“Organization of independent activities of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

“Organization of independent activities of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

#Educational and methodological materials #Presentation #Educator #Preschool education

“Pedagogical bag” (From work experience) “Organization of independent activities of preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” Completed by: teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 359 O.A. Almyasheva

In the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the independent activities of children are highlighted less clearly than the joint activities of adults and children. However, in the target guidelines, independence, the ability to choose one’s occupation, is paramount. The need for the formation and development of independence is dictated by the needs of society for non-standard people who can think creatively and make discoveries for the benefit of humanity. And the solution to this issue is reflected in the process of developing independence, which allows a person to pose new problems and find new solutions.

What conditions need to be created in a preschool educational institution for independent children’s activities? The construction of a subject-spatial environment by adults should make it possible to organize both joint and independent activities of children. In this case, the environment performs educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, and communicative functions. But most importantly, it works to develop the child’s independence and initiative.

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Our group has created a diverse gaming environment (subject-spatial environment), which provides the child with cognitive activity, corresponds to his interests and is developmental in nature. The created environment provides children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities. Every child has the opportunity to do what they love. Such an environment meets the individual and age characteristics of children and their leading activity – play.

Classification of games Children's games are very diverse. They differ in content and organization, rules, impact on the child, types of objects used, origin, etc. * Games that arise on the child’s initiative: - game-experimentation; - independent story game; Games that arise on the initiative of an adult: - educational: didactic, active, - leisure: game-fun, game-entertainment, theatrical, intellectual, festive-carnival; Games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group: traditional or folk Creative games: plot-role-playing, construction-constructive, directing, dramatization games

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Play in a group is organized, firstly, as a joint game between the teacher and the children, where the adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a carrier of a specific “language” of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the teacher, who accepts any children’s plans, guarantees freedom and ease, the child’s enjoyment of the game, and contributes to the desire in children to master the methods of play themselves. Secondly, at all age stages, play is preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the play tools available to them, freely unite and interact with each other, where the world of childhood is ensured to a certain extent, independent of adults.

Along with play, free productive activity of children (constructive, visual, etc.) occupies a significant place in a child’s life. Just like in play, the child’s development opportunities are enriched here. A circle “One palm, two palms” was organized

The next optimal condition for organizing independent children's activities is the special organization of educational activities. To do this, it is necessary to look for and apply more effective means of education and training that serve the development of children’s cognitive abilities. One of the promising methods is the design method.

Thus, the development of children's independence is one of the most important educational guidelines necessary for the successful socialization of the child and the development of his personality as a whole, and for creating a developmental and emotionally comfortable educational environment for him, in particular.

The teacher’s skill is most often manifested in organizing children’s independent activities. How to direct each child to a useful and interesting game without suppressing his activity and initiative? How to alternate games and distribute children in a group room or area so that they can play comfortably without disturbing each other? How to eliminate misunderstandings and conflicts that arise between them? The comprehensive upbringing of children and the creative development of each child depend on the ability to quickly resolve these issues.

Development of children's independence in senior and preparatory groups

In senior and preparatory groups, children are more organized than their younger friends. When fulfilling the demands of adults or implementing creative tasks set by the teacher, older preschoolers can take the initiative. They do this willingly and with the inherent childish pleasure. For example, children can offer to draw something in their own way during class. Self-realization also manifests itself here.

An older preschooler already has the quantity and quality of knowledge and experience necessary for independent action, although small, but the older preschooler already has certain skills in performing various actions.

We all know how children at this age love to repeat “I do it myself!” That is, the child is already able and willing to do something without outside help. The child tries to carry out even light work assignments. If children cannot do something on their own, they are still reluctant to transfer these responsibilities to another. They try to do feasible and overwhelming work, but they will not understand that this is not yet available to them.

The independence of older preschoolers is very diverse. Children show it as if in a game. Here they choose roles and organize game plots.

In their work activities, children independently choose a job that they like. For example, girls love to sweep the floor and tidy up their toys. Boys are attracted to construction sets, and they enjoy assembling various buildings, and at the end of the game they tidy up the cubes. They can put the chairs back in place. After lunch, the children can already collect their plates and take them to the washing room.

Visual activity allows older preschoolers to independently choose a drawing or design for the image. Children themselves choose the visual means and colors with which they want to convey the image.

The development of independence requires children to have a desire to learn to perform various tasks and actions, and to be motivated to repeat them. In order for the development of independence to be carried out successfully, children must have an adequate level of criticality of mind, logical thinking, and acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out any activity.

When a child begins to imitate, shows initiative and a desire to carry out the teacher’s tasks, at this moment the development of independence in older preschoolers begins.

Then the child begins to like what he is doing, there is an interest in the result, what will happen in the end. These are the factors that contribute to the development of independence in preschoolers.

From time to time, children repeat their actions, they develop creative activity and a desire to change something. This also leads to independence.

There is an easy way to check if your baby is independent. Already in early childhood, parents ask to say “thank you” when the child receives something. The child is asked to be grateful. After some time, you can offer the child a treat. If the child thanks, it means that he has developed the skill of independently expressing his gratitude for the treat without asking an adult. If the child remains silent, it means that he cannot yet involuntarily give thanks. This is a reason to continue working on this quality in the baby.

The development of children's independence can be organized using similar examples.

When a child learns to analyze his actions and make decisions about performing activities, it can be noted that he already has the beginnings of independence.

The development of self-control is possible only in a team, be it gaming or any other activity. Only by comparing themselves with others do preschoolers develop the ability to analyze - did I do the right thing, maybe I should do it this way or that way.

It’s good if by the time they reach preschool age, children will already have the skills of voluntary behavior. Since by acting arbitrarily, a child can direct his desires in a certain direction. He knows what is good and what is not so good if the child has developed moral feelings. According to these skills, the child will be able to make informed choices in his affairs and actions.

One of the very first skills of independence in future first-graders can be observed in self-service skills. After all, not a single older preschooler goes to the kitchen to drink at the request of an adult. He does this on his own. Children at this age dress independently in the morning and undress before napping in kindergarten.

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