Valueology corner in the educational space of the group

Valeology from Latin “science of health”

A valeologist is a specialist who, in fact, can answer any question about a healthy lifestyle (hardening, nutrition, prevention of bad habits, etc.).

If you think about it, valeology is one of the most important disciplines in medicine, and we realize this with age, with experience in the field of healthcare..

Valeology is fundamentally different from other sciences that study the state of human health. This difference lies in the fact that the interests of valeology are health and a healthy person, while medicine is the disease and the sick, and hygiene is the living environment and living conditions of a person.

It is impossible to draw a clear line between the sciences of medicine and valeology that separates their interests; they are quite closely intertwined with the interests of hygiene and disease prevention.

Valeology is also connected with many other branches of science - psychology, ecology, physical education, etc.

Objectives of valeology:

1. formation of human health.

2. Study of human health reserves.

3. Formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

4. Preservation and strengthening of health through introducing it to a healthy lifestyle.

We all understand perfectly well that raising children begins with the family. But doctors, along with parents, occupy the main position in raising a healthy child, being consultants in these matters, and also responsible for his life. This inextricable connection in the “growing up” of a child exists from birth (and even before that) right up to adulthood. From the birth of a child, it is important in which family he was born and raised (where do adolescents’ SOP come from?). In such cases, another question arises: where did we leave things out? We missed a family with problems. By the way, these issues are solved by pedagogical valeology, age, family, social, etc.

The health of our children is in our hands, which means our future, our well-being. The stronger the moral foundation of parents’ caring attitude towards their minor children, the more reason to believe that everything will be fine!

The task of valeologists is, in principle, one - teaching the principles of maintaining health. The difference may be what age groups we work with: some with adults, some with children and teenagers, some with older people. But there is another very important section of work - with medical workers. Unfortunately, not all health workers understand the importance of this section of work. Perhaps the training program is affecting it. There little attention was paid to prevention issues. Therefore, a valeologist must show the importance and purpose of each event, help organize it, know what methods are best to use, and be a professional in this matter. In the work of a valeologist, it is important to be proactive, to develop the continuity of educational, recreational, and therapeutic activities.

It should be noted that organizations and enterprises have the opportunity to promote healthy lifestyle more widely; it is possible to notice in a timely manner who needs preventive care. It is necessary to understand - never consider it difficult to communicate with a person who needs help (individual counseling should become a modern, effective method of preventive work with the population).

“A good yardstick to measure your own success is the number of people you have made happier in your life.” Here we can add – and healthy.

In this matter, we must adhere to these 3 rules H:

- NO



We see that as children move up the “school ladder,” the number of healthy children decreases (poor posture, vision pathology, digestive diseases, circulatory diseases, obesity, depressive conditions increase), etc. Somewhere mistakes were made. We need to work on this.

Another huge problem with teenagers is risky behavior (STIs, mental disorders, alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction), all of which leads to reproductive health problems, infertility, etc. As a rule, such teenagers are from socially disadvantaged families.

And there are so many socially obligated people in our time, but there shouldn’t be any of them at all. And here we must intensify our work to the maximum, return the person to normal life, apply all possible methods, and lend a helping hand.

What happens? Modern women are changing their outlook on life, for example, a “calm” attitude towards alcohol (increasing alcoholism). What does alcoholism lead to? To the destruction of the family and, as a consequence, to mental trauma for children for life. These children consider themselves lost, superfluous in this life. The word “divorce” is so scary, it has now become commonplace. But for children it is fatal when the heart breaks into two parts. Divorce in children under 3 years of age can provoke fears and even developmental delays. Children from 3 to 6 years old would like to change the situation and suffer from powerlessness. They feel like they are to blame. Older children may develop various ailments as a result of stress.

Our traditional Slavic views on life, which have developed to this day, emphasize the values ​​of family, chastity, and the cult of health. If they are not brought up in our children, then other values ​​come, and we are already seeing this, which destroy families and lead our children astray. We must resist this. It depends on each of us whether everything good will be preserved or will slowly crumble. And the country, you and I, needs strong families, increased birth rates, good health, healthy children.

The children's clinic runs a club called “Problematic Issues of Family Life.” Since 2021, Zhanna Vasilievna Bulaeva has been teaching, she is also a pediatrician and psychologist. Statistics show that the work of this club is necessary.

There are different reasons for divorce, but basically it is a lack of understanding between men and women of each other’s psychology. Sometimes they just need to be guided, helped to understand the conflict and find a way out of it. We say that in a happy family there are happy children. Where alcohol, nicotine, and drugs are present, family values ​​are violated. Family has deep meaning. It is one whole and cannot be divided into parts. In such cases, it is not necessary to use complex techniques. Sometimes simple examples are enough:

How a cat looks at her kittens.

How a dog protects its puppies.

How birds look at their chicks.

And the main thing is that it works. After all, a woman’s mother is sacred! This is tenderness, love, an example for everyone, this is kindness, the keeper of the hearth, etc.

Since 2021, the preventive project “Save our future” has been running - it received great recognition at the republican competition organized by the Ministry of Health and Human Resources and the Charitable Foundation named after St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk. The project is being implemented and is of great importance in the education of teenagers.

Work is being carried out very seriously in the office of a healthy child at a children's clinic with a group of teenagers who are in a socially dangerous situation. For 2 years now, volunteer A.A. Shakhnovsky and pediatrician Zh.V. Bulaeva have been regularly training on Fridays. on the topics “Personality Formation”, help children return to normal life.

In this regard, I recall the wonderful words of A.S. Makarenko: “You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him so that he is happy.”

The Problematic Issues of Family Life club works with young families on Wednesdays from 11-00 to 12-00. Individual family counseling on Thursdays at 19-00.

Pre-registration by calling the helpline 50-10-80 from 7-30 to 15-30.

Vasilevskaya L.P.

Paramedic-valeologist, nurse in the office of a healthy child at a children's clinic

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