Gender education: features, differences and necessary conditions for the proper development of children of different ages

What is Gender

This concept denotes a person’s belonging to a certain social gender, which is formed in the process of developing personal qualities, including psychological, social and cultural influence on both boys and girls.

  • Gender translated from English means gender, which in turn refers to social sex as a product of culture.
  • A gender approach in the educational and educational system is necessary, first of all, so that every child can express his or her identity.
  • In a future life, this can determine the choice of profession and fully self-realize.

At the same time, this approach to education will help you get around the “sharp corners” in adult life with minimal losses, thanks to the flexibility shown in your behavior.


How we raise our children, what personal qualities we can develop in them, taking into account their individual and gender characteristics, directly determines what kind of women and men they will become in the future, what kind of parents they will be for their children.
All the most important personality qualities, inclinations and abilities are formed precisely in preschool age. DIFFERENCE IN THE CONCEPTS OF “SEX” AND “GENDER”

“SEX” is a biological difference between people, determined by the genetic structure of cells, anatomical and physiological characteristics and reproductive functions.

“GENDER” is the social sex of a person, formed in the process of personal upbringing and includes psychological, social and cultural differences between men (boys) and women (girls).



— the family ensures the physical and emotional development of the child;

— the family influences the formation of the child’s psychological gender;

- the family plays a leading role in the mental development of a preschooler;

- the family is important in mastering social norms (the function of primary socialization);

— value orientations are formed in the family;

— the family performs the function of socio-psychological support.


FAMILY is the place in which a child develops his first idea about relationships between people, about the place of each person in this world.

The child’s behavior pattern and his subsequent life scenario are seriously influenced by the relationships that have developed in the family.

Raising children should help them develop an understanding of the roles of women and men in the family and in society.

Under the influence of parents, the child develops a certain model of behavior that he will adhere to in society.


MOTHER: Forms humanistic character traits (compassion, caring for loved ones). Acts with affection and kindness. Fosters deep affection and tolerance. Reveals the beauty of the surrounding world. Gives ready answers to questions. She is a model for her daughter’s behavior.

FATHER: Forms determination, perseverance, courage. He is a generator of ideas, brings things to an end, develops collectivism and chivalry in the child. The father is a role model for the child for later life. Promotes the formation of self-esteem and status position. Teaches you to analyze, generalize and draw the right conclusions. He is a model for his son’s behavior.


- preference for toys and play roles of the opposite sex;

- the desire to be with an adult of the opposite sex, to imitate his behavior;

- actively expressed desire to change your gender and name;

- stories of a child in which he appears as a representative of the other sex;

- the desire to dress and behave like the opposite sex.

Psychologists and educators believe that the formation of gender stability is determined by sociocultural norms and depends on:

- the relationship of parents to the child;

— the nature of parental attitudes;

- mother's attachment to child;

- child's attachment to mother;

- The role of the father in raising a child.

Undoubtedly, for the development of a child’s personality, a healthy psychological atmosphere in the family is necessary. It has been proven that girls and boys have different needs and developmental characteristics. Therefore, it is impossible to raise boys and girls, guided by the same principles of education!



- play in a confined space;

- detailed, concrete thinking. Manipulate with numbers and formulas;

— the right hemisphere gets tired faster (imaginative thinking, emotional well-being);

- focused on relationships between people. When communicating, look into the adult's face. Waiting for approval;

— ready to react to the emotional factor at any second. ​


- use all the space;

- generalized, abstract thinking. Manipulate geometric shapes;

— the left hemisphere gets tired faster (verbal thinking, logical operations);

- information-oriented. When communicating, look to the side or in front of you;

— short-term, but vividly react to the emotional factor.


Girls require a calm environment and consistently structured activities. They like to confirm the correctness of their knowledge and decisions through repetition. Adapt better. Aimed at communication. They try to get a high-quality result that can be positively assessed by other people.

The space of interest to girls is small, but it is carefully worked out to the smallest detail and reflected in the mind. Girls are more often attracted to household chores. The girl is more inclined to be a caregiver: to look after, nurse, show concern, teach, instruct, criticize younger brothers or peers, sometimes losing her sense of proportion.

Girls' games are more often based on near vision: children lay out “riches” of dolls and decorations in front of them and play in a limited space, in a corner. They are less interested in the internal structure of toys and are usually used for their intended purpose. In preschool age, they willingly master various social roles; the role of “mother” is very attractive to them.

In constructive games, girls more often act according to a model: they build not cities, castles or train stations, but a house, but with furniture, household items, and various decorations.

The period of involvement in activities in the classroom is shorter for girls than for boys. Girls raise their hands less often, although they answer correctly. When answering in class, the girl looks into the teacher’s face, waiting for confirmation of the correctness of the answer, and after the adult nods.

Girls more often ask questions like: “Will you come to us again?”, i.e. more focused on establishing contact with adults, relationships between people. Girls are prone to subject-evaluative speech; nouns and adjectives, negations and affirmations predominate in it.

Girls often draw people, princesses, including themselves. They often draw themselves with especially highlighted eyelashes and mouth, they like to draw “adult” attributes - jewelry, heels, they often draw a cat, trees, etc. nearby.

