Lesson notes for the senior group “Journey to the Autumn Forest”
Lesson summary for the holiday "Mother's Day" in the preparatory group
GCD summary for the preparatory group for Mother's Day “Mother's Heart” Transcript 1 GCD summary
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten 19 “Teremok” Topic: “Introduction to the work of a cook” Author: - presentation
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Winner of the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” JANUARY 2018 Municipal preschool educational
“Summary of an open lesson on speech development “The Magic World of K. I. Chukovsky’s Fairy Tales””
Chukovsky's heroes not only entertain, but also teach and educate. Contained in sections: Chukovsky,
Long-term planning for design and manual labor in the middle group. Target
Long-term planning for design and manual labor in the middle group. Purpose Transcript 1 Subject
Summary of an open lesson on the topic “About rights - while playing”
Educational field: cognition, socialization. Integration of educational areas: communication, reading art. literature, formation of a holistic picture
Summary of a lesson for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of kindergarten
Summary of a lesson for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of a kindergarten Summary of GCD in the preparatory group
“Berries and mushrooms are healthy and tasty gifts” IOD in the senior group.
Cognitive and research project “Invisible Air” in the senior group.
Cognitive and research project “Invisible Air” in the senior group. Educator: Take a plastic bag. What's in it? Children:
Methodological development Complex lesson “Bread” for children 3-4 years old
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