Card index of Outdoor games according to traffic rules card index of life safety (middle group)

Traffic light

The purpose of the didactic game “Traffic Light” is to develop an understanding of what a traffic light is, why it is needed on the road, and what the light signals mean.

The lesson is intended for the younger group of kindergarten. To carry it out, prepare a schematic representation of a traffic light with unpainted signal lights, and separately – cardboard circles of 3 corresponding colors.

Give the children circles and tell them what function the device performs on the road. Name the color one by one, and the children must guess and explain what the indicated color could mean: red - wait, yellow - wait, green - you can go. At the end of the lesson, students, with the help of the teacher, distribute circles according to signal lights.

Lesson outline: “The traffic light is our friend”

Summary of nodes in

middle group “Traffic light is our friend”

Integration of educational areas: "

social and communicative development”, “cognitive development”, “artistic and creative development”, “physical development”

Types of children's activities:

Playful, cognitive, communicative, productive, motor


Consolidating knowledge of traffic lights.

Educational objectives:

Teach children to understand the meaning of traffic lights in traffic and the location of colors.

Developmental tasks:

Develop attention, dexterity, and the ability to act on a signal.

Improve spatial orientation skills.

Improve the skills of creating a three-dimensional image of a traffic light by tearing and rolling napkins.

Educational tasks:

Foster a desire to learn the rules of the road and the need to comply with them.

Create a desire to participate in productive activities

Preliminary work:

Monitoring traffic lights and traffic

transport; reading children's literature: G. Georgiev “Traffic Light”, S.

Mikhalkov “My Street”, M. Druzhinina “Our Friend the Traffic Light”;

didactic games: “My Street”, “Pedestrians”, “Road Signs”;

outdoor games: “Traffic light”, “Be careful”; examination

photographs “Streets of our city”.


Traffic light model; red, yellow, green circles;

Colored paper in red, yellow and green, scissors; glue

PVA, cardboard for the base.


Someone came to us guys, let's take a look. Oh yes it is

Tiger Cub! But why is he scared and upset? What happened to you

It happened?

Tiger cub:

Hello guys! I wanted to walk down the street, but I saw

there was a three-eyed monster near the road and I got scared! It blinked one at a time

one eye, then another, and I didn’t even dare cross the road. Help,

Please! Tell us how you walk the streets and are not afraid of it!


Okay, Tiger Cub, we will try to help you. Although our

Children do not yet walk the streets alone, but only with their mothers and fathers. But guys

guess who you were scared of. Listen to the riddle here:

Three colorful circles

Flashing one after another

Light up, flash -

Helping people (Traffic light)

Children. Traffic light


That's right, traffic light! What is a traffic light for?


To regulate movements!


How does a traffic light help regulate traffic?

How do you think?

Children's answers



What does a traffic light have?


Three lights.


That's right, the traffic light has three lights. What color are they?


Red, yellow, green!


Tell Tiger Cub, in what order are they located?


There is a red light at the top, a yellow light in the middle, and

at the bottom is green.


What do you guys think each color stands for?

traffic lights?

Children: Red –

color of fire

This is an alarm, red is danger.

We stand.

Yellow -

the color of the sun, which can be both friend and enemy. It's like he

warns: “Be careful and attentive! Do not rush!" We wait!

Green -

color of grass, forest, leaves. It reminds me of relaxation

peace. This is safety! You can cross the street!


Well done guys, you know about traffic lights. It turns out

that the Kitty met on the street not a monster at all, but a friend and helper

for pedestrians and drivers.


Now we will play a game.

is played .


Guys, let's turn into traffic lights and

Let's play.

Each child receives a circle of one of three colors. Children to the music

moving in a circle. As soon as the melody fades, they gather in groups of three

"traffic lights".


What do you guys think, how can we help Kitty?

remember traffic lights? (children's answers) I suggest doing

traffic lights for Tiger and his friends so they don't forget the colors of the traffic lights.

Children make a three-dimensional applique from crumpled paper “Jolly

Traffic light" (paste the balls onto the finished

the basis of the traffic light).

Traffic lights are given to Kitty.


Thanks guys! Now me and my friends will know how

cross the road correctly. Goodbye!


Guys, now let's play, the boys will

drivers of cars, and girls - pedestrians.

Find the warning lights

This game also requires a schematic representation of a traffic light with separate colored circles. But the task is more complicated, intended for the middle group: preschoolers select the signal lights themselves, focusing on the teacher’s leading questions.

Tell the students that there is a problem on the road: cars cannot move because the traffic lights are out of order. Ask the children to help the drivers, return the signals to their place.

During the game, ask the players one by one:

  • what color is the signal;
  • where it is located - at the top, in the center, at the bottom;
  • which means.

If the child finds it difficult to answer, ask the same question to the next player.

Pick up the signal light

The game is competitive, 3 preschoolers play. Prepare for the lesson images of traffic lights, in which two lights are colored, and instead of the third there is an empty circle. You also need cardboard circles in 3 colors.

