Contents of physical education activities for children of different age groups.

Contents of physical education activities for children of different age groups.

Physical education activities, types, meaning.

Contents of physical education activities for children of different age groups.

Physical education is one of the forms of active recreation for children. The introduction of physical education leisure activities into the practice of a preschool institution makes it possible to realize the child’s natural need for movement and to compensate for the deficit of physical activity. The content of leisure time is physical exercises familiar to children, but carried out in a playful form, in the form of fun activities and attractions, which creates a positive emotional background that has a beneficial effect on the child’s body. During physical education, children’s motor skills are consolidated and physical qualities are developed. Leisure activities help to develop in children a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, determination, courage, discipline, and organization.

Physical education leisure in a preschool institution is carried out 1-2 times a month, starting from the 2nd junior group. It is recommended to conduct it in the evening (16-17 hours), on days when there are no physical education classes. In summer, leisure activities can take place in the first half of the day (9-11 hours).

Physical education activities are carried out both outdoors and indoors. The duration of leisure time ranges from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the age of the children. Leisure time should not be prolonged, as physical and emotional fatigue negatively affects children’s health. Younger preschoolers still find it difficult to carry out simultaneous, joint activities in a large group, so at this age leisure time is spent only with children of one group. In older preschool age, it is possible to combine two parallel age groups.

At the beginning of the school year, a long-term plan for the preschool institution is drawn up, which includes physical education activities. The topic of physical education activities, timing, location, participants, and those responsible are outlined. Taking as a basis the program material on the upbringing and training of preschool children, when planning leisure activities, the head of physical education must proceed from the conditions of his preschool institution, the age and individual characteristics of the children, their experience, and preparedness.

Due to the fact that physical education leisure is based on physical exercises familiar to children, games learned in physical education classes, and walks, when planning leisure time, the tasks are no longer of learning, but of consolidation and improvement. And health-improving and especially educational tasks come to the fore. Unlike physical education classes, a complex technological chain of preparatory and lead-in exercises is not required. However, one must try to ensure that the movements included in leisure time are aimed at the harmonious development of various physical qualities, and the work of different muscle groups alternates and the load is regulated.

Physical exercises included in leisure activities should be well mastered by all children. Children who find it difficult to perform one or another exercise should be given individual additional lessons.

Leisure time differs from physical education in all sorts of surprise moments (introducing a character, receiving a letter from someone with a task, presenting small gifts, prizes).

When spending leisure time, the child performs various motor tasks. He behaves more directly than in physical education classes. The relaxed and natural use of motor skills ensures the expressiveness, artistry, and aesthetics of his movements. Physical activity is the best way to develop relaxed and beautiful movements. Moderate muscle load improves well-being and lifts your mood.

Physical education leisure develops thinking, imagination, determination, and a culture of feelings (for example, they teach a child to restrain his feelings and desires, to show determination). It develops in children the ability to move to music, an ear for music, and memory. Physical education does not require special training. It is built on familiar material. Entertainment is provided both with one group and with groups of children close in age. In leisure time, the teacher takes an active part: he gives commands for the beginning and end of a game or motor task, sums up the results, is the main judge of the competition and creates an emotional atmosphere with his interested attitude to what is happening. Paraphernalia plays an important role in maintaining a joyful mood and creating positive emotions: emblems, medals, pennants, scoreboards, etc.

In terms of content and composition, physical education leisure can be different: it is based on familiar games and game exercises, on elements of sports games (basketball, hockey, football, tennis, etc.), on exercises in basic movements (running, jumping, riding bicycles, scooters, roller skates, jumping rope). This leisure option is a kind of test for the child in mastering the listed types of movements and mastering the correct technique of movements. Physical education leisure can be based mainly on relay race games such as “Fun Starts” or “Call of the Jungle”. This leisure time includes movements learned in physical education classes.

Musical leisure is interesting. The child practices performing movements with objects (balls, ribbons, hoops, etc.) and rhythmic exercises. Such leisure develops creativity, initiative, beauty, grace and expressiveness of movements.

When developing a physical education program, the following points are taken into account:

  1. The content of the program is consistent with the completed educational material;
  2. Games and exercises varied in motor content and motor characteristics are used;
  3. The placement of games and exercises in leisure activities meets the rules of dosage: physical activity gradually increases, and in the last task decreases;
  4. After relay games or other tasks that excite children, riddles, poems, games of low mobility, round dance games are planned, providing a change of activity, but not reducing the emotional uplift;
  5. After frontal games of great mobility, tasks follow in which more resilient children act;
  6. Mandatory musical accompaniment;
  7. Creating game situations in which the child must make his own decisions;
  8. Formation of positive emotions, including through the inclusion of skits, dramatization, guest heroes of familiar fairy tales and cartoons.

When developing leisure scenarios, it is necessary to take a creative approach to choosing a topic and form of implementation.

Based on the theme, leisure activities can be divided into 4 main groups.

  1. Entertaining. “Fun Starts”, “Petrushka’s Fun”, etc.
  2. Cognitive. "Sports Quiz", "Fort Bayard".
  3. Moral and patriotic. “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”, “Folk fun”
  4. Developing the habit of a healthy lifestyle. “Sun, air and water are our best friends,” “Cleanliness is the key to health.”

