Final integrated lesson in the middle group Topic: Crockery

Lesson on speech development in the middle group. Topic: "Dishes"

Author: Kalinchuk Olesya Nikolaevna

teacher of MBDOU No. 146, Kemerovo

Lesson on speech development in the middle group. Topic: "Dishes"

Open lesson on speech development in the middle group.

Lesson topic: “Dishes”

Teacher Kalinchuk O.N.

Purpose of the lesson:

-consolidating the active use of nouns and adjectives in speech on the topic: “Dishes”.


-introduce children to the classification of utensils into: tea, kitchen. -expand children's vocabulary through the use of special tasks and didactic games. - cultivate a caring attitude towards dishes.


a bell, a Fedora doll, a bag or box with toy dishes, kitchen and tea utensils, cut-out pictures on the topic, cups for breathing exercises, a ball.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Preliminary work:

Examination of tea, kitchen, and tableware. Conversation about dishes. Reading K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Mountain”, reading poems about dishes, guessing riddles on this topic.

2. Organizational moment.

Guys, guests came to our lesson, what should we do? (say hello) - Let's hold hands and smile at each other! You are my friend and I am your friend, All the friends around are friends.

Setting Motivation Are you interested in what we are going to do today?

3. Introductory part.

Guys, you know how to solve riddles, let's try


  1. Everything in me is seething, seething,

And it's pouring from the nose.

To take me off the stove

You will have to take it by the handle. (kettle)

  1. It's very easy to pin it on

Meat and cutlets,

Roll up the pasta

Cope with an omelette. (fork)

  1. He is a pot-bellied giant

He doesn't have a nose, but a faucet.

There is heat coming from him.

What is this? (samovar)

  1. I have two hands

Bottom instead of legs.

Steam is coming out from under the hat,

They can get burned. (pot)

  1. We cut meat for them,

Vegetables, sausages.

If it is sharpened,

They cut easily and easily. (knife)

  1. It is necessary for us

After all, we eat food from it.

Deep and shallow

Her name is... (plate)

  1. If I'm empty,

I forget about you

But when I bring food -

I will not pass by your mouth. (spoon)

Well done! How can you call these objects in one word? That's right TABLEWARE.

Music from "Fedorino's Grief"

Guys, Grandma Fedora came to visit us and brought this box! - Name a fairy tale that tells about Fedora and what happened to her? (“Fedorino’s grief”) - Who wrote this fairy tale? (K.I. Chukovsky) - What happened in this fairy tale? (children's answers) - All the dishes have run away. There are no plates, no forks, And the pots are damaged, There is no way to cook dinner!

“Fedora was left alone, no tea to drink, no lunch to cook!” -Is grandma Fedora okay? — Guys, Fedora brought us a magic box. Let's help her carry it, and at the same time see what's in it. (dishes)

4. Main part.

-Let us not only help Fedora, arrange the dishes in their places, separately: the kitchen

(we will put it on the stove);
tea room
(on the table for tea drinking); but we will also tell her a lot of interesting things about dishes. - For now, grandma Fyodor, sit down, rest and listen!

Game "Where does food live?"


Let's drink tea from... Add sugar... Cook the porridge... Pour the milk into... Fry the cutlets into... Put the sweets for tea into.... We will cook the soup in…… Etc.

-Well, you and I helped Fedora figure out what the dishes are for. Now let's tell Fedora more about dishes!

-Guys, do you know that dishes are made from different materials? (children's answers: made of wood, clay, and then glass, porcelain, metal appeared.)

If the dishes are made of wood, what kind is it? (wooden) If the dishes are made of clay, what is it? (clay) If the dish is made of glass, what is it? (glass) If the dishes are made of porcelain, what kind is it? (porcelain) If the dishes are made of metal, what kind is it? (metal)

-Guys, who will tell you how to take care of the dishes? (children's answers)

Now let's tell Fedora how affectionately you and I know how to call dishes (a game on the carpet with a ball).

Physical minute

(to music)

Ring... Guys, while we were warming up, Fedora had a problem, she dropped the dishes. Let's help her.

Game "Cut pictures"

-Guys, look, there are broken dishes left in the bag; Fedora probably broke the dishes while she was bringing us the box. Let's try to glue the dishes together. Children at the tables collect cut-out pictures (mug, frying pan, saucepan), then tell what happened.

Fedora's children are very glad that you helped her and decided to treat you to tea. Look, you need to be careful when the tea is hot. What should you do to cool it down? Blow correctly.

Articulation gymnastics “Blow on tea”

children blowing on cups with “Steam”

Well done! Fedora is very glad that you can blow so well. Do you know how to name objects affectionately?

Game “Name it kindly”

Cup - cup Spoon - spoon Plate - plate Fork - fork Saucer - saucer Pot - pot Glass - glass Lid - lid, etc.

Count to five words

Plate, fork, spoon, bowl - one plate, two plates, etc.

5. Lesson summary:

-Well done boys! -What do you think, did you and I help Fedora? (children's answers) -Why were we able to help Fedora? -That's because we were friendly and kind! -Guys, Fedora, thanks you for your help! She brought a treat (cookies) for you. - Fedora needs to return to the fairy tale! -Let's say goodbye to Fedora!

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