Progress of the game - experiment Having chosen the moment when the sun looks through the window, catch it with the help of
Tasks of education and training in the preparatory group TASKS OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE PREPARATORY GROUP
Consultation on the topic “Non-traditional drawing techniques with young children” Consultation on the topic “Non-traditional
Long-term planning of cognitive-experimental activities (middle group) Transcript 1 October September Long-term planning of cognitive-experimental activities
Patriotic education of preschool children in kindergarten Consultations for teachers of preschool educational institutions. How to raise a little patriot?
“Lesson schemes for the Federal State Educational Standard.” Lesson of new knowledge (lesson-research) Lesson objectives: from the point of view of UUD
Development of cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activity of preschool children. Cognitive-exploratory activity (or exploratory behavior) of a preschooler manifests itself
Calendar thematic planning in the second junior group on the topic “Me and my friends” Transcript
What are fine motor skills? Fine motor skills are the consistency and precision of movements necessary to