Article on the topic “Project activities in preschool educational institutions as a tool for the practical implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Article on the topic “Project activities in preschool educational institutions as a tool for the practical implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

3) draw conclusions based on the results of the project.

The content of the work

aimed at studying and implementing the design method in preschool educational institutions.

Chapter I. _ Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions

§1.1 The project method as a tool for the practical implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Today the state has set a task to prepare a completely new generation: active, inquisitive. And preschool institutions, as the first step in education, already have an idea of ​​what a kindergarten graduate should be like, what qualities he should have.

In accordance with the requirements that modern life dictates to us and which are laid down in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Federal State Educational Standard

, the educational institution is obliged:

- ensure individualization for each child;

— provide conditions for self-determination and self-realization of the individual;

- realize the child’s right to free choice of activities, opinions and


- remember that the child is an active participant in the pedagogical process;

- involve children in activities without psychological coercion, relying on

on their interest in the content and forms of activities, taking into account their

social experience;

— ensure emotional, personal and social and moral development

child, preserve and strengthen the health of children.

All these requirements can be realized only under one condition - to radically change the organization of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, by choosing the most effective means of teaching and education, which requires the widespread introduction of innovative and alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities into the pedagogical process.

In this regard, teachers of preschool institutions strive to find new, innovative, most effective ways and means of solving problems.

Today, one of the most vibrant, educational, interesting, and significant methods for both adults and preschool children is project activity.

. This is due to the fact that design in all spheres of human activity is becoming a universal tool that allows it to be systematic, goal-oriented and effective.

Project method

is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, in the process of which the child learns about the world around him and embodies new knowledge into real products.

“Everything that I learn, I know, why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method.

The basis of the project method

the idea is that the cognitive activity of preschoolers is focused on the result that is achieved in the process of joint work of the teacher, children and parents on a certain practical problem (topic). Solving a problem or working on a project in this case means applying the necessary knowledge and skills from various sections of the educational program for preschoolers and getting a tangible result.

Types of project activities in preschool educational institutions

E.S. Evdokimova offers her own version of the classification of types of projects relevant for preschool education:

  1. According to the dominant method: research, informational, creative, gaming, adventure, practice-oriented.
  2. By the nature of the content: include the child and his family, the child and nature, the child and the man-made world, the child, society and culture.
  3. According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: customer, expert, performer, participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.
  4. By the nature of contacts: carried out within one age group, in contact with another age group, within a preschool educational institution, in contact with family, cultural institutions, public organizations (open project)
  5. By number of participants: individual, pair, group and frontal.
  6. By duration: short-term, medium-term and long-term.

Paying attention to the classification of types of project activities according to the dominant method, it is important to note that in the practice of modern preschool institutions the following types of projects are more often used:

  1. research and creative: children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design;
  2. role-playing games: with elements of creative games, when children take on the role of fairy tale characters and solve problems in their own way
  3. information-practice-oriented: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests
  4. normative (described by N.E. and A.N. Veraksa).

Using the project method in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions.

Using the project method in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions.

“A project is any action,

done with all the heart and

for a specific purpose"

W. Kilpatrick.

Modern trends and rapid changes in society lead to the realization that modern children should know and be able to do a lot more, so the constant concern of teachers is the choice of the most effective means of teaching and education. Teachers are faced with the task already at preschool age to establish positions of independence, activity, initiative in finding answers to questions, systematize information, and use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in games and practical activities. As educational practice shows, the project method provides such an opportunity.

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. The project method arose back in the 20s of this century in the United States. It was also called the method of problems, and it was associated with the ideas of the humanistic trend in philosophy and education. This method was developed by the American philosopher and educator George Dewey. He proposed building learning on an active basis, through the expedient activities of children, guided by their personal interest in this particular knowledge. Hence, it was extremely important to show the children their personal interest in the acquired knowledge, which can and should be useful to them in life. But the question arises, for what and when? This is where the problem is important, taken from real life, familiar and significant for the child, to solve which he needs to apply the knowledge he has already acquired, and at the same time, new knowledge that he has yet to acquire.