Place the images in front of the players. Ask them to remember what color the unpainted signal circle should be. Children remember, choose a cut out circle, and apply it to an unpainted traffic light. The player who makes the most correct moves and completes the task faster than his comrades wins.

The game for the preparatory group can be complicated by turning the cut out circles upside down. Players take turns taking circles, turning them over, calling a color, and seeing if the color suits their traffic light. If yes, they put it on the corresponding signal light; if not, they put it aside and pass the move to a comrade.

Traffic light

To conduct the game “Traffic Light” in the older group, make preparations: divide the landscape sheets in half, on one half depict a traffic light with incorrectly located lights, on the other - a device with empty circles instead of signals. Separately cut out circles of 3 colors.

The players' task is to identify the incorrect placement of lights. On the neighboring device you need to display the light signals correctly, arranging the circles accordingly.

Build a traffic light

The didactic game “Assemble a traffic light” reinforces the idea of ​​the purpose of a road device, develops attentiveness and thinking abilities. For the lesson, prepare images of traffic lights - one per player, and circles made of cardboard in 3 colors. Randomly cut each circle into 4 parts.

Tell the students that the traffic lights are broken and need to be fixed. Children fold circles according to colors and order of arrangement. At the end of the work, the students tell what each traffic light means.

Didactic game on traffic rules in an early age group

Didactic game for children 2-3 years old “The traffic light has lost its lights”

Author: Samsonova Anna Vladimirovna Description: this material will be useful for teachers of early age groups. This game helps children consolidate colors, become familiar with spatial concepts, and also gain knowledge about traffic rules. Goal: to strengthen in children the ability to correctly name colors: red, yellow, green; teach correctly, place “lights” (orientation in space); development of attentiveness and observation; give initial information about traffic rules. Equipment: teaching aid “traffic light” The teacher takes a subgroup of children (8-10 people). There is a large floor traffic light in front of the children. At a traffic light, all the “lights” are on the floor.

The teacher poses the problem to the children that the traffic light is upset because it has lost its “lights”. The teacher draws attention to the fact that there are “lights” of different colors on the floor. First he takes the “red light” and asks what color it is. Educator: “If red suddenly lights up, the path in front of us is closed.” The teacher explains that this “red light” does not allow us to go and hangs it up.

Then the teacher takes the “yellow light” and says “Yellow - get ready.” The teacher explains that this “yellow light” tells us that we need to prepare and hangs it in the middle.

The teacher takes the last one, the “green light,” and says, “And the green light means the path is open.” The teacher hangs the light lower than the others and explains the meaning of the “green light”.

After the show, the teacher invites the children to help the traffic light. Children take the “lights” and place them in their places. The teacher monitors the actions and corrects them. After the traffic light is assembled, the teacher draws attention to the fact that the traffic light is cheerful.

The game ends.

We recommend watching:

Scenario of entertainment on traffic rules for children of the 1st junior group. Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the 1st junior group. Traffic light Summary of GCD on traffic rules for preschoolers of the 2nd junior group Didactic game “Traffic light” for children 3-4 years old

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Summary of a lesson on traffic rules for children of the 1st junior group in kindergarten. Traffic light

Taxi drivers

This is an active game that reinforces ideas about the rules of the road, improves motor activity, and develops the skill of collective action and interaction with friends. For the lesson you need hoops and cardboard circles in 3 colors. Roads and pedestrian crossings must be marked on the playground.

The children are divided into pairs: one is a taxi driver, the other is a passenger. Each pair stands in a hoop, one child holds it with his right hand, the second with his left: this will be a car. Other children become pedestrians and traffic lights, while others receive 3 signal circles.

The game begins: taxi drivers and passengers run along the paths, pedestrians walk along the crossings, the rest show signal lights. Players' actions must be consistent with traffic signals. If necessary, the teacher gives hints and corrects the students’ movements.

Quest game “Travel with a Traffic Light” in kindergarten

Prepared by: teacher of the 1st qualification category Apsamatova Irina Tagirovna

Bavly, 2018

Topic: Traveling with a Traffic Light

Age group: senior


  • developing safe behavior skills on the road;
  • develop thinking, create a desire to comply with traffic rules;
  • to instill in children a culture of behavior on the road, a sense of respect for the work of the traffic police inspector. Tasks


Educational: instilling responsibility for one’s own safety and the safety of others; education of volitional qualities. ⁃ Developmental: develop thinking, memory; develop monologue and dialogic speech. ⁃ Educational: systematize acquired knowledge. ⁃ Integration of areas: socialization, communication, artistic creativity, music. ⁃ Logistical and didactic support:

Interactive board, projector with screen, laptop, interactive game on traffic rules, road signs, route map, cut-out pictures of road signs, puzzles, coloring books, colored pencils, certificates, music. Type of lesson - integrative: repetition of the studied material.

Methods: organizational, demonstration, verbal, practical.