Girls are more suggestible and less decisive in their actions. They do not have a holistic perception of the subject. Girls perform better tasks that are no longer new, typical, or formulaic. Girls are wary of unfamiliar surroundings, get lost more quickly, and have difficulty finding something to do. When they go somewhere, they have a specific purpose.


In order for a girl to achieve a healthy gender identity, a warm and close relationship with her mother and a similar relationship with her father are necessary, and parents need to emphasize a tender and caring relationship in the couple so that the girl has the impression of a happy family life.

The task of parents is to show more trust, acceptance and approval towards the girl in order to motivate her to activity.

A father should find time to communicate with his daughter: show that his daughter is different from him, she is of a different gender. But he must do this with respect and benevolence, so that she understands that she is worthy of a man’s love.

By respecting their daughter’s personality and demonstrating satisfaction with her actions, parents form her positive self-esteem.

Mother and daughter should have their own “women's secrets.” A mother should find time for privacy with her daughter and make these conversations ritual and traditional.

Real care for each other is demonstrated through respect for the older generation.

The mother should involve her daughter in “female” household chores, passing on to her the secrets of her skills.


Boys are capable of momentary effort. They prefer search activities. They don't like repetition. They prefer to do it quickly, but “somehow.” It is more difficult for them to adapt to unsuitable operating conditions and try to get rid of them.

For boys, the perception of the space in which the objects of interest are located is practically unlimited. Boys, in general, show less interest in household chores and become less accustomed to self-care. Boys, as a rule, do not have the inclination to look after, teach and mentor younger ones, especially sisters.

Boys' games are more often based on distant vision: they run after each other, throw objects at the target, using all the space provided to them. If the horizontal plane is not enough, they master the vertical: they climb ladders, climb trees and other objects. When a boy plays with a doll, he makes the toy jump and march, do various tricks, puts it as a passenger in a cart or car, rides on toy animals, etc. and soon quits. Only in exceptional cases is touching, caring courtship observed in the game.

Boys show more creativity in constructive games. They build cities and railways, paying attention mainly to the structures themselves. Boys “swing” longer. Boys are more active and restless, they behave more boldly in class, they raise their hands more often, and they are not afraid to make mistakes. When answering, the boy often looks to the side rather than at the teacher and, if he knows the answer, speaks confidently. Boys more often ask questions like: “What are we going to do now?”, i.e. more information-oriented. Boys' vocabulary includes more words denoting objects not used in everyday life and general concepts; their speech is dominated by verbs and interjections that help convey actions.

Boys develop the ability to isolate the main thing earlier. The boy's mind is more prone to generalizations and less specific. Boys perform search activities better, offer new ideas and non-standard solutions. They navigate an unusual environment more easily and perceive it positively, quickly finding something to do.


— when communicating with their sons, fathers should restrain emotions that can suppress his masculinity (talk calmly, without raising his tone);

- boys often lack positive motivation: they should not be prohibited, but allowed something additional for a good deed;

- boys need to be allowed to show their emotionality - allowed to cry, for example (i.e. allowed to be natural);

— mothers of boys need to trust the male intuition of fathers: they feel how to raise a man;

- boys need to organize a regime and discipline: this forms his responsibility!

- Be sure to encourage the desire to do men’s work in the house!

— teach to trust, thereby forming the experience of social trust;

— use humor in communication to reduce aggressiveness and fear of responsibility;

- there must be physical, bodily contact - to increase the boy’s self-esteem;

- a boy is a promise to the future: he must be taken into account not only as a son, but also as a future husband, protector, etc.;

- Mom CARES, and dad FORMS a man.

Gender education

Each person is born as an individual with his own individual attitudes, which you will not find in anyone else. People may be similar to each other in some ways, but there are no identical personalities.

  • The division of people into two groups according to gender (boy and girl) is a central principle for the difference between all surrounding individuals.
  • According to research by specialists, all psychological differences between men and women are associated with characteristics of genetics and physiology.
  • Nature itself requires the fair half of humanity to be loving and caring wives and mothers.

And from men to be brave, strong and respectful towards all the people around them. Also protect your family and honor family values. This is the main task of gender education.

Gender education of preschoolers through various types of activities


- denotes “social gender”, i.e. social status and socio-psychological characteristics of the individual, depending not on biological sex differences, but on the social organization of society.

This is a sociocultural construct that society “builds on top” of physiological reality. The construction of gender differences occurs through a certain system of socialization (which develops different skills and psychological qualities in girls and boys), the division of labor between men and women and cultural norms, roles and stereotypes accepted in society. Being a man or a woman does not mean having certain natural qualities; it means fulfilling your assigned gender role and meeting certain standards.

Gender stereotypes

— ideas about the normative behavior of men and women that are stable for a given society in a specific historical period. In other words, gender stereotypes are common ideas about how men and women should look and behave.

Stereotypes regarding gender are encountered by a child already at birth. The shape and even color of clothing, toys and games that we offer children differ depending on gender and form different character traits for girls and boys. All this is accompanied by pedagogical comments: “Don’t cry, you’re a boy!”, which imposes a ban on the manifestation of emotionality in boys; “Be obedient and quiet - you’re a girl!”, which creates subordination in girls. A person absorbs traditional gender stereotypes from childhood and the fact that they can vary greatly in different cultures is often not properly understood. Gender stereotypes are remarkably resilient and continue to persist even when the actual behavior of men and women has already become different.