The project method nevertheless attracted the attention of Russian teachers at the beginning of the 20th century. The ideas of project-based learning and education arose in Russia almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. In 1905, they tried to actively use project methods in teaching practice. And later, under Soviet rule, these ideas began to be quite widely introduced into the educational space, but not sufficiently thought out and consistently and, in connection with this, the project method was condemned, and since then no serious attempts have been made in Russia to revive this method in educational practice, when it was actively and very successfully developed abroad.

And much later, some famous teachers, one way or another, began to touch upon the problems of pedagogical design. A.S. In Russian pedagogy, Makarenko can rightfully be considered the founder of the theory and practice of pedagogical design, since he was a staunch supporter of designing the best in a person, the formation of a strong, rich nature. Makarenko characterized the “project”, “project method” and “project method” as follows:


- it is literally “thrown forward”, that is, a prototype, a certain prototype of some object, type of activity, and design turns into the process of creating a specific project.

Project method

– if in school education it is considered as a kind of alternative to the classroom-lesson system, then in preschool education it is considered as a kind of alternative to the teaching and educational system.

Project method

– in turn, pedagogical technology, focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on its application and acquisition of new ones.

So, what is a project and how is the project method used in preschool educational institutions?

From the first days of his life, a child discovers something new, unknown to his understanding. Everything is new for him: natural phenomena, emotions, objects of the surrounding reality. That is why we so often hear from the baby: “Why?..”.

A child cannot find the answer to all his questions on his own; teachers and parents help him. In order for the search for answers to all the questions that interest him to be the most interesting, it is necessary to find a method that would meet all the necessary requirements: it would be interesting to the child and unite teachers, children and parents into one educational space, teach him to work in a team, collaborate, plan his work. It is project activities that can connect the process of upbringing and learning with real events in a child’s life, as well as interest him and involve him in this activity. After all, only by getting each child interested in a specific creative activity, giving them the opportunity to feel important, and supporting children’s curiosity and initiative, can any problem be solved. That is why the project method is relevant, effective and very common in preschool education.


- this is a method of pedagogically organized development of the environment by a child in the process of step-by-step and pre-planned activities to achieve the intended goals.

The essence of the project method

- stimulate children’s interest in certain problems that require possession of a certain amount of knowledge, and through project activities that involve solving one or a number of problems, show the practical application of the acquired knowledge. Thus, project activity is a special type of intellectual and creative activity; a set of techniques, operations of mastering a certain area of ​​practical or theoretical knowledge, a particular activity; a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of a problem (technology), which should result in a very real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another. In preschool education, the project method is considered as one of the integration options (integration based on a single project). The use of the project method in teaching preschoolers is a preparatory stage for its further implementation at the next stage of education. The main goal of the project method in a preschool institution is the development of a free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of children's research activities.

Choosing a topic is the teacher’s first step in working on a project. The second step is thematic planning on the selected problem, which takes into account all types of children's activities: play, cognitive-practical, artistic-speech, work, communication, etc. At the stage of developing the content of classes, games, walks, observations and other activities related to the theme of the project, educators pay special attention to organizing the environment in groups and in the preschool institution as a whole. The environment should be a backdrop for heuristic, search activities and develop curiosity in a preschooler. When the basic conditions for working on the project have been prepared (planning, environment), the joint work of the teacher and children begins.

The implementation of any project in a preschool educational institution can be divided into certain stages:

Stage I

project development - goal setting: the teacher brings the problem to the children for discussion. As a result of a joint discussion, a hypothesis is put forward, which the teacher invites the children to confirm in the process of search activity.

