Theater clubs for teenagers: admission conditions, selection, lesson program, teachers, reviews

Many teenagers dream of stage fame, but still this profession is not suitable for everyone; you must definitely test your strength. Others lack self-confidence and have a fear of public speaking. A theater club for teenagers is suitable for everyone; it will help them discover their creative potential, gain self-confidence, and find friends and like-minded people. The skills acquired here will also be useful to those who will not connect their future lives with theatrical art: these skills include excellent diction, a high level of self-discipline and public speaking skills. All this will serve well after school, when the teenager goes on an “independent swim.” Such knowledge will be needed at the institute when presenting reports and abstracts, defending coursework and dissertations. In addition, participation in amateur productions develops imagination, horizons, and the ability to work in a team. A theater club for children, the program of which was selected by competent teachers, will help even a shy teenager to loosen up, become more flexible and energetic. A necessary quality for adult life. But to implement all of the above, you need to make the right choice.

Theater Club

Many teachers working in the field of arts will not agree with the fact that actors are trained.
In order for a child to become a sought-after actor, he must be taught theatrical skills, cultivate a sensitive nature, able to correctly express his emotions and thoughts, empathize and sympathize. It is necessary to teach a young connoisseur of beauty to respect theatrical art and clearly understand it. To make it easier for parents and children to achieve the desired result in mastering acting skills, a theater studio comes to the rescue.

Theater arts classes are not mandatory, however, with their help, children will gain invaluable experience that will definitely be useful in a bright future. If the teacher is truly a professional in his field, then he will provide support to every child: both those who are overly proud and, on the contrary, those who are too shy, in finding their own “I”, will help to show their talents and hide their shortcomings.

A performance is, first of all, interaction in a team. The ability to work in a team, take responsibility, correctly use the freedom that is provided in certain circumstances, respect for one’s own feelings and the feelings of others - teachers teach all this in the theater club.

Studio "Our Theater"

Fast forward to a new city, theater clubs for teenagers in Yaroslavl are presented with many options. One of them is the “Our Theater” studio, founded in 2006. Participation in the creative life of the center is a great opportunity for children and adults to express themselves and reveal their creative potential. The training is divided into age levels; studio students will learn acting, stage speech, vocals and choreography under the guidance of experienced teachers. One new play is staged every year, and performances are regularly held for invited audiences. The workshop is located in three points of the city, which is very convenient.

What do you mean by drama club?

The traditional age at which a child can be accepted into a drama club is 6 years old . But there are studios that teach the skill of transformation to children almost from infancy.

Theater arts lessons for children over a year old are conducted in a playful way and include teaching the following actions, which are initial theatrical sketches: growl like a tiger cub, meow like a kitten, and others. Based on all of the above, it is concluded that the age that is suitable for learning acting does not matter.

It is very difficult to understand what a child really needs, since no one except the baby himself knows this. Providing choice is what parents should be guided by when choosing classes that their young talent will attend.

Moreover, this applies not only to theater clubs, but also to any other sections. Putting pressure on a child is the main mistake that leads to undesirable results.

Active search and frequent change of clubs is not forbidden, because the child chooses which activities he will like and which he will never go to again. However, after each unsuccessful attempt to find what is needed, it is necessary to analyze the situation with the child and identify the reasons why the search was not successful.

It is difficult to predict whether a child will like to transform into characters from different works and perform in front of a large audience on stage. But it is important to appreciate and understand what classes in a theater studio mean for a preschooler.

Theater instills in children many vital skills, among which the most notable are:

Studio at the Youth Theater under the direction of V. Spesivtsev

There has been a workshop at the Vyacheslav Spesivtsev Theater almost from its very foundation. Training there is free. Due to the presence of selection already in the learning process and a serious approach, the school could not be classified as a theater club for teenagers. Anyone can try their hand and gain knowledge and experience in the studio, but rather, this is another place for a serious start for children and teenagers who cannot imagine their life without a stage. Training is carried out in three groups: from 6-10 years, from 10 to 15 and from 16 to 18. They promise that the students of the studio will receive knowledge comparable to the first courses of specialized acting schools. The curriculum is superior to other theater classes for children. In addition to acting, solfeggio and other subjects, there are lessons in stage fencing, acrobatics and dancing. But do not be afraid of a professional attitude; the studio provides all possible support and develops the talents of students. It is located at the address of the Youth Theater: Rustaveli Street, 19. You can sign up every Sunday at 10:45 (from the service entrance).

