Integrated learning: what it is, technologies, principles, models and forms

Among modern educational trends, a special place is occupied by methods that will allow people with inclusion to feel like full-fledged members of society. One such solution is integrated learning.

In this article we will cover the following questions:

  • What does integrated learning mean?
  • What goals and objectives does it set for itself?
  • What are the types, stages, and models of integrated learning?
  • What are the features of integrated education in Russia?

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What is integrated learning

Integration is a technical term that refers to any process of combining parts into a whole. But in the pedagogical system it has its own specifics: it is used in matters of inclusion, that is, the inclusion of people with various types of disabilities in public life.

So, in education, integrated learning is an educational model in which a child with special needs is not taught separately, but together with other children.

Integrated or inclusive education is not only an opportunity for people with developmental disabilities to feel part of society, but also a way to develop tolerance, empathy and caring for others from the first years of life.

Salamanca Declaration

In 1994, the World Conference on Special Needs Education was held in Spain. Within its framework, the Salamanca Declaration was adopted, which formed the basis of the concept of integrated education. Here are its main provisions:

  • every child has the right to basic education;
  • Each child is unique and has his own interests and different levels of abilities;
  • these features should be taken into account in the learning process, creating comprehensive educational programs;
  • General education schools must create conditions for comfortable learning for all children, including inclusion.

Thus, basic models of integrated learning began to emerge, which allowed children with special needs to gain access to a full-fledged school education.

The university also uses integrated or integrated learning technologies. But there this term is understood as methods that involve an integrated approach to vocational education. This is achieved through the development of interdisciplinary connections, the use of project work, Agile and Scrum methodologies and other tools.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 4 of Leninogorsk" of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan

for educators


Educator: Nasrutdinova A.A.


An integrated lesson differs from a traditional lesson in the use of interdisciplinary connections, which provide only occasional inclusion of material from other subjects. The subject of analysis in it are multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various programs or sections of the program.

Integrated - combine knowledge from different educational fields on an equal basis, complementing each other (considering such a concept as “mood” through works of music, literature, painting). At the same time, during the lesson the teacher has the opportunity to solve several development problems. In fact, the concept of “integrated lesson” is considered more broadly than some organized form of teaching children, which has a fixed time and place in the daily routine.

It is important to note that the methodology for conducting an integrated lesson differs significantly from the methodology for conducting a regular lesson. In the learning process in integrated classes, it is necessary to use various methods and techniques. The most effective of them are the following:

— comparative analysis, comparison, search, heuristic activity;

- problematic questions that stimulate the manifestation of a kind of joint “discovery” with the teacher, helping the child find the answer. Tasks like “prove”, “explain”, “how did you know?” are used. etc. The child learns to ask about the same subject in different ways;

- a variety of speech didactic games for getting acquainted with cultural speech standards, activating the vocabulary, expanding the understanding of the diversity of facets of the native language, and cultivating a sense of self-confidence.

As is known, in order to understand, for example, a work and consciously perceive it, children must distinguish between its content features and

expressive means.

Integrated classes are characterized by a mixed structure, which is a combination of linear, concentric and spiral structures. It allows you to maneuver when organizing content and present its individual parts in different ways.

Structure of integrated lessons

differs from the usual structure, and the following requirements apply to it:

— clarity, compactness, conciseness of educational material;

— thoughtfulness and logical interrelation of the studied material of the program sections in each lesson;

— interdependence, interconnectedness of the material of integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson;

- large information capacity of educational material used in the lesson;

— systematic and accessible presentation of the material;

- the need to comply with the time frame of the lesson.

Sample lesson structure

1. Introductory part. A problematic situation is created that stimulates children’s activity in finding a solution (for example, the question is asked: “Guys, what will happen if there is no water on Earth?”).

2. Main part. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue (for example, the importance of water in nature and human life, etc.) based on the content of different sections of the program based on visualization. At the same time, work is underway to enrich and activate the vocabulary and teach coherent speech.

3. Final part. Children are offered any practical work (didactic game, drawing, etc.) to consolidate the information received or update previously learned information.

Integrated classes give the student a fairly broad and vivid understanding of the world in which he lives, the relationship of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, and the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of imaginative thinking. Integrated classes also require the mandatory development of students’ creative activity. This allows you to use the content of all sections of the program, attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life.

The main features of the integrated lesson include synthesis:

— content of the material being studied, theoretical and practical training;

— subjects of the educational cycle among themselves;

- activities of two or more teachers, etc. Integrated classes are built on the principles of integration, both within and between subjects, through:

— integration of the content of educational material in order to reveal the essence of knowledge and ideas;

— teaching methods for the purpose of a comprehensive study of objects and phenomena;

— theories and practices for the purpose of practical use of the knowledge acquired by children.

According to VT. Fomenko and E.Yu. Sukharevskaya, integration processes in preschool education manifest themselves at three levels: internal, interdisciplinary, intersystemic and have a high or weak degree of integration, which significantly affects both the selection of content and the specific technologies of the teacher.

Based on this, we can characterize

integrated lesson:

— is one of the areas of interdisciplinary integration;

- has an average degree of integration;

— structuring of the material is carried out through horizontal thematicism;

- the form has a mixed structure;

— the subject of analysis is multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various sections; the independence of each section with its own goals, objectives, and program is maintained; All analyzers are included in the process of cognition, which ensures the strength of the formation of conditional connections in the child’s cognition of the surrounding reality.

Teaching opportunities

integrated lesson:

— formation of knowledge and skills in unity;

— communication skills;

- increasing interest in learning;

- relieving tension, fear, uncertainty.


integrated classes are that they:

— contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of cognitive interest of students, a holistic picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;

- to a greater extent than ordinary classes, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of students’ ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, intensify the educational process, relieve stress and overload;

— deepen the understanding of the concept, the laws associated with the concept, broaden one’s horizons, contribute to the formation of a diversified, harmoniously and intellectually developed personality;

- are based on finding new connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions and observations of students in various subjects;

- develop children emotionally, as they are based on the elements

music, painting, literature, movement, etc.


integrated lesson (O.S. Badovskaya):

— the entire activity is subordinated to the author’s intention;

- the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of the whole;

— the stages and components of the lesson are in logical-structural dependence;

— the didactic material selected for the lesson corresponds to the plan;

— the chain of information is organized as “given” and “new” and reflects not only structural, but also semantic connectivity.

Compliance with these laws allows us to consider the activity

as a scientific and business structure in which the following are important:

— a complex of knowledge and skills and free use of them;

- the relationship between what has been studied and what is being studied;

- combining individual tests into one common one.

When organizing and conducting classes, certain difficulties arise.

To the difficulties of carrying out

integrated classes include:

— complexity of selecting educational material;

— detailed structuring of the lesson;

— the problem of personal compatibility of teachers;

— a general approach to assessing children’s knowledge and skills;

— consistent use of identical terms and concepts.

The pedagogical and methodological technology of integrated classes may be different, but in any case their modeling is necessary. Independent search for new optimal schemes-models is a manifestation of the teacher’s creative activity.

Methodology for preparing and conducting integrated classes

Before starting work on integration into the preschool educational institution, K.Yu. Belaya recommends performing a number of important actions;

- identify areas of knowledge, the integration of which is advisable and will contribute to the child’s creation of a holistic understanding of the object of study;

- analyze and select from these areas the content whose integration is most important;

— take into account program requirements and age characteristics of preschool children;

— determine one or more basic directions for integrating the content of education;

- identify the basic principle of constructing a system of integrated classes (for example, thematic) and distribute tasks and content of classes in accordance with it;

— think through developmental tasks;

- use a variety of activities that have the ability to integrate with each other (for example, dramatizing a fairy tale with construction from building material, musical arrangement and introducing nominative and conceptual vocabulary into children’s active speech);

- taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of different types of thinking in preschoolers, use a large amount of various visual and attribute materials (demonstration, handouts, games);

— use productive methods and techniques when working with children (problem situations, logical tasks, experimentation, modeling, etc.);

— take into account the student-oriented approach in the process of constructing, organizing and conducting integrated classes.

When planning and organizing integrated classes, it is important for the teacher to consider the following conditions:

— mandatory consideration of the content of the basic kindergarten program;

— in an integrated lesson, blocks from various subjects are combined, so it is extremely important to correctly determine the main goal of the integrated lesson. If the general goal is determined, then only the information that is necessary for its implementation is taken from the content of the objects;

— when developing a lesson, it is necessary to highlight the main thing and use knowledge from related sections that contribute to the assimilation of the main material, eliminate duplication, and use advanced differentiated knowledge;

- planning requires a careful selection of the type and structure of the lesson, methods and means of teaching, as well as determining the optimal load with various types of children’s activities in the lesson;

— integration helps relieve tension, overload, and fatigue of children by switching them to various types of activities during the lesson. When planning, careful determination of the optimal load of various types of activities of students in the classroom is required;

— when planning and conducting an integrated lesson, teachers (leading classes in different sections of the program) require careful coordination of actions;

- it is necessary to maintain a positive emotional style of relationships between adults and children in an integrated lesson, taking into account the age, individual and psychological characteristics of the children in the group;

— in integrated classes it is advisable to use a variety of didactic games, developmental exercises, complex tasks, assignments, etc.

