Teacher self-development program 2018-2019 academic year

Teacher self-development program

Galina Viktorovna Kulikova

Teacher self-development program

Self-development program.

Teacher Kulikova G. IN.

Just as no one can give to another what he himself does not have,

and cannot develop, educate others, those who

he himself is not developed, well-mannered and educated .

He is only able to actually educate and

educate while he works on his own education .

A. Diesterweg

Topic: “Speech development in preschool children through theatrical games”


In light of new trends in education, kindergartens need a teacher who is able to master new educational technologies in teaching and upbringing . Self-education of a teacher is a necessary condition for the professional activity of a teacher. In order to teach and educate others , you need to know more than everyone else.

Goal of self-development :

self-improvement of the professional activity of a teacher ,

improve your theoretical, scientific and methodological level,

professional skill and competence.

Program objectives :

increasing professional level and pedagogical skills through:

studying normative, educational, reference and scientific-methodological literature

completing advanced training courses and webinars

sharing your own teaching experience

creation of methodological developments and introduction of effective pedagogical experience in the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age, through theatrical games at work.


Main activities of self-development :

1.In the information area:

use of Internet and multimedia resources, educational programs and training materials;

creation of an electronic version of a methodological piggy bank using ICT technologies.

2. In the diagnostic and progmatic field :

improvement of types and forms of diagnostics, analysis and control;

mastering modern methods for diagnosing the comprehensive development of preschool children;

planning individual work with students based on diagnostic results;

determination of the level of development of coherent speech by the method of analysis and diagnostics, determination of the influence of theatrical games on the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age.

3.In the field of educational content:

application of acquired theoretical knowledge in practical activities;

didactic and methodological support of the educational process for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers;

study and dissemination of advanced pedagogical technologies;

formation of an educational environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of students .

the formation of a general culture of the personality of each child, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of his social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility .

participation in RMOs, seminars and master classes;

methodological seminars, workshops;

realizing your own creative abilities.

4.In the field of advanced training:

full-time and remote advanced training, online courses;

participation in trainings and business games, professional competitions and festivals and exhibitions.

Analysis of your teaching activities. ( self-knowledge )

I can

(My advantages)

Not always

(My cons)

Analyze your own teaching activities. Admit and correct your mistakes.

Use various types of games in educational, educational and developmental activities.

Choose an appropriate style of communication with students and their parents , based on mutual respect.

I use methods and techniques in accordance with the age, individual characteristics of the pupils , and the zone of proximal development.

Knowledge of ICT “Working with spreadsheets in MS Excel

“Creating computer presentations using MS PowerPoint” Encourage parents (legal representatives)
of students .
Choosing a topic for self-education ( self-determination )

Taking into account the results of self-analysis of my activities , I identified a topic for increasing self-education .

Topic: “Speech development in preschool children through theatrical games”

Goal: Increasing your theoretical level, professional skills and competence.


1. Stimulate interest in the proposed activity.

2. Involve children in joint theatrical activities;

3. Form an idea of ​​different types of theater;

4. Develop speech, imagination and thinking;

5. Help timid and shy children engage in theatrical play.

To develop parents’ interest in working together in this direction

Planned results.

The result of the implementation of the self-development program is the following indicators:

1. Ability to analyze scientific and methodological literature.

2. Mastery of effective methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers through theatrical games.

3. Dissemination of one’s own teaching experience.


1. Educational program of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 99”

№ 99.

2. Program "Childhood"


3. O. S. Ushakova “Theory and practice of speech development in preschoolers”

Sfera shopping
Moscow 2008

4. O. S. Ushakova Program for the development of speech for preschoolers”

Sfera shopping
Moscow 2013

5. O. S. Ushakova “Speech development of children 5-7 years old”

Sfera shopping
Moscow 2014

6. O. S. Ushakov “Familiarization of preschool children with literature and speech development”

Sfera shopping
Moscow 2014

7. O. S. Ushakov, E. M. Strunina “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”

, Moscow publishing house
8. Educational field “Speech development”

methodological kit
program “Childhood”
St. Petersburg

9. T. A. Egorova “Comprehensive lessons on fairy tales for children 4-6 years old”

, publishing house
Volgograd 2014

10. R. A. Zhukova “Theatrical activities. “Entertaining materials. Preparatory group"

, Publishing house
Volgograd 2010

11. G. P. Fedorova “We sat on the zloty ring”

St. Petersburg

12. A. I. Bure “Theater of Everything”

LLC "Editorial staff of the magazine
"Musical Palette"

