Notes on application in the preparatory group “Autumn Still Life”

Application made of colored paper. Gifts of Autumn

Autumn crafts for kindergarten. Junior group

Composition “Gifts of Kuban Autumn: fragrant apples, golden pears”
Author: Panfilov Ivan, pupil of kindergarten No. 11 “Fairy Tale”, first junior group. Age: 2 years 8 months Head: Tatyana Anatolyevna Belashova, teacher, MDAOU, general developmental kindergarten No. 11, Korenovsky district Purpose: This work is intended for a child’s portfolio, but can be used as interior decoration or for an autumn exhibition. Goal: To develop a sense of form, texture, tactile sensations. Strengthen your fingers and hands. Create a composition of fruit in a vase using ready-made templates. Objectives: - Teach children to create a beautiful composition of fruits. — Foster independence, develop perception, visual imaginative thinking. — Cultivate accuracy in work. — Develop skills in gluing ready-made forms. This master class will be useful for kindergarten teachers working with children of early preschool age. My kids are very diligent and even at such a young age they amaze with their perseverance and desire to do something. Our garden Our autumn garden is beautiful.
It contains plums and grapes. There are apples and pears on the branches like toys. And by night a chill blows in, And a yellow leaf rustles at your feet. We will collect the fruits in the morning and call all our neighbors. And we’ll wave to the sun, “Thank you, autumn!” - let's say. Auto RU. Rashid Material for work:

Red, yellow, blue cardboard PVA glue Scissors Marker Vanechka brings to your attention this composition

For work we need cardboard

And patterns of vase and apples with pears

We cut out and put apples on red cardboard, and pears on yellow, trace the template and cut it out, to make it faster, you can fold the cardboard like an accordion

We got these fruits

We’ll make a blue vase, prepare everything and let the child see it

Before starting work, the child must have an idea of ​​what he will do, so the teacher, together with the child, first lays out everything on a colored background. Only after this we begin to work. We took a lilac background as a basis, the child carefully smears the back of the vase

Applies it to the background at the bottom and presses it, then you need to remind us that in order for it to stick better, you need to smooth out the vase (we took a cotton pad)

Now we will glue the apples, the child carefully smears the apple on the back side and glues it to the vase

And so gradually alternating apples and pears. Our composition is ready.

The teacher draws an outline to make the work look more expressive

That's it, now for the photo shoot. Thank you for your attention. Vanechka and I wish you creative success.

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Application of autumn leaves for children of the younger group. Autumn crafts made from natural materials. Photo Three-dimensional applique made of colored paper on the theme Autumn for children 4-7 years old. Applications made from seeds for children. Hedgehog and bunny

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Goal: improve cutting technique with scissors; gluing skills.


- learn to transform geometric shapes using scissors (cut a circle from a square by cutting corners);

- develop practical skills and fine motor skills;

— cultivate accuracy and personal hygiene when working with materials and tools; the ability to bring a job started to completion.

Integration of educational areas: socialization, communication, safety, cognition, physical education.

Preliminary work: conversation about people’s work in the autumn in the garden; d/i "Fruits"; telling riddles about fruits.


Demonstration – illustration of an orchard; fruits and berries; blanks of colored paper for display; equipment for application.

Handout - yellow and red squares; equipment for application.

GCD move

— Guys, in the summer the harvest of fruits and berries ripens in the gardens.

- What fruits do you know? berries?

- Let's play and imagine that we are in an orchard. Fruit trees grow there (show illustrations). The fruits and berries on the trees are already ripe.

Gymnastics for arms:

- Let's collect them. (Children raise their hands up and imitate picking apples and cherries with their movements).

Motivational game with the creation of a problem situation:

— We collected a lot of apples and cherries. They will spoil very quickly, what to do, how to preserve them?

- Remember what your mother or grandmother does with fruits and berries in the kitchen.

- Let's cook some compote and put it in jars.

(Children sit at tables)

Fixing the difficulty that has arisen in speech and searching for a way out of the problem situation:

- Look, we have empty jars, are they the same?

- What is the difference?

— What do we put in the big jar? (Apples)

- What should we put in the small one? (cherries)

- What shape are apples? cherries? (Round)

- Look at the geometric shapes you have on your trays? (Squares)

— What color are the squares? (Yellow and red)

—Are the squares the same size? (No: big and small)

- Do squares look like apples and cherries? (No) Why not?

