Modeling and painting of the Dymkovo cockerel toy. Part 1: modeling
Summary of the lesson in the senior group “Sculpting a bird based on the Dymkovo toy.” Lesson notes in
Summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech in the senior group.
Objectives of speech therapy classes Teachers in a speech therapy group should try to accomplish the following tasks: develop each
Project “Birds are our friends” (for children of different age groups from 4 to 7 years old, short-term, creative)
Project “Birds of our land” Project theme: “Birds of our land” Type of project: informational and creative.
Summary of a non-traditional physical education lesson in the preparatory group “Play, play, gain skills in the game”
Program content: Consolidate skills and abilities in games and exercises. Improve walking, running, jumping,
Workshop for educators on the topic “A corner of nature in the environmental education of preschoolers”
Workshop-workshop for educators “Love for nature” Transcript 1 Workshop-workshop for educators “Love for nature”
The role of theatrical activities in the pedagogical process of the teacher of the first and second junior groups of kindergarten
Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" 2nd junior group Transcript 1 MBDOU "Kindergarten"
Methodological recommendations for teaching English to preschool children
Methodological recommendations for teaching English to preschool children Tatyana Chernyshkova Methodological recommendations for
Pedagogical project to create a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Scenario of the event “Mini-Museum of Bread” in the senior
Planning educational work on the topic “World of Professions”
Calendar plan “Week of Professions” JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN MONDAY Topic of the week: Week of Professions
Methods of introducing preschool children to fiction.
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