One of the important principles of integrated planning

classes - determining the relationship between familiar and new material. The latter must necessarily be based on existing and well-learned knowledge, which contributes to the rapid construction of associations, involving the child in solving a problem situation from his own experience. In integrated classes, great importance is attached to the development of a child’s commutative abilities as one of the most important factors in his readiness for school.

Integrated classes are the most important part of the system of interdisciplinary connections. Each of these classes is taught by two or more teachers. The material of such classes shows the unity of processes ,

happening in the world around us, allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences. Therefore, one of the initial activities of a preschool educational institution in implementing the cultural approach to the integration of education is the integration and coordination of the activities of preschool educational institution specialists (music director, additional education teachers, physical education instructor), the latter can initially be built only on the relationship of the content of education through integrated classes and integrated events ( holidays, leisure). The essence of teacher integration in teaching children lies in its interdisciplinary and interactivity basis in the implementation of program material.

Integrated classes have the greatest effect when they are not single experimental classes, but a system built according to a special program. It is advisable to develop a system of integrated classes in parallel with the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

Work on creating such a system can be carried out in stages:

— coordination of training programs (sections) in areas of activity;

— discussion and formulation of general concepts, coordination of the time for their study;

— issues of payment for integrated classes;

— mutual consultations of teachers of various disciplines on the study of the same processes, phenomena, topics, problems in courses of academic disciplines;

— planning topics and detailed lesson plans.

Thus, at the first stage of creating a system of integrated classes in preschool educational institutions, educational programs (sections of the program) are agreed upon in terms of content, general concepts are discussed and formulated, and mutual consultations between teachers are discussed. Then it is necessary to consider how they approach the study of the same processes, phenomena, objects, subjects, categories in different sections of the program. And finally, planning the topics and notes for integrated classes.

An integrated lesson solves not many individual problems, but their totality. The forms of the lesson may be different, but each should contain enough material to exercise the child’s “active powers” ​​given to him by nature. An integrated lesson requires careful preparation from the teacher, professional skill and spirituality of personal communication, when children positively perceive the teacher (respect, love, trust). And the teacher, in turn, will give more to the children if he reveals to them as a multifaceted and passionate person.

The pedagogical and methodological technology of integrated classes may be different, but in any case it is necessary to model them, independently search for new optimal schemes-models, and demonstrate the creative activity of the teacher.

Integrated activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. It is necessary to strive for each cycle of integrated classes to carry out some kind of productive activity, to create collective compositions in the form of dramatization games, theatrical performances, paintings or literary and musical compositions.

However, it should be borne in mind that any integration cannot rot the classical educational process in a preschool educational institution in the main sections of the program; it only connects knowledge. This means that children will be able to gain more and more new ideas about concepts. ,

systematically complementing and expanding the range of existing knowledge and ideas.

The content of each section of the program and education as a whole presents three interconnected blocks: knowledge, emotions and cognitive motives that contribute to the integration of cognition, a new synthesis of information received by the child, thereby forming not isolated knowledge about the world, but its holistic picture.

Analysis of an integrated lesson

During the analysis, the teacher gets the opportunity to look at his lesson as if from the outside, to realize it as a phenomenon as a whole, to purposefully comprehend the totality of his own theoretical knowledge, methods, methods of work and practical refraction in interaction with the group and specific students. This is reflection, which allows you to assess your strengths and weaknesses and clarify certain aspects of your individual style of activity. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of an integrated lesson:

— quality of knowledge on the topic (direction, etc.): completeness, correctness, awareness;

— the ability to establish relationships between objects, phenomena and processes;

the attitude of pupils to an object, phenomenon, activity.

Goals and objectives of integrated learning

An integrated approach to teaching is a methodology that allows you to successfully solve goals and objectives related to the socialization and transfer of knowledge to children with inclusion of varying degrees of severity.

Purpose of Integrated Learning

The goal of integrated education is to help a child with developmental disabilities learn to communicate successfully with other children and gain training and skills to be realized in life.

Training in Japan using integrated educational programs has existed since 1990, and norms and acts of inclusive education began to be developed since the 70s.

Objectives of integrated learning

Integrated training solves the following problems:

  • create special conditions for children with special needs;
  • help such children master the curriculum without deviating from school education standards;
  • reduce or reduce functional impairment in children;
  • create a respectful and accepting atmosphere;
  • establish dialogue with other children, teach communication;
  • support in matters of training and socialization;
  • provide psychological support;
  • develop a positive attitude towards yourself and life.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky was the first to talk about the importance of developing the concept of integrated teaching methods. He believed that correctional schools, which were created specifically for children with disabilities, did not provide the necessary skills needed for adult life. On the contrary, they aggravate the condition of children by focusing attention on problems.

Integrated lesson as a form of interactive learning

“Only the system gives us complete power over our knowledge. A head filled with fragmentary, incoherent knowledge is like a storeroom in which everything is in disarray and where the owner himself will not find anything.”

K. D. Ushinsky.

The purpose of the master class:
to introduce teachers to the methods and forms of conducting an integrated lesson.
Objectives of the master class :

  • present experience in conducting integrated classes;
  • form an idea of ​​an integrated lesson as one of the forms of interactive learning
  • discuss the advantages and disadvantages of integrated classes with master class participants.

Master class script

Stage 1. Motivation


Dear colleagues! Today a master class will be held for you. The stages of its implementation are presented on the slide.

Pay attention to the screen. So, it presents diagrams characterizing two teaching methods. What do you think?

Master class participants

. They answer the question posed.


Absolutely right - active and interactive.

The new requirements put forward within the framework of the 3rd generation Federal State Educational Standard set the main task for the entire vocational education system - training a competent specialist capable of self-development, self-education and innovative activity.

In the innovative educational process, a student must have a high educational level, flexible thinking, professional mobility, search, analyze and evaluate information necessary to solve professional problems, that is, have certain federal standards of professional and general competencies.

The success of achieving this goal depends not only on what is learned, but also on how it is learned: individually or collectively, in authoritarian or humanistic conditions, through reproductive or active learning methods.

Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form of active methods.

Interactive (“Inter” is mutual, “act” is to act) - means to interact, to be in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. Unlike active methods, interactive ones are focused on broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. The place of the teacher in interactive classes comes down to directing the students’ activities to achieve the goals of the lesson.

Today the master class will not be devoted to interactive teaching methods in general, but to integrated classes as a form of interactive learning.

The purpose and objectives of this master class are presented on the slide.

Please note that you have cards on the tables.
Pick up the appropriate card that reflects:

— you are ready to study developmental education technology

- you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology

- you are not interested in this

Stage 2. Theoretical part


Pay attention to the notes in the handouts; they reflect theses on the topic under consideration; in the work card attached to them, you can record the information you need.

The teacher in his professional activities uses the group of methods that most fully help to implement the didactic tasks that he sets in the classroom. An integrated lesson as a form of interactive learning is one of the most effective means of involving students in educational and cognitive activities.

I would like to note that the topic of the master class was not chosen by chance, since I have accumulated significant experience in organizing integrated classes.

I study the methodology for conducting them, as well as all the advantages and disadvantages of their implementation, together with my colleagues within the framework of the creative problem group (TPG), which I lead - “Implementation of innovative forms of training in the process of developing competencies.”

The theoretical knowledge we have acquired on the problem under study is confirmed by conducting training sessions. You can watch them on the screen.

Integrate (lat. integrare restore, replenish) - integrate, combine parts into one whole.

Integration is a means of intensifying classes, a high form of implementing interdisciplinary connections at a qualitatively new level. Interdisciplinary connections can be successfully used to supplement, confirm or replenish students' knowledge in related subjects.

The idea of ​​using interdisciplinary connections is not new.

In Russian pedagogy it went through three stages.

Integration of subjects is the organization of subject activity, which involves the use of a systematic approach focused on the formation of a systemic type of thinking. The main thing in an integrated lesson is to isolate the problem. The problem must be complex, vital, and socially significant.

When conducting integrated classes, it should be taken into account that integration is not just addition, but the interpenetration of two or more disciplines. One of them needs to make room, absorbing the second, and, illuminated by it, reveal itself in a new way.

There are significant opportunities inherent in integrated activities. It is here that students have the opportunity to gain deep and diverse knowledge using information from various disciplines. In an integrated lesson, there is an opportunity to synthesize knowledge and develop the ability to transfer knowledge from one discipline to another. This, in turn, forms the ability to analyze and compare complex processes and phenomena of objective reality.

The potential inherent in integrated classes can be realized under the following didactic conditions:

a) correct calculation of the interdisciplinary object of study, it must be relevant and problematic, contain a natural interdisciplinary connection;

b) close cooperation of teachers in preparing classes;

c) supervising the work of students preparing to perform in an integrated lesson;

d) at all stages of the lesson, intensification of mental activity and the mandatory use of feedback techniques.

e) ensuring continuity between each part of the lesson based on a common approach.

Next, consider the classification of integrated classes:

  • designing and conducting classes by two or more teachers of different disciplines;
  • designing and conducting an integrated lesson by one teacher with basic training in the relevant disciplines;
  • creation on this basis of integrated topics, sections, courses.

The following options for forming the content of integrated training sessions can be distinguished.

