correctly continues.

Indicator (Game to determine the leader (+ rallying)

You have 4 types of movements: arms up, crouch, converge to the center, spread out along the walls. Your task is to get as many people as possible to do the same thing.” Then we take away the voice. Then - gestures. Then - facial expressions and meaningful glances. Careful observation of the group allows you to find out who drops out, who is the leader, who obeys.

The players sit in a circle with the leader. On command, the leader shows the participants a certain number of fingers. At the same time, as many people must get up from their chairs as the number of fingers the presenter showed. In this game, players need to be fast and attentive. As a rule, children who strive for leadership rise from their chairs first, and indecisive and less sociable children rise later.

Conductor (Rally Game)

Participants line up in a column one at a time, with their hands on each other’s shoulders (if the squad is large, in 2 or 3 columns). The counselor explains the rules: no talking

everyone except the last one has their eyes closed (you can blindfold them to be safe) the last person is the conductor clap on the right/left shoulder - turn right/left clap on both shoulders - forward double clap on both shoulders - back clap on both shoulders in fractions - stop

The conductor’s task is to guide the “train” along the route indicated by the counselor (several turns). To continue the game, the last participant stands in front of everyone, the route changes.

The guys need to line up according to a certain characteristic within a certain time (or as quickly as possible). It could be:

- by height; - by date of birth; - by hair and eye color.

Street dating

All participants in the game are divided into pairs. The task of one of the participants in the couple: to meet the second person, a complete stranger to him, right on the street. To do this, he uses maximum effort and all his resourcefulness. You need to find out the name and favorite activity. The 2nd player tries to get away from the acquaintance without saying a single rude word. At the end of the game, all participants determine the most successful “seducer” and the most intractable “stranger.”

By interest

Participants move freely around the room. The presenter gives the task: “Find each other those who have the same eye color” (options: “Those who have a birthday in summer, winter, autumn, spring”, “Those whose names have three, four, five, six or more letters”, etc.). Other options are possible when participants unite in groups according to their place of residence, zodiac sign, favorite color, etc. for a more trusting atmosphere.


A ball of thread is passed from the presenter to all participants in the game. When receiving a ball, the participant says the information to himself and repeats the information that the previous player told about himself (full name, territory, place of work, hobbies, etc.). This continues until each player has a ball in their hands. In the end, we need to summarize that for 7 (18) 21 days we are all united and connected by one thread.

Social survey

Each child is given a printed sign, which he must fill out completely by going around all the children in the squad and writing down their Name. A situation may arise that a child loves to play the guitar, but this is the first time at camp and the first time at camp, so we record in several columns. You can name the questions at your own discretion.

Truth or lie

In groups of 8 people, each participant says 3 facts to himself, 2 of which are true, one of which is not. Group members must guess what is true and what is fiction. There may be a “reverse option” - 2 lies, 1 true fact

Friend's appearance

A pair of players is selected. The counselor says they have 10 seconds to study each other's appearance. Then they stand back to back. Everyone else begins to ask each of them in turn questions about the appearance of their partner, calling his name. For example, “how many buttons does Katya have on her jacket?” - “What color are Seryozha’s shoelaces?” etc. Of this pair, the one who gives 3 incorrect answers the fastest loses.


All participants stand in a circle. Each participant introduces himself and shows everyone the thing that is his talisman or his favorite thing, or the thing with which he associates himself, or with which he does not part. After everyone has shown the objects, the presenter asks them to put them in the center of the circle, and the participants to close their eyes. The presenter mixes all the things, and after that, the participants will need to sort things out in a minimum amount of time and give the necessary items to the owners. The only conditions are that you cannot take your own thing, and you cannot speak louder than a whisper. Participants can discuss, agree, search for each other by touch, but the leader does not tell them this, they must guess for themselves.


There are many different pictures laid out on the table. The guys are asked to choose the one that they most associate with themselves and then present themselves to the group through the prism of this picture.

funny jokes

1.Whose height exceeds one meter and fifty centimeters... Say: “I am KINKONG!”

2.Who was born in May... Take someone as a partner and dance.

3. Who has blue eyes... Wink at us three times

4.Who has a brother... Click three times.

5. Who loves cats... Meow loudly.

6. Who wears red in their clothes... Tell the neighbor on the right: “You have a wonderful hairstyle”

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