GCD in a mixed-age group of pre-school education plan-summary of a lesson on the topic

My kindergarten

Author: Elena Vyacheslavovna Lastochkina , teacher, Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten N61 Republic of Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk city.

Program content: Repeat the forward count from one to ten and the reverse count from ten to one. To consolidate knowledge of spatial representations: left, right, top, bottom, upper right corner, lower right corner, upper left corner, lower left corner. Reinforce your knowledge of the sequence of numbers. To consolidate knowledge of the concepts: big, small, tall, low. To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval. Develop the ability to create a whole from parts. Develop the ability to relate numbers to quantities. Cultivate attentiveness, perseverance, and interest in learning.

Equipment: Tables, chairs, easel.

Demonstration material: Poster with images of high and low houses, poster with images of geometric shapes, numbers from 1 to 9, circles (dia. 8 cm), Christmas trees: high and low, hedgehog toy, ball.

Handouts: Numbers from 1 to 9, cut circles, squares, rectangles, apples for a hedgehog, plates for handouts.

Preliminary work: Consolidate knowledge of the months of the year, days of the week, seasons of the year on a walk and in free activity. Learn physical education.

Individual work: Repeat with Dasha the names of geometric shapes, with Angelina repeat the concepts: upper right corner, upper left corner, lower right corner, lower left corner.

Progress of the lesson:

Vosp.: Guys, today we have a math class, but it’s unusual. You and I will go to the forest. Let's close our eyes and count the steps into the forest from 1 to 10. Open our eyes and meet a hedgehog.

Vosp.: The hedgehog told me that during his winter sleep, he forgot everything. Can we help him remember?

Children: Yes.

Vosp.: Then sit down at the tables in our forest school and get ready to complete tasks, and the hedgehog will look at us. So, first task, please look at the board. There are numbers placed on it, but they are placed incorrectly, the numbers are tangled up in a ball and we will now untangle them. Damir, go out and put all the numbers in order.

Vosp.: Well done, we completed this task. And now we will teach the hedgehog geo. figures.

The teacher displays a poster with a geom image. figures.

Playback: Misha, tell me, what geometric figure is in the upper right corner?

Misha: In the upper right corner there is a pink circle.

Vosp.: Well done. What a geom. is the figure in the center and what color is it? Sophia, please tell me.

Sophia: In the center there is a rectangle, it is lilac.

Play: Where is the oval? And what color is it?

Azalea: The oval is in the upper left corner and is green.

Vosp.: Well done. Angelina, what figure is on the left side?

Angelina: On the left side there is a square.

Vosp.: Well done, guys. Now we’ll play the game “What’s next?”

A physical school game is being played

Playback: We've rested, let's get to work. Guys, please lay out as many apples for the hedgehog as the number I show.

Children lay out 3,5,6 apples for the hedgehog.

Playback: And now, on the contrary, I lay out circles on the board, and you show me the corresponding number.

Children show the numbers 2, 4, 7.

Vosp.: Well done, guys. Let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute:

Get up quickly, smile, Stretch higher, higher. Come on, straighten your shoulders, raise them, lower them. They turned left and right, touched their knees with their hands, sat down and stood up, sat down and stood up, and ran in place.

Vosp.: Well done guys, we worked out well. Look at the tables, here are the components of the geom. figures. Let's put them together and name which geom. do you get the figures?

Children fold geometric shapes.

Vosp.: Sophia, name some geoms. did you get the figures? And what shapes do they consist of?

Sophia: I got a square from two rectangles, a circle from two parts and a circle from four parts, a rectangle from three squares.

Vosp.: Well done, guys. And here is the next task: I have a picture, there are 2 houses on it, high and low. Please plant a low Christmas tree near a tall house and vice versa.

Children complete the task.

Vosp.: Well, our lesson has come to an end, we taught the hedgehog everything. What they knew and were able to do, and now he definitely won’t forget anything. Let's say goodbye to the hedgehog and we will return to our group. To do this, count the steps from 10 to 1.

Children repeat counting down.

Lesson duration: 20 minutes.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of an open lesson in mixed-age group No. 2 on the topic: “Let's help the good wizard”


Prepared and conducted by the teacher of MDOU No. 71: Korotkova O.M. 2016

Purpose of the lesson: Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; learn to flatten plasticine balls using all fingers; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills; continue to develop interest in fairy tales; consolidate the ability to imitate animal habits; develop the ability to do good that can resist evil.

Materials: illustrations of an evil and good wizard, presentation “Guess the Fairy Tale” , cut flowers for the game “Collect a Flower” , wood, soft red plasticine, image of an apple with white circles for painting.

Sculpting technique: “Flattening” .

Progress of the lesson:

- Hello guys! Hello, guests! Imagine, a letter arrived at our kindergarten today. From whom do you think? From the good wizard Yum-Nom - he is a great friend of all children, he protects all tasty and healthy fruits. What fruits do you guys know? (Children's answers).