Physical education leisure and holidays allow, without reducing the general emotional state, to stimulate the activity of each child, taking into account his individual capabilities; take a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions; not to disappoint with comments and criticism, but to give the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of joy from the movements he performed, and to rejoice in the successes of others. When spending leisure time and holidays, I involve children in direct participation in various competitions and competitions. At the same time, children behave more spontaneously than in physical education classes, and this looseness allows them to move without much tension. It is more natural to use those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered, to show a kind of artistry and aesthetics in movements, which is of no small importance for the development of the personality of each child. Children also participate in leisure activities. Topics and content of leisure activities are discussed with children of senior preschool age, gifts for spectators, elements of costumes, and decoration of the hall are made.

When spending leisure time, much attention is paid to the costume of the heroes. This helps in a matter of minutes to set up children, attract their attention, surprise, stun, depending on the chosen image.

Musical accompaniment is thought out using recordings of children's favorite songs from children's cartoons, popular pop groups, soloists and classical music.

It is important to attach great importance to the artistic expression used in the script. Together with the teachers, poems, songs, and riddles needed on the topic are selected. Some of them are taught by children, some by the presenter, as well as characters invited to the holiday.

Such organization of leisure allows children to achieve complete liberation, manifestation of their independence, imagination, creativity in the choice of movements, and in the feeling of muscular joy.

When spending your leisure time, you can use non-traditional equipment and inventory, selecting it according to the chosen topic, for example: “plumbing” from plastic bottles, an obstacle course - coffee cans, a fun relay race with water - eggs from Kinder Surprise, bumps from foam rubber , flowers made of batting, walking paths made of oilcloth, etc.

When spending leisure time outdoors, it is best to use the natural landscape and sports equipment made from waste material (tires of different sizes, logs). All this arouses interest, joy, and desire in children to move and participate in the game.

In the case when children of different ages are united, it becomes possible to teach children in the process of communication, to understand each other, to empathize with failures, to take care of older ones about younger ones, and to rejoice at successes. In this case, the activities of the spectators must be thought through. This could be participation in a warm-up, a general outdoor game, dancing, performing certain movements while sitting still. It is important not to reduce the emotional uplift of leisure until the end of the action. Prizes and treats will help with this, encouraging the activity of children, because every child is so happy about a small gift.

A significant place in the program of physical education for older children is occupied by games and game tasks of a competitive relay race type. Relay races allow players to more clearly sense each other’s presence, teach them to take into account the gaming behavior of their partners and interact with them. Psychologists, answering the question: “How does success come?”, answer that it can be achieved through special training. And relay races and sports games are a universal means of “training for success,” the main advantage of which is that children can make mistakes and correct their mistakes.

In the summer, it is better to spend your leisure time in the fresh air, which is, of course, very healthy. This optimizes the physical condition of children and strengthens their body. Children come into close contact with natural materials and deeply recognize their native land.

One of the forms of active recreation for children and adults is a physical education and sports festival. It involves a variety of physical exercises combined with elements of dramatization, choreography, singing, quizzes, competitions and attractions.

A holiday is always joy and fun. His anticipation alone can evoke positive emotions in a child. This makes the holiday an indispensable means of preventing and even treating various health disorders. It has long been known that a good mood and a life-affirming mood have a high healing power.

The most important result of the holiday is the joy of participation, victory, communication, and joint activities.

The process of preparing for the holiday unites the children's team, teachers and parents with unity of purpose and common goals.

During any holiday, a number of tasks are solved, but at the same time the main task is set, in accordance with which the theme and content, techniques and methods of work are selected.

The culmination of any holiday is a surprise moment: the unexpected appearance of a fairy-tale character and the performance of a short performance. In any case, the performance should be spectacular and fun, accompanied by music and unusual sounds. At the end, it is appropriate to hold a general game of medium mobility (preferably in a circle), organize a mass dance.

The award ceremony should be solemn and fun. Pennants, emblems, souvenirs should be placed in the most honorable place in the group. Such a “victory corner” is a source of pride for the child. Here you can place photographs and drawings on the theme “Our holiday”. This will allow children to develop a strong interest in physical education and their achievements in sports, which is one of the most important conditions for developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

It has become a good tradition for the garden to photograph holidays using photo and video cameras. After the holiday, children and parents look at bright photos and video materials with interest. The memory of participating in the holiday remains with the children for many years.

Article on the topic “Sports leisure and entertainment”



Kubyshkina N.D., Budyakova N.L.,

MBDOU DS No. 71 “Pochemuchka”

Stary Oskol urban district

One of the forms that effectively promotes the physical development of preschool children, promoting health and developing the right habits is organized leisure activities. What is sports leisure?

Sports leisure is a type of activity purposefully organized by adults for play, entertainment, and relaxation. Sports leisure increases interest in sports, has a beneficial effect on the child’s body, consolidates motor skills and abilities, develops motor qualities (speed, agility), promotes a sense of teamwork, friendship, develops endurance, attention, courage, perseverance, organization.

The goal of sports leisure is the formation of a competent, enthusiastic and competent sports personality, introducing preschool children to a healthy lifestyle.

Objectives of sports leisure: promotion of a healthy lifestyle; searching for forms of obtaining information about a healthy lifestyle that are emotionally attractive to children; creating conditions conducive to preserving and strengthening health, introducing the child to a healthy lifestyle; development of physical qualities: strength, speed, flexibility, dexterity, coordination of movements, as well as optimization of motor activity; nurturing in children an emotionally positive attitude towards physical culture as a natural component of universal human culture; creative and comprehensive development of the child’s personality; harmonization of relationships: children-parents-teachers; increasing the interest of parents of pupils in participating in physical education activities with their children.

Forms of organizing sports and leisure activities: independent motor activity, sports festivals, physical education leisure and entertainment, health days, outdoor games.