  1. The content of the lesson is formed from the content of academic disciplines included in the same educational field. At the same time, the content of one discipline does not exceed the content of another; both scientific disciplines act on a parity basis.
  2. The content of the lesson is formed from the content of disciplines included in the same educational field or the same educational block, but based primarily on one subject area.
  3. The content of the lesson is formed from the content of disciplines that are included in different but similar educational areas and act “on equal terms.”
  4. The content of the lesson is formed on the basis of disciplines from related educational fields, but one discipline retains its specificity, while others act as an auxiliary basis.

Let us dwell on the conduct of a training session, for which the option of forming the content of integrated training sessions was chosen based on academic disciplines included in the same educational area or the same educational block, but based primarily on one subject area. You can familiarize yourself with the methodological development of this training session and the structure of its implementation.

The training session was conducted on the basis of the following disciplines: Economic theory and Economics of an organization (enterprise), with Economic theory being a supporting subject.

One of the conditions for conducting an integrated lesson is the correct identification of an interdisciplinary object of study: it must be relevant and problematic, and contain a natural interdisciplinary connection. The theme chosen for this purpose was “Labor Market”.

This topic, according to the curriculum and work programs, is separately considered in both Economic Theory and Organizational Economics. It is very relevant in modern economic conditions and is one of the priority areas for the development of the country’s economy.

The form chosen for conducting the lesson was a dialogue lesson with elements of research.

The purpose of the training session was to develop knowledge about the labor market based on comparison, analysis and generalization of the theories of the classics of economic thought and modern socio-economic and statistical knowledge.

The main objectives for this training session were:

— formation of general and professional competencies;

— application of theoretical knowledge on the topic in the implementation of their general and professional competencies.

— ability to systematize and analyze educational material;

- activation of mental activity and mandatory use of feedback techniques,

— ensuring continuity between each part of the lesson based on a common approach.

At each stage of the lesson, interdisciplinary connections between the disciplines of economic theory and organizational economics were used on the interpretation of labor market concepts, conceptual approaches to the analysis of its functioning, etc.

As a result, an analysis, synthesis, comparison of the acquired knowledge on the issues under consideration was carried out, generalizing conclusions were made and proposals were made.

Now let's discuss with you what we heard.

— Are you familiar with this topic?

Does highlighting interdisciplinary connections improve learning efficiency?

Do you use interdisciplinary connections when studying your disciplines?

Have you conducted classes based on interdisciplinary connections (integrated, binary)?
Master class participants

. Discussion of the material studied.

Stage 3. Practical part. Group work by departments.


So, we move on to the third stage, practical work, which will consist of group development of the structure of an integrated lesson.

On your desk is an Information Card of the “Integrated Learning” technology, which will help you in developing the structure of the lesson, which you can also reflect in the work card.


And now I would like to ask you to announce the results of your practical work.

Did this work cause you any difficulties, and if so, what were they?

Master class participants

. Presentation and discussion of lesson developments.

Stage 4. Reflection.


The master class is coming to an end and I would like to hear your opinion about the need and usefulness of what I saw and heard today, and also, together with you, determine the advantages and disadvantages of integrated learning.

Leading. Master class participants


The advantages of integrated learning are that it:

— contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of students’ cognitive interest, a holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;

- to a greater extent than ordinary classes, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, and intensify the educational process;

- not only deepen the understanding of the discipline, broaden one’s horizons, but also contribute to the formation of a versatile, harmoniously and intellectually developed personality.

— integration is a source of finding new connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions and observations of students in various disciplines.

the structure of integrated lessons is distinguished by: clarity, compactness, conciseness, logical interdependence of educational material at each stage of the lesson, and a large informative capacity of the material.

Difficulties that may arise:


correct calculation of an interdisciplinary object of study


If a lesson is prepared by two teachers, when drawing up a lesson plan, you should clearly allocate the amount of time allocated to each teacher and strictly adhere to these regulations.


psychological and methodological compatibility of teachers participating in the preparation and conduct of classes.


, special attention should be paid to organizing an integrated lesson.


Based on the above, we can conclude that integration has a positive effect on the educational process, expands the topics of the material being studied, necessitates a deeper and more detailed study of the content of academic disciplines, contributes to the increasing role of students’ independent work and their initiative in conducting research activities, and as a result the growth their general and professional competencies.

Use the cards to answer the questions.

ready to use integrated learning technology

not ready to use

I doubt

Thanks to all participants! I was glad to communicate with you.


Technology Information Card

Theoretical background Characteristic
Definition A set of actions that contribute to a holistic understanding of the world and an increase in the creative potential of the student’s personality
Target Based on the integrative type of cognition, the formation of systemic thinking in the educational process
Types 1. Interdisciplinary integration

2. Intrasubject integration

Stages 1. Definition of integrated goals

2. Coordination of activities

3. Definition of integrative content

4. Organization of the learning process on an integrative basis.

Techniques and methods 1. Updating personal experience

2. Appeal to the image

3. Appeal to the sensory sphere of personality

4. The ability to compose and reproduce a retelling based on a picture plan (your own drawing)

5. Creation of an information image that

  • “turns on” all channels of perception, relying on the student’s personal experience or archetypes (stable figures of the unconscious);
  • created by a student or teacher as a visual aid to thought;
  • plays the role of a sign, it captures the essence of the educational material
Forms of work Integrated lessons; integrated school day; comprehensive seminars; comprehensive laboratory knowledge.
Methods and techniques operating with concepts; establishing relationships between objects and phenomena; abstraction; creating images on different materials; transfer of Established Knowledge; identifying patterns; creative synthesis; additional design, etc.
Pedagogical result Formation of synthetic thinking, the ability to study objects comprehensively, holistically.
question 1 -

Are you ready to study integrated learning technology?

2 -
ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

Are you ready to study integrated learning technology?

2 -
ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you're not interested in this

question 2 -

you are not ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you're not interested in this

question 2 -

you are not ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology.

question 2 -

I doubt.

question 1 -

you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology.

question 2 -

I doubt.

question 1 -

Are you ready to study integrated learning technology?

2 -
ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

Are you ready to study integrated learning technology?

2 -
ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you're not interested in this

question 2 -

you are not ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you're not interested in this

question 2 -

you are not ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology.

question 2 -

I doubt.

question 1 -

you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology.

question 2 -

I doubt.


  1. Balaev A.A. Active learning methods. M., 2006.
  2. Danilyuk, A. Ya. Theory of educational integration / A. Ya. Danilyuk - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house Rost. ped. University, 2000/
  3. Danilyuk, A. Ya. Metamorphoses and prospects for integration in education / A. Ya. Danilyuk // Pedagogy. No. 2. -1998/
  4. Selevko, G.K. Modern educational technologies: textbook / G. K. Selevko. M.: Public Education, 1998.

Integrated learning technology

The concept of integrated learning includes not only a tolerant attitude, but also the use of modern technologies in education. After all, the transition to this type of progressive education requires modernizing the entire school system. Namely:

  • attract the necessary specialists who will assist teachers during teaching;
  • use innovative pedagogical solutions and ideas;
  • adapt the curriculum to take into account the characteristics of all children in an integrated class;
  • place emphasis on the development of creative and cognitive abilities;
  • actively involve parents in the educational process.

When working with special children, the teacher needs the help of a specialized specialist

The concept of an integrated lesson

Definition 1
An integrated lesson is an activity that is aimed at revealing the holistic essence of a certain topic through different types of activities, united in a wide information field due to mutual penetration and enrichment.

The organization of the educational process in modern innovative conditions requires the teacher to improve practical activities through the search for new value priorities when determining the content, forms and methods of organizing children's cognitive activity.

One of the areas of methodological renewal of preschool education is the design and conduct of integrated and complex classes based on the integration of educational material from several spheres of children’s life around one topic or concept.

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Preschool children perceive the world around them holistically. For children, there are no separate objects only within the academic subject: animals and plants are an introduction to the world around them, numbers and geometric shapes are mathematics.

During integrated classes, built on an interdisciplinary connection of concepts, you should:

  • to diversify the study of objects, subjects or phenomena,
  • perceive the surrounding world meaningfully,
  • the generated knowledge is brought into the appropriate system,
  • awaken imagination, creativity and interest,
  • maintain a positive emotional mood.

Classes that include interdisciplinary knowledge become more effective if the following didactic conditions for their organization and conduct are implemented:

  • build integrated and comprehensive lessons based on concentrating content around one topic;
  • specify tasks at each stage of the lesson;
  • consistently form concepts and skills with general content;
  • rationally use a variety of means to enhance children's cognitive activity.

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N. Gavrish, a researcher of preschool childhood, in her book “Modern Occupation” analyzes in detail the process of integration, categorical, semantic, structural properties of modern occupation.

She is allocated the following types of classes according to the focus of the content:

  • unidirectional, that is, subject-specific;
  • multidirectional, that is, integrated and complex classes.

From this follows the multidirectional nature of integrated activities. The main tasks of this type of training include:

  • comprehensively develop the child;
  • to form a holistic understanding of a specific subject based on the integration of different concepts with the involvement of children in different types of activities.

Integrated knowledge can be included in the structure of the lesson as a fragment, for example, remembering the names of animals that begin with the sound k, in a separate stage - updating knowledge about true and false natural phenomena while working with fairy tales, as well as throughout the entire lesson, when a holistic image of the concept “Forest”, etc.

The structure of an integrated lesson requires special clarity, thoughtful and logical interconnection of material from different disciplines at each stage of studying a particular topic. This can only be achieved through the compact and concentrated use of program materials and the use of modern methods of organizing children during classes and interactive work.