-And imagine, this good wizard Yum-Nyam asks us for help: an accident happened to the apples that grow in the good wizard’s garden. The evil magician and wizard Buzyaka spoiled them; his caterpillar assistants bit all the apples. Now they are not beautiful and the good wizard cannot treat anyone to them. Unless, of course, you and I help the good wizard - he relies on us.

-Shall we help?

-You and I will go on a journey full of adventures and obstacles. The road will take us through the enchanted forest of the magician Buzyaki. In order not to go astray, you and I will walk over the pebbles. But these pebbles are not simple, on each pebble the evil wizard has prepared a task for us. If we complete it, we can jump to the next pebble.

-Are you ready to go through this difficult path and complete all the tasks? (Yes.)

-Well, then let's go! And here is the first pebble.

(The teacher picks up the pebble and reads the task.)

- Guys, how many fairy tales do you know? And what about the fairy-tale heroes who live in these fairy tales? (Yes.)

-Then listen to the first task.

-I will read you a riddle, and you must guess the name of the fairy-tale hero and what fairy tale he is from. If you correctly name the hero and the fairy tale in which he lives, then a picture with the image of this fairy-tale hero will appear on the screen.

Presentation: “Guess the fairy tale .

Slide 1.

It was baked from flour and mixed with sour cream. He was chilling at the window, He was rolling along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave, and on the way he sang a song. A bunny, a gray wolf and a brown bear wanted to eat him.

And when the baby met a red fox in the forest, he couldn’t get away from her. What kind of fairy tale? (Kolobok.)

Slide 2.

There's a little house in the field. The inhabitants of the forest found shelter in it, and the Hare, the little bird, the fox and the wolf lived together. Only the bear destroyed... (Teremok.)

Slide 3.

The nose is round, with a snout, It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground. Who didn’t want to work, but played and sang songs?

Then they ran to the third brother to a new house. We escaped from the cunning wolf, but for a long time we shook our tails.

The fairy tale is known to every child and is called... (The Three Little Pigs.)

Slide 4.

The sister did not look after her brother, and she searched for the boy for a long time. The magic river helped her, the Russian stove baked the pies.

The children hid from the birds under the apple tree. What kind of birds were these? (Swan geese.)

Slide 5.

Near the forest, on the edge, Three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears.)

Slide 6.

Answer the question: Who carried Masha in a basket, Who sat on a stump and wanted to eat a pie?

You know the fairy tale, right? Who was it? … (Masha and the Bear.)

Slide 7.

What kind of fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter, a Mouse, and also a dog, Bug, helped Grandfather and Grandma, and collected root crops? (Turnip.)

Slide 8.

In the fairy tale, the trickster fox cleverly deceived the bunny, driving her away from the hut. The bunny cried day and night.

But in trouble one brave cockerel helped him. (Zayushkina's hut.)

Slide 9.

One day a small mouse dropped an egg onto the floor. The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying. What a fairy tale, give me the answer! (Chicken Ryaba.)

-Well done boys! You completed the first task perfectly! And now we can jump to the next pebble.

-Guys, we found ourselves in a flower meadow. But what happened here?

-The evil wizard called the evil wind, it blew strongly and the petals of all the magical flowers scattered.

-Shall we help the flowers? (Yes.)

-Then go ahead!

Game "Collect a flower"

-There are four flowers in the clearing, all of different colors. Each flower consists of five petals. You must collect a flower and name the color: red, yellow, white, blue.

-Well done boys! Now let's turn into butterflies and fly around these beautiful flowers.

Musical game: "Butterflies" .

-Okay, guys! We're almost there. There is one pebble left and we will find ourselves in the good wizard’s garden. Ready?

-Exercise. Draw birds and animals: cockerel, geese, kangaroos, penguins.

-Oh, guys, what a difficult task! Can we handle it? (Yes.)

-Then let's begin!

Musical games with movements: “Cockerel” , “Geese” , “Kangaroo” , “Penguins” .

-Well done! Now we can go to the good wizard's apple tree.

-Guys, look, the good wizard is meeting us. And here is the apple tree.

(The teacher takes a basket of spoiled apples.)

-Guys, look what the evil caterpillars have done. (Shows spoiled apples.)

-How can we fix this? (Children's answers.)

-Right! We will take magic plasticine and close all the holes on the apples.

(Children sit at tables and do work.)

- Great, guys! Look what beautiful apples we made! Let's all hang our apples back on the tree together!

“What a wonderful apple tree we have.” The good wizard thanks you and gives you delicious, healthy apples!

-Well, guys, our journey is over, we defeated the evil wizard. Because good deeds always defeat evil and bad ones.

-Now get into the magic train, we’ll go home on it.

Game-dance “Steam locomotive with stops”

(To the music, the children return to the group like a train.)

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