During independent motor activity, the child tries his hand, shows initiative, and evaluates the effectiveness of his actions. In this activity, a child has the opportunity to actively repeat movements as many times as he wants, choose those movements that are currently interesting to him, act and think independently of an adult, and experiment. All this increases his tone and charges him with positive emotions. In this regard, it is important to strive to organize the child’s life in such a way that independent motor activity makes up at least 2/3 of his total motor activity.

Sports festivals are a form of demonstrating the achievements of children over a certain period of time, the dynamics of their physical fitness.

It is advisable to conduct winter, spring and summer holidays, selecting for them the content of physical exercises that correspond to the program. The duration of the holiday is no more than 30 - 40 minutes. The content of the physical education festival depends on the season and the conditions in which it takes place. Maintaining interest and creating a festive mood is facilitated by the colorful design of the site, the gym, and the inclusion of surprise moments in the content of the holiday.

Physical education leisure and entertainment are not aimed at honing the technique of performing certain movements and exercises, but at nurturing positive emotions, high motor activity of children, free and relaxed mutual understanding. The main content consists of familiar exercises with elements of novelty, fun, and entertainment that bring joy and pleasure. This allows you to avoid spending a lot of time explaining and learning. Updating games is possible through the introduction of unexpected conditions for children, new benefits, and methods of organization. Surprising moments bring great joy: the arrival of a favorite fairy-tale hero, the participation of parents, older sisters and brothers, and demonstration performances of older children.

Health days are aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor games develop, temper, strengthen, and contribute to the development of the child’s personality.

Sports leisure

Types of leisure and holidays

Contributing to the formation of a healthy lifestyle are thematic holidays, such as “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Winter Fun”

Fostering a strong interest in physical education and sports, in personal achievements - “Fun Starts”, “Olympic Games”

Holidays that promote a good mood are musical and sports holidays and joint holidays with parents “Tourist Rally”, “Mom and I are Best Friends”, “We are Strong Friends with Sports”, etc.

Developing creative activity, initiative, communication skills - “Fizkult-hurray!”, “Call of the Jungle”, etc.

Forming cognitive activity - children solve riddles and solve problematic problems.

Developing moral qualities - children unite with the goal of helping the characters in trouble in “Rescue Aibolit”, “For the Golden Key”.

Requirements when drawing up a leisure scenario

— ensuring a gradual increase in mental and physical stress;

- alternating games and competitions with high physical activity and emotional intensity and tasks aimed at relieving stress (using poems, songs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, beginnings, etc.);

— alternation of mass and individual games and tasks;

— participation and assessment of the activities of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics and capabilities;

- a combination of games and tasks that are familiar to children and evoke a positive emotional state with the inclusion of new attributes, music, and characters.

Sports leisure is an integral part of the life of preschool children, their physical activity, one of the most important means of physical development of preschool children. Thanks to the organization of physical education events and active recreation for children, favorable conditions are created for consolidating motor skills and motor qualities; interest in physical education increases; children's creative potential, motor expressiveness, and creative imagination are revealed; conditions are created for active cooperation between children, parents and teachers in the physical development and improvement of children.

Sports activities with a ball in a preschool educational institution

Sports leisure “Red, yellow, blue, don’t rush after you!”

Author: Elena Ivanovna Kameneva Description of the material: The methodological development is intended for educators, physical education instructors, and parents. It contains games, relay races, exercises with a ball, suitable for a group of different ages. Goal: creating positive emotions in children, attracting children to actively participate in games with balls. Objectives: introduce children to ball games;
strengthen different muscle groups when exercising with the ball, develop dexterity and eye when rolling the ball. Strengthen the ability to act on a signal; develop dexterity, endurance, speed of reaction. Develop the ability to hear and follow commands, cultivate friendliness, a sense of mutual assistance and team spirit. Leisure activities:
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle: Light, sonorous and elastic, Round, like a bun. It's a pleasure to spend your free time with him. He's like a bunny, jumping and jumping. Both the girl and the boy play with him with pleasure. Everyone will immediately guess - Well, of course, this. (ball) Educator: Today we will play with balls throughout our lesson! Now let’s take the balls in our hands and do exercises with them. Game exercises with a ball. Walking in a column one at a time with the ball in your hands Walking on your toes, raising your hands with the ball up Running with the ball in your hands ORU with the ball. 1. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands below; raise the ball forward, up, look at it, lower it forward and down, return to the starting position; 2. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, take the ball to the side, to the other, return to the starting position; 3. I. p.: sitting on your heels, the ball in both hands in front of you; rise to a kneeling position, ball up, return to starting position; 4. I. p.: sitting, legs apart, ball in front of you. Raise the ball up, bend over, touch the ball to the floor as far as possible, straighten up, return to the starting position; 5. I. p.: standing, legs together. Jumping in place, ball in hands near chest.

Educator: “The bright rays of summer have decorated the balls. I give them to you willingly. Get to work. Collect them, guys." Game "Collect balls by color." Balls of different colors in a basket. You need to put them in buckets of the same color.

Educator: My cheerful ringing ball, where did you start galloping? Blue, red, blue - Can't keep up with you. Relay race “Swap the ball”. Run with the big ball to the basket where the small one lies. Change balls. The next player exchanges the small ball for a large one.

Educator: Our funny ball can’t lie like that. He asks the kids to play with him. Game "Pass the ball". The first child passes the ball over his head back to the next participant and so on until the end of the team, the last one runs with the ball and stands in front.