Theater is not just for actors

You should not think that there is nothing to do in the theater for those who do not see themselves on stage in the future. Theatrical art improves intelligence, trains memory and concentration. Numerous studies have shown that children who once took part in theatrical productions become harmonious individuals in the future. The world around them and people are perceived by them in a variety of manifestations. Creative individuals are distinguished by tolerance. All these qualities will be useful for modern children.

The main goal of drama club leaders is to provide children with the opportunity to:

As multimillion-dollar surveys have shown, no matter what field of activity is preferred in the future, one thing is clear - theatrical experience is never forgotten and only helps in mastering a particular profession.

The theater is a unique place, captivating with its special atmosphere and immersing you in a completely different world, distinguished by its era, costumes, and behavior of the people who lived at that time.

Theater gives you a chance to liberate yourself in the company of other people, get rid of existing complexes, and reveal hidden abilities and talents. In addition, a person studies the rules of eloquence, improves his diction and masters a secret technique, which consists in the ability to attract and interest listeners.

Working in a team helps you easily understand colleagues, get rid of difficulties that arise when communicating with other people, and find your place in a new environment.


Program Goals

The main goal is to introduce children to spiritual and moral values ​​and develop personality through theatrical performances. The main objectives of any theater club include the following goals:

  1. To cultivate humane feelings in children, forming in them an idea of ​​such important qualities as honesty, kindness, justice and their opposites - cruelty, cunning, cowardice. Develop the ability to correctly relate to your own and others’ actions. Develop a sense of self-respect and responsiveness.
  2. Cultivate collective feelings. Children must be able to act in the moral interests of the team and behave correctly during the preparation and staging of the performance.
  3. Develop creative abilities and introduce children to theatrical art. This is expressed in introducing children to different types of theater, stories about the features of theatrical play, because the main task is to interest them in this action.

How to organize the work of a theater group.

During the circle’s classes, it is important to create conditions, a field of active activity in which the child’s feelings, experienced by him while reading fiction, would find their application, so that he could assist and really sympathize.

So, first we choose a fairy tale with the children and I write a script based on it. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are many children in the circle, but few heroes. Therefore, we have to add new heroes. Then I read the script to the guys, and we analyze what we read. It is very important that every child can express their point of view. At the end of the discussion, we find the main idea of ​​the text and the main idea that the author wanted to convey to us. After discussion, we assign roles. I try to take into account the children’s wishes and their capabilities. In the next lesson we read expressively. If there are incomprehensible words in the text, we explain their meaning and select synonyms to make it easier for children to memorize the text.

To convey the idea of ​​the work to the audience, actors must speak their lines clearly and expressively. Expressiveness is based on thoughtful analysis of text and the application of the fundamental principles of the art of reading, promotes the mental and aesthetic development of students, and also contributes to the development of their artistic abilities. Expressive reading is an integral part of any lesson in primary school. It has a huge impact on the overall development of children. It helps to improve the culture of oral speech, the formation of poetic taste, and helps to perceive a work of art as a work of art! If there is such an opportunity, then in classes I use the live word of an actor (recording). A big reward for me is reading a line correctly.

Features of the classes

The plan for a theater club should be drawn up depending on the psychological characteristics of the children and their age. Classes will allow children to develop in various directions: musical, theatrical, choreographic, psychological. Also, such classes will teach the child to think creatively, develop memory, and gradually achieve the goal.

A theater group can make a child fall in love with it; in the end, after several classes, only the most interested children will remain in the created group.

Work with children

Class planning plays an important role in achieving your goals. Therefore, the theater group must work in combination of various types of arts. You shouldn’t divide your activities like this: today we sing, tomorrow we dance, the day after tomorrow we play. Each lesson should be filled to the maximum with all types of art, so it will be more interesting for the child, and the result will be achieved in a shorter time.

The theater club program should include reading with children based on the roles of classical works, plays, tales, and ready-made scripts. This way, the teacher will be able to immediately assess the situation, work with each child separately, and choose for each the role of the future performance according to his capabilities.