When preparing and conducting an integrated lesson, in order to maintain systematic knowledge, educators resort to using the method of mind maps or maps of mental actions.

Principles of integrated learning

Integrated learning has its own principles and features:

  • develops the individual characteristics of each child;
  • creates conditions for close interaction between the school, teachers, specialists and parents;
  • teaches a specific culture that helps children respect children who are different from them and accept differences without offending others;
  • creates a supportive space where every child feels valued and able to cope with all tasks.

Forms of integrated learning

According to the organization of the educational process, four forms of integrated learning are distinguished:

  • attending a regular secondary school class;
  • attending a special class in a secondary school;
  • studying in a correctional school with subsequent transfer to a general education school;
  • full or partial inclusion in the educational process during vocational training.

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Integrated Learning Models

In addition to the forms, there are such modern models of organizing integrated inclusive education as:

  • continuous full integration;
  • constant but incomplete integration;
  • partial integration;
  • time integration;
  • episodic integration;
  • combined integration.

Continuous full integration

With this model of integrated education, children with inclusion attend a general education school together with other students and receive additional correctional assistance if necessary. Permanent full integration is possible in two cases:

  • the child’s level of development is close to normal, without significant deviations;
  • In addition to the teacher, the school also has a separate specialist.

Constant but incomplete integration

This model is suitable for children who have deviations from the age norm. They require specialized assistance and cannot attend all classes at the same time as other students. Teachers and parents determine which subjects the child will take with the class, and what is easier to master with the help of a specialist.

Partial integration

In this model, greater importance is given to the individual education of a child with special needs. And he attends classes at a comprehensive school only partially or spends time with children after his main studies.

The earlier developmental features are identified, the greater the chances for successful adaptation.

Temporal integration

In this model of integrated learning, an inclusion child spends time with regular children at school at least twice a month. And he studies individually according to a specially developed program.

Episodic integration

This model is used in schools where it is not possible to organize full-fledged integrated training: there is no separate specialist, there is no opportunity to modernize teaching. In this case, periodic events are organized that help socialize children with special needs.

Combined Integration

A learning model that is used in small localities if they do not have opportunities for any kind of integrated education. In this case, only some elements of inclusive education are used. Therefore, the combined model is suitable for children with minimal developmental disabilities, otherwise they simply will not be able to master the educational program on an equal basis with other students.

Integrated activities in preschool educational institutions. article on the topic

Prepared by: teacher of GBDOU No. 47 Belan N.V.

Integrated activities in preschool educational institutions.

One of the forms of implementation of the educational process in preschool educational institutions is integrated activity. It gives the student a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, the interconnection of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, and the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. No one doubts that in childhood the basis of personal culture is formed, which in the future allows the child to successfully master any special knowledge. The developmental function of education comes to the fore, ensuring the formation of the child’s personality and orienting the teacher to his individual characteristics, which corresponds to modern scientific concepts of preschool education about the recognition of the intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood. Developmental education and scientific position of L.S. Vygodsky interprets that properly organized training “leads” development. Education and mental development cannot act as two separate processes independent of each other, but at the same time, “upbringing serves as a necessary and universal form of child development” (V.V. Davydov).

Currently, modern children live in an information-rich world, and parents want to see their children intellectually developed with good preparation for entering first grade. And if the kindergarten cannot cope with this, they find other ways to satisfy their needs, i.e. receiving additional educational services in other educational institutions: Sunday schools, clubs. This entails mental and physical overload, a reduction in physical activity, and time spent in the fresh air, which leads to poor health and children’s reluctance to go to school. The moment has arisen when it is necessary to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the educational process of preschool children, the implementation of which forms knowledge, skills and abilities that are directly related to the development of preschool children.

One of the forms of implementation of the educational process in preschool educational institutions is integrated activity. It gives the student a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, the interconnection of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, and the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main aspect is not so much the assimilation of certain knowledge, but the development of imaginative thinking. This confirms the importance of using this type of activity in the practice of working with children. In the process of integrating various educational areas when studying any object, not individual problems are solved, but their totality. This gives the child the opportunity to explore the object in all its diversity.

Integrated classes are joint classes of a teacher-psychologist, educator, music director, speech therapist, and physical education instructor. The pedagogical process, built on the principles of integration, promotes closer contact between all specialists. Integrated classes give the student a fairly broad and vivid understanding of the world in which he lives, the relationship of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, and the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of imaginative thinking. This confirms the importance of using this type of activity in the practice of working with children. The increased interest in integrated classes in recent years is natural: both “theorists” and practicing teachers understand that in such classes children use knowledge from different areas of activity, the learning process becomes more economical, children create a single, holistic picture of the world, not fragmented into appliqué, drawing, speech development, singing, physical education. Integrated classes allow the child to realize his creative potential: he composes, fantasizes, thinks, learns the laws and specifics of his native language; In an interesting, playful way, the child’s vocabulary is enriched and communication skills are developed. The big advantage of integrated classes is that they are conducted in a playful way and include many types of physical activity: dynamic pauses, physical education sessions, theatrical and outdoor games.

When preparing an integrated lesson, you should choose:

  • object for integration;
  • select integration components from different educational areas;
  • determine the structure of the lesson;
  • define methods;

Integrated classes promote the development of speech, the formation of students’ ability to compare, generalize, and draw conclusions; they are based on finding new connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions, observations, and relieve stress and overload. The teacher, in turn, reveals his teaching potential. Pedagogical possibilities of such classes: formation of knowledge and skills in unity; communication; increasing interest in learning; relieving tension and fear.

The specifics of integrated classes are embedded in many modern programs for preschool educational institutions, the content of which in most cases is built on an integrative basis.

Who is suitable for integrated learning?

The methodology of integrated education comes from a special (correctional) approach to teaching children with disabilities. At first glance, it may seem like a panacea, but this is not entirely true. Integrated education has problems - it is not suitable for all children with inclusion.

Before deciding on integrated education for a child, it is worth showing it to a specialist. He will take into account whether there are external and internal conditions that signal that children are ready for this form of study.

External conditionsInternal conditions
functional disorders were identified at the earliest stages of lifethe degree of inclusion does not prevent the child from studying with other children
parents are serious about helping their child in the learning processthe child’s abilities allow him to master the curriculum in full
there is an opportunity to organize qualified correctional workthe child is psychologically ready for school
there are conditions and environment for integrated learning

If a child has significant deviations in his psycho-emotional and physical condition, then no matter how strong the parents’ desire to educate him in a regular school, in this case it is better to choose a specialized (correctional) class.

“Implementation of an integrated approach in the educational process”

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" No. 468 of a combined type"

Novosibirsk region , Novosibirsk

Author: Silnyagina Valentina Pavlovna, teacher

“Implementation of an integrated approach in the educational process”

Currently, the preschool education system is experiencing the contradictions of the transition period. The old principles of work are gradually becoming obsolete, and they are being replaced by new concepts and ideas.

The introduction of innovations into the work of our educational institution is the most important condition for improving and reforming the preschool education system. Innovative activities in our preschool educational institution develop in certain stages and allow the institution to move to a higher level of development when creating, developing, mastering, using and disseminating new techniques. One of the principles for the development of modern preschool education, proposed by the Federal State Educational Standard for the structure of the basic general education program, is the principle of integration of educational areas.

The authors of the approximate basic general education program for preschool education “From birth to school” N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova et al. believe that “only when the teacher methodically and purposefully uses the principle of integration of educational areas in his work, the development of preschool children will be complete and versatile.”

Integration allows us to combine the efforts of different specialists to achieve a set goal and their interpenetration into each other’s activities. I understand the implementation of an integrated approach in the educational process as a process of connectedness, interpenetration and interaction of individual educational areas, ensuring the integrity of the educational process.

Currently, we are not developing integrated activities through a synthesis of educational areas, but a holistic integrative process of interaction with children on a specific topic, in which various educational areas will be harmoniously combined for a holistic perception of the world around us (this can be seen in calendar plans ). This is a fundamentally new approach to preschool education. At the same time, I understand that what gives educational areas integrity is not so much their unification as the penetration of one area (or several) into another.

This gives our children the opportunity to realize their creative abilities, develop communication skills, develop the ability to freely express their thoughts, and most importantly, develop children's cognitive interest and activity, since any topic requires children to activate their real-life experience. My main task is to correctly select the content of knowledge for their further integration. I determine the number of activities myself; they do not have a clear structure, but have distinctive features. When teaching preschoolers, I always use forms in the educational process that are adequate to the psychophysiological characteristics of my children: a variety of games, leisure activities, mini excursions, quizzes, experimentation, modeling, educational projects, etc. Integrated activity - as one of the forms of implementing an integrated approach in the implementation of educational process with children with mental retardation and disabilities. In my group, children with mental retardation are a large category, heterogeneous in composition. In the structure of deviant development, both signs of an organic disorder of the central nervous system and signs of its functional immaturity are noted. The variability of deviations in the development of pupils has a wide range: from a state bordering on mental retardation to “pedagogical neglect” or mild manifestations of social maladaptation.

Working in a compensatory kindergarten, namely in a group for children with mental retardation and disabilities, a number of problems become obvious to us when organizing work with children.