Educator: One, two, three - push the ball to me, Three, two, one - let's play with it. Exercise “Roll a ball to each other” Children sit in pairs opposite each other, legs apart, roll balls to each other.

Educator: The funny ball called us to the playground, so that everyone could become friends with it and become stronger and stronger. Game "Sharp Shooter". You need to throw the ball into a container of a certain color.

Educator: Loud, loud and bouncy, it flies away beyond the clouds and jumps loudly in the yard to the joy of the children. (Ball) Medium mobility game “My Ball” Children line up in a circle and pass a large ball to each other in a circle, the teacher pronounces the words: You roll, funny ball, Quickly - quickly through the hands, The one who stops jumps up on his own! The child who has the ball in his hands goes to the center of the circle and jumps on two legs, the rest of the children clap their hands.

Educator: “I see you like to play. Well, how about dancing?” Dance with balls.

Educator: The ball played with us, But suddenly he got tired of jumping! But we are not saying goodbye to him, we will meet him again.

We recommend watching:

Scenario of physical education leisure in the middle group on the topic: Winter Summer sports leisure based on fairy tales in the middle group. Scenario Physical education leisure in kindergarten for the middle group Physical education leisure in the middle group of kindergarten based on the fairy tale: Teremok

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Physical education activities in kindergarten.

In a preschool educational institution, a child receives comprehensive development; under the guidance of educators, he develops mentally, physically, and morally. The emotional coloring of acquired knowledge is very important.

It is known that emotions play an important role in a child’s life, physiologist N.M. Shcheglov wrote: “Emotions not only constitute the most valuable psychological content of a child’s life, but also have a very important physiological significance in the life of the body . The very first stage of a child’s communication with the world is the emotional stage. This means that there should be a positive emotional atmosphere in kindergarten, this is facilitated by various forms of entertainment (musical, theatrical, physical education and others)

A special place is occupied by physical education leisure, which, with the correct selection of the elements included in them, can become an effective means of influencing a child’s personality. Physical education leisure and holidays contribute to the development of thinking, imagination, determination, and also form a sense of responsibility, teach them to restrain their desires and show determination.

During physical education, the child gets the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of joy from the movements performed by him and other children; rejoice in your successes and the successes of your comrades. During leisure time, children behave more spontaneously and relaxed than in physical education classes, which allows them to move without much stress, using the motor skills that they have already mastered, and to show artistry and aesthetics in their movements.

Physical education activities do not require special training for children. They are based on familiar material, but if new movements are used, they should not cause difficulties for children.

Options for physical education.

  1. Leisure is based on well-known games and play exercises (carried out in all age groups).
  2. Leisure time is based on exercises in basic types of movements and sports exercises (conducted from the second half of the year in the middle group).
  3. “Fun Starts” is based mainly on relay races (held in senior and preparatory groups).
  4. Leisure is based on elements of one of the sports games: basketball, football, hockey, table tennis, towns. (carried out in senior and preparatory groups).
  5. Leisure time is musical and sports (carried out in senior and preparatory groups).

In primary and secondary preschool age, a fairy-tale character can be introduced into the content of leisure activities. You can also use an entertaining plot. It is advisable to devote physical education leisure to the seasons, interesting sporting events, and public holidays.

Duration of physical education:

Junior group, middle group - 20 minutes;

Senior group – 25 minutes;

Preparatory group – 30 -35 minutes.

The success of physical education leisure activities lies not in the special preparation of children for them, but in everyday, large, serious work with children on the development of movements.

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Physical education holidays and leisure in kindergarten.

Physical education holidays and leisure in kindergarten.

Physical activity itself is enjoyable. Moderate muscle load always improves well-being and lifts your mood. Physical activity is the best way to relax. Physical education holidays and leisure activities, with the correct selection of the elements included in them, can become an effective means of influencing a child’s personality. They promote the development of thinking, imagination, determination, as well as the formation of a sense of responsibility, teach them to restrain their desires and show determination. Physical education holidays and leisure allow the teacher, without reducing the general emotional state, to stimulate the activity of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics; take a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions; not to disappoint with unnecessary comments and criticism, but to give the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of joy from the movements performed by him and other children; rejoice in the success of another.

When spending leisure time, all children are introduced to direct participation in various competitions, competitions, and enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more directly than in physical education classes, and this looseness allows them to move without much stress. It is more natural to use those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered, to show a kind of artistry and aesthetics in movements. It is good when physical education holidays and leisure activities are accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of children’s sense of beauty, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a musical work, and develops an ear for music and memory.

The purpose of such holidays is the active participation of the entire children's group, through which the motor preparedness of children and the ability to demonstrate physical qualities in unusual conditions and play situations are revealed. The program includes:

  • physical exercise,
  • games with elements of sports and outdoor games,
  • sport exercises,
  • games - relay races,
  • entertaining quizzes and riddles.

The widespread use of musical works and gaming techniques (constructing
a script in plot form)
makes the holiday an emotionally vivid, memorable event in a child’s life.

Physical education holidays have an effective impact on the formation of a child’s personality. Joint activities, achieving good results as a team, overcoming difficulties unites the team and evokes a sense of responsibility (individual and collective). Children learn to empathize with the successes and failures of their comrades, to be able to rejoice in their achievements, to maintain good, friendly relationships with each other, and to be helpful and caring towards those younger in age. They develop a desire to achieve not only high individual, but also team success. At the same time, respect for playing partners and the opposing team develops. The competitive nature of games and exercises at holidays (leisure) contributes to the development of purposefulness, perseverance and resourcefulness, courage, determination and other moral and volitional qualities. Participation in physical education holidays helps children to better understand the importance of systematic exercises in motor actions, achieving the desired results, and awakens interest in regular physical education classes.

