Didactic games and exercises for older preschoolers on the topic “Flowers” ​​educational and methodological material on the world around us (preparatory group)

Middle group

Older preschoolers should know where flowers grow, what features and properties different types of plants have. It is important to instill in students a love for the nature of their native land. We must not forget about the physical activity of the children.

Where does the flower grow

For the game, prepare pictures of flower beds, fields, forests. Make cards depicting flowers familiar to the children. Invite the players to distribute the cards according to the pictures of growing places.

Flower drawing competition

By participating in an art competition, children develop imagination, creative skills, and color perception.

For the competition, purchase or pick a large flower from your garden: tulip, peony, rose, sunflower, iris or other. Children prepare art supplies and sit at easels, if available, or tables. From the finished works they put together an exhibition and choose the winner of the competition whose work they liked the most.


The didactic game “Flowers” ​​develops speech skills, imaginative thinking, and the ability to select descriptive features.

Ask a question and let the children give descriptions. You cannot repeat yourself; for each correct answer the player receives a point. The participant with the most points wins.

Here are sample questions:

  • What kind of rose? – beautiful, red, lush, fragrant, tender;
  • What flowers have spines? – rose, rose hip, cactus, blackthorn, burdock;
  • What flowers are perfume made from? – jasmine, lavender, rose, lily of the valley, peony;
  • What plants are honey made from? – dandelion, linden, acacia, clover;
  • What flowers are yellow? – sunflower, dandelion, narcissus, buttercup.

Flower catch-up

Each player chooses the name of the flower; they should not be repeated. The players decide by lot who is catching up. Let it be “Cornflower”. He names some other plant, for example, “Dandelion”. The player who chose the name “Dandelion” runs away. "Cornflower" catches up with him. When “Dandelion” feels like it is about to be overtaken, it may say out loud another flower, such as “Chamomile.” Then “Romashka” has to run away, “Cornflower” switches to her. If “Dandelion” does not have time to pronounce the word and is caught, then it becomes catching up.

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