OBSERVING THE SUN IN SUMMER Lesson plan (junior group) on the topic
Summary of educational activities at the weather site with children of the second junior group of the preschool educational institution "Solnechnye Luchi" Lesson summary
Synopsis of NOD OO "Cognitive Development". Familiarization with the natural world in the second early age group “We’re going to visit the sun”
Early childhood. Cognitive development. 1-3 years. Methodological manual Familiarization with the environment Cognitive activity of children,
Project “My Favorite City” (preparatory group)
Project “My Hometown” I went to childhood - everyday discovery of the world and therefore it is necessary
Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group "Our houses"
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Program content: Learn to draw rowan, advanced characteristic
Consultation on the topic "Health-improving games for preschoolers"
It's a disaster when children get sick. Their fragile bodies are struggling, and we are trying our best to help.
Question 1. Teaching children quantitative calculations in kindergarten
Question 1. Teaching children quantitative counting in kindergarten 1. Theoretical questions: The purpose of teaching counting.
Project “My Sports Family” project (senior group)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Family project “My sports family” Motto: “Sport, health, joy, laughter - will bring
Project in junior group 2 “Colorful pages of summer”
Summer - Plan-project of educational activities in an early age group for the summer period Publication “Plan-project
Conditions for organizing the training and education of preschool children
Features of the organization of education of preschool children Definition 1 Education is an organized process of
Learning in a fun way: how to create floor games for preschoolers
Six golden rules After the improved Tic-Tac-Toe, Alena began to come up with the following games, and in the process
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