The content of physical education holidays and leisure, and their methodology.

Physical education holidays

in kindergarten are organized in accordance with program guidelines.
The number of them during the year in middle, high and preparatory school groups
is twice a year. The frequency and duration (within 40 minutes) varies depending on the age of the children, the conditions of the event, the purpose and content of the holiday. At the beginning of the year, physical education holidays are planned and their themes are outlined. At the same time, sometimes it is allowed to unite two or three groups of older preschoolers from two or three nearby kindergartens.

Active motor activity of all children at a physical education festival is an important factor in its educational effectiveness. Children tend to have an emotional and motor perception of the competitions, relay races, and attractions that take place at the festival. They often react too violently to the victory and failure of their comrades, shouting very loudly and stomping their feet. Although the children’s desire to support the competitors is understandable. It is still important to be able to restrain yourself and express your feelings more moderately. Adults should not forget about this and strive to maintain reasonable organization and disciplined behavior of children during the holiday. At the same time, you should be sensitive to the manifestations of children, and not drown out their joy with frequent and unjustified remarks. The greatest benefits for the health and strengthening of children come from physical education events organized in the open air. During the holiday, it is necessary to ensure sufficiently high physical activity, subject to rational clothing for children. When holding physical education events indoors, you should be guided by these rules and avoid reducing the time children spend outdoors.

One of the most important requirements for organizing holidays is to hold them in different seasons of the year. Taking this into account, they can take place in a variety of natural terrain conditions. The theme, structure, specifics, preparatory work and design largely depend on the specific location of the holiday. When drawing up the holiday program, determining the theme, selecting the content and its design, it is advisable to take into account the specific climatic conditions and the peculiarities of the national traditions of the population of the republic, region, region, district.

Drawing up a program for a physical education holiday.

Preparation for a physical holiday begins with drawing up a program.

It is advisable to highlight several sections in the program where the purpose and objectives of the holiday should be reflected (and on this basis all preparatory work should be carried out); the date and time of its holding, the expected duration, the location of the physical festival and individual numbers of the program - parades of participants, mass performances, competitions in various types of games and exercises, competitions; identify those responsible for preparing and holding the holiday; indicate the number of participants, age groups of children who will take part in it; indicate which of the teachers and parents will be involved in the work, determine the procedure for summing up the results of competitions and competitions (individual and collective), and encouraging the participants of the holiday.

For example, when drawing up a program for a physical holiday, which is supposed to be held under the motto “We are the future athletes,” it is advisable to indicate the following:

1. The purpose of the physical culture holiday is to promote the mass character of physical culture and sports. 2. Tasks:

  • Developing children's interest in physical education, promoting creative expression of the physical and volitional conditions of competition.
  • Fostering a sense of pride in the country's sporting achievements.
  • Popularization of the importance of physical education among parents.

3. Place and time of the holiday (physical education playground of a preschool institution)

4. Management of the preparation of the holiday.

Composition of the commission: staff of the preschool institution, including a doctor or nurse 5. Participants of the holiday. Composition: children, teachers, parents.

6. Encouragement of participants (awarding) is carried out according to the principle “The main thing is not victory, but participation.” Memorable badges and souvenirs are awarded to all children. 7. Preliminary work.

8. Distribution of responsibilities: preparation of attributes for games and exercises; production of emblems for teams, commemorative badges for awardees; development of the holiday script, its musical arrangement; children learning gymnastic exercises for performances in physical education classes, selecting and repeating songs and dances, ensuring safety of the festival venue.

9. Preparatory work of the teacher with children: regular mastery of gymnastic exercises during physical education classes and exercises, gymnastics; daily participation of children in outdoor and sports games, sports exercises provided for by the program; decoration of holiday venues. Conducting classes in fine arts on the topic “Sports in our lives”; Design of albums and stands reflecting children's performances at the festival.

10. Organization of joint work with parents: distribution of responsibilities with parents; creating a team from among the parents participating in the holiday, conducting consultations; preparing a place for organizing competitions and attractions, sportswear and costumes for performances, holiday surprises and posters; participation in artistic design, approval of the script and implementation of the holiday program; photographing children.

11. Preparation of a sports facility: creating conditions for children to perform, organizing games, competitions, attractions, and the work of the refereeing team; ensuring safety of equipment.

The given diagram of a physical education holiday is approximate; it should be specified for each holiday, taking into account the tasks and conditions in which it is planned to be held. Scenario development:

One of the most important sections of work in preparation for a physical education festival is the development of a script, which is entrusted to a commission from among the staff of the preschool institution: senior teacher, teacher of children's groups performing at the festival, music director. In the case when children from several preschool institutions unite at the holiday, teachers and music directors of these kindergartens take part in the work of the commission. During the preparation of the group, the group of employees responsible for developing the script seeks the help of experienced and creative educators, parents, involves them in drawing up greetings, roll calls, competitions, writing poems, and consults with them on other numbers of the program.