Stage II

work on a project is the development of a joint action plan to achieve a goal. First, a general discussion is held so that the children find out what they already know about a certain subject or phenomenon. The teacher records the answers on a large piece of Whatman paper so that the group can see them. To record answers, it is better to use conventional schematic symbols that are familiar and accessible to children. Then the teacher asks the second question: “What do we want to know?” The answers are again recorded, regardless of the fact that they may seem stupid or illogical. It is important here that the teacher shows patience, respect for the point of view of each child, and tactfulness in relation to the ridiculous statements of the kids. When all the children have spoken, the teacher asks: “How can we find answers to the questions?” When answering this question, children rely on their personal experience. It is also necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the students. For children of primary preschool age, the teacher can use hints and leading questions; for children of older preschool age it is necessary to provide more independence. The solution to this question can be various activities: reading books, encyclopedias, contacting parents, specialists, conducting experiments, thematic excursions. The proposals received are additions and changes to the teacher’s already prepared thematic plan. It is important that the teacher shows flexibility in planning, manages to subordinate his plan to the interests and opinions of children, including children's activities in the curriculum, sacrificing some planned forms of work. This skill is an indicator of the high professional skill of the educator, his willingness to deviate from existing stereotypes, putting first the value of preschool childhood as a period of life and only then as a preparatory stage for the future. After drawing up a joint action plan, the

Stage III

working on a project is its practical part.
Children explore, experiment, search, create. To activate children's thinking, the teacher offers to solve problem situations and puzzles, thereby developing an inquisitive mind. It is necessary that the teacher be able to create a situation where the child must learn something on his own, guess, try, invent something. The environment around the child should be, as it were, unfinished, unfinished. A special role in this case is played by corners on cognitive and practical activities. The final IV stage
of work on the project is the presentation of the project. The presentation can take place in various forms depending on the age of the children and the theme of the project: final games-activities, quiz games, themed entertainment, design of albums, photo exhibitions, mini-museums, creative newspapers. Projects, regardless of type, creative, research, informational, open, playful, practice-oriented, etc., require constant attention, help and accompaniment from adults at every stage of implementation. The specificity of using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to “guide” the child, help detect a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and “draw” children into a joint project, without overdoing it with parental care and help.

Classification and types of projects

Currently, projects are classified according to various criteria: by the composition of participants; by target setting; by topic; according to implementation deadlines.

The following types of projects are used in the practice of preschool institutions:

  • research and creative - a research search is carried out, the results of which are formalized in the form of some kind of creative product (newspapers, dramatizations, card indexes of experiences, children's design, etc.).
  • role-playing games - a project with elements of creative games, when children take on the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems in their own way;
  • information-practice-oriented: children collect information about some object, phenomenon from various sources, and then implement it, focusing on social interests: group design, stained glass, etc.;
  • creative: as a rule, they do not have a detailed structure for the joint activities of the participants. The results are presented in the form of a children's party, exhibition, design and headings of a newspaper, album, almanac, etc.

Goals and objectives of the design method

The main goal of the project method in a preschool educational institution is the development of the free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of the children’s research activities.

General developmental tasks specific to each age:

  • ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;
  • development of cognitive abilities;
  • development of creative imagination;
  • development of creative thinking;
  • development of communication skills.

Developmental goals in early preschool age:

  • children’s entry into a problematic play situation (the leading role of the teacher);
  • activating the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with the teacher);
  • formation of initial prerequisites for search activity (practical experiments).

