Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Dramatization game for children 3 years old “Kolobok”
Project for the dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip in a new way” in the senior group of combined orientation Project type:
Summary of the health day lesson in the preparatory group “Travel to the country of Vitaminia” Municipal preschool educational
For those born in summer How pleasant the summer weather is, The sun shines and gives us warmth!
Entertainment for June 1 in kindergarten for children of the middle group Holiday scenario for the Day
Scenario “Spring Festival” April 23, 2019 International and All-Russian competitions All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Physical culture and environmental leisure “Tourists” (for children of the older group) MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type