The scenario of a physical education holiday is built on the basis of programmatic and methodological requirements for the physical, hygienic, aesthetic, and moral education of preschool children. When developing a holiday script, you should take into account its main idea, the motto under which it takes place. So, for example, for holidays held under the motto “Sun, air and water are our best friends”, “Health is strength”, “We grow healthy, strong, cheerful”, the main tasks are to promote the importance of physical culture, hygienic factors, natural forces of nature, as the most important means of promoting health, hardening, improving body functions, and cultivating children’s interest in physical exercise and games. The program of such holidays should include games, relay races, and collective performances by children, in which they demonstrate how strong, strong, and fast they have become. In literary and artistic material - poems, songs, team addresses to the team, etc. The meaning of morning exercises and fun outdoor games is revealed. It is appropriate to use poems, game images, plot situations that allow you to show in a humorous manner what a negative attitude towards hygiene, neglect of physical education, fear of fresh air, etc. leads to. The content of the physical education festival largely depends on the season of the year and the specific conditions in which it is held. So, at a holiday in winter, it is possible to use physical exercises and games characteristic of winter conditions - sledding, skiing games and competitions, elements of hockey games, relay games on ice, in the snow, etc. Wide scope for selecting a variety of exercises and games opens up when holding physical education events in the summer outdoors. Under these conditions, it is possible to include in the content of the holiday mass performances by children that require large free space, relay games with running, jumping and running, throwing at a target and at a distance, balance exercises in different conditions, as well as tasks performed on bicycles and scooters, elements of sports games (basketball, badminton, football), fun rides. When drawing up a scenario for a physical education holiday, regardless of where and under what conditions it is held, one should strive to ensure that its content is varied, interesting, creates the opportunity for the active participation of all groups of children, and brings joy and pleasure not only to the children participating in the holiday, but also for spectators, children and adults, guests invited to the holiday. When developing a scenario for a physical education holiday, it is necessary to adhere to certain material. The following approximate diagram of how the holiday will be organized

: 1.Opening of the holiday, parade of participants.

2. Demonstration performances of groups, teams, combined gymnastic exercises. 3. The mass part of the holiday with the participation of all children and guests present in games and relay races. 4. End of the holiday, summing up, rewarding, closing of the holiday. The opening of the holiday usually begins with a ceremonial part, participants entering the hall or physical training ground, followed by formation, submission of a report, and greetings

head of the kindergarten. At the beginning of the holiday, a roll call is held and a common song is performed, in which the ideological orientation of the holiday is clearly expressed. The opening ends with the raising of the flag and a parade of participants.

After the ceremonial part - demonstration performances consisting of different compositions of general developmental exercises, which are performed by children in different formations - columns, two circles, squares, in a column or line, diagonally, with various objects: multi-colored flags, flowers, balls, hoops. Performing general developmental exercises by a group of children is replaced by small group or individual performances, in which children show their skills in different types of physical exercises (jumping rope, exercises with long ribbons, multi-colored balls, and other objects). Physical education routines alternate with the performance of songs, dance routines, and the reading of poems. Guests invited to the holiday can also perform demonstration numbers: former kindergarten students, sports school students, adult preschool employees, parents. Games with elements of competition, relay races, various games, types of sports exercises and sports games bring great excitement to the content of the holiday. Along with small-group games, the festival also organizes mass games that are well known to all children. Entire groups of children, as well as guests and parents, take part in them. Particularly interesting for children are amusement games in which tasks are performed in unusual conditions. Maintaining interest, creating a good, festive mood contributes to the inclusion of a “surprise moment” in the content of the holiday: the unexpected appearance of Winter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, cheerful buffoons, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, Doctor Aibolit and other fairy-tale characters. Their communication with children and guests of the holiday, participation in games, dances, awarding the winners of relay races and competitions enlivens the holiday, attracts attention to what is happening, gives children a lot of fun and joy, and remains in the memory for a long time. In conclusion, the results of the holiday are summed up, awards are given, a general round dance, dancing, and a parade of participants are held. Preparing children.

All preparatory work with children in groups should be carried out gradually. The teacher systematically conducts with the children all the forms of work and types of physical education classes provided for by the program: certain types of physical exercises and games included in the content of the holiday are learned by the children gradually, in physical education classes, repeated in morning exercises, walks, by organizing active and sports activities. games. All this is done for the purpose of the physical development of children, improving their motor skills, and nurturing physical qualities. You should not teach your children specific games, exercises, or relay races that will be included in the holiday program. It is advisable to perform some of their elements, in the form of tasks, during classes, walks, but with other aids and in other conditions. So, in the process of individual work carried out by the teacher, children practice various actions with the ball - hitting, dribbling, passing the ball, one of these actions will be included in the relay race during the holiday. It is advisable to perform balance exercises in different conditions: on the ground, on a log, on a cube, or on a narrow rail. In the relay race, children easily cope with the task of running across the bridge. Preparations for a physical education festival should be carried out in such a way that there is no need for repeated mass rehearsals.

You should be especially careful when selecting musical works. Expressive, solemn music is selected for the opening of the holiday, and a vigorous march is selected for the parade. The musical accompaniment of various performances should correspond to their character: the performance of general developmental exercises is accompanied by rhythmic, smooth music, and attraction games are accompanied by cheerful, cheerful music. Music directors are instructed to select songs, dances, musical works, learn them if necessary, record individual musical fragments on a medium, and ensure timely broadcast of them during the holiday. Holiday decoration.

The group responsible for the artistic design of the holiday venues (gym hall, sports ground, swimming pool, kindergarten territory) should strive to ensure that the entire environment evokes high spirits and joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. In the summer, garlands, balls, multi-colored flags, pictures, and posters with sports themes are hung in the kindergarten premises and on the site. The territory of the site is put in order in advance - green spaces are watered, paths are saturated with sand, aids and toys are beautifully placed on the site. In winter, the area is decorated with snow figures of animals well known to children, fairy tale characters (hare, fox, bear, etc.), paths are cleared of snow, sliding paths are filled, snow structures are put in order (slides, shafts and labyrinths), ski track Children's performance areas in winter are decorated with flowers, flags, pieces of ice, streamers, and tinsel.