Developmental tasks in older preschool age:

  • formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative;
  • developing the ability to identify possible methods of solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;
  • developing the ability to apply these methods to help solve the problem, using various options;
  • developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

Levels of project activity:

  1. imitative - executive (3.5 - 5 years old) - the first attempts of children to solve a problem on their own must be noticed and encouraged, informing the child about his successes: “You came up with a quick idea!”, “It’s good that you came to my aid in time!” This helps the child become aware of his behavior, understand what he is doing right and where he is making mistakes;
  2. developmental (5-6 years) - by the end of the fifth year of life, children accumulate certain social experience that allows them to move to a new, developmental level of design. At this age, independence continues to develop, the child is able to restrain his impulsive impulses, patiently listen to the adult and other participants in joint activities. Relationships with adults are being restructured: preschoolers are less likely to turn to them with requests, they are more actively organizing independent activities, and they are developing self-control; they are able to adequately evaluate their own actions; accept the problem, clarify the goal, and are able to choose the necessary means to achieve the intended result;

creative (6 – 7 years) – adult activity gradually decreases. He doesn’t so much generate his own ideas as he gets involved in the implementation of children’s ideas. Children have a high level of interest due to cognitive and personal development.

Project requirements:

  • the presence of a problem that is significant for children and the tasks of its implementation;
  • theoretical, cognitive, practical significance of the proposed results;
  • independent activity of children;
  • structuring the content of the project;
  • use of research methods.

Before starting work on using design technology, the teaching staff of a preschool institution needs to solve a number of problems:

  • low level of awareness of teachers about the features of the project method;
  • the reluctance of teachers to deviate from the existing stereotypical system of classes in kindergarten;
  • insufficient equipment of the subject environment in a preschool institution for the implementation of creative projects;
  • low motivation of parents to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten.

Project activities, based on a person-oriented approach to training and education, should ultimately contribute to the development of individual creative activity of teachers in the development of strategy, tactics and technology of the educational process, promote the personal development of students, and ensure high-quality results of teaching activities. Thus, the methodological foundations of project activities discussed above give an idea of ​​the high degree of adaptability of innovative technologies to the specifics of preschool educational institutions. The project method in working with preschoolers today is a fairly optimal, innovative and promising method that should take its rightful place in the preschool education system.


Preschool teachers not only develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of preschoolers, but also help them adapt to social life. They teach children through a joint search for solutions and provide them with the opportunity to independently master role-playing activities. Respect for the child, acceptance of his goals, interests, creation of conditions for development are essential conditions for a humanistic approach.

As one of the methods of teaching preschoolers, the project method is based on the interests of children and assumes the independent activity of pupils. Only by acting independently, children learn in different ways to find information about an object or phenomenon that interests them and use this knowledge to create new objects of activity. This understanding of the essence of the project method contributes to the formation of independence, deeply motivated, purposeful cognitive activity in preschool children.

Design technology helps develop the creative abilities of preschoolers, making them active participants in the educational and educational processes. Being included in the organized system of preschool educational institutions, it becomes an instrument of development, self-development of the child, his cognitive and creative abilities.

Using the project method in the educational process of a preschool educational institution helps to learn how to work in a team and unite the teaching staff. In addition, the organization of project activities in the educational process helps to increase professional and personal competence, change the attitude of teachers to innovations in education, create conditions for self-realization and achieve professional success, build confidence, and develop creativity.

Thus, pedagogical design is the process of creating a project that reflects the solution to a particular problem. It is an activity carried out in the conditions of the educational process and aimed at ensuring its effective functioning and development.

Information and methodological support:

V.A. Derkunskaya “Project activities of preschool children” // Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012;

L.D. Morozova “Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions” // M. Creative Center, 2010;

Magazine “Preschool Pedagogy” No. 1-2010//Childhood-Press;

Magazine “Preschool Educator” No. 10-2011//Sphere;

N.S. Golitsina “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution”//ARKTI, 2003;

N.A. Kochkina “Project method in preschool education” // M. Mozaika-Sintez, 2012;

Magazine “Preschool Educator” No. 1-2012//Sphere;

Magazine “Preschool Educator” No. 5-2012//Sphere;

V.E. Lampman, M.G. Popova “Laboratory of pedagogical excellence” // Volgograd. Teacher, 2012;

N.E.Veraksa, A.N.Veraksa “Project activity of preschool children” // M. Mozaika-Sintez, 2008.