Gender identity

- this is a basic, fundamental feeling of belonging to a certain sex (gender), awareness of oneself as a representative of a given sex, awareness of one’s belonging to a gender in a social context. Gender identity is not given to a person at birth. A child acquires his gender and forms it in interactions with family members and society. The formation of gender identity is carried out in three stages:

1) the child learns that there are two genders,

2) he includes himself in one of these categories,

3) on the basis of self-determination, he guides his behavior, choosing and preferring one or another of its forms.

Psychological self-determination of gender begins in the second year of life and is consolidated by the third year. By the age of three, children clearly distinguish and recognize their gender characteristics: I am a boy, I am a girl.

Goals and objectives of the kindergarten as a resource center:

1. Develop scientific and methodological foundations for the education of girls and boys in preschool educational institutions and in the family.

2. Determine the general strategic line for the selection of materials and equipment for kindergartens and families, taking into account the gender characteristics of girls and boys of preschool age.


1. We assume that raising boys and girls, taking into account their individual and gender characteristics in a joint and differentiated environment in a kindergarten and family, has a positive effect on their emotional, personal and social development.

2. The upbringing and development of girls and boys in preschool age in a differentiated and collaborative environment with an emphasis on gender will allow:

• form a stable gender identification in children;

• develop a positive attitude towards gender roles;

• improve interpersonal communication in a group of peers.

• improve family communication

Positive changes are planned

• in the development of the personality of a preschool child and the formation of gender stability in him;

• in improving the professional competence of teachers on the issues of raising children of early and preschool age, taking into account their gender characteristics;

• in increasing the competence of parents in raising children, taking into account their gender characteristics.

A child’s gender is an important factor on which his development and social behavior depend.

Each individual develops as a representative of a particular gender. Having been born as a girl or boy, a child, in the process of socialization, learns a set of norms, rules, and patterns of behavior that bring him closer to the feminine or masculine models accepted in a given society and contribute to the formation of appropriate personality traits. Thus, the child acquires gender characteristics.

Preschool age is considered the most important period for gender socialization because during this period the most significant features, properties and qualities of a person are formed.

According to neurophysiologists and neuropsychologists, differences in the structure and functioning of the brain determine the developmental characteristics of children of different sexes. Personality-oriented technologies:

  1. Means
  2. Methods
  3. Forms


• games

  • folk tales
  • proverbs
  • lullabies


  • games
  • educational and developmental ethical conversations
  • problematic situations
  • action-schemes


  • play activity
  • experimental
  • problematic - search engine

In order to provide equal opportunities in education there is:

3 types of motivation

• playful (stimulates children if construction methods are included in the content)

  • children’s personal interest in activities (offering to do something as a gift or for play)
  • communication between children and adults (will stimulate children if the teacher is able to convince a girl or boy that she cannot do without their help).

In early preschool age, play is the main activity that causes qualitative changes in the child’s psyche.

By the age of three, children clearly distinguish and recognize their gender characteristics: I am a boy, I am a girl. By the age of three, a child can clearly distinguish the gender of the people around him, but may not know what the difference is between boys and girls, men and women. Thus, a three-year-old child associates gender with random external signs, such as clothing and hair length - with the help of these markers, the world is classified into two genders. Boys never wear dresses and have short hair; girls wear dresses and have long hair. A three-year-old child also accepts the possibility of changing gender with the help of a haircut or clothing, since for him gender identity is specific and correlates with physical characteristics.

So, the success of gender education of young children can be ensured by the following methods of interaction:

adult with them:

  • soft, friendly communication, understanding the condition of children, their experiences caused, first of all, by separation from their family;
  • slow expressive speech, repeated repetitions of the same thing;
  • reinforcement of the word with the image of the object, the action depicting it;
  • frequent switching of children's attention from one subject to another, from one type of activity to another;
  • using techniques that express children’s positive emotions;
  • conscious creation by the teacher in his behavior (actions and words) of a role model;
  • frequent praise for children (kind verbal assessment and patting on the head).

The teacher’s task in working with children of primary preschool age is to lay the first guidelines.

At this stage of personality development, the leader in the intellectual development of a child is a specific image of an object, actions with it, accompanied by a word, therefore the teacher, first of all, focuses on the sensory development of children.

Children's literature and television


Children's literature offers different models of behavior for girls and boys. Kids absorb them and try to imitate them. This is how children develop different attitudes and thinking characteristics, which are most clearly manifested in adulthood.

For example, when explaining why the fairy-tale king went to war, the boy adopts a male model of behavior, and the girl learns to understand male (compositional and projective) ways of thinking.

And, on the contrary, the image of Cinderella serves as a role model for a girl, and for a boy as an example with the help of which he can understand female (ordinal and topological) ways of thinking.

Television today serves as a source of role models. Therefore, when raising children, adults can specifically draw children’s attention to cartoon characters, films, advertisements, etc., both as an example and an anti-example to follow.

A boy and a girl should never be raised the same way. Because they look and see differently, listen and hear differently, speak and remain silent, feel and experience differently. Therefore, for adults, in order for children to understand them better, it is necessary to adapt to the child’s individuality, take it into account, follow the logic of its development, that is, understand the way of thinking.

Every parent strives to raise their child based on their own ideas about what an adult should be. We want to raise a strong, responsible, intelligent and courageous man from a little boy, capable of becoming a breadwinner and protector of his own family. A woman, according to generally accepted opinion, should be tender and fragile, kind and affectionate, a loving wife and mother, and a homemaker.

