Homework on the lexical topic “Migratory Birds” educational and methodological material (senior group)

Quiz for children of the preparatory group “Birds of Migratory”

Quiz for children 6-7 years old on the topic “Birds of Migratory”
Author: Minachetdinova Gulnaz Mansurovna, senior teacher, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 22 “Crane” in the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic. Description of work: The summary of the quiz “Birds of Migratory” is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. This quiz can be held in a pre-school group (children 6-7 years old). Duration: 20-25 minutes. Goal: To update children’s ideas about migratory birds. Objectives: Continue to generalize, expand and systematize children’s ideas about migratory birds; Improve the dialogical form of speech; Expand children’s horizons, speed of thinking, stimulate cognitive interest. Develop an interest in observing wildlife. Develop the ability to interact with peers. Vocabulary work: birds, migratory, fly away, warm lands. Benefits: illustrations of birds, leaves, recordings of bird voices, chips.

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to take part in a quiz.
Do you know what this is? Children's answers. (a quiz is a game where questions are asked) Educator: Yes, that’s right, a quiz is a game in which participants answer questions on some general topic. The topic of today's quiz is “Migratory Birds. Divide into two teams so that there are equal numbers of participants, come up with a name for your team. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip. So, are you ready? We begin. 1. Telling riddles. Educator: Now the task is a riddle. Each team will be given three riddles. Guess the riddles, if you are sure that the answer is a migratory bird, then lift up the card with an orange maple leaf, and if it is a wintering bird, then lift up the card with a green leaf.

The teacher asks riddles. 1. The blackest of all migratory birds, Cleans the arable land from worms (rook) 2. Who, without notes and without a pipe, is the best at trilling? (nightingale) 3. Black vest, red beret. The nose is like an ax, the tail is like a stop (woodpecker) 4. It flies with the drift of ice, It shakes its black tail, The narrow black and white tail of the graceful one (wagtail) 5. He flies every year Where the house awaits him, He can sing other people’s songs, And nevertheless, it has its own voice (starling) 6. The back is greenish, the belly is yellowish, a black cap and a stripe of a scarf. (titmouse) Children's answers. Educator: Well done team, you solved all the riddles. 2. Exercise “Finish the sentence” Educator : I’ll start, and you finish. Finish the sentence I started. I propose to each team to finish two sentences. 1. “Birds are called migratory because...” (they fly to warm regions) 2. “In autumn, birds fly to warm regions because...” (it is difficult to feed themselves in winter) 3. “Birds that feed are the earliest to fly to warm regions ...(insects) 4. “Waterfowl are the last to fly away because...(reservoirs freeze in late autumn) Children's answers. 3. Exercise “Recognize a migratory bird”

Educator: Look carefully at the pictures and try to guess which of the birds depicted are migratory; place yellow chips next to them. Each team has one picture. Children complete the task. Correct answers: in picture 1 there is a crane, a starling, a swallow; in the 2nd picture there is a cuckoo, a starling, a wagtail. 4. Exercise “Recognize by voice” Educator: Birds fly away, their voices are heard less and less often. Listen and try to recognize the bird by its voice. sounds a recording of birds' voices sounds the nightingale's voice sounds the lark's voice sounds the swallow's voice sounds the starling's voice sounds the cuckoo's voice sounds the rook's voice Children's answers. 5. Exercise “One - many” Educator: Birds gather in warm regions, flock together. Let's remember what flocks of birds will be called. I will name one migratory bird, but you name it when there are many birds, when they flock together. rook - flock...(rooks) swift - flock...(swifts) swallow-flock... (swallows) swan-flock...(swans) goose-flock... (geese) duck-flock...(ducks) starling-flock...(starlings) crane - a flock of ... (cranes) 6. Summing up. Educator : Well done guys, you listened to each other carefully, answered without interrupting your comrades. Now count the chips your team received. Counting chips. Determination of the winning team.

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Lexico-grammatical games on the topic “Birds of Migratory”

Lexico-grammatical games on the topic “Birds of Migratory”

1. "Chain"

Goal: Activate vocabulary on the topic, develop attention and memory;

Children name migratory birds by chain.

2. “What does the bird lack?”

Goal: To consolidate the names of the bird’s body parts, to practice the correct use of the genitive case of nouns;

The teacher covers various parts of the body in the image of a bird (or draws several images of a bird without different parts of the body) -What is missing? The children answer: - The tail is missing ,


, paws
wings .
3. With a ball:
“One - many - none”, “Call it affectionately”
Purpose: To exercise the ability to correctly use the plural form of nouns, to form a diminutive form;

4. "Who is bigger?"

Goal: enrich the vocabulary of verbs, develop the ability to select action words;

The teacher gives instructions to remember what birds can do and explains the rules of the game:

1 option

: the one who names the last action word wins;

Option 2

: children name words and receive chips, then the chips are counted and the winner is called;

Vocabulary material: fly, fly away, arrive, return, build, hover, lay, hatch, hatch, feed, sing, squeak, chirp, eat, peck;

5. "The fourth wheel"

Goal: to develop attention, auditory-speech memory, the beginnings of verbal and logical thinking;

The teacher displays images of 4 birds, one of which is redundant:

*cuckoo, sparrow, starling, swallow;

*stork, crane, nightingale, rooster;

*finch, swan, rook, heron;

*jackdaw, swallow, turkey, swift;


“Guess by description”
Goal: improve the ability to select words-signs and words-actions, develop attention, auditory-speech memory;

The teacher (or one of the children) describes the bird without naming it, the children guess.

For example:

*large, waterfowl, with white plumage and a red beak, hisses;

*small, swift, with a black back and white chest, with a long forked tail, chirps, eats midges and mosquitoes;

7. “What do birds eat”

Goal: to activate vocabulary on the topic, to practice the correct use of the instrumental and accusative cases of nouns;

A picture with an image of a bird (in the middle) is displayed, and around it there are images of a mosquito, fly, ant, spider, beetle, dragonfly, grasshopper, caterpillar, butterfly.


do birds eat?
mosquito ,
, etc.


do birds eat?
, caterpillars,
beetles ,

8. “Find a home for every bird”

Goal: to activate vocabulary on the topic, develop attention and thinking;

The teacher displays pictures of birds: a nightingale, a stork, a starling, a swallow, and pictures of different dwellings (a swallow’s nest under the roof, a stork’s nest on the roof or on the top of a tree, a nest on a tree branch, a birdhouse). Children match pictures in pairs.

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