Purpose of pedagogical design technology in preschool educational institutions

The technology of pedagogical design is aimed at the formation of a comprehensively developed personality of the child, endowed with a creative orientation to activity, with freedom to choose his actions.

Figure 1. Instructional design. Author24 - online exchange of student work

Based on the intended purpose of pedagogical design technology, we can identify a number of tasks for its application in preschool educational institutions:

  1. Creation of a developmental environment in preschool educational institutions;
  2. Creating conditions for the implementation of diverse projects that reflect the solution of certain educational tasks;
  3. Motivating children to learn and actively create;
  4. Mastering techniques for working with information resources;
  5. Formation of adequate self-esteem in preschoolers;
  6. Creating a comfortable microclimate in the preschool educational institution, which allows maintaining a favorable emotional and psychological mood of the child;
  7. Assisting children in their emancipation, mastering material of any degree of complexity, developing skills in solving complex problems;
  8. Preparation to perform a variety of social roles;
  9. Formation of skills of conscious mental activity;
  10. Formation of an active life position of a preschooler.

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The relevance of the application of technology for designing preschool educational institutions

Definition 1
Pedagogical design technology is a way of organizing the educational process, based on the teacher’s use of a creative approach, increasing the level of his development and skill.

Design is a complex work based on the use of new approaches and methods of its organization to solve an existing problem.

Project activities make it possible to link the process of teaching and raising a child with the main aspects of his real life, which motivates the preschooler to learn.

The use of project activity technology is relevant in the modern pedagogical process for a number of reasons:

  1. Project activity is a way to build collaborative relationships and interaction between the teacher and children.
  2. Project activities contribute to the implementation of a student-oriented approach in education.
  3. Projects allow the child to demonstrate independence in cognition.
  4. Drawing up projects opens up the possibility of experimentation, which increases the child’s motivation to learn.
  5. Joint project activities unite children, unite the team, teach children how to build communication connections and relationships, which ultimately has a positive effect on the child’s social adaptation.
  6. Project activities are a technology of developmental education, and therefore are focused on the overall comprehensive development of the child’s personality.
  7. Creating projects introduces the child to the information environment, teaches the use of information resources and orientation in the information space.
  8. Project activities improve the quality of the educational process.
  9. Projects help develop a child's critical and creative thinking.
  10. The use of project activity technology develops the teacher, helps to increase the level of his professional competence, and improve professionalism.

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The developing pedagogy of nonviolence has significantly changed the attitude of adults towards children. The level of development of the child becomes a measure of the quality of the work of the teacher and the entire educational system as a whole. Preschool teachers focus not only on preparing for school, but also on preserving a full-fledged childhood in accordance with the psychophysical characteristics of the developing personality. Respect for the child, acceptance of his goals, interests, creation of conditions for development are essential conditions for a humanistic approach.

Adults should not only pay attention to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of a preschooler and his adaptation to social life, but also teach through a joint search for solutions, provide the child with the opportunity to independently master the norms of culture.

A unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation between children and adults, and a way to implement a person-centered approach to education is design technology.

Design is a complex activity, the participants of which automatically, without a specially proclaimed didactic task on the part of the organizers, master new concepts and ideas about various spheres of life.

The project method arose in the 1920s in the USA and is associated with the development of the humanistic trend in philosophy and education, which was started by the American philosopher, psychologist and teacher J. Dewey. The method was developed in the works of V. Kilpatrick and E. Collings. The broadest definition of this concept is as follows: “A project is any action performed with all the heart and with a specific purpose” (according to Kilpatrick’s definition).

The ideas of the project method in Russia appeared simultaneously with the development of American teachers. Under the leadership of Shatsky, a group of teachers united, using the project method in practice.

Types of projects.

