Project in junior group 2 “Colorful pages of summer”

Summer - Plan-project of educational activities in an early age group for the summer period

Publication “Plan-project of educational activities in an early age group for...” Plan - project of educational activities in a group Month: June Group: 2nd group of early age Full name teacher responsible for the development: Konovalova T.M. Topic of the week: “Child in the world of people” Implementation period: 06/01/2021 - 06/04/2021 Goal: create conditions for successful…

Seasonal observations with children of early and younger age “Summer. Dandelion"

Watching the sun. Encourage children to notice how bright and cheerful the sun can shine. Induce in children a feeling of joy, a desire to express their attitude in words, facial expressions, and gestures. Expand your vocabulary of adjectives - bright, radiant, cheerful. Observing a dandelion….

Long-term planning of events for the summer (3rd year of life) Long-term planning of events for the summer Event Holidays and entertainment 1. “Children's Day”. 2. “Festival of a soccer ball” 1. Summer holiday. 2. Physical education entertainment “Playing with Parsley” 1. Entertainment “At Grandma’s in the garden.” 2. “Air Festival...

10 tips for parents of a 3-year-old child 10 tips for parents of a 3-year-old child. A. Orlov From the author: Learn how to deal with the disobedient behavior of a 3-year-old child for the benefit of him and the whole family. If you have a three-year-old child and things aren't easy with him, you're not alone. Here are some recommendations on how...

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

Summer entertainment scenario for young children “Magic bell” Summer entertainment for young children Topic: “Magic bell”

Objectives: -Educational: to promote the development of the emotional sphere, -to develop motor activity. -Developing: develop attention, visual perception, coordination. -Educational:...

Consultation for parents “What a 3-year-old child should know and be able to do” Your baby is turning 3 years old, which means there is a great opportunity to help your baby develop his intelligence in a timely manner. The time has come to check whether the degree of formation of his mental processes corresponds to the norm, to check potential capabilities in different...

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