Tongue twisters have a good effect on speech development. To make it more interesting, you can put the children in a circle and give them a ball. The game is simple: whoever gets the ball in his hands says a tongue twister. The ball must be in the hands of each member of the circle for everyone to participate.

Features of the circle program in 2nd grade

The structure of the second grade program allows us to solve two issues. The first is educational tasks, thanks to which children’s intelligence and emotionality develop, as well as their communication skills through children’s theater. The second is educational goals that require the development of artistry, the ability to transform on stage, which is necessary to participate in performances. The goals of the program are to ensure the aesthetic, moral, and intellectual development of schoolchildren, to cultivate their individuality and to develop interest and responsiveness to the art of theater. The work program of a theater club at a preschool educational institution allows you to solve several problems:

  1. Introduce children to different types of theater.
  2. Promote the development of different types of creativity.
  3. Improve children's artistic skills and the ability to transform into characters on stage.
  4. Develop speech culture and aesthetic taste.
  5. Nurture the child's creative activity.

Most of the time out of the 34 hours allotted for the circle, children will be actively moving, as rehearsals are planned, performances are shown, costumes are prepared, theaters are visited, and the rest of the time is thematic conversations, watching fairy tales and presentations, and memorizing texts. The program consists of several sections, each of which is aimed at solving a number of problems. Most often, the course involves familiarization with theatrical acting and the basics of theatrical culture, the culture and technique of speech and rhythm plasticity. By the end of the training, the theater group should provide children with various skills. The lesson program is designed so that students master a number of important and necessary skills:

  • be able to behave in the theater during a performance;
  • understand the types and genres of theatrical art;
  • be able to easily pronounce tongue twisters and recite poems;
  • be able to adapt to improvisation;
  • build dialogues;
  • select rhymes for given words.

As a rule, in circles all classes are divided into several sections, within which several classes are held.

Who should attend the club?

The children's theater group is suitable for everyone, without exception. For example, a child may not like music school, or he may not have the predisposition or talent for singing or playing musical instruments. The sports section may also be completely different from the area in which the child would like to develop. The theater club will appeal to almost everyone, regardless of age, hobbies and preferences.

For modest, repressed and inactive children, classes in a circle will liberate them, teach them to love themselves, and increase their self-esteem. Quiet children will learn to develop leadership skills.

Hyperactive children will find exactly the activity they need in a theater club. After all, they play there, run, sing, jump, roll on the floor, “walk on their heads,” “stand on their ears,” and do other useful things!

Hooligan children here will learn discipline, friendship, the ability to work in pairs and a large team, independently achieve their goals, commitment, and kindness.

Palace of Culture "Moskovsky". Description of the circles

Additional enrollment in clubs has been announced again at the House of Culture


1. Ensemble of Russian folk song "Okolitsa" 2. Circle "Englishman" 3. Fine arts circle "Firebird" 4. Theater studio "Igra" 5. Theater circle "Igrashki" 6. Women's club "Conversation" 7. Circle " Play, accordion!” 8. “Oriental Martial Arts” club 9. “Surprise” dance group 10. “Mosaic” group 11. “Spring” group 12. “Spartak” dance school 13. “Belly Dance” group 14. “Orange Sky” group 15. Club "Silver Rain"

1. Russian folk song ensemble “Okolitsa”

Head: Kosheva Tatyana Grigorievna Number of participants: more than 20 people. (including 2 accordion players). The ensemble was created in August 1999

Description. The creativity of this group is aimed at preserving the traditions of the Russian people. In their performances, the group reveals all the beauty and wisdom of Russian song. The ensemble's repertoire is varied, from Russian folk songs to modern ones. Also in the repertoire are songs of his own composition. The genre of the song repertoire is also diverse, which includes lyrical and playful songs, dance songs and ditties, songs with elements of movement, playing folk musical instruments, thanks to all this, the songs acquire a different coloring, brighter, more dynamic, and every year the team improves its professional level. Every year the team releases new issues. The Okolitsa ensemble actively participates in city, district and regional events and has been awarded numerous certificates and diplomas.

