Requirements for the organization of corners on speech development in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, consultation on speech development (junior group)

Passport of the speech development center in a general developmental group for children 4 – 5 years old

Passport of
the speech development center
a general developmental group
for children 4 – 5 years old

Passport of
the speech development center
a general developmental group
for children 4 – 5 years old

In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the foundations of raising and educating children, since the success of children’s education at school, the ability to communicate with people and general intellectual development depend on the level of mastery of coherent speech. The development of speech and verbal communication is carried out in all types of children's activities, in different forms. The developmental environment and communication are factors that determine speech development.

The subject-development environment is important for the development of young children who do not yet read, especially in their independent activities. A favorable speech environment develops where there is great interest in books, in reading, where intellectual needs arise and are satisfied.

The Speech Development Center was created with the goal of comprehensive development of the speech of our students.

We have created a Lapbook for speech development “Speech” in which “Cheerful Tongue” lives.

The central canvas presents:

Breathing exercises; a set of cards of pure sayings for different sounds “Developing speech”; Exercise to agree a noun with an adjective “We will speak correctly”; finger games; Articulation gymnastics in pictures - Exercise “Tell a story”; Tongue twisters about animals and birds,

“Tell a story” - mnemonic tables; Exercise “Make a sound” in the form of a train with trailers. There is an animal hidden in each trailer;

Poems about animals; A set of riddles; D/i “The Fourth Wheel”, “Seasons”, “Toys”; Poems about vegetables.

The following sides show:

D/i “Guess from the picture”; Baby's books by rn. fairy tales, nursery rhymes;

Exercises for developing fine motor skills “Games with clothespins”;

Theater "Teremok".

Game exercise for developing fine motor skills - Miracle tree “Harvest”;

Exercise for developing breathing “The breeze blows.”

The center includes and helps solve the following tasks:

Development of articulatory motor skills:

object pictures-supports; articulation patterns; articulatory gymnastics in albums for a specific sound; articulatory gymnastics in poems and pictures.

Development of speech breathing:

Strengthening the correct speech exhalation and developing the ability to control the strength and duration of the air stream.

Card index of games, a set of breathing exercises, examples of games: “Blow a snowflake off your mitten”, “Hot tea”, “Football”, “Whose bird will fly farthest”.

Development of fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics using poems, songs, nursery rhymes; Massage with finger rubbing and hand massagers; Folk games with palms; Games with natural materials; Games with household items; Strings; clothespins; beads, laces...


Mnemonics help young children:

  • It is easier to remember poems, tongue twisters, riddles, stories;
  • Recode information from visual to abstract and vice versa;
  • Build a logical chain of events and reproduce the story in the correct order (beginning - middle - ending);
  • Enriches vocabulary;
  • Helps develop thinking;
  • Develops imagination;
  • Helps write long descriptive sentences and coordinate tenses.

A selection of mnemonic tables for memorizing poetry;

Schemes for writing stories;

D/i "Who lives where."

Work on the grammatical structure of speech:

teaching various methods of word formation, the formation of grammatically correct speech.

D/i “Whose Baby”, D/i “Association”, D/i “Professions”, D/i “Tale after Tale”.

“Games for the development of speech in children from 3 to 5 years old”;

D/i “Say a word”, D/i “The fourth odd one”,

D/i “Where, whose baby?”, D/i “Name in one word”,

D/i “Continue the word.”

Replenishing vocabulary:

Activation of vocabulary, generalizing concepts and lexical and grammatical categories. Visually - didactic guide on topics; “Big and small” (used in a diminutive form) “What is made of what”; "Seasons"; "Water transport"; "Air Transport"; "Wild animals"; "Pets"; "Dishes"; "Our house"; "Rules of a small pedestrian";

"Kinds of sports"; "Mushrooms and berries"; "Birds of Russia";

"What is good and what is bad".

The center for speech development
is located next to the bookstore:
Work in this corner contributes to the development of all aspects of the speech system: enrichment of vocabulary, the ability to correctly construct a statement, retell a text, compose descriptive and creative stories.

In the corner there is a selection: portraits of writers;

Poems, fairy tales, stories, r.n. fairy tales, collections of illustrated books.

We play in the theater:

a theater center
with different types of theater
has been created in the group In the dramatization of fairy tales, children learn to construct sentences correctly, transform into different characters, while changing their intonation and voice. Types of theater:


prick theater "Bibabo"; Theater "Rukavichka"; Finger Theater;

Table theater based on the fairy tales “Cat’s House”, “Musicians of Bremen”,

“At the command of the pike”, etc.

Recognition of non-speech sounds:

Card index of musical didactic games; Visually - didactic manual “Musical Instruments”.

Games: “Silence”, “Guess what I’m playing”, “Find out by sound”, “Quiet - loud” and others.

They promote the development of auditory memory and auditory attention, without which it is impossible to teach a child to listen to the speech of others and differentiate phonemes.

At this time, physical hearing works.

Passport of the speech development center in the second junior group “Solnyshko”

Speech Development Center Passport

in the second junior group "Sun"


– the most complex mental process, subject only to man! The issue of speech development in modern children is relevant, because every year the number of children with speech disorders increases.

Our group has created a corner for speech development “Rechevichok”

, according to the age and interest of the children.

The main character of the corner

Game character - Andrei doll ”.
The speech corner is based on gaming and didactic material aimed at developing:

1) Articulatory
motor skills
(object pictures-supports; articulatory gymnastics in verses and pictures, mirrors for a subgroup of children)

2)Correct breathing

– the key to success in mastering difficult to pronounce sounds. Using breathing exercises, you can prevent nervous overstrain, restore proper speech breathing, create a positive emotional mood, and also overcome the child’s speech disorders.

In this corner, to develop proper breathing, we have created didactic games: “Air football”, “Fishing”, “Feed the animals”, as well as turntables, cups, a simulator for developing the strength of the air stream, whistles, plumes, “Bottle with a blizzard” .

3)For the development of coherent speech,

we use sets of subject and subject pictures (based on the lexical topics of the week): “Animals of our forests”, “Pets and their babies”, “Furniture”, “Transport”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits” ", "Berries", "Mushrooms", "Professions", "Seasons", "Stories in Pictures" (part 1 and 2); didactic games and manuals: “Where is whose shadow”, “Seasons”, “Who lives where?”, “Who eats what”, “Whose tail?”, “Gather the harvest”, “Part and whole”, card index of didactic games on speech development; as well as baby books and works of art according to the program, cut-out pictures and different types of theater.

4) Benefits for developing fine motor skills:

finger games based on fairy tales, lacing tale “Kolobok”, lacing “Insects”, “Hedgehog”, insert games, su-jok, walnuts, cones, stencils, clothespins (“Sun”, “Hedgehog”), small toys (kinders)

5) Material on onomatopoeia:

“Noise instruments”, children’s musical instruments: drums, pipe, tambourine, rattle, rattles, musical and didactic game “Musical professions”.

6) Games and tutorials for automating sounds:

album on automation of sounds, pure sayings, poems and nursery rhymes, subject and plot pictures, different types of theater: finger, table, cone table theater, “Bi-Ba-Bo”-mitten doll, glass table theater, flannelgraph, multifunctional screen for theatricalization , theater masks; small toys.

7) Games for vocabulary and grammar:

subject pictures on lexical topics.

The content of the speech corner is determined in accordance with the program and age of the children.

In the speech corner we use objects from the theater and music corner, since dramatization promotes the development of coherent speech.

Thank you for your attention!

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