We raise our sons and daughters in accordance with our preferences. In building the correct line of gender (sex-role) education of preschoolers, parents and educators are helped by didactic games, through which children learn behavior patterns.

Gender education

- this is the formation in children of ideas about real men and women, and this is necessary for the normal and effective socialization of the individual. Under the influence of educators and parents, a preschooler must learn the gender role, or gender model of behavior that a person adheres to in order to be defined as a woman or a man.

Gender education is intended not only to help children recognize themselves as representatives of one gender or another. The relevance of gender education is to ensure that the child develops a stable concept of his gender - I am a girl; I'm a boy. And it will always be like this.

Relevance of gender education

at the moment is huge, because The direction of the gender education program also takes into account the fact that modern society is categorically against men and women having only a set of advantages based on their gender.

The real way out of this sad situation is targeted gender education, both in kindergarten and at home. Targeted education provided to a girl or boy in preschool age will significantly affect the development of personality. And it will allow girls and boys to develop those personality traits that will allow them to be successful in modern society.

The biggest role of gender education in the family is to ensure that men do not lose the ability to play the right role in the family, do not transform from the main breadwinner into the main consumers and do not shift the upbringing of children onto women’s shoulders. Well, women, in turn, would not become simply creatures without gender.

Nowadays, many children associate their gender with precisely this distorted behavior: girls become straightforward and rude, and boys adopt the type of behavior of the women who surround them at home and in the garden, clinic, etc. Observing children, you can notice that many girls lack tenderness, sensitivity and patience, and do not know how to resolve conflicts peacefully. Boys, on the contrary, do not try to stand up for themselves, are physically weak, have little endurance and are emotionally unstable.

Modern little knights are completely alien to any kind of culture of behavior towards girls. There is also concern that the content of children's games demonstrates behavior patterns that do not correspond to the child's gender. Because of this, children do not know how to negotiate in games and assign roles. Boys rarely show a desire to come to the aid of girls when physical strength is needed, and girls do not strive to help boys where thoroughness, accuracy, care are needed, these are the games for gender education.

Therefore, gender education in kindergarten and in the family is simply necessary for the development and socialization of a child in our society.

In preschool age, there is an intensive process of developing a child’s self-awareness, an important component of which is awareness of oneself as a representative of a certain gender. Currently, the preschool education system faces serious problems regarding gender education. This is primarily due to the fact that until recently gender characteristics were not taken into account in the software and methodological support of preschool educational institutions in Russia. As a result of this, the content of upbringing and education was focused on the age and psychological characteristics of children, and not on boys and girls of one or another age, which, according to scientists, differ.

The period of preschool childhood is the period during which pedagogy parents must understand the child and help him discover the unique opportunities that are given to him by his gender, if we want to raise men and women, and not asexual beings who have lost the advantages of their gender. During the most crucial period in the formation of gender stability, girls and boys are exposed exclusively to female influence for a long time in a preschool educational institution (8-12 hours).

The organization of a gender approach in the education of children of primary preschool age in preschool education began in the second junior group with a game, the purpose of which was to identify the features and conditions of gender-role socialization of girls and boys 3-4 years old in the game.

Taking into account gender education, a developmental environment in the group was built. Different spaces were created for boys and girls to play and toys, taking into account their gender. In the center of social and personal development, the subject environment is changed and supplemented quarterly.

When working with children, various didactic, active and role-playing games are carried out, the purpose of which is to develop gender stability and interest in interaction with the opposite sex in children 3-4 years old.

Solving problems related to gender education of children aged 3-4 years required a thoughtful attitude of teachers and parents to the selection of materials and equipment.

The primary task facing a teacher working with children 3-4 years old was to create an optimally rich (without excessive abundance and without shortage) holistic, multifunctional, transforming environment. To do this, it was necessary to analyze the state of the subject-development environment in the group room and bring it into compliance with the approximate lists of materials and equipment that were developed and presented in federal state educational standards.

The second, no less important task that had to be solved when raising children 3-4 years old was the introduction of various markers into the environment with an emphasis on gender identity and supplementing the environment with specific materials for girls and boys.

Both employees of the preschool educational institution and parents took part in the production of gender markers. But at the same time, the main requirement for the activities of both teachers and parents was an individual approach to children, taking into account their tastes and attachments to the image on the label and its color scheme.

Gender education, focused on the personal qualities of the child, posed the task of the emotional development of children to the teacher and parents, therefore it was necessary to take into account the fact that for every girl and every boy it was emotionally significant and, to the extent possible, the needs and interests of the children were satisfied.

Role-playing play played a special role in the formation of gender stability in girls and boys. Therefore, the teacher and parents paid special attention to the selection of materials and equipment for the play activities of girls and boys.

When selecting materials and equipment for the game, we were guided both by the objectives of the general development of children and by federal state standards.

When carrying out work on raising children taking into account their gender characteristics, we paid attention to:

· on the attractiveness of game material and role paraphernalia in order to attract children to reflect socially approved patterns of female and male behavior in the game;

· on the sufficiency and completeness of the material for games, during which girls reproduce the model of social behavior of a woman-mother;

· for the presence of attributes and markers of the playing space for games - “travels”, in which boys are given the opportunity to play out the male model of behavior.