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2. Circle "English"

Head: Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna Number of participants: 68 people. Age: 1st group 6-7 years old, 2nd group 8-9 years old, 3rd group 9-11 years old, 4th group 12-17 years old The club was created in January 1991

Description. Classes are conducted in a fun way with game elements; a variety of visual aids, video and audio materials, and educational publications by domestic and foreign authors are used. During classes, discussions on regional studies are systematically held in order to introduce students to the culture, traditions and customs of the country of the language being studied. Students learn many poems and songs (to live accompaniment). Open classes for parents, festive evenings, excursions, and quizzes are regularly held. On holiday evenings, performances are staged in English (play, puppet, and cartoon). Participants of the circle take an active part in the competitive activities of the cultural center.

February 2007 - Regional Olympiad in English (2nd place) November 2007 - Olympiad in English (1st and 2nd place)

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3. Fine arts club “Firebird”

Head: Evdokimova Marina Mikhailovna Teacher: Demidova Nadezhda Mikhailovna Number of participants: 82 people. Age: from 4 to 16 years old The art studio began its work in April 1988.

Description. Classes are conducted taking into account the age characteristics of children using a fun game method, with extensive use of all kinds of visual aids. An original training program has been created for each age group. The number of circle participants is constantly increasing. The team not only conducts educational work, but also organizes exhibitions, competitions, excursions, holds art talks, and festive evenings. Participants of the art studio exhibited their works at regional competitions, and at competitions and exhibitions held in the Palace of Culture. The work of the circle was awarded with certificates from the Administration of the Palace of Culture, the Chairman of the Mosobkom of the trade union of agricultural workers, the Executive Committee of the General Council of the FNPR, and the Central Committee. prof. workers of the Agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, the Committee for Culture. There were reports on the work of the circle on TV in the village of Moskovsky and articles in the newspapers “Vesti Moskovskogo” and “Vidnovskie Vesti”. In 2004, the “Firebird” circle received the title “Exemplary”. The methodological developments of the head of the art studio are published in the magazine “Preschooler, Junior Schoolchild” of the publishing house “School Press” and published as separate books “Magic Paints”, “Magic Pencil”, “Multi-Color Rainbow”, “Learning to Draw with Paints”, “Learning to Draw with Pencils”, “ DIY home zoo”, “Drawings and gifts for the holiday”.

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4. Theater studio "Igra"

Leaders: Zasherinsky Andrey Vladimirovich Number of participants: 15 people. Age: 13 years and older The theater studio was created in 1989.

Description. Children study acting, stage speech, and plastic movements. The “Igra” team takes an active part in the concert activities of the Palace of Culture and tours a lot around the Leninsky district. In 2001 “The Game” went to Rennes (France) during the spring break to exchange theatrical skills. Participated in the festivals of the Moscow region amateur theaters "Theater Zavalinka". In 2001 received a Diploma in 2002. – took 1st place. The following performances were produced: “Rudolfo” by V. Rasputin, “Top Hat”, “Vincenzo de Pretore” by E. de Philip, “Hey, Someone” by U. Saroyan, “Watercolor” by A. Green, “Litigation”, “Night” before Christmas" N.V. Gogol, "The Nightingale", "The Snow Queen" G.H. Andersen, "An Ordinary Miracle", "The Naked King" E. Schwartz, "Little Tragedies", "Tell Me the Magician, the Favorite of the Gods" A .S. Pushkin, “The Bear” by A.P. Chekhov, “All about Love” by W. Shakespeare, “The Forest” by A. Ostrovsky, “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”, “The Scarlet Flower” by S. Aksakov, “The Marriage of Figaro” "Beaumarchais, "Provincial Anecdotes", "Sun in a Stork's Nest", "Success", "House with Windows on a Field" by A. Vampilov and performances based on original scripts "Where Stars Are Born", "Magic Glade", "Medicine for the Princess" ", "The Three Little Pigs Go to School", "Black and White". For the play “The Snow Queen” in 1998, the theater studio received the title “People’s Collective.” For the play “An Old, But Ever New Story” in 2001, the theater studio received a third degree grant laureate diploma at the Moscow Regional Youth Festival-Competition of Amateur Theater Groups "Theatrical ruin." For the play “The Night Before Christmas” in 2002, the theater studio received a third degree grant laureate diploma at the Moscow regional youth festival-competition of amateur theater groups “Theater Zavalinka”. For the play “Vincenzo de Pretore” in 2005, the theater studio received a first degree grant laureate diploma at the Moscow regional youth festival-competition of amateur theater groups “Theater Zavalinka”. For the play “The Scarlet Flower” in 2006, the theater studio received a diploma for participation in the interregional open festival of amateur theaters “Friends of Melpomene.” For the play “Forest” in 2007, the theater studio received a diploma of third-degree grant laureate at the Moscow Regional Youth Festival-Competition amateur theater groups "Theatrical Zavalinka".

