A long-term plan for entertainment and leisure in the pre-school group
Long-term plan for entertainment and leisure in the pre-school group Olga Konovalova Long-term plan
Notes on musical entertainment in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions
Musical entertainment for the younger group. Toy store Summary of musical entertainment in 2 younger children
A holiday dedicated to Preschool Worker's Day. Competition “My Fair Nanny!”, material (preparatory group)
Scenario for holding a big concert Holiday “My Fair Nanny!” Dear Colleagues! I want to tell you
Summer fun for children in the fresh air in the second junior group “Visiting the Sun”
Summer holidays, leisure, entertainment, game programs for children 3-4 years old. The manual contains scenarios
Thematic planning "Women's Day" in the middle group
Summary of the quiz for parents and children of the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale”
Quiz in kindergarten Quiz in kindergarten is a special type of game that
Open day at the preschool educational institution “Let's live one day together”
Open day at the preschool educational institution “Let's live one day together” March 30, 2016 Competition “My
The first total online traffic rules test started in the Moscow region 
The first total online test for traffic rules started in the Moscow region. A total online test for traffic rules was launched in the Moscow region.
Long-term entertainment plan for the first junior group
Long-term entertainment plan for the first junior group Entertainment plan for the first junior group September
Fire safety quiz game “Don’t play with fire!” Don't play around with fire! Take care of your health and lives!”
Purpose of the quiz: To consolidate children's knowledge of fire safety rules. Show the role of fire in life
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