The responsibilities of the person responsible for the decoration include preparing announcements for parents and holiday posters.

Children, together with teachers and parents, take an active part in the festive decoration of the premises and territories of the kindergarten. During fine arts classes (drawing, appliqué), older preschoolers can make various crafts (flashlights, multi-colored flags, decorate emblems, badges) to decorate the physical education playground and gymnasium. Children assist the teacher in preparing manuals and physical education equipment, cleaning the area, making costumes for individual characters, and building snow buildings.

Methodology for conducting a physical education festival.

1. Judging.

Particular attention is paid to the training of judges. The panel of judges includes: the head, senior teacher, teachers of groups taking part in the holiday, parents who are interested in participating in the holiday. On the advice of the panel of judges, the requirements for performing various numbers of the holiday should be discussed, evaluation criteria should be determined taking into account the age characteristics of the participants in the holiday. As practice shows, the most correct way is to evaluate children’s achievements not by a point system, but by the quality of performance of various motor actions included in the holiday program, as well as the manifestation of the physical qualities of speed, dexterity, good coordination of movements and orientation in space. Members of the panel of judges must be attentive, friendly, and objective. When summing up and analyzing the results achieved in team competitions, games, and relay races, it is necessary to take into account the individual data and capabilities of each person, to note the diligence and honest compliance of the rules by children. It is important to take care of maintaining friendly relations in the team, to prevent cases of disrespect, hostile attitude towards a friend, and arrogance.

2. Holding a holiday.

On the day of the holiday, everything should be ready for it. Colorful design of places for performances, games, and competitions that corresponds to the theme of the holiday should evoke joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. The entire staff of the preschool institution takes an active part in this.

The holiday must begin exactly at the appointed time. It is important to create a good, calm environment and not allow disruption to the children’s routine.

3. Host of the holiday.

The host plays an important role during the celebration. They may be an experienced teacher, a senior teacher. The success of the holiday largely depends on the host. He must know well the script of the holiday, the sequence of speeches of all participants, be able to briefly and clearly explain tasks for teams and individual speakers, be active, resourceful, and quickly resolve unforeseen situations. The presenter must be well aware of the characteristics of preschool children, be able to distribute attention, and see children’s reactions to victory and defeat in games, relay races, and attractions. It is very important to cheer up a low-active child in a timely manner and involve him in the performance along with everyone else. Throughout the entire holiday, it is necessary to activate each participant as much as possible, including not leaving without attention the children present at the holiday as spectators, using a moment of humor for this. In the process of managing the course of the holiday, it is mandatory to maintain contacts between the presenter and the panel of judges and coordinated joint actions with it. The celebration must not be allowed to prolong too much. This can lead to overwork of children, loss of interest in what is happening and, as a consequence, violation of discipline. It is important that the actions at the festival change continuously, there should be no pauses between performances, or long periods of thinking over the judges’ scores. The holiday should create an upbeat mood, the maintenance of which depends on the host.

4. Summing up and rewarding.

A good impression of the holiday is created at its organizational completion, summing up, and awarding the participants. It is necessary to think in advance about the form of rewarding children for doing exercises well, taking precedence in relay races, resourcefulness and dexterity demonstrated in attractions and fun games. It is important that there are no losers at the holiday, so that every child feels happy from participating in it. It is good if the winners are awarded, taking into account such mottos as “Everyone wins - no one loses”, “The main thing is not victory, but participation”, “Friendship wins”. Awards and signs of attention can be different: commemorative medals, pennants, badges, diplomas, emblems are used differently.

Awarding the winners and participants can be the most unexpected. So, in honor of the winners, a song or dance is performed, the participating children receive sweet prizes (they can also be awarded a variety of homemade medals). Children of primary preschool age present flowers to the winners. It is also necessary to note not only children, but also adults who took an active part in preparing and holding the holiday. Children share their impressions of the holiday in conversations with adults and independently repeat individual exercises, games, and relay races.

Your favorite episodes of the holiday are reflected in drawings, modeling and appliqué. Adults should be attentive to the emotional experiences of children associated with the holiday, maintain an interested attitude towards physical education and sports, and do their best to encourage children to participate in healthy active recreation.

Physical education.

Physical education

- one of the most effective forms of active recreation. Its content consists of physical exercises, which are carried out in the form of fun games, fun, and entertainment. Exercises performed with emotional upliftment have a beneficial effect on the child’s body.

During physical education, children’s motor skills are consolidated and motor qualities (speed, dexterity, spatial orientation, etc.) are developed. Physical education leisure activities contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, friendship, mutual assistance, develop endurance and attention, dedication, courage, perseverance, discipline and organization.

Pedagogical requirements for the organization and conduct of physical education.

Physical education is carried out in all age groups, starting from the second youngest (you can start from the 1st youngest group) once a month (at an early age 1 time. In the younger and middle groups for 20-30 minutes, in the older - 30-35 minutes, in preparatory school - 35-40 minutes. They are organized in the afternoon. During the holidays, as well as in the summer, physical education can be carried out in the first half of the day, after breakfast.

