“Card index of game situations for children of senior preschool age”
Experience in using innovative technologies in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.
The main directions of innovative development of a preschool educational institution The article presents an analysis of the main directions
Comprehensive thematic planning by month Sveta Mikheeva Comprehensive thematic planning by month General theme of the month September:
Organization of health work in preschool educational institutionsconsultation on the topic
The system of health work in the preschool educational institution has halls for physical education and music classes, with the necessary
Card index Card index (middle group) Literary word in special moments card index (middle group)
Abstract of GCD in the senior group “Collective work in nature”
Goal: to create conditions for the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child through his inclusion
A long-term plan for developing the horizons of children aged 6–7 years.
Olga Medovarova Notes for a lesson on FCCM in the preparatory group Notes for a lesson on FCCM Topic
Lesson summary drawing senior group drawing according to plan
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity (drawing). Abstract
Objectives of teaching drawing in different age groups
I.A. Galkina (PhD) Drawing is one of the most interesting types of creative activity for preschool children
Summary of the walk in the senior group “Visiting the trees”
Detailed plan for conducting a morning walk for children of primary preschool age Detailed plan for conducting a morning walk
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