— the problem of implementing an integrated approach when organizing the educational process with children with mental retardation and disabilities, educational disabilities, i.e. coordinated work of different specialists. This involves the coordinated work of different specialists: speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist, educator, doctors of various profiles (psychiatrist, neurologist).

— the problem of implementing an integrated approach when implementing the educational process with children with mental retardation, disabilities, and disabilities.

I use integrated activities in my work, which allows us to save time for children for communication, walks, independent creativity and play activities.

The relevance of this approach is explained by a number of reasons.

1. The world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity, and often sections of the preschool educational program aimed at studying individual phenomena of this unity do not give an idea of ​​the whole phenomenon, breaking it up into isolated fragments.

2. The use of an integrated approach in activities develops the potential of the pupils themselves, encourages them to actively understand the surrounding reality, comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, develop logic, thinking, and communication abilities.

3. The form of the activity is non-standard and interesting. The use of various types of activities during the activity maintains the pupils’ attention at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness of the activity. Activities using an integrated approach reveal my significant pedagogical capabilities, significantly increase cognitive interest, and serve the development of imagination, attention, thinking, speech and memory.

4. By strengthening interdisciplinary connections, time is freed up for students’ independent activities.

5.Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, and the disclosure of his abilities.

Integrated activity is characterized by a mixed structure, which allows maneuvering in organizing the content and presenting its individual parts in different ways. (Outline of integrated activities) The structure of integrated activities is different from the structure of ordinary activities, and I adhere to the following requirements:

— clarity, compactness, conciseness of educational material;

- thoughtfulness and logical interrelation of the studied material of the program sections for each activity;

— interdependence, interconnectedness of the material of integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson;

— informative capacity of educational material used in activities;

— systematic and accessible presentation of the material;

— the need to comply with the time frame of activities.

In my work I adhere to the basic principles of interaction with children:

1. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the child, do not show irritation, do not speak in a commanding tone, show sincere interest in the child’s actions, and be ready for emotional support.

2. Communicate emotionally, which contributes to the development of children’s cognitive activity; monotonous speech quickly tires, gradually increasing the emotional intensity of the lesson, so that the most interesting fragments of the work are assigned to the period of increasing fatigue.

3. Fewer comments, more praise, since “the psychological characteristics of many children are such that the defect of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low,” discover the strengths and weaknesses of the child and take them into account in solving educational problems.

4. Stay nearby, maintain eye contact, and if necessary, tactile contact (to attract attention, take the hand, touch the back, stroke the shoulder).

5. Permissiveness and fawning over a child are unacceptable.

Also important for me when conducting an integrated GCD is determining the ratio of familiar and new material. New material is necessarily based on what has already been studied and well mastered, which will facilitate the rapid construction of associations, the child’s involvement in solving a problem situation of his own experience, and the updating of existing knowledge. NOD wear a game uniform. It is this that gives depth of perception and emotional coloring. A child, captivated by the concept of the game, does not notice the “hidden” educational task when faced with difficulties. When implementing an integrated approach using GCD, I use a variety of didactic games for cognitive and speech development.

This helps develop the creative activity of pupils, encourages active knowledge of the surrounding reality, finding and understanding cause-and-effect relationships, developing logic, thinking, communication abilities and speech. Integrated activities have the greatest effect when they are carried out within the system. It should be noted that carrying out integrated activities requires special preparation from me and an already formed stock of knowledge and skills in children on the relevant topic. Therefore, carrying out such activities every day with children with disabilities, special needs, and special needs is very difficult.

At the heart of the integrated approach, I always have a game, because this is the main form of cognitive activity of preschoolers with disabilities, activating their thought processes and motor abilities, it creates a positive emotional background and motivates children to activity. At the same time, an opportunity is created to consolidate children’s cognitive knowledge, skills and abilities in activities, i.e. creating situations (life, non-standard, play) where children can act as subjects of activity. And the basis is an interesting, exciting, playful plot for children. I use a variety of interpretations: plot complexes of general developmental exercises, outdoor games, sports relay races, psycho-gymnastics, musical etudes-trainings, etc.

My goal of integrated activities:

- systematize, deepen, generalize the child’s personal experience,

- ensure the development of new ways of action, to understand the connections and dependencies that are hidden from him in everyday affairs,

- create conditions for using existing knowledge, skills and abilities in a variety of situations (life, gaming, specially created).

The advantage of organizing such an activity:

-the quantity and duration are not strictly regulated,

— I myself determine: the content, guided, first of all, by general didactic requirements, the level of development of children specifically in my group, taking into account diagnostic data and their state of health,

— place in the daily routine, based on the grid and psychophysiological requirements of SanPin for working with preschool children,

- connected by one plot or one theme and logically complement each other, aimed at developing personality , because create conditions for children where they have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in activities.

The methodology for conducting activities using an integrated approach differs significantly from the methodology for conducting a regular lesson. In the process of training in such activities, I use various methods and techniques.

Approximate structure of an integrated lesson

  • Motivation, I target children with content, I make them want to interact with me in the process of activity. When determining motivation, I am primarily guided by the interests, needs, and desires of the children in my group, and take into account current problems and affairs.
  • The content is understandable for children. I give children either new knowledge or consolidate existing knowledge based on the content of various educational areas with obligatory reliance on clarity.
  • Analysis or evaluation. I offer children practical activities to consolidate the information received or update previously learned information. I let the children understand the purpose for which they engaged in this activity, what they learned, what they gained for themselves and for others. In activities, we create some products of activity, I try to present them: (collective craft, drawing, layout, book, story (tell what he acquired for himself, what he learned, how it can be used, who can benefit from it, etc.) on my questions - because some children still speak poorly.) Forms of integrated activity are playful: travel games, communication situations, projects, events, etc. And I consider teaching preschoolers as managing the development of the child’s personality, where I an accomplice, where my position is “not above the child”, “not next to the child”, but “together with the child”, and the main component of joint activity is “interaction”, “cooperation between children and the teacher. When designing integrated activities, I take into account the following:

- highlight similar or common topics in the program for each area;

— determine the development goals of children for a given period;

- identify areas the integration of which is advisable and will contribute to the child’s creation of a holistic understanding of the object of study;

- analyze and select from these areas the content whose integration is most important;

— think through developmental tasks;

- use a variety of activities that can be integrated with each other.

The essence of the integrated approach is the combination of knowledge from different fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, during the activity I solve several problems from various areas of development, and the children master the content of various sections of the program in parallel, which saves time for organizing play and independent activities. The methodology for conducting activities using an integrated approach differs significantly from the methodology for conducting conventional NNOD. In the process of training in such activities, I use various methods and techniques .

The most effective of them are the following:

- comparative analysis, comparison, search, heuristic activity - creative activity in which the child acts as a researcher, aimed at creating judgments, drawings, layouts, crafts and achieving personal new formations (knowledge, feelings, abilities, experience). The main characteristics of such activity are: intentionality, the presence of a problematic situation or creative task, subjective novelty and originality of the product of activity, personal significance) .

Partial search (heuristic method of teaching) is the organization of an active search for solutions to cognitive problems put forward during the learning process or independently formulated.

— The heuristic method of teaching is the organization of the process of mastering knowledge, in which I do not give all the information to children in a ready-made form; some of it needs to be obtained independently: ideas, crafts, research, works of art, competitions, etc.

- problematic questions that stimulate the manifestation of a kind of joint “discovery” with the teacher, helping the child find the answer;

- a variety of didactic games for cognitive and speech development: familiarization with speech standards, activation of the vocabulary, expanding the understanding of the surrounding reality, cultivating a sense of self-confidence;

— the use of non-traditional forms of training, both during and after activities:

Elements of Su-Jok therapy - Massage with a special ball. Since there are many biologically active points in the palm of your hand, an effective way to stimulate them is to massage them with a special ball. By rolling the ball between their palms, children massage the arm muscles, mechanical massage, manual massage of the hands and fingers, massage of the hands and fingers using various objects (nuts, pencils, toothbrush, foot massage). Color therapy - the use of color, meditation on color, relaxation with the help of color (red, yellow, orange colors stimulate activity, give confidence and give vitality; “cold” tones - they stabilize the nervous system, inspire and activate the mind.

Art therapy (many mental and some physical deviations make the child passive. The range of his interests becomes narrow. The need for active interaction with the world decreases. As a result, the ability to adapt decreases. He withdraws into himself. He believes that he will not be able to find a way out of the current situations. Art therapy allows you to break this vicious circle. When a child is engaged in creativity, he invents new and new ways of expressing his emotions. And unconsciously new and new ways of communicating with the world. That is, lost abilities are restored.) All kinds of art activities not only They reveal the child’s creative potential, but also contribute to the formation of his correct worldview. In general, art therapy is aimed at developing logic, thinking, memory, imagination, speech and attention. In the process of activity, the child gets rid of stress and mental tension, and also learns to be attentive and focused.

“Magic Paper” circle One of the main goals of art therapy and my circle - teaching and raising children with applied creativity - is to enrich the student’s worldview, i.e. development of the child’s creative culture (development of a creative non-standard approach to the implementation of a task, nurturing hard work, interest in practical activities, the joy of creation and discovering something new for oneself).