- What should we do? Our game has stopped.

- Who knows how to cut a circle out of a square? (Cut corners)

- We will cut apples from the yellow square, and cherries from the red one.

- Watch me cut an apple out of a yellow square.

Teacher demonstration: put the scissors in the middle of the side and start cutting to the middle of the next side. Our scissors always point straight. Turn the paper.

- Who wants to show how to cut a cherry out of a red square?

A child showing how to carve a cherry.

- Now we can continue our game. Just remember the rules: everyone must participate, everyone must practice, try to cut carefully.

— How to use scissors correctly; equipment for application?

Physical education minute:

We walked around the garden (walking in place)

We washed the jars clean (hand movement)

They put all the fruits in them (movement with the other hand)

And we closed the compotes. (lean forward and straighten up)

- Now you can get to work and prepare delicious apple and cherry compote for the winter.

Independent work of children.

Summing up.

— Did you enjoy playing?

— What new have you learned?

-Can we continue this game further?

— In what games will these delicious compotes be useful?

Notes on application in the preparatory group “Autumn Still Life”

Notes on application in the preparatory group “Autumn Still Life”

Notes on application in the preparatory group “Autumn Still Life”

Goal: Implementation of independent creative activity of children (constructive-model).

Program content

Educational objectives: teach children to create plot compositions using the entire area of ​​the sheet;

Developmental: develop children's creative abilities, fine motor skills;

Educational: to cultivate interest in artistic creativity; independence; artistic taste.

Preliminary work: Excursion along the ecological trail. Consideration of autumn compositions.

Vocabulary work: reading poems about autumn by A. S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”, A. Fet “In autumn”, K. Balmont “Autumn”.

Materials and equipment: scissors, cardboard of different colors, colored paper of different sizes and shapes, glue, glue brush, napkins; autumn leaves, rowan branch, vase.

Progress of activities

1 part. Organizational

Educator: Guys, look what's new in our group?

Children's answers: Autumn bouquets, rowan branches.

Educator: Children, what is autumn?

Children's answers: Autumn is when the leaves on the trees turn yellow or red, they fall and cover the paths in the park, the tropics in the forest... There are a lot of fruits and vegetables in autumn. Collective farmers are reaping a rich harvest. They take him in cars to the city.

Educator: Why do you think the harvest is brought to the city?

Children's answers: People and pets need vegetables, fruits, and grains for nutrition.

Educator: What do birds and animals in the forest eat?

Children's answers. Berries, mushrooms, forest apples.

Educator: That's right.

Part 2. Practical

Educator: Children, you would like to create an autumn still life.

Children's answers.

Educator: But first, remember what colors autumn gives us.

Children's answers: yellow, red, brown.

Educator: Okay. Try to create an autumn composition yourself. Children, you can create the same still life, only with paper, scissors and glue.

Children's answers: Yes, we'll try.

Educator: Guys, our leaves are square. How to make berries from them?

Children's answers: Cut off the corners and you will get a circle. It will look like a berry.

Educator: Well done. Please look at our composition. What shape are the leaves?

Children's answers. Carved, oval.

Educator: Yes, they are carved. Guys, aren't you tired? Isn't it time for us to get some rest?

I ask you to rise this time.

The head turned - that's two.

Hands up, look forward - that's three.

Let's spread our arms four wide.

Squeeze your fingers with force, unclench them - that's five.

All the guys sit down quietly - it's six!

Educator: Guys, what do we have left to make an autumn composition?

Children's answers: Cut out a vase, a basket.

Educator: Correct.

Part 3. Independent work of children

Educator: Let's prepare our fingers for difficult work with paper.

One two three four five! (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb);

We will collect leaves. (clench, unclench fists);

Birch leaves (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb);

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves.

Let's take an autumn bouquet to mom! (“walk” on the table with the middle and index fingers


Educator: Have you rested? Fine. Before we get to work, let’s say the magic words: “I’ll sit up straight, I won’t bend, I’ll get to work.” Now you can get to work.

Part 4 Final

Educator: Well done, guys! Look how beautiful our pictures turned out! What are the names of these compositions?

Children's answers: Still life. "Autumn still life"

Educator: Correct. Children whose work did you like best? Why? What should we do now with our still lifes?

Children's answers: You can make an exhibition; I can hang my work on a stand so mom/dad can see my work.

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