Techniques: demonstration, questions, explanation, creative task.

Program content. Purpose of the lesson: 1. 1. Systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules; 2. 2. Develop specific skills and behavior patterns on the street and road through the game. 3. Game idea: go through the game stages according to the route map and help the traffic light light up its lights.


Organizational part.

The traffic light voices the problem. Children listen and remember. Psychologically prepares for the task. Main part: The traffic light introduces the content of the first task, asks guiding questions, guides and helps in working with the diagram. Children perform an action with a route diagram, answer questions, make sentences and show the way.

Traffic light (sad): Guys! I'm in trouble, bad times have begun in our country of road signs! Everyone started quarreling. I'm no exception! I argued with the road signs about who is more important – me or them. We quarreled with them to such an extent that I woke up this morning and the colors of my signal lights became colorless. Now I can’t regulate traffic at intersections for either cars or pedestrians. What should I do? Inspector: Don't worry, traffic light! We will help you! We know that signs are very important, without them there would be complete chaos on the roads. Here, for example, is how we would know where to cross the road, or where the bus stop is.

Traffic light: Guys! You will help me a lot if you return my signs! And I promise you that I won’t argue with anyone anymore.

1 child: Well, let's not waste time, let's start searching! But how will we search, and where? Traffic light: Oh, I completely forgot, I have a hint for you! This morning I received a letter with this map, probably the answer is in it! (opens the map)

The map shows that in several stages children must collect all the colors of the Traffic Light, and at the end, for successfully completing the quest, they receive the last puzzle and the traffic light will be assembled) Stage 1: “Question Mark” - “Guess riddles about road signs”

TRAFFIC LIGHT asks riddles with the demonstration of large road signs - riddles. 1. Hey, driver, be careful! It's impossible to go fast. People know everything in the world - Children go to this place! (Sign “Children”) (Inspector’s story about the sign)

2. I’m not at all afraid of this zebra on the road. If everything around is in order, I’ll set off along the stripes. (Pedestrian crossing sign) (Inspector's story about the sign)

1. 3. I’m in a circle with a red outline, 2. this means it’s dangerous here 3. understand the prohibition here, 4. pedestrian traffic 5. (pedestrians are prohibited) 6. (Inspector’s story about the sign) 4. There are no police caps, But in the eyes glass light, But it will tell any car: It can go or not. (Traffic lights.)

(Inspector's story about the sign)

Traffic light: - Well done guys, and for the correct answer, here they left you 1 puzzle, and now let's follow the map and the arrows.

Stage 2. The traffic light helps with the task of the second stage. Children work together, make up road signs from puzzles, determine the type of sign, color it, and give a description. They listen and remember.

1. Children are given coloring books. Two teams color, the team that finishes faster will receive 1 piece of the main puzzle.

2. Complete the puzzle. Two teams complete a puzzle with a road sign. Each participant places only one puzzle piece on the table. The team that completes the puzzle faster than the opponent wins. (this game can be played several times so that all children in the group participate)

1. Funny jumpers. Two teams play. The traffic light gives a signal - red or yellow or green. Children, looking at the signal, determine whether they can start moving or not, and then begin the relay race. This game takes into account attention and accuracy in execution

2. Stage 3 “Musical break”

3. The traffic light in the third stage creates a problematic situation, because I didn’t see the dances and didn’t hear the songs about the traffic signs. The children found a solution and completed the task by performing the dance “Road Signs” Traffic light (sad): Guys, I know a lot of songs: about mom, about dad, about grandparents, about a ball and a car, a doll and a bear, but about signs Not the only ones I haven’t heard of.

Inspector: Don't be upset, Traffic Light! My assistants will dance for you now! (They receive the part and then follow the arrows on the floor)

Traffic light: Well done, guys! I really liked the way you danced. And the song is wonderful. It’s not in vain that I brought another task for you, I see you will cope with it perfectly. You need to color the traffic lights correctly. (hands out coloring books, children choose colored pencils themselves and color)

Traffic light: Well done, guys! Here's another puzzle for us. And we need to continue following the arrows and the map. (Go to Tat’s office)

Stage 4. The traffic police inspector introduces the contents of task 4. Checking progress. Bottom line. Inspector: And here they left us a task. Let's look at the screen. (Game interactive game on traffic rules)

Inspector: And for completing the task, you and I received another puzzle, now collect it. (Children complete the task) ⁃ Did you like helping the Traffic Light today? ⁃ (Children's answers) ⁃ What did you like most? ⁃ (Children's advice) ⁃ Which tasks did you find difficult? ⁃ (Children's answers)

Traffic light: Thank you very much, Guys, you promise me that you will always follow the rules of the road!

(Children's answers)

Traffic police inspector: Dear guys, I am very glad that you repeat the signs and rules of the road in kindergarten and at home, you are so great! Now I am calm for you. I know for sure that nothing will happen to you on the road, for your good knowledge I want to present you with certificates and wish you to do well. Goodbye!

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