Fairytale therapy -

  • Reading a fairy tale with further discussion of the theme and characters;
  • Distributing roles based on a fairy tale known to children and playing it;
  • Analysis of the fairy tale, reading it to the group and setting tasks (draw what the fairy tale was about, draw the hero you like, tell the essence of the fairy tale and its moral, find a hero or action in the fairy tale that requires correction and comment on it);
  • Replaying a fairy tale (reading the original fairy tale, and then composing its alternative content with the characters’ shortcomings corrected). The child learns how to be and how to do the right thing. The child takes examples from fairy tales and projects this onto his own life.

Logorhythmics (overcoming speech disorders through the development and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions based on a combination of words, music and movement. In my practice, these are sedentary games, finger games, outdoor games. This is the development of non-speech processes: improving general motor skills, coordination of movements, orientation in space; regulation of muscle tone; development of a sense of musical tempo and rhythm, singing abilities; activation of all types of attention and memory, development of children's speech, development of breathing, voice; development of a moderate tempo of speech and its intonation expressiveness; development of articulatory and facial motor skills; coordination of speech with movement; education of correct sound pronunciation and the formation of phonemic hearing. I offer games and exercises to children in combination with some kind of rhythmic basis: to music, to counting or verbal, often poetic accompaniment.

Phonorhythmics - (Phonological rhythmics promotes a deep connection between the work of the hands, articulatory and vocal apparatus, the looseness and ease acquired by children when performing movements also have a positive effect on the motor properties of the speech organs through exercises to develop speech breathing, voice strength, speech tempo, games that help to become relaxed and at ease. Children who have problems with pronunciation are often too tense, they are overexcited or, conversely, relaxed. Learn to alternate between relaxation and tension. Phonetic rhythm helps the child:

  • normalize speech breathing;
  • change the pitch and strength of your voice at different tempos.
  • reproduce sounds individually, in syllables, words and phrases;
  • play sounds at a given tempo;
  • perceive, distinguish, reproduce different rhythms;
  • teaches natural expression of denial, laughter, etc. using gestures and sound pronunciation.
  • Express emotions using different intonation means. I do this with the help of the following games: Game: “Guess what I’m doing?”, “Find a toy.” One child leaves the group, the children hide the toy. The driver looks for her by the children's clapping (quiet and loud). Elements of kinesiotherapy . I carry out the process of teaching children taking into account the possibility of widely using the intact functions of analyzers to obtain information about the environment. In general, by mastering various exercises (both dynamic and static), honing the technique of performing them, and gaining the opportunity to freely control their body, the child significantly increases self-esteem. Such harmonization of self-esteem is one of the important goals of regular psychophysical training exercises: “Fist-rib-palm”, “Ear-nose”, “Mirror drawing”, “Castle”, “Mill”, Acupressure, Eye exercises.

I use the project method - one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers. Using this method in the educational process helps you learn to work in a team, and develop your own algorithm of actions to achieve your goal. Here I am free to choose methods and types of activities. Pedagogical design is the process of creating a project that reflects the solution to a particular problem. My teaching experience shows that a child better learns what is his personal goal. Of particular interest is integration under a single project, which is based on a specific problem. Designing educational activities is relevant at the present time. Work on projects helps to implement the principle of integration of educational areas and can be aimed at organizing gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, productive children's activities. “Everything I learn, I know, why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method. We have implemented the following projects in our group: “What grows on the windowsill?” Information and research project for the preparatory group “Indoor plants”.

Goal: Development of cognitive activity in children Objectives: To develop children's competencies in the world of indoor plants. Expand children's understanding of the variety of indoor plants through children's independent and joint activities.

Project “Valeological support of the pedagogical process in a compensatory group for children with disabilities.”

1. Health-saving technologies.

2. Project “Game self-massage”.

3. Project “Safe Summer”. Formation of the foundations of children's life safety. (Road traffic injuries)

4. Project "White-Trunk Beauty".

Now I have begun to implement the Project “Birch Tree - a Symbol of My Motherland.” Love for nature is a feeling that includes emotional responsiveness, a sustainable interest in nature and a desire to protect and enhance natural resources. Objective of the project:

  • Fostering love for the nature of the native land, the Motherland through familiarization with the birch tree, as one of the main symbols of Russia.
  • Formation of independent, motivated, cognitive-research and musical-artistic activities of children;
  • Harmonization of relationships between teachers and children and parents in joint creative activities.
  • Introducing children to the origins of Russian culture and Russian traditions.
  • Implementation of an integrated approach to educating preschool children in the spirit of patriotism, showing the image of the Russian birch as a symbol of Russia. The birch is considered the symbol and pride of the Russian people, that it is the personification of our Motherland, that the birch and Russia are inseparable.
  • Fostering love and pride for the Russian birch tree.

Objectives: To expand children’s ideas about the most revered tree in Russia - the birch, about its significance in human life: health, aesthetic, economic. To form in children ideas about the relationship between birch and the environment. Introduce poems, songs, riddles about birch. Develop cognitive activity in children. Activate and enrich your vocabulary. To cultivate a love for Russian nature and a caring attitude towards it. Expected result: A formed idea in children: about the birch as a revered tree in Russia, about the colors, images, and melodies in which the birch is embodied; about the relationship of birch with living and inanimate nature; about the benefits of trees and birch in particular. Children and parents take part in the practical implementation of the project.

In my work I use modern educational technologies.

Technology of research activities. The goal of research activities is to develop in children basic key competencies and the ability for a research type of thinking. Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research activities:

  • heuristic conversations;
  • raising and solving problematic issues;
  • observations;
  • modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);
  • experiments;
  • recording the results: observations, experiences, experiments, work activities;
  • “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;
  • imitation of voices and sounds of nature;
  • use of artistic words;
  • didactic games, game-based educational and creative development situations;

Information and communication technologies : education using modern information technologies (computer, TV, interactive board, tablet, etc.). Informatization of society sets before us preschool teachers the following tasks:

  • to keep up with the times,
  • become a guide for a child to the world of new technologies,
  • mentor in choosing computer programs,
  • to form the basis of the information culture of his personality,
  • increase the competence of parents.

Personally-oriented technology is implemented in a developing environment. Identifying the pace of development allows me to support each child at his level of development so that the educational process guarantees the achievement of set goals.

Gaming technology - in activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop mental processes. Gaming technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character. I include in it sequentially:

  • games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them;
  • groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
  • groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;
  • groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.

In my opinion, the most effective in terms of professional activation of educators and creating motivation for them to successfully master knowledge and skills in work, in compliance with the requirements, are interactive forms of working with children. One of the most important activities for preschool age is communication. It is a necessary condition for personal development. Therefore, the task of the teacher and educator is to specially organize this activity, creating an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual trust within it - children with each other, children and adults.

Forms of organizing interactive interaction:

1) Individual (each participant completes the task independently);

2) Steam room (the task is performed in pairs);

3) Group (the task is performed in subgroups);

4) Collective or frontal (all participants perform the task simultaneously);

5) Planetary (a group of participants receives a common task, for example, to develop a project; is divided into subgroups, each of which develops its own project, then voices its own version of the project; after that, the best ideas are selected that make up the overall project).

Interactive teaching methods

Forms and methods of group work for learning. The most famous of them:

— analysis of specific, practical situations;

— interactive and role-playing games:

- "brainstorm";

— discussions and debates;

— project method;

- method of associations.

These forms/methods are effective if the activity discusses any problem as a whole, about which children have initial ideas obtained earlier in classes or in everyday experience. In addition, the topics discussed should not be closed or very narrow.

I use joint and independent activities of children in the daily routine within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard - a system of relationships and interaction.

Joint activities are shared by:

-direct educational activities implemented in the course of joint activities of adults and children;

-joint activities of adults and children, carried out during regime moments and aimed at solving educational problems;

- joint activity of an adult and children, carried out during regime moments and aimed at implementing the functions of supervision and care.

In the group, I plan joint activities taking into account the integration of educational areas in the process of organizing NNOD (in the form: subgroup, group, individual) and various types of activities: productive, cognitive-research, motor, labor, musical and artistic, gaming, communicative, reading fiction and during regime moments. Independent activity is a completely free phenomenon for a child, but not free for me; I create conditions for the child’s safe freedom, i.e. a subject-based educational environment that provides each child with a choice of activities based on his interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually. And also - this is the organized activity of pupils, aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people - this can be the emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc. In our group there are various centers for children's activities: visual arts, experimentation, play and etc. My task is to properly organize activities in various centers and interest the child. Namely: we filled these centers with file cabinets of algorithms, diagrams, mnemonic tables for speech development, operational maps, and sample drawings that help us organize independent activities. Children do not need to be explained or reminded, we simply say: “pay attention”…. Of course, at the beginning of joint activities, we talk through everything, explain, teach children to “read” these diagrams and algorithms. We will gradually bring this to a habitual pastime.

Integrated training in Russia

Modern trends in the development of integrated education in Russia have their differences. In the Russian Federation, there are three approaches to organizing the educational process for children with special needs:

  1. Differentiated learning.
  2. Integrated learning.
  3. Inclusive learning.

One of the tasks that the United Russia party sets for itself is the development of inclusive education in the Russian Federation. According to RG.RU, by 2021, 71% of school buildings have barrier-free entrances for special children, and 8% of educational institutions are completely ready to switch to a new form of organizing the educational process.

Differentiated learning

This is an educational model in which children with severe mental retardation and severe hearing, speech, vision or musculoskeletal impairments study in special correctional schools.