When planning leisure activities, it is necessary to take into account such forms of work as a “health day”, a physical education holiday, and vacations. You should not engage in physical education activities on
days reserved for physical education activities
. It is most convenient to spend leisure time with students of the same age group, especially in primary and secondary preschool age. However, it is permissible to combine two same-age and different-age groups. The effectiveness of this form of work depends on the active participation of each child. Adults should not forget that preschoolers tend to violently express their emotions, especially during games and relay races of a competitive nature. We must not allow children to become overexcited, but at the same time we must be sensitive to their emotional manifestations and not drown out their joyful mood with frequent and unjustified remarks. For example, a teacher, feeling that the children are starting to get overexcited, raises his hand or blows a whistle, pauses, and the children also calm down. Then the teacher in a quiet voice suggests continuing the game. When conducting physical education outdoors in different seasons of the year, children should be dressed appropriately.

Physical education can be organized on a sports ground, a kindergarten site, in the natural environment, as well as indoors. When determining the theme and content of leisure, one should also take into account climatic conditions and national traditions of the local population. As already noted, physical education leisure does not require much organizational and preparatory work, however, the definition of its topics and the selection of content must be approached creatively. When conducting physical education in different age groups, the teacher faces certain tasks:

  • in early preschool age, it is necessary to involve children in all possible participation in collective and individual motor actions, to enrich their vivid impressions.
  • in middle preschool age, teach children to independently participate in competitive exercises, games, and entertainment. At the same time, encourage each child to demonstrate their capabilities.
  • in older preschool age, develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, teach them to take initiative in a variety of activities. The structure of physical education leisure depends on the topic, assigned tasks and conditions. Approximate schemes for constructing physical education leisure.

Junior preschool age.

1. Inviting children to the sports ground.
2. Game tasks for the whole group (walk along the bridge, run like a snake between trees and bushes). 3. Outdoor game. 4. Surprise moment. 5. Performing general developmental exercises. 6. General group exercises in a variety of basic movements (walking and running on all fours, climbing a fallen tree). 7. Outdoor game. 8. Low mobility game. Second option: 1. Surprise moment (appearance of a literary hero). 2. Performing general developmental exercises with large objects (inflatable balls). 3. Game tasks for the whole group (jump to the bell, climb through the hoop. 4. Outdoor game. 5. General group game exercises (knock down the pin). 6. Rewarding with souvenirs. Third option: 1. Riddle, surprise moment. 2. General group exercise in basic movements (walking on a log, on an inclined board) 3. Performing general developmental exercises with small objects (rattles) 4. General group exercises in various movements (jumping over a stream, jumping on one leg along a narrow path) 5. Outdoor game. 6. A calming moment (walking on tiptoes) or a sedentary game “Who is quieter.” Middle preschool age
Games with elements of competition should be gradually introduced into the leisure content - “Who can ride to the horse the fastest,” “Who can fill the bucket the fastest?” bumps", "Whose team will line up faster", "Whose car will arrive at the garage faster", etc. When compiling the content, you should remember the active participation of each child in games and exercises. First option: 1. A surprise moment (telegram, meeting with literary heroes). 2. Game task for the whole group

3. Game exercise for the whole group

4. Round dance game. 5. Competition between two teams (exercises in balance and throwing at a horizontal target, sled racing, etc.). 6. Awarding the winners and all participants in physical education. Second option: 1. Invitation to the sports ground.. 2. Performing general developmental exercises. 3. Outdoor game. 4. Competition between two teams. 5. Individual competitions. 6. Awards for all participants. Third option: 1. A surprise moment, an invitation to the hall. 2. Outdoor game. 3. Attractions: individual and group. 4. Outdoor game. 5. Sedentary play. Fourth option: 1. Enter the hall with music. 2. Free movements to light rhythmic music. 3. Performing general developmental exercises. 4. A surprise moment (the appearance of a fairy-tale character). 5. Attractions: subgroups of 4-5 people participate. 6. Competition between two teams. 7. Rewarding all children. 8. Free dances to music.

Senior preschool age

. In older preschool age, in contrast to younger ones, physical education leisure is based on competitive games, relay races, where children are divided into teams and captains are chosen. Such games require dexterity, dexterity, and coordination of movements. They encourage children to creatively use their motor experience and to search for an independent solution to the problem. Games and exercises should be alternated so that in some the participants are full teams, and in others there are representatives from the teams. It is advisable to alternate physical exercises with objects and games of a competitive nature. Relay races with round dances and general group outdoor games. When selecting tasks, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his capabilities, and motor readiness. It is important that all children participate in games and exercises. Approximate scheme for constructing physical education leisure. First option: 1. Greeting the teams. 2. Team competition (games with elements of competition or games of a competitive nature). 3. Competition of captains 4. Demonstration performances of teams (general developmental exercises with small objects). 5. Summing up. Second option: 1. A surprise moment (a letter with an invitation to the sports ground, field, hall) 2. Demonstration performances (exercises with flowers, snowflakes, leaves). 3. Group outdoor game. 4. Relay race. 5. Sedentary play. Third option: 1.Dance exercises, round dance. 2. General group outdoor game. 3. Attractions. 4. Relay race. 5. Surprise moment.

To create a joyful mood in children. When conducting physical education, it is advisable to decorate the sports ground or premises. It doesn't take much time. The festivity is created by lanterns or flags placed around the site. Physical education activities end with, if possible, a surprise moment: a treat or awarding with badges. To support children’s interest in physical education, you can talk with them about the past holiday, offer to draw what they liked most, and play games and attractions that aroused the greatest interest on subsequent walks.


1. Ermak A.A. Organization of physical education.

2. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children.

3. V.N. Shebeko Features of the organization of physical education and health work in kindergarten

4. information site “Everything for kindergarten”.

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