13. N. F. Sorokina “Playing puppet theater”
program “Theatre - creativity - children” “Arkti”
Moscow 2002

14. N. D. Sorokina “Scenarios for theatrical puppet classes”

15. T. N. Karamenko “Puppet theater in kindergarten”

Uchpedgiz 1955

16. L. B. Gavrisheva “Music, play - theater!”

St. Petersburg

17. T. I. Petrova, E. L. Sergeeva, E. S. Petrova “theatrical games in kindergarten”

"School Press"

18. E. G. Churilova “Methodology and organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren”, Moscow “VLADOS”


19. A. E. Antipina “Theatrical activities in kindergarten”

Sfera shopping
Moscow 2003

20. O. N. Pakhomova “Good fairy tales, Ethics for kids”

, Moscow 2006

21. A. K. Bondarenko “Word games in kindergarten”


22. S. A. Stepanova “Development of the speech voice of children aged 6 to 9 years”

Scientific Research Social Pedagogical Institute of Valeology and Human Ecology 1996

23. G. V. Lapteva “Games for the development of emotions and creativity”

. Theater classes for children 5-9 years old. S. -P.: 2011

24. I. A. Lykova “Shadow theater yesterday and today”

S. -P.: 2012

25. O. G. Yarygina “Workshop of Fairy Tales”

M.: 2010

26. A. N. Chusovskaya “Scripts for theatrical performances and entertainment”

M.: 2011

27. Artemova L. V. “Theatrical games for preschoolers”

M.: 1983

28. E. V. Migunova “Theater pedagogy in kindergarten”

. Guidelines. M.: 2009

Make a self-development plan

Having decided on your goals, the question arises of how to create a self-development plan. How to think through the actions correctly, what they should be? How to create a course of action to achieve your goals? Let’s try to figure out what exactly the steps may be on the path to professional or personal self-development, and we’ll also touch on other areas.

Personal self-development plan

There are 4 levels of life that you should focus your actions on to achieve harmonious balance:

  • physical;
  • social;
  • intellectual;
  • spiritual.

Based on this, create an algorithm for the steps of personal self-development:

  1. At the physical level, formulate a plan, taking into account nutrition, principles of a healthy lifestyle, physical training, breathing exercises, wakefulness and rest patterns, etc.
  2. The social level of self-development concerns such aspects as interaction with society, with loved ones, friends, and work colleagues.
  3. The intellectual level affects not only mental abilities and mental operations, it also includes the ability to control one’s emotions, purposefulness of development, the ability to see the essence of life and one’s true nature. Training, education and improving existing skills play an important role.
  4. The spiritual level touches on issues of awareness of one’s purpose, mental organization, and knowledge of the world around us.

Thus, a ready-made algorithm of actions should reflect these components of your life.

Creative self-development plan

Creativity is an integral part of every person's life. Some people devote time and attention to it, while others have completely different goals and objectives as a priority. But a person should have everything in balance, so you shouldn’t completely miss this area of ​​life.

When drawing up a plan for your self-development, it is important to first understand what you have the ability to do. Some like to sew, some like to embroider, some like to design, etc. Based on your own priorities, formulate an action plan. Try to pay attention to your favorite activity not occasionally, but systematically. Improve your knowledge and skills, add something new, invent your own. Creativity has a fruitful effect on the development of mental operations.

Individual plan for professional self-development

The goal of professional development is not only and not so much to conquer the top of the career ladder. Yes, this is a confirmation of success, but the goal is to achieve a high level of professionalism in one’s activities.

Therefore, when you draw up a professional self-development plan, it should not include a listing of desired positions, but should write what needs to be done to get this promotion.

Some areas of activity require an increase in the level of knowledge, and some require professional skills. You need to make a plan depending on the specifics of the job. If additional training is required, set a goal to complete it; if more practice is needed, strive to increase your productivity.

In addition, do not forget about such components as relationships with colleagues and subordinates. A healthy microclimate in a team is the key to successful self-realization.

Activities of a senior teacher in a modern preschool educational institution

The rapid growth in the development of education in our country certainly affects the activities of modern kindergartens and their employees. The position of senior educator requires that he be aware of all current innovations in the children's education system. Therefore, the ability of the senior educator’s personality to analyze will be so important in order to be able not only to assess the quality of educational literature, but also to be able to select exactly the information that is suitable for the work of a particular preschool institution.

Knowledge of modern technologies will help you quickly maintain all the necessary reporting documentation, systematize information, monitor children’s achievements and prepare presentations. The senior educator must not only be able to perform all these actions himself, but also teach them to less experienced preschool employees.

So, from all of the above it follows that today a senior teacher/methodologist is, first of all, an expert analyst, an innovator who knows how to multitask, organize effective and experimental activities in his kindergarten, knows about new information technologies, able to listen and hear people.