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5. Theater group “Toys”

Leader: Rivkovich Galina Aleksandrovna Number of participants: 23 people. Age: 7 years and older

Description. Classes in the circle are conducted using an exciting game method, children study acting skills, technique and plasticity of speech, artistic expression, and voice production. The club hosts competitions, quizzes, games, skits. The children actively participate in theatrical productions and in competitive and entertainment programs. Every year the team takes part in various events, festivals, and theater competitions. In August of this year, the team took part in the opening of the European Motorball Championship, Vidnoye City Day, and Moscow City Day.

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6. Women's club "Conversation"

Head: Elena Valentinovna Kornilova Number of participants: 14 people.

Description. For a long time, women's gatherings were called conversations. The purpose of meetings at the club is to introduce different types of handicrafts. Handicraft is an ageless form of applied art. It has a long history and is still popular today. Possession of handicraft skills and techniques for some is the satisfaction of their artistic and aesthetic needs, for others it can be a serious help in the family budget. Not only those who want to learn handicraft come here, but also those for whom handicraft is the main hobby in life. They willingly share their skills with club members. The club teaches various types of needlework: cross stitch, artistic satin stitch, cut and openwork stitch, bead embroidery, hemstitching, bobbin lace, weaving from wicker and straw. Club members exchange diagrams, drawings, patterns, view and discuss needlework magazines. Exhibitions of their own works are planned in the Palace of Culture, as well as visits by club members to exhibitions at the All-Russian Exhibition Center and the Central House of Artists.

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7. Circle “Play, harmony!”

Head: Panyushin Valentin Andreevich Number of participants: 5 people.

Description. During the classes they study the technique of playing musical instruments, musical plays, Russian songs and romances. Currently, the club's repertoire includes more than 50 songs. The main composition of the club is a duet of accordionists and a participant who performs an artistic whistle that imitates the singing of birds. Club “Play, Harmony!” participate in all events of the cultural center, go with a concert program to the villages of Govorovo and Meshkovo.

Fragment of the article “Play, Harmony!” from the newspaper “Vidnovskie Vesti” dated December 27, 2005.

“Play, accordion!” Harmony is a cheerful, speaking, sounding, melodious word! And if you look into the history of distant pre-revolutionary Russia, at a time when Russian merchants transported furs, leather, silks, chintz, Khokhloma dew, guns to overseas countries, one of the most prominent goods were balalaikas and accordions. Foreigners were especially surprised by the accordion: two wooden boxes connected by leather or furs emitted cheerful melodious sounds. Different provinces of Russia had their own unique masters - Tula, Shuisky, Vyatsky, Saratov accordions were in great demand. In those distant times, bazaars and fairs were held, peddlers walked, strong men and wrestlers came out, teams of troikas were harnessed to trotters - and in large Russian villages, both old and young, boys and girls, danced a square dance to the accordion from evening until morning. This is how folk holidays were born, which are still celebrated today. What are ditties without an accordion-talker, what is a song without a button accordion, what are dances? Come out, sing and dance, and the accordionists throw their fingers from top to bottom and in order. Party with all your heart, people.

Author of the article: Panyushin V.A., head of the “Play, Harmony!” club

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8. Club "Oriental martial arts"

Leader: Bakharev Maxim Vladimirovich - instructor of the Federation of Karate-do, Shito-ryu, Kofukan, black belt 2 dan Number of participants: 47 people. Age: younger group from 5 to 7 years; senior group from 8 to 14 years old.

Description. Training sessions are based on studying the technique of movements, strikes and defensive actions, strength and special exercises based on the style and traditions of karate-do, Shito-ryu, Kofukan. The main goal of the classes: studying the culture and preserving the traditions of the training forms of karate-do, Shito-ryu.