Girls 3-4 years old are much more willing to adopt a doll with beautiful and varied clothes as their daughter. Children identify the process of dressing and undressing dolls with a procedure that they constantly encounter in their own lives, which contributes to their awareness of the human meaning of this action. And if at first the child simply reproduces the actions of adults in the game, then gradually he begins to designate and name his role: “I am mom, I am dad.” When the dolls are attractive, it is much easier for the teacher to make girls and boys feel sympathy for them. While playing with such toys, it is easier to encourage children to express their feelings towards the toy: speak kind words, hug, look into the eyes, stroke, etc. By reflecting in play socially approved patterns of female and male behavior in relation to toys, girls and boys receive the necessary emotional development even if they are deprived of it in the family.

When selecting materials and equipment, we take into account the fact that girls and boys 3-4 years old cannot yet reproduce in play a model of behavior that corresponds to a particular gender without relying on role attributes.

Boys of this age will willingly perform playful actions, and then take on the role of a traffic police officer if they put on capes, police caps and take a striped baton in their hands. To care for the car and “repair” it, the boys are offered cleaning materials, tools and other role-playing attributes.

An important role in the development of play activity of children 3-4 years old belongs to construction from large building materials. Large building materials require a lot of space, so they were placed on carts (on wheels) away from the girls' play area, next to the carpet. Displayed on or near the shelves are machines that boys use to play with building materials.

Girls of this age also cannot take care of a doll - a “daughter” in an imaginary sense. In order to “cook dinner,” they made a stove, pots, spoons, substitute items that she could use as “products,” a cutting board, etc. To care for the “baby,” girls are offered baths, sponges, towels, ladles for rinsing after bathing their “baby,” etc. Conditions have been created for “washing” linen and ironing, and a place for storing it has been determined

Unfortunately, this is not enough for the development of children in play activities and for their upbringing taking into account gender characteristics. A teacher should play with children of this age every day in kindergarten, and parents should play with them in the family.

The problem of gender socialization is one of the most relevant in the general context of the main directions of educational work. In preschool age, there is an intensive process of developing a child’s self-awareness, an important component of which is awareness of oneself as a representative of a certain gender. The organization of sex-role education should be carried out in the aspect of an integral pedagogical system, which does not allow underestimation of any of its components. The success of a child’s entry into the world of people and his sexual education largely depends on the content of education, in which the role of play can hardly be overestimated.

Children's wishes come true in games. In the game, he frees himself from the feeling of loneliness and learns the joy of intimacy and cooperation, evaluates his capabilities, gains faith in himself, and determines his position in relation to the world and people around him.


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  11. Radzivilova M.A. GENDER APPROACH TO EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN PRECEDURAL CONDITIONS // Fundamental Research. – 2013. – No. 4 (part 2). - With. 453-456; URL: (access date: 09/07/2014).
  12. Collection of federal regulatory documents for managers of preschool educational organizations. Federal State Educational Standard, 2014 Volosovets T.V.
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  15. Shchetinina A.M., Ivanova O.I. “Sex-role development of children 5-7 years old” // M., Tvorchesky, 2010.

What is gender role

Every child, closer to 2-3 years old, begins to understand which gender he belongs to. This can be seen primarily in the choice of children's toys. Many studies have shown that boys choose cars, robots, toy weapons, etc. from the proposed items.

And girls opt for dolls, children's jewelry, fairytale castles and other items belonging to this gender category of games.

  • Closer to the age of 4-7 years, children understand that their gender will no longer change and begin to behave accordingly, taking into account the behavior of the women and men around them.
  • This is the gender role of every person in this life. Therefore, at this stage they are trying to consolidate the gender education of preschoolers, but there are not always conditions for this.
  • Indeed, in the modern world one can often observe a picture where a man and a woman have changed places. The female gender has become strong and courageous, and the man shows more qualities of the weaker sex. But there are reasons for this.

For example, a girl was raised by one mother and there was no one to stand up for her, not a man. Therefore, from childhood, a woman took on a masculine character.

Or, on the contrary, the situation with a boy who was raised by his grandmother and mother. And with their best intentions, they protected the boy from all male work and difficulties, thereby compensating for the missing male shoulder.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Consultation for educators “Gender education of preschool children.”


Gender is a social sex that determines how a person behaves in society and how that behavior is perceived.

This is the gender-role behavior that determines relationships with other people: friends, colleagues, classmates, parents, random passers-by, etc.

Gender education is the formation in children of ideas about real men and women, and this is necessary for the normal and effective socialization of the individual. Targeted gender education provided to a girl or boy in preschool age will significantly affect the child’s development. And it will allow girls and boys to develop those personality traits that will allow them to be successful in modern society.

Gender stereotypes of behavior are formed already in childhood.

  • By the age of 2-3 years, children begin to understand that they are either a girl or a boy, and identify themselves accordingly
  • between the ages of 4 and 7 years, gender stability is formed: children become clear that gender does not change: boys become men, and girls become women, and this gender will not change depending on the situation or personal desires of the child.

