Hello, dear schoolchildren and their parents! Warm greetings to mentors and organizers of fun events! On
Work experience “Oral folk art in the development of children’s speech activity” - determine the meaning of oral
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF “Use of play space markers in the developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution” Ashkrumova Svetlana Rafaelevna
Card index of games on social and communicative development in the middle group Sukhoibokova olga Card index of games on social and communicative development
Harvest Indian summer has arrived. -What does this word mean? -This means don’t yawn,
Long-term plan for cognitive-experimental activities in the senior group Create a holistic idea of water as
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Generalized pedagogical experience on the topic “Development of speech, verbal communication and imagination of children
Summary of a communication lesson for children of the preparatory group. Summary of a communication lesson for children
Pedagogical Council "System of work of preschool educational institutions with children on issues of patriotic education according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" Patriotism -
Card index of conversations on social and communicative development card index (preparatory group) on the topic Card index of conversations on social and communicative development