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9. Dance group “Surprise”

Leader: Smirnova Elena Viktorovna Number of participants: 12 people. Age: from 6 to 10 years

Description. The training program includes the basics of classical and folk dance, staging of Russian dances and dances of the peoples of the world. The “Surprise” circle takes an active part in the events of the Palace of Culture, in district and regional events. Participating in the Maxi Dance festival.

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10. Circle "Mosaic"

Head: Trandobulo Valentina Aleksandrovna Number of participants: 50 people. Age: from 4 years

Description. The training program includes the basics of choreography, ground gymnastics (exercises for flexibility and plastic movements), study and practice of dance movements in the middle, in a circle of the hall (practice of rhythm, coordination of movements, development of musical ear). The classes are conducted in a playful way. Educational games are played to children's music. Currently, the dance “Little Country” is ready for performance in the concert program and the dance “Jolly Bees” is being prepared.

The head of the circle, Valentina Aleksandrovna, graduated from the Moscow Children's Art School with a degree in choreography. Actively participates in concerts as part of the ensemble “Rossiyanka”.

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11. Circle "Spring"

Head: Mosinova Valentina Konstantinovna Number of participants: 32 people. Age: 6 years

Description. The program is aimed at the early intellectual development of children who are 6 years old and who, even before school, want to learn to read and retell what they have read, count examples and solve problems, get acquainted with geometric concepts, properties of comparison and comparison of numbers and objects, as well as master the elements of writing, shading and tracing, learning to hold a pen correctly. The content of the classes includes the development of speech and logical thinking of children. Classes are based on colorful visual and demonstration materials (pictures, cards, tables, diagrams, toys...). Frequent changes in activities contribute to the quick memorization of new terms and the correct completion of any teacher’s tasks in printed notebooks. All program material is aimed at children of senior preschool age and serves as a good basis for children entering school. Classes are taught by an experienced teacher of the highest category.

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12. Dance school "Spartak"

Head: Polosina Marina Vladimirovna Number of participants: 12 people. Age: 1st group 5-7 years old, 2nd group 5-7 years old couples, 3rd group 8-13 years old, 4th group from 13 years old.

Description. The training program includes: development of flexibility, sense of rhythm, coordination. Studying the dances of the Latin American program: “Cha-cha-cha”, “Rumba”, “Samba”, “Jive”, “Pasadoble” and the European program: “Slow Waltz”, “Tango”, “Viennese Waltz”, “Slow Faxtrot” , "Fast Faxtrot". Children participate in certification under the “Solo” program and receive medals, certificates, and diplomas. The fourth group includes dance couples from the age of 13, who participate in Russian and interregional tournaments and competitions in ballroom dancing.

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13. “Belly dance” group

Head: Svetlana Anatolyevna Lozhinskaya Number of participants: 24 people.

Description. The program of classes includes: training in oriental dances, development of coordination and flexibility, lectures on the culture of the East and the features of oriental costume, dance performance.

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14. Circle “Orange Sky”

Head: Pravdolyubov Sergey Vladimirovich Number of participants: 7 people. Age: from 5 to 12 years

Description. The program of classes includes: training in singing modern music and the manner of singing: with a microphone and a soundtrack. Formation of the repertoire. Creation of individual “backing tracks”. Classes are taught by an experienced teacher-vocalist.

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15. Circle “Silver Rain”

Leader: Kukarin Alexander Veniaminovich Number of participants: 13 people. Age: 1 group 3-7 years, 2 group 8-11 years, 3 group 12-18 years

Description. The program of classes includes: training in new dances and styles, correct posture and body positioning, positive effects on health, development of coordination and flexibility, training in dance ethics, acting classes. The “Silver Rain” circle invites those who want to explore the world of dance: Break, Street, Jazz, Retro, Modern, Tap, Disco, folk and other dance rhythms. Take part in festivals and concerts, feel like an artist on stage in a bright concert costume, get acquainted with the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world. We are recruiting for a group of 20 years and older.

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How to choose the right script for a school theater?

So, after two or three months of stable classes, children remain in the circle who are interested in further classes, self-development, and they are ready for real rehearsals. Also, during this period of time, the teacher will become familiar with the potential of each member of the school troupe. It's time to choose a script.

The most important thing that the leader must remember is that the play for the theater group is chosen in such a way that every child gets a role in it with words, and there are no children left who will play silent people in the crowd.