Gender differences in preschool children

  1. Girls begin to speak in sentences earlier, and they have better communication and communication abilities.
  2. Boys have more developed visual perception, girls have more auditory perception. Therefore, the girl must explain the task in words, and the boy will understand it more clearly if it is clearly shown to him. This probably explains why men love with their eyes, and women love with their ears.
  3. Girls are more obedient than boys. By adolescence, the obedience of girls and boys becomes approximately the same.
  4. Boys have a more developed need to explore the world around them. That's why the boys run, climb trees and fences, go down into wells and basements. For girls, a small corner is enough where they can quietly work with dolls and set up a house. Therefore, the injury rate among boys is 2 times higher.
  5. Girls are more likely to get involved in work. Boys, on the other hand, need time to swing before starting the task. It seems that girls are more attentive and efficient. But when the boys reach their peak performance, the girls are already exhausted and slow down.
  6. When assessing results, boys need specifics: what exactly he did good or bad. For girls, it is more important who evaluates them and how. Therefore, praise is very important for girls, and joint analysis of their actions is important for boys.
  7. Boys are sensitive to criticism in the first minutes of a conversation. Then their brain “switches off” and does not perceive long-term notations. Therefore, the boy should be reprimanded clearly and briefly.
  8. Boys strive for independence, girls for interdependence.
  9. Boys are more likely to play games in which the more people the better. Girls prefer to gather in small groups, their games are less aggressive, more complicit, they often have confidential conversations and imitate relationships between adults.
  10. Girls are superior to boys in verbal abilities (that is, the ability to speak, connected language), and boys are stronger than girls in visuospatial abilities (the ability to visualize images).
  11. Boys have higher math skills than girls, but they are also more aggressive than girls.
  12. Girls of preschool age are “more social” and more suggestible than boys. Girls are better at simple, routine tasks, while boys are better at more complex cognitive processes.
  13. Girls are more influenced by heredity, while boys are more influenced by environment.

Gender differences must be taken into account when raising and teaching preschool children.

Let’s rank the participants in a child’s gender education in order of their importance:

  1. Family.
  2. Kindergarten teaching staff.
  3. Child's environment.

Recommendations for parents

Preschool children largely copy the traits characteristic of their parents of the same sex and want to be like them. Attitudes towards the opposite sex also develop under the influence of the family. Boys, growing up, strive to find a wife who is similar to their mother, and girls look for resemblance to their father in their husband. The relationship between mother and father is very significant for the formation of children’s gender attitudes. The task of parents is to be a personal example, to show care, love, respect and trust in each other. Then the children will absorb this as the norm of marital relations and will strive to create

strong and happy family. You should never forget that this is not just a child, but a boy or girl with their inherent characteristics of perception, thinking, and emotions. They need to be raised, trained, and even loved in different ways.

Never compare boys and girls, do not set one as an example to the other: they are different even in biological age - girls are usually older than their peers.

We must remember that when a woman raises and teaches boys (and a man – girls), her own childhood experience will be of little use to her and comparing herself as a child with them is incorrect and useless.

2. Tips for teachers

— It is necessary to develop fine motor skills in boys, using appropriate games for this, and large motor skills in girls (ball games).

— Make all toys available for boys to experiment with them, and for girls, water and sand are better suited for carrying out possible search options and joint discussion.

- Boys need to explain the task, the problem situation, and give instructions for at least 1 minute before he takes action.

— Use different puzzles for girls more often.

- Give boys the opportunity to express their feelings and only then discuss them with them.

— Experiment with the girls with three-dimensional space; use illustrative, visual and figurative language when working with mathematical calculations and in design, this will help make mathematical representations more concrete and understandable for them.

- Praise boys for their mobility, energy, activity, try to transfer these characteristics to work.

- Praise both girls and boys more often, especially for good actions, take photographs of children. This technique will help children of both sexes to be proud of their achievements and increase motivation to successfully solve problems.

3. Organization of subject-development environment

The environment is one of the main means of social development of a child’s personality, the basis for activities taking into account gender characteristics.

The formation of gender identity for boys and girls is possible only in a joint environment. One of the most important conditions for the formation of gender identity is the creation of a multifunctional subject-development environment surrounding boys and girls (allocation of play areas for boys and girls).

In preschool age, the main activity is play. Games and toys are of great importance in shaping the future of a man and a future woman. In role-playing games, children learn gender behavior; the child takes on a role and acts in accordance with the accepted role. Children model relationships with adults, they choose the social and professional roles that they may have to play in their lives. In the game you can see how noticeably different boys and girls are. A story-based game allows you to reinforce gender stereotypes and lay the foundations for an emotionally positive attitude towards the future social role of a man or woman, father or mother. With their help, the child masters the norms and rules of life in society. In role-playing games, boys play travel, war with toy soldiers, build towers and guns, and drive cars. Girls play school, hairdresser, store, hospital. A boy would rather prefer a gun, a boat, a car, and a girl would prefer a doll, dishes, furniture. A child’s choice of toys is a good indication of how gender identification is progressing.

Don’t forget that boys and girls see, hear, touch differently, perceive space differently and navigate in it, and most importantly, they interpret everything they encounter in this world differently. And certainly not in the same way as we adults.

A boy and a girl are two different worlds, so they cannot be raised the same way. Let's try to understand our boys and girls, because they are future men and women and must correspond to their essence, by raising real men and women, we will make life easier for our children in the future. Awareness of gender identity by preschool children does not occur on its own; the child’s concept of belonging to one or another gender is formed thanks to the upbringing he receives in the family and kindergarten.