E.S. Evdokimova offers the following classification of types of projects relevant for preschool education:

  1. According to the dominant method: research, informational, creative, gaming, adventure, practice-oriented.
  2. By the nature of the content: include the child and his family, the child and nature, the child and the man-made world, the child, society and culture.
  3. According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: customer, expert, performer, participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.
  4. By the nature of contacts: carried out within one age group, in contact with another age group, within a preschool educational institution, in contact with family, cultural institutions, public organizations (open project).
  5. By number of participants: individual, pair, group and frontal.
  6. By duration: short-term, medium-term and long-term.

Research projects.

According to E. Polat, projects require a clear structure, defined goals, relevance of the subject of research for all participants, social significance, and thoughtful methods for processing the result. In recent years, research projects have been actively conquering the space of schools and kindergartens. For example, a trip along the Volga. For 3 days there is a conversation about travelers: who traveled on what, determining the route, the journey itself, rest on the shore, return. Exchange of impressions, presentation of results, presentation.

Design technology in preschool educational institutions.

Thematic project plan.

  1. Theme and its origin.
  2. Related activities and concepts that can be learned during the project.
  3. Necessary materials.
  4. Questions for children about the proposed project:

- What do we know?

- What do we want to know?

- How can we find answers to our questions?

5. Evaluation. What new did you learn? (From the point of view of the children and the teacher)

6. Proposals for expanding and improving the project.

Design mechanism.

A teacher is an organizer of children's productive activities, a source of information, a consultant, an expert. He is the main leader of the project, and at the same time he is the child’s partner and assistant in his self-development.

Motivation is enhanced due to the creative nature of children's activities; the child gets acquainted with different points of view, has the opportunity to express and justify his opinion.

Design technology requires an appropriate organization of the subject-development space of the group. The group contains documents, books, various objects, encyclopedias that are accessible to their understanding. It is possible for children to go to libraries, museums or other institutions if necessary for the implementation of the project.

Design technology is focused on the joint activities of participants in the educational process in various combinations: teacher - child, child - child, children - parents. Joint-individual, joint-interacting, joint-research forms of activity are possible.

One of the advantages of design technology is that each child is recognized as important and necessary in the team. He sees the results of the group's collective efforts. A private, specific result of work for children can be a drawing, an appliqué, an album, a written fairy tale, a prepared concert, a performance, a book, a harvest, etc. During the implementation of the project, children develop independence, activity, responsibility, a sense of trust in each other, and interest in cognition.

Development of children's design skills.

Design abilities are manifested in the interaction of the main management systems of any social organization (person, team, activity).

The main function of design is to outline a program and select means for further targeted actions.

The implementation of design technology in the practice of preschool educational institutions begins with an orientation towards the current problem of cultural self-development of a preschooler and familiarity with design cycles. The design process consists of three stages: project development, implementation, and analysis of results.

A teacher who knows the project method as a technology and as an activity for self-organization of a professional space can teach a child to design.

Design abilities are manifested in the interaction of the main management systems of any social organization.

The design process consists of three stages: development of projects, their implementation, analysis of results.

The condition for mastering each stage is the collective mental activity of educators, which allows:

  • focus on the creative development of the child in the educational space of the preschool educational institution;
  • learn the algorithm for creating a project based on children’s requests;
  • be able to connect to the goals and objectives of children without ambition;
  • unite the efforts of all subjects of the educational process, including parents.

You can design collectively: matinees, evenings of entertainment, days of creativity, vacations.

Creative teams of specialists are capable of developing system and system-translated projects.

Project criteria.

  1. The relevance of the project, the reality of the proposed solutions, the practical focus on the development of the child.
  2. Volume and completeness of development, independence, completeness.
  3. The level of creativity, originality in the disclosure of the topic, approaches, solutions proposed by the teacher.
  4. Reasoning behind the proposed solutions and approaches.
  5. Proper design: compliance with standard requirements, quality of sketches, diagrams, drawings.

After protecting the project, they move on to its implementation, i.e. to the second stage of work. The third, final, is held in the form of a seminar.

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