Naturally, the choice of play must be justified and correct. Small children will not be able to participate in the production of classics, for example by Dostoevsky. They need something simpler, for example, the fairy tale “Cat House”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, and others. Children in the middle age group can already cope well with longer and more complex fairy tales, such as “The Frog Princess” and “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” It will be interesting for high school students to stage classic works.

The script for the theater group must correspond to the event. For example, to participate in a talent competition, you need to choose positive and humorous ones, because people like to laugh. But such productions are not suitable, for example, for Victory Day; a calmer and more soulful performance is needed here.

The distribution of roles should also be carefully considered. Of course, you need to start from the wishes of the child himself, but also take into account the following point: give the children roles that are vastly different from their own character (a tomboy should try to embody the image of a calm and reasonable character, and a modest child should try to play the role of the main character or villain).

Private studio "Home Theater"

Parents from different cities are asking questions about finding a suitable studio, but the lion's share of such requests comes from the capital. Therefore, the first in this article will be theater clubs for teenagers in Moscow. The guys who study here don’t have to worry about having good roles. New performances are staged monthly, and studio students have time to play various roles. Its creators, Arseny Epelbaum and Olga Zeiger, are proponents of an individual approach to students to unlock everyone’s creative potential. Children here are real creators and co-authors of productions: they themselves create the text, costumes and scenery for performances of shadow, puppet, play and paper theaters. The variety of genres and deep immersion contribute to the creative development of every child and serve as a guarantee that he will definitely like something. The creators of the studio believe that there are no untalented children, therefore there is no strict selection in the studio - here they are happy to introduce everyone to creativity. Many theatrical and creative celebrities also bring their children and grandchildren here, including Lev Rubinstein and Tatyana Drubich. The cost of a monthly visit is 8,000 rubles. The studio is located at the address: Moscow, Granatny per., 12 near the Barrikadnaya metro station. The serious approach of the teachers is also evidenced by the fact that all members of the circle are included for free in the actor database of the TELEcasting agency, through which federal channels find participants in their projects.

Common mistakes of a circle leader

Very often, a production ends up with incorrectly chosen musical accompaniment, or it occurs too often during the performance. It is worth remembering that the music should emphasize the main points, the genre should correspond to the chosen theme of the performance.

There are times when the director chose the wrong piece. In this case, children simply will not be able to perform the role well, play feelings and sensations with which they are not familiar, or generally understand the meaning of the production.

It is necessary to exclude complex sentences and incomprehensible words from the script; children simply will not be able to remember them. Replace with figures of speech that are more understandable and accessible to children’s knowledge.

It happens that the material is completely unsuitable for the audience.

Often, teachers, in order to improve acting skills and introduce a kind of humor into the performance, give male roles to girls, and boys get female characters. Only high school students can cope with such a task, and not all of them.

For the junior theater group, as we have already said, it is worth selecting scripts for children's fairy tales. But they should not be what they are used to seeing. It is necessary to make adjustments to the images of the heroes, for example, to make them more modern.

Stages of preparing a performance

A children's theater group should work at least three days a week so that young actors do not have time to completely forget all previous rehearsals and theater lessons. This is very important for creating a complete and interesting performance.

So, what needs to be done to make the production memorable not only for the audience, but also for its participants themselves?

Immediately from the very first rehearsal, the circle leader must seek from each actor a believable performance and correct interaction with the other characters. If you initially allow incorrect play, then in the future it will be very difficult to correct it, since children very quickly remember both movements and manner of speaking. Show yourself how to move and communicate with your stage partners correctly.

Features of working with high school students

The drama club at school should not be like serious lessons. Teenagers who attend classes are already tired of the complex curriculum, and there they are children to teachers. The leader of the circle should trust his actors more, listen to their opinions, and not work on the fact that the main leader here, and everything needs to be done as he said.

Ask the children to help select a piece to perform. Select several of the most interesting scenarios and vote together for the one you will stage on stage. It’s also worth involving the guys in the selection of musical accompaniment. Young people know better what their peers like. Such teamwork will unite the team even more, and each participant will be proud of their contribution to the performance.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that teenagers are impulsive; do not allow quarrels between them. Try to teach children to find alternative solutions that will suit everyone.

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