Next >

Gender education in kindergarten

Every child, closer to three years of age, joins a preschool education team. There he fully begins to realize his belonging to the male or female sex, which was inherent in his home upbringing.

Next comes the work of educators who, through role-playing, seek to consolidate the results for gender education.

The main goal of which is to discover tenderness, meekness and femininity in a girl, and observation and perseverance in a boy.

Particularly good results are obtained from games divided into professional areas, where the future man is exclusively occupied with his duties, not forgetting to show respect and help to the female half. Girls, in turn, are taught the same respect for the masculine gender and the expression of tenderness and femininity.


Education of preschoolers occurs according to the following methodology:

  • Role-playing games (family, professions);
  • Conversations using manuals and visual literature;
  • Making cards and crafts for parents and grandparents;
  • Reading fairy tales, memorizing poems and sayings.

This specificity bears fruit in education, which can be observed during the adolescence of a teenager. Although there is a “release of hormones”, many actions of a bad character are avoided, thanks to the gender education received earlier.

Formation of gender identity of pupils in preschool settings

Kuzaeva N.A., deputy director;

Evstifeeva E.S., senior teacher of the secondary school "Teremok" GBOU secondary school, p. Isakly Samara region.

The changes taking place in education can be traced at all levels. Preschool education is designed to create conditions for maximum disclosure of the individuality of each child. Gender identity of a preschooler is an individualized process of a child’s awareness of himself as a representative of a certain gender with a set of social behavioral characteristics. Every teacher is interested in consciously regulating the process of gender as a fundamental characteristic of a preschooler, laying and determining the trajectory of personal development.

Gender can manifest itself in different ways, and individual manifestations do not necessarily coincide with the stereotypical (gender-role) ideas of others about the behavior of a girl and a boy.

In the process of forming gender, a kindergarten teacher needs to: - know the gender composition of the group of children; - navigate each age period of the child, taking into account the patterns of gender development; — take into account the gender component of games and toys; — identify differences in the acquisition of knowledge by children with different gender dominants; - navigate the activity preferences of children with different gender types; — create conditions for a positive transmission of their own experience to boys and girls, the optimal choice of forms, methods and means of teaching children of different sexes; - know your own gender type and understand the specifics of your own communication style in accordance with your gender dominance, taking into account your component position in relationships with children of different sexes.

The process of gender formation is realized through the introduction of a gender approach into the preschool education system.

In the process of planning work with children based on a gender approach, the teacher needs to know the gender typology of personality.

The masculine gender type is focused on the authority of strength and independence of behavior, has high individual achievements, prefers male authority, needs male communication, is intolerant of objections, prefers to defend his opinion and take leadership positions, and reproduces an independently competitive style of behavior. Relationships with peers are authoritarian in nature.

The feminine gender type prefers dependent, subordinate behavior, is cautious, does not like to show initiative and independence, deliberately limits its “research space” (especially boys), needs constant moral support from others, and avoids contact with masculine children in play activities; Boys often have communication difficulties.

The androgynous gender type is free from rigid gender typing and traditional norms, is able to realistically comprehend and evaluate situations, overcome difficulties independently, is significantly socially active and outgoing, is able to actively and positively interact with children and adults of any gender, has good organizational skills and constructive personal qualities. character (protection, help), persistent, independent, has a high level of achievement.

The undifferentiated gender type rejects both male and female styles of behavior, is unable to navigate traditional norms of gender-role behavior, is passive, has low real achievements, deliberately avoids contacts, and does not enjoy authority among peers.

Having started work based on a gender approach, we were surprised by the monitoring results: it turns out that in senior preschool age children of the feminine type make up almost 40%, of which boys - 15%, while girls with a masculine (masculine) orientation - almost 25%, and 7% of children can be classified as the undifferentiated type. For comparison, we conducted a diagnostic study in a neighboring kindergarten, where diagnostic results revealed similar trends. We understand that atypical gender characteristics (when a girl behaves like a typical boy and vice versa) require an individual development path in a kindergarten setting. No adult is able to change the characteristics of a child’s gender development, and the manifestation of such individuality is practically the norm. After all, a modern woman today feels comfortable behind the wheel of a car and in the chair of the director of an enterprise, and a modern man can do typically female work, and this no longer surprises anyone.

At the very beginning of the work, teachers identified key concepts: gender approach, gender identity, gender, sex-role approach, socialization of a preschooler, subject-developmental environment, components, principles of constructing a subject-developmental environment, subject-developmental environment based on a gender approach, communicative, gaming, Productive child activities, play. Each teacher first studied these concepts independently, and then at the seminar we summed up the results of this work. Such individual work of teachers was carried out so that each educator and specialist understood the mosaic of the conceptual apparatus.

Working with teachers consisted not only of understanding and studying these terms; in parallel, pedagogical councils, seminars, and workshops were held for a more nuanced study of the range of new concepts and phenomena. Pedagogical councils were held: - “Gender approach in preschool educational institutions” (the goal is to clarify the knowledge of teachers about the principles of a gender approach in education); — “The principle of constructing a subject-developmental environment for preschool educational institutions based on a gender approach” (the goal is to familiarize teachers with the conditions for constructing a subject-developmental environment from the perspective of a gender approach to the educational process in preschool educational institutions).

