Art therapy for children with disabilities: four effective techniques
Theoretical foundations of socialization of children with disabilities Most often, a child with disabilities undergoes socialization
Consultation for teachers on the topic “Labor education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF In preschool age, the formation of basic types of activities occurs, including
Summary of GCD in the middle group “In the world of politeness and kindness”
Direct course of educational activities Topic: “In a world of kindness”. Goal: deepen children's understanding
Training session on the topic “Introduction to words and sentences”
Summary of introducing children to the proposal. Senior group Vanya is picking berries. Now we will all depict
Psychological training program for the prevention of emotional burnout “In harmony with yourself”
Article Lesson notes for the senior group “Mother’s Day”. Author: Titova Irina Aleksandrovna
Thematic lesson “Mother’s Day” Summary of the thematic lesson in the younger group Topic: “Mommy, honey, mom
Planning educational work in the senior group
Let's bring the fairy tale to life: why does a child need a home puppet theater on the table?
Interesting facts about tabletop children's theaters Tatyana can't sleep. Despite placing the order, I want
Teacher self-education plan on the topic “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”
Plan for self-education of a teacher on the topic “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions” Goal of work: to improve
Cultural educational practices are an effective means of developing the interests and cognitive activities of preschoolers
The implementation of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is based on cultural and activity-based approaches to pedagogy. Condition
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