Error self-development plan

In order for your plan to work, try to follow the rules when developing it:

  1. Choose the right time to compile it. You should not do this hastily or in a bad mood or tired.
  2. Make both annual and weekly plans to see your final goals and a detailed algorithm of actions.
  3. Consider your options. There is no point in including diving training in your tasks if you don’t even have a vacation in the next six months.
  4. Balance your resources and performance. Today you are full of strength and energy, but tomorrow you don’t want to do anything; fluctuations in physical and emotional activity affect the process of realizing your desires.
  5. Make a plan for the sole purpose of executing it, and not for fun or because it is fashionable.
  6. Don't be afraid of failure.
  7. Adapt actions to real-world conditions.
  8. Consider the possibility of deviations from the plan and adjust it accordingly.
  9. Reflect the algorithm of actions and goals clearly (in the form of a table, graph, abstract, etc.).
  10. Create goals that inspire you to achieve them.
  11. Don't miss scheduled events.
  12. Believe in yourself and your success!
  13. Track your progress.
  14. Look for support, not only among close people, but also in interest groups.

Do not perceive the compiled algorithm of actions as the enslavement of your will; the plan should not burden your life, but, on the contrary, stimulate and inspire development.

Self-education and self-development plan

Thus, we found out that goals can be reflected in terms of professional and personal self-development. But there is one more important point that needs to be taken into account when drawing up an algorithm for your actions - this is the time factor. That is, as I already said, goals should be distributed in the short and long term. Consequently, a plan can be formed for each stage.

Summer plans for self-development

On the eve of summer and the holiday period, you can create a separate schedule for this period. It’s convenient to include goals and actions that you can implement during your vacation. Perhaps this will be a trip to places of power, communication with a spiritual mentor, additional training, attending courses, learning something new on vacation (diving, surfing, swimming).

Brief self-development plan

One of the options for working on yourself is drawing up a short individual self-development plan. It can cover one or two areas of life, and contain actions in relation to one, but quite important goal. For example, further self-development is not feasible without normalizing health. And the main goal for the near future is recovery or rehabilitation after illness or injury.

Self-development plan for every day

When forming an algorithm of actions to improve and achieve harmony, some manipulations will have to be turned into a daily ritual:

  • proper nutrition;
  • getting up at a certain time;
  • sleep 6-7 hours;
  • jogging in the morning;
  • workout;
  • drinking 2 liters of water;
  • walks in the open air;
  • walking to work and back;
  • and etc.

It is better to reflect such manipulations in a separate action plan for self-development. Thus, a daily plan for self-development must contain these points without fail. Additionally, include goals for other areas of life.

Weekly self-development plan

If you are planning your activities for the week, then it is very convenient to draw up a self-development plan in the form of a ready-made table:

This option is more effective because it reflects both daily tasks and longer-term ones. A visual representation allows you to adjust the time of rest and activity. You can immediately see what events are planned for the week, so it’s easier to follow them and celebrate the results.

Self-development plan for several months

When forming a monthly plan, it is important to reflect the final goals that must be achieved during this period. And record detailed actions for their implementation in weekly and daily activity algorithms. This can be a monthly plan not only for self-development, but also for self-education. For example, learn how to design patterns, read English, lose 5 kg, etc.

An example in the form of a table of a self-development plan for a month:

Self-development plan for the year

An annual self-development plan is a vision of your ideal life in 12 months. It reflects the ultimate goals for each area of ​​life that you want to realize during this period. For example, in the personal sphere - to give birth to a child, in work - to take the position of chief specialist, etc.

A personal self-development plan for a year allows you to see the final result that needs to be achieved for a harmonious and balanced life. And formulate how to do this in short-term algorithms, for example, for every month, week.

Goals for 5 years

A person’s self-development plan for 5 years is a fairly long-term project that allows you to reflect how you want to see yourself in the future. But it is possible that priorities will change during this time, so it is more effective to formulate tasks for a shorter period.

Challenges faced by senior educators

  • Promotion to the position of senior teacher (methodologist) is recognition by the authorities of the preschool educational institution of your teaching experience, leadership and personnel management abilities. Therefore, the main difficulty is a high degree of responsibility, because it is the senior teacher who will be in demand for correct documentation, competent activities of the teaching staff and the results of the learning and development of children in a kindergarten.
  • The senior teacher, along with the leader, is responsible for the life and health of preschoolers, so there is a possible risk of emotional burnout.
  • Working closely with superiors also involves serious stress, because it is not so easy to constantly feel under control.
  • A specialist may encounter difficulties in managing a team - all teachers have an individual temperament and character.
  • The senior teacher must be stress-resistant and well-versed in psychology, because in the process of work he will have to solve many problematic issues and communicate with different people, who are not always pleasant and disciplined.
  • But the specialist himself will have to carefully monitor his organization; without this quality, it is basically impossible to lead people.
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