Thematic seminars and workshops were held: “Planet Gender”, “Spatial-subject component of a subject-development environment based on a gender approach”, “Social component of a subject-development environment based on a gender approach”, etc.

In parallel with this, children of the second younger group were tested to determine the favorite color of each child; this knowledge was necessary for building the organization of a subject-development environment for the next school year. During the summer period, work was done to organize a subject-development environment in the group premises: cosmetic repairs were carried out, the walls of the room were painted in the colors that the children chose from the variety of colors offered to them (light green (quiet zone), pink (girls’ play area ), blue (motor zone), yellow (training zone)).

Furniture was arranged according to the shades of the walls, and toys were placed in play centers.

Modern exemplary basic general education programs for preschool education, which meet the latest requirements of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, adhere to the principle of comprehensive thematic planning and propose studying one topic with children throughout the week. Recommended topics are implemented in all areas of the teacher’s activity (direct educational activities, routine issues, interaction with the family). By organizing educational activities at scheduled times, the teacher creates conditions for varied and interesting activities for children within the framework of the theme of the week. During the morning reception, you should create a good mood for the child; if it is difficult to choose an activity, help: offer a toy, include the child in a game with playing children. The teacher is obliged to ensure that all children, during routine moments, find interesting activities and do not disturb others. For the feminine group (mostly girls), the teacher selects emotional, bright, colorful material that creates conditions for the use of adjectives, and places the toys close to each other. These children understand and remember well what they can touch with their hands. For the masculine group, the game material should have a slightly aggressive, chaotic appearance and complex design, promoting the development of spatial orientations. These children learn the material better if they show the ability to identify and realize all the properties of an object by subjecting it to various actions with it. The androgynous group copes with game attributes in the form of didactic games, board and printed games, games for the development of fine motor skills. Such children are considered “conditionally gifted,” their cognitive abilities are above average and allow them to solve mental problems in any activity. For children of an undifferentiated group, nursery rhymes, poems, and problematic play situations are needed that show an example of stereotypical male or female behavior.

Gender is revealed in the role-playing game; At the same time, children more often play in same-sex groups, but sometimes differentiated content of the game is observed. In the process of guiding it, the teacher needs to take into account the gender manifestations and preferences of children of different gender groups. For boys and girls of middle and senior preschool age, the distribution of roles in the game is formed according to gender; they do not confuse the gender of the game characters, choosing as their “partner” a child with whom they have developed friendly relations. Children play a gender-neutral role if there are not enough boys for “male” roles or girls for “female” roles, or if girls or boys playing alone are forced to play both roles themselves. Boys fight in wars, drive vehicles, build houses, bridges, cars, and go on trips. Realizing the need to be liked by others and to be beautiful, girls often stage weddings, “get married,” “treat the sick,” etc. When guiding the play of preschoolers, the teacher, knowing these features, creates conditions for the manifestation of each individual’s individuality. For example, if a girl has shown a desire to play the role of a driver, there is no need to prohibit this. The teacher supports and encourages the initiative of each student, regardless of the “typical” nature of the chosen role.

At this stage, the work consists of drawing up both calendar and thematic planning and taking notes of educational activities based on a gender approach.

In conclusion, I would like to say that working with children based on a gender approach is very exciting and produces certain results. Both the children and their parents were satisfied with us. In addition to general interest, the results also show an increase in the creative activity of students. The child understands his gender identity and knows his interests: “I’m a girl, but I like to play railroad with boys and I want to become a railroad worker!”

Games, toys, activities - everything is interesting and varied not only for everyone, but for everyone.

We are working in this direction, but we can already identify several difficulties: self-training of educators on this topic is necessary. Teachers are not familiar with gender issues regarding preschool children; neither secondary nor higher pedagogical preschool education introduces students to this topic. It is difficult to organize and provide theoretical study of problems in conditions of intensive work of teachers. The changing composition of children in groups also makes work difficult. Some children move to correctional groups, and new pupils had to be re-diagnosed and gender characteristics identified. In this regard, the work was slightly suspended until the desired result was achieved with the new children.

We advise all colleagues, when working in general education groups, to study the gender approach and typology before outlining a plan for educational work. This helps to find an individual approach to each child, help cope with difficulties, and adjust the personal development of each student.

The nuances of raising girls and boys

Themes of gender education have always been the main issue that the church dealt with until the 20th century, dictating conditions for the behavior of men and women. In modern life, issues of education are dealt with by both the family and educational institutions, which may relate to general education or a religious bias.

At the same time, the gender education of boys and girls differs significantly.

It is recommended to raise the male half as follows:
  • For a boy, love is trust. He will feel confident if he is loved;
  • An example for a boy should be a father, uncle, grandfather, coach, but with good upbringing traits;
  • Maintaining discipline. This will help develop responsibility;
  • You can't stop a child from crying. The will to emotions is important for every person;
  • Building a trusting relationship with the child;
  • Learning the basics of cooking and cleaning;
  • Have games for boys that will contribute to further development.

Gender education plan for girls:
  • Showing care and love for the child;
  • Close connection with mother;
  • Respect and love from dad;
  • Teaching the basics of cleaning and cooking;
  • Pride in your child;
  • Providing girls with toys specific to their needs;
  • Development of motor skills.

The most important thing that is emphasized in gender education is the manifestation of love and respect for children. And love, as they say, works miracles.

Photos of gender education

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