Integrated Learning

In the Russian education system, this term refers to an educational model in which special children are educated in general education schools, but in separate classes. And in order to get into the group of ordinary children, the child must prove that his abilities will allow him to fully master the curriculum.

Inclusive learning

This is an educational model in which children with inclusion are taught together with completely healthy children in a general education institution. For this purpose, additional specialists are brought in to help such children adapt more easily and cope with lessons.

How does inclusive education differ from integrated education? In the Russian education system, these are two different types of organizing the educational process for children with special needs. It is also believed that with inclusive education, greater emphasis is placed on fostering a humane and tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.

Master class “Technology for designing an integrated and complex lesson in a preschool educational institution”

Master class “Technology for designing an integrated and complex lesson in a preschool educational institution”

Senior teacher: Aleksakhina R.P.


mastering and subsequent active application of technology for designing integrated and complex classes in a preschool educational institution.


1. Expand the concept of “integration” and give teachers a stock of theoretical knowledge about the integrated approach as one of the important principles of preschool didactics.

2. To help practically master the technology of designing integrated and complex classes.

3. Exercise teachers in choosing and searching for the most effective models - schemes of integrated and complex classes.

4. Involvement of educators in solving the problem, achieving uniform requirements for the child.

5. Train teachers in the ability to design integrated and complex lessons.


information computer technologies, mind maps for integrated and complex classes, methodological literature on the topic.


1. Theoretical:

  • Concept of integration
  • Integration of educational areas in the classroom
  • Requirements for integrated and complex classes
  • Features of organizing integrated and complex classes
  • Structure of integrated and complex classes

2. Practical. Preparation of integrated and complex game activities

3. Analysis of compiled integrated and complex lessons

I. Theoretical: It is known that preschool childhood is the optimal period for expanding and enriching children's ideas about the surrounding reality. Therefore, the task of the kindergarten is to enrich the child’s speech and understanding of the world around him, to teach him to see patterns, dependencies, and mutual influence in it; teach to appreciate beauty; develop cognitive activity. All this can be revealed in educational activities, since in the classroom independence, creativity, mental abilities, educational interests are successfully developed, and self-esteem skills are formed. Today in preschool educational institutions there is a tendency to increase the number of classes during the day, in which children receive fragmentary information from various fields of science. Such information does not become knowledge, since it does not form a holistic view of the world as a single system where everything is interconnected. An increase in the number of activities affects the health of preschoolers. In addition, insufficient physical development affects intelligence and vice versa. And one of the ways to correlate the motor and intellectual activities of preschoolers is an integrated approach.

The relevance of this approach is explained by a number of reasons:

1. The world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity, and often sections of the preschool educational program aimed at studying individual phenomena of this unity do not give an idea of ​​the whole phenomenon, breaking it up into isolated fragments.

2. The use of an integrated approach in the classroom develops the potential of the students themselves, encourages them to actively understand the surrounding reality, comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, develop logic, thinking, and communication abilities.

3. The form of the classes is non-standard and interesting. The use of various types of activities during the lesson maintains the students’ attention at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness of the lessons. Classes using an integrated approach reveal significant pedagogical opportunities, significantly increase cognitive interest, and serve the development of imagination, attention, thinking, speech and memory.

4. Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education.

5. By strengthening interdisciplinary connections, time is freed up for students’ independent activities and physical exercise.

6. Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, and the disclosure of his abilities.

Concept of integration

Integration (lat)

- a concept denoting the state of connectedness of a separate differentiable part into a whole.
(according to Ozhegov) – parts of one whole. The integrated approach corresponds to one of the principles of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume, but capacious.

What kind of learning is considered integrated?

The goal of integrated learning is to combine knowledge from different areas so that they complement each other and pass it on to children. For example, at the same time teach preschoolers something from the field of mathematics, native language and creativity. In this way, integrated learning compares favorably with conventional classes, when children receive knowledge from only one scientific field. Find out how integrated classes affect preschoolers from the following. slide

Figure 1. What integrated activities contribute to

With the help of integrated classes, you will solve five educational problems at once. Which ones exactly - look at the trail. Slide.

Figure 2. Why conduct integrated classes

The correct answer to a question from a test on the topic

What is integrated learning?

Correct answer: classes in which children gain knowledge from different fields of science.

How to organize integrated education in preschool educational institutions?

To ensure that the integration process is not superficial, you should clearly know the differences between combined, complex



- a combination of different types of activities or several didactic tasks that do not have logical connections among themselves (after drawing there is an outdoor game).


classes are conducted on familiar material, solve several problems, and are conducted sporadically.


The lesson (E.P. Klimova) is built on the principle of combining several types of children's activities and various means of child development and is carried out systematically. When presenting the material integratively, one of the types of art should act as the dominant, “core” one, while others should help a deeper understanding of the artistic image and enhance the degree of its emotional perception by children.

You can give children knowledge from various fields through integrated and comprehensive classes..

What are their differences?

Complex classes.

The essence: the teacher involves children in different types of activities and thereby reveals the topic of the lesson. When conducting a comprehensive lesson, invite preschoolers to draw, play, listen to a fairy tale, or do something else related to the topic of the lesson. In addition, give children theoretical knowledge from different disciplines. Preschoolers will master the topic of the lesson in a comprehensive manner - both theory and practice.


Make sure that the knowledge in a comprehensive lesson complements each other.

Children should feel the connection between the information and tasks you give. For example, after talking with preschoolers about fire safety rules, offer to draw a poster on the topic.

Integrated classes.

The essence: the teacher gives the child knowledge and tasks from different educational areas. All this is needed to develop a holistic idea of ​​something in a preschooler. For example, in order to create a full-fledged image of spring in a child, the teacher includes suitable works of music, literature and painting.

To ensure that integrated and comprehensive classes are effective, build them according to six principles. Let's highlight them. Slide.

Figure 1. How to build integrated and comprehensive lessons

An integrated or complex lesson is not always a separate lesson. This could also be a part of a lesson. For example, children remember the names of animals that begin with the letter “k.” But if you want to form a holistic image of some object or phenomenon in preschoolers, then it is better to devote a full lesson to this.

On a note

What methods and techniques to use in integrated classes

Encourage children to conduct comparative analysis, compare, search for information, and discuss problematic issues. Tasks like “Prove” and “Explain” will also be useful.

Integrated and comprehensive classes are similar, but still different. Specific differences are in the table.

What is the difference between comprehensive and integrated classes?

During a comprehensive lesson During an integrated lesson
One activity replaces another. They are easy to separate It is difficult to divide the task by type of activity
One type of activity dominates, while others complement it Do not determine which activity is the main one
Each of the tasks is related to a general topic, but pursues its own goal. The purpose of the tasks is to consider an object or phenomenon from different angles
Children do not systematize knowledge on the topic Children systematize their knowledge and learn something new

“In an integrated activity, unification occurs with the penetration of elements of one activity into another, that is, the limits of such unification are blurred. In such an activity it is almost impossible, or at least very difficult, to separate one type of activity from another.

In a complex lesson, one activity replaces another, and this transition is noticeable: we’ve drawn, now we’ll play, and then listen to a fairy tale. A complex activity is like a multi-layered cake, in which each of the layers remains separate.”

Integrated and comprehensive classes have common features:

The purpose of these classes

, built on the interdisciplinary connection of concepts, there should be

  • comprehensive study of an object (subject or phenomenon),
  • meaningful perception of the surrounding world,
  • bringing the generated knowledge into the appropriate system,
  • stimulation of imagination, creativity and interest,
  • maintaining a positive emotional mood.

Comprehensive and integrated classes are necessarily thematic

in them, a selected topic or key concept is the basis for combining tasks from different types of activities.


How to conduct an integrated or complex lesson

Select training courses in advance

Pros and cons of integrated learning

Let's take stock and look at the advantages and disadvantages of integrated learning.

Advantages of integrated learning

  • development of individual abilities of each child;
  • helping children with special needs integrate successfully into society;
  • the ability not to get stuck in problems;
  • developing empathy and the ability to help other people;
  • formation of a tolerant culture.

Integrated education is a chance for special children to find their place in society

Disadvantages of Integrated Learning

  • a child with special needs often requires too much attention and time, which the teacher cannot always give;
  • lack of attention to ordinary children can affect their academic performance;
  • risk of bullying from other students;
  • it is difficult to train the necessary specialists;
  • It is necessary to rebuild the entire education system.

Our world is becoming more inclusive every year: ramps are appearing in public places, new approaches to socialization, including education. Therefore, if you are already studying or planning to enroll in faculties of pedagogy, psychology or social work, take a closer look at this topic. The demand for competent specialists will grow, which means this is an excellent direction for professional development.

Look at examples of work and make sure that we will help you conscientiously!

And if you need help writing coursework or dissertations, feel free to contact the student service. Our experts will take into account all the design requirements and write the work on time.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Methodological description of the use of integrated learning technology in visual arts classes at preschool educational institutions

Topic: A system of visual algorithm techniques based on an innovative model of an art studio within the framework of integrated learning technology.

Author: Kvetkina Elena Yuryevna teacher of additional education MBUDO "Creativity Center" g.o. Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

Topic: A system of visual algorithm techniques based on an innovative model of an art studio within the framework of integrated learning technology.

Fine creativity is a specific children’s activity aimed at the aesthetic exploration of the world through the visual arts, the most accessible form of a child’s knowledge of the world. The most characteristic feature of the aesthetic attitude of a small child is the immediacy of the interested, evaluating “I” from any objective situation; the inseparability of emotions from the processes of perception, thinking and imagination. We can assert that artistic creativity has the most direct influence on the development of children’s aesthetic attitude to reality.

The problem of developing children's creativity is currently one of the most pressing, both in theoretical and practical terms. After all, we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of an individual’s individual identity already in the first stages of its formation, therefore an important period for the development of the artistic and creative abilities of children is preschool age. It is at this age that the child expresses all his experiences, fantasies, impressions of the world around him through drawing.

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice. At the present stage, visual productive activity using non-traditional visual technologies is the most favorable for the creative development of children’s abilities, because It especially reveals different aspects of the child’s development. In my work I use various teaching technologies. One of the most relevant technologies for me today is integrated learning technology.

The need for integration is explained by a number of reasons:

  • the form of conducting integrated classes is non-standard and interesting, fatigue and overstrain of pupils are relieved by switching to a variety of activities;
  • interdisciplinary connections are strengthened, and due to this, children’s cognitive activity, communication abilities, and the development of thinking increase, which in the future allows them to objectively see a holistic picture of the world;
  • integration provides the opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, and creativity of the teacher and his students.

Goal: to give students a holistic understanding of the world around them, through a comprehensive study of various types of fine arts activities and interdisciplinary connections.


  • teach students to independently apply knowledge from different disciplines (basic and additional education) when solving new problematic problems in the fine arts;
  • contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world and cognitive interest in children.
  • develop children's imagination, thinking and creative activity in visual arts.

One of the means to achieve these tasks is the unusual model of the art studio, divided into creative zones and allowing for more rational and useful use of class time. It provides an opportunity for children with different levels of training to deepen and expand their knowledge in the fine arts.

Synthesis of arts promotes a conscious understanding of the differences in types and genres of fine art. Children's interest in mechanical work increases, and their skills in image creation and composition are strengthened.

Description of technology implementation experience.

I have been working as a teacher of additional education since 1997 after completing a training course on the basis of the experimental site of Moscow State University for the Humanities. Sholokhov in Moscow kindergarten No. 923.

It was there, under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, author of numerous programs and methods for visual arts, T.S. Komarova. I mastered a system of visual algorithm techniques based on an innovative studio model within the framework of integrated technology. This studio project found its practical application in MBDOU d/s No. 32 in the city of Krasnogorsk, where I have successfully applied my knowledge and experience for 23 years as a teacher of additional education from the “Creativity Center” .

In order to qualitatively improve the educational process in the kindergarten, comfortable conditions have been created for the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities: an art studio project has been implemented and an additional general education program “The Colorful World of Childhood” based on standard programs and methodological recommendations. It is modified and adapted to the specific conditions of the art studio. The program is designed taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas.

The proposed art studio model provides classes with children in subgroups, where various tasks of visual activity are carried out during a 25-30 minute lesson.

The program provides for the implementation of children's visual activities in close connection with other types of art: music, theatrical performances, figurative artistic expression, and plastic arts.

There is no traditional division of educational material into drawing, painting, modeling and appliqué. This is explained by the situational change in the desires of a preschooler and the desire to increase the creative potential of a child with average abilities. The implementation of the program can be carried out using special methods for activating children - a “visual algorithm” - a method of creating a composition that involves a combination of different visual actions in one lesson. During one lesson, children change types of activities and move freely around the art studio. According to the project, the studio is divided into 9 creative zones and occupies a spacious room, as well as adjacent premises. (Appendix No. 1) In the adjacent premises there are environmental and exhibition areas.

Creative zones of the art studio:

  • Informational sketch. This is the place where children sit on the sofa or around the teacher’s table. Nearby are placed: an easel, a school board for showing and practicing unfamiliar form-building movements and consolidating new techniques for drawing, improvising or translating an object image into a plot one (drawing with a finger in the air or with chalk on the board). Here children receive various information about the world around them, objects, shapes, colors, and genres of painting. They examine reproductions of paintings and visual materials on topics, and there is also a demonstration of the creation of a composition.
  • Picturesque - graphic. This creative zone is presented in the form of shifted tables in the shape of an oval (this makes it easier for the teacher to move and control the creative process). At the workplace there is always a set of brushes, felt-tip pens, colored pencils and gouache and watercolor paints, stands for brushes, sanguine, charcoal, oil and regular pastels, wax crayons, ink, gel pens, pokes and stamps, and foam sponges are added as needed. At these tables a graphic or pictorial image is performed.
  • Applique. There are also tables moved into an oval, on which there is always a set of felt-tip pens, markers, scissors, oilcloths and napkins for glue, plates for glue and trays for scraps of paper. Children make applique from paper, cardboard, fabric.
  • Free creativity zone. On separate tables there are coloring books, plain white paper, paper for applique and origami, glue sticks, a set of brushes, markers, colored pencils, scissors and everything for applique, templates and stencils. The child who finishes work before the rest of the children can choose an activity to his liking.
  • Ecological. In this area there are two aquariums with turtles and fish, and many flowers. Decorating the walls helps the child plunge into the natural world. Children can observe the flora and fauna of the ECO zone. And also there the beginning of the lesson or its end can take place.
  • Gaming. The play area includes: soft toys, board and didactic games (art). This area creates comfortable conditions for the child to relax.
  • The literary zone is represented by the presence of children's books by famous writers, fairy tales, as well as children's original books created over the long period of existence of the art studio. The child can take a book to read or look at the illustration on his own. This area can also become part of the lesson.
  • Zone of decorative and applied arts. Here you can find authentic items of Russian folk crafts and works made by children. The originals are used as visual material, and children's works are used as exhibition material.
  • The exhibition area is located in the corridor, in the foyer of the kindergarten, and in the music room. Exhibitions are held here: thematic, by genre of painting, by season. Adjacent to the art studio is a mini-Tretyakov Gallery, where reproductions of Russian artists are collected. It hosts conversations, introduction to creativity and learning to tell a story based on a picture.

Children work in one of the zones for 5-10 minutes, and then move to others independently or with the help of a teacher. They can move around the entire art studio, talk quietly, use various materials and equipment, they do not sit and wait for their comrades at the end of work, but independently choose the type of activity for their free time. During the lesson, music specially selected according to the topic is played, for example, when painting, folk tunes are played, when painting a landscape, classical music is played, etc.

The lesson begins with an introductory part in the information and sketch area of ​​the studio, where children can freely sit on the sofa or around the teacher. It can be carried out as a dramatization game or a role-playing game. Surprise moments are often used. All this motivates the child to be creative.

The working part of the lesson consists of several stages and takes place in various creative zones. For example, it starts in the picturesque area (the background is drawn), and then we move to the application area, where the children create a composition. Or, on the contrary, in the applique zone - some element is glued, and then it is supplemented with a graphic or pictorial plot.

At each lesson, in each individual work of the child, problems are solved and technical techniques, logical and aesthetic completeness are developed, which allows the drawing or craft to be used as an exhibit of an exhibition. Children often create collective artistic compositions with their own hands, which serve as decoration for classrooms and playrooms at preschool institutions, as well as in various public spaces (children's clinics, libraries).

Educational tasks are solved effectively and are a harmonious combination of methods for speech development, familiarization with nature and the surrounding objective world, teaching basic mathematical concepts, and music education.

The effectiveness of using a system of visual algorithm techniques within the framework of integrated learning technology.

During the school year, I conduct certification of the development of the educational program, which consists of: diagnostic material at the beginning and end of the school year, assessment of the products of creative activity, participation of children in exhibitions and competitions (Appendix No. 2).

Experience with this system of visual algorithm techniques allows us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of integrated learning, which boil down to the following:

  • forms an integrated approach to various subjects in the program;
  • improves the quality of knowledge and skills of students;
  • broadens children's horizons, promotes the development of students' creative abilities, and helps them gain a deeper understanding and assimilation of program material.

Conclusion: the visual algorithm helps to widely examine nature and introduce it into plot drawing. This method helps to think creatively and reason out loud, actively participate in the active process, evaluate the work of peers, and give reasons for your assessment. Fine art classes, conducted in an art studio using the visual algorithm method, contribute to the emancipation of the child, his formation as an individual capable of having his own opinion and point of view. Thanks to this arrangement of classes, children do not feel tired for a long time, the skills are learned better and are deeper.

Used Books:

  1. Alekseevskaya N.A. Naughty pencil. – M: “List” , 1998. – 144 p.
  2. Belkina V.N., Vasilyeva N.N., Elkina N.V. Preschooler: learning and development. To educators and parents. – Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development” , “Academy K˚” , 1998. – 256 p.
  3. Vetrova T.N. TRIZ in activity. – Nab. Chelny. 2007. – 80 p.
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  5. Doronova T.N. Visual activity and aesthetic development of preschool children: a methodological manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions. – M. Education, 2006. – 192 p.
  6. Casanova R.G., Sayganova T.I., Sedova E.M. Drawing with preschool children: Non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes. – M: Sphere , 2004 – 128 p.
  7. Koldina D.N. “Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old” , M, publishing house “Mosaika-Sintez” , 2007.

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8. “Methodological recommendations for the program of education and training in kindergarten” , edited by M.A. Vasilyeva.

9. Yudina G., Vinogradova L.S., Karunova L.A. Sample educational program for preschool education "Discoveries" .

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