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Consultation for teachers “Non-traditional forms of work in physical education in preschool educational institutions” Municipal budget preschool
Project “School for Parents. We are together!" Municipal autonomous educational institution "Chemical-technological school "SinTez""
Children's stay mode The correct daily routine is a rational duration and reasonable alternation of different
Text of the book “Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson Plans» Plans
Development of research inclinations in preschool children The development of research inclinations in a child largely depends on
“Summary of an open lesson on choreography at an additional education institution” Author: Alexey Vasilievich Kryuchkov teacher
Target. Introduce children to the formation of the number 9 and practice counting within
Notes on experimentation in the preparatory group “Air and its properties.” Notes on experimentation in
Home » News » “We want to be healthy” theme of the week August 2021 A person needs to eat,
Lesson notes: “Telling a story based on a set of toys” Lesson notes: “Making a story based on a set of toys” Developed by: