Planning work on physical education in preschool educational institutions.

Calendar and thematic planning of the educational field “PHYSICAL EDUCATION” in the middle group

GBDOU kindergarten No. 74

Primorsky district St. Petersburg




Teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 74

Primorsky district St. Petersburg

Prokopenko Irina Vladimirovna

Explanatory note:

The lesson planning was developed taking into account lexical topics and reflects the content of work on the physical education of middle group children according to the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. An integrated approach to the choice of forms and methods of conducting classes in a thematic plan aims at consistently teaching children of the middle group motor skills, nurturing physical qualities (dexterity, speed, endurance), developing coordination of movements, spatial orientation and helps strengthen their physical and mental health.


To help educators and physical education instructors properly organize direct educational activities in physical education with children of the middle group.



  1. Learn to walk and run in a column one at a time, stopping at a signal; between two lines; in loose form; with a stop at a signal.
  2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a plank and bench (on your toes, stepping over cubes), maintaining good posture; between two lines width 15; along the line.
  3. Learn to push off and land softly while jumping on the spot and around you; jump over several cords; from hoop to hoop moving forward; between objects; snake
  4. Learn to roll the ball to each other, kneeling, sitting, into the goal; on the board, bench, between objects; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch
  5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group height of 40 cm; crawl on a bench; in a bearish way with a snake.

6. Outdoor games: “Autumn Bouquet” “Carousel” “Fox and Hares”

weeks Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
1 Diagnostic examination
2 Diagnostic examination
3 Walk in the autumn park


In a column, one at a time, on toes, stepping over bricks On your toes, with a change of pace Complex with autumn leaves Walking on

Blackboard (bridge)

Standing long jump (over puddles) Climbing under arches 1. “Autumn Bouquet”

2. Carousel"

4 Excursion to the autumn forest (autumn, trees) In a column, one at a time, from the crossing

by bending the cube.

snake between the pins

With change of direction by sound signal Complex

"Trees in the Forest"

On two legs, turning around Throwing cones into the basket (right and left hand) Climbing on all fours in a straight line 1. The Fox and the Hares"



1. Learn to walk in a column one at a time, stopping at a signal, stepping over objects; in loose form with finding your place in the column; on the heels, on the toes; run loosely, in circles, holding hands.

2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a plank and a bench (while performing various tasks, with a bag on your head), maintaining good posture; between two lines width 15; along the line, placing the heel to the toe.

3. Learn to push off and land softly while jumping on the spot and around you; jump over several cords; from hoop to hoop moving forward; between objects; snake

4. Learn to roll the ball to each other, kneeling, sitting, into the goal; on the board, bench, between objects; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch.5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group height of 40 cm; with objects in hands; bearish

6. Outdoor games: “Who will harvest the fruit faster” “Train” “My funny ringing ball” “Gifts” “Wolf”

Ned Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
1 In grandma's garden


In a column one at a time (on a train), with high knees Alternating running in a column in a circle with running in a loose pattern Complex "Yablonka" Along a narrow path (between two cords) Tossing a ball (apple) and catching it with both hands Climbing under arches “Who will harvest the fruit faster?”
2. Based on the fairy tale: “Turnip”

"To the aid of fairy-tale heroes"


In a column, one at a time, on heels, on toes Normal running in a column with alternating. running with high hips Complex

According to the fairy tale

Jumping on two legs moving forward Throwing and catching a ball to each other

from different I.P.

Crawling on all fours under an obstacle "Train"
3 "My funny ringing ball"


Regular, in pairs, with high knees, snake Running alternating with walking Complex with balls Spinning in place in different directions Jumping arms legs apart and together Rolled. balls to each other through the goal posts 1. “My funny ringing ball”

2. "Gifts"

4 According to the fairy tale:



Wide strides, alternating with small ones, on toes On toes, with the transition to advanced jumps at the signal. forward Complex to music.


Crawling on a bench on your knees and hands Jumping from a deep squat in motion, alternating with relaxation Climbing through the hoop from above and below 1. “Needle and thread”

2. "Wolf"



1. Learn to walk and run in a column one at a time, stopping, changing direction at a signal; in loose form with finding your place in the column; in a circle, holding hands.

2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a plank and a bench (while performing various tasks, with a bag on your head), maintaining good posture; between two lines width 15; along the line, placing the heel to the toe; rope sideways with an added step.

3. Learn to push off and land softly while jumping on the spot and around you; jump on two legs over several 40 cm cords; from hoop to hoop moving forward; between objects; snake

4. Learn to throw the ball to each other with both hands from below, from behind the head; roll on the board, bench, between objects; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch

5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group height of 40 cm; with objects in hands, crawl on a bench on your stomach, pull yourself up with your arms 6. Outdoor games: “Shaggy Dog” “Cunning Fox” “Sparrows and a Cat” “At the Bear in the Forest” “Cucumber-Cucumber”

Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
1. Based on the fairy tale “How the cat went with the fox to buy boots”


Regular, snake, high hip lift On tiptoes, loosely, crouching “sneaking” Complex with sticks Walking along a narrow path with a bag on his head (cat) Small balls with the right and left hand into a vertical target (fox) Crawling on medium and small all fours on a board (dog) "Shaggy Dog"

"Sly Fox"

2. Based on the fairy tale: “A pot of porridge”


Ordinary, along a winding path, at a side step Running in a column with a change of leader at a signal Complex according to the text of the work Standing long jump (Through streams) Throwing balls from the chest and catching with both hands Gymnastic crawling on all fours. bench " Dishes"

"Sparrows and the cat"

3 Let's go to the garden to collect vegetables


Regular, on toes, side step with snake squat Easy snake run between objects, normal, formation in a circle Complex


Static balance: stand on one leg, arms to the sides Jumping up (get item) Throwing small balls

into a horizontal target basket


“Who can transport vegetables faster?”

4 Based on the fairy tale: “Three Bears”


Normal, on tiptoes with arms raised up, hands at chest, in a half-squat, on the outside of the foot Normal running, wide strides Complex on chairs Walking on gymnastics bench with squats, arms to the sides Jumping off a gymnastics bench Gymnastic climbing the wall in any way "At the Bear's Forest"



1. Learn to walk and run in a column one at a time, respecting the boundaries of the hall, stopping, changing direction at a signal; in loose form with finding your place in the column; in a circle, holding hands.

2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a plank and a bench (while performing various tasks, with a bag on your head), maintaining good posture; along a line, along a cord laid in a circle, placing the heel to the toe; rope sideways with an added step.

3. Learn to jump on two legs over several cords; through the bars; from hoop to hoop moving forward; between objects; snake; jump from a height of 20 cm

4. Learn to throw the ball to each other with both hands from below, from behind the head; roll on the board, bench, between objects; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch

5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group height of 40 cm; with objects in hands, crawl on a bench on your stomach, pull yourself up with your hands; on an inclined board on all fours.

6. Outdoor games “Funny Snowflakes” “Snow Carousel” “Snowflakes Fluffs” “Let’s Find the Snow Maiden”

weeks Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
1 Walk in the winter forest


In a column one at a time, in pairs, with high knees On toes, with high hip lift Complex


Walking up and down on an inclined board Rolled balls right and left. hand Crawling on an inclined board on your hands and knees (slide) "Merry snowflakes"
2 Winter fun Regular, on toes, snaking between snow bricks, along a bridge In a column, in pairs, in loose circles Complex

"Winter exercise"

Walking and running on an inclined board


"Jump over without hitting me" "Knock down the pin with a snowball" "Snow Carousel"
3. Excursion to the botanical garden


Regular with movements for the arms: up, to the sides, on tiptoes, half squat Running on toes, changing direction at a signal Complex


Walking on a cord in a circle with your hands behind your back Jumped up. up (let's reach the top of the head) Climbing under arches (branches) “Who can find a mate for their flower the fastest?”
4 New Year-



On the toes, heels, outside of the foot, in pairs In a column, stopping at a signal, galloping Complex

With snowballs to music (small balls)

Walking on a snow bank (bench) with a ball in straight hands above your head Moving forward to the Christmas tree Throwing snowballs, right and left. hand to Baba Yaga "Snowflakes and fluff"

"Let's find the Snow Maiden"



1. Learn to walk and run in a column one at a time, respecting the boundaries of the hall, stopping, changing direction at a signal; in loose form with finding your place in the column; with a change of presenters; in a circle, holding hands.

2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a plank and bench (while performing various tasks), maintaining good posture; between objects, along a cord laid in a circle, placing the heel to the toe; on a rope (heels on the rope, toes on the floor)

3. Learn to jump on two legs over several landmarks; legs apart, legs together; from hoop to hoop moving forward, sideways through the rope; between objects; snake; jump from a height of 25 cm

4. Learn to throw the ball to each other with both hands from below, from behind the head; hitting a small ball with one hand on the floor and catching it with both hands; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch; roll hoops at each other

5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group, sideways - height 40 cm; with objects in hands, crawl on a bench on your stomach, pull yourself up with your hands; on an inclined board on all fours.

6. Outdoor games White Bunny” “Hares and Wolf” “Homeless Hare” “Horses”, “Kittens and Puppies” “Rabbits”

weeks Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
2-3 Forest school

(wild animals)

Normal, hands up on toes, hands on waist on heels, in a half squat, outside of the foot Snake between the stumps on the toes, circling around while running Complex

Forest animals"

With advancement to the front through 6 lines Throwing a ball on the floor and catching it with both hands Climbing on all fours on a rope ladder placed on the floor Little white bunny"

"Hares and the Wolf"

"Homeless Hare"

4 So stick, so horse


Walking on a stick in a column one at a time, changing the leader at a signal Running astride a stick, snaking between objects, stopping at a signal Complex

from gymnastics

with sticks

Walking on sticks laid out one after another at an extra step In length across a path laid out from two rows of sticks Climbing on all fours between two rows of sticks (path "Horses", "Kittens and Puppies"




1. Learn to walk and run in a column one at a time, respecting the boundaries of the hall, performing tasks for the arms and legs; with a change in direction based on a signal; in loose form; with a change of presenters; in a column in pairs.

2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a bench on your toes (while performing various tasks), maintaining good posture; between objects, along a cord laid in a circle, placing the heel to the toe; along a rope (heels on the rope, toes on the floor), step over the slats of a ladder raised by h 25 cm; through medicine balls. 3. Learn to jump over bars h 10 cm; jump on two legs over several landmarks; legs apart, legs together, on one leg; from hoop to hoop moving forward, sideways through the rope; between objects; snake; jump from a height of 25 cm 4. Learn to throw bags right and left. hand at a distance, at the target; throw the ball to each other with both hands from below, from behind the head; hitting a small ball with one hand on the floor and catching it with both hands; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch; roll hoops at each other. 5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group, sideways - height 40 cm; with objects in hands, crawl on a bench on your stomach, pull yourself up with your hands; on an inclined board on all fours. 6. Outdoor games: “Hen and Chicks” “Fishing Rod” Competitions for the holiday, “Planes” “Find a Pair”

Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
1 We are the guys, yellow chickens


In a column one at a time, alternating in pairs, with a change of direction, stepping over cubes On toes, with a change of direction at a signal, alternating with walking Complex


Walking on and off an inclined board, turning around halfway up Jumping forward from hoop to hoop Climbing over the anthem bench sideways "The Mother Hen and the Chicks"
2 Developing body parts Normal walking, on the toes, hands on the belt, heels, on the outside of the foot (music accompaniment) Normal, with a change in direction of movement on a signal Rhythmic complex gymnastics

to the music

Game stretching exercises
3 We are sailors

(dads' professions)

Music "Bullseye"

In a column, one at a time, normal, with a high knee lift, supported on the knees and palms

In a column, one at a time, on tiptoes, with a change of leader, snake Complex to the music “My Sailor” Rope walking (Toes on the rope, heels on the floor, hands behind the head) Jumping on two legs with jumping over the cord to the right and left Throwing a small ball at a horizontal target Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms "Fishing rod"

Competitive tug of war

4 Our Army is strong

(Dads' Day)

In a column one at a time, half-squatting, performing tasks, side step In a column, one at a time, at a gallop, with high knees Complex with sticks Walking on a bench with an extended step Throwing bags vertically target Crawling on your belly "Aircraft"



1. Learn to walk and run in a column, one at a time, alternating, performing tasks for the arms and legs; with a change in direction based on a signal; in loose form; with a change of presenters; snake; holding hands in a circle. 2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking and running on an inclined board (while performing various tasks); along a rope (heels on the rope, toes on the floor), step over the slats of a ladder raised by h 25 cm; through medicine balls.

3. Learn to jump over bars h 10 cm; jump on two legs over several landmarks; legs apart, legs together, on one leg; from hoop to hoop moving forward, sideways through the rope; snake; through a short rope; jump from a height of 25 cm:

4. Learn to throw bags right and left. with your hand at a distance, at the target, throw it over the cord; throw the ball to each other with both hands from below, from behind the head; hitting a small ball with one hand on the floor and catching it with both hands; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch.

5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group, sideways - height 40 cm; with objects in hands, crawl on a bench on your stomach, pull yourself up with your hands; on all fours with a bag on the back; on an inclined board on all fours, climbing gymnastics. wall

6. Outdoor games: “Wolf and kids” “Traps” “We are funny guys” “Collect a bouquet” “Plant a flower”

Ned Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
1 Postman (Professional)



Walking in a column one at a time, loosely, between objects, with high knees In a column, loosely, between objects, on toes Complex

"Training postmen"

Walking on an inclined board Jumping on two legs through hoops Along the gymnastic ladder "Find a Pair"
2 Based on the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” (mother’s holiday) Walking to the song “Mom”, on toes, on the outside of the foot, alternating small and wide steps One at a time in a column, snaking into loose Complex based on the fairy tale text Walking on a bench stepping over cubes Jumping over cords placed in a row. Throwing small balls at a wolf silhouette "The Wolf and the Little Goats"
3 “We are athletes” for parents (family) Walking in a column one at a time, on toes and heels, performing tasks In a column one at a time, in pairs, loosely, at a gallop Complex with flags Snake jumping between objects Hitting balls with right and left hands Crawl through the anthem. bench on stomach "Traps"

"We are funny guys"

4. Round dance of flowers

(Spring flowers)

Regular, raising the knees high, snake, at a fast pace, loose with squats Light running on toes, circling in different directions, loosely Complex "Flowers" Walking on an inclined board, arms to the sides Rolling balls between objects Climbing through a hoop "Collect a bouquet"

"Plant a flower"



1. Learn to walk and run in a column, one at a time, alternating, performing tasks for the arms and legs; with a change in direction based on a signal; in loose form; with a change of presenters; snake; round . 2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking and running on an inclined board; on a bench sideways (at an additional step while performing various tasks), step over the slats of a ladder raised by h 25 cm; through medicine balls.

3. Learn to jump over bars h 10 cm; jump on two legs over several landmarks; legs apart, legs together, on one leg; from hoop to hoop moving forward, sideways through a raised cord; snake; jump from a height of 25 cm; in length from place. 4. Learn to throw balls right and left. with your hand at a distance, at the target (horizontally, vertically), throw it over the cord; throw the ball to each other with both hands from below, from behind the head; hit the ball with one hand on the floor several times in a row; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch. 5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group, sideways - height 40 cm; with objects in hands, crawl on a bench on your stomach, pull yourself up with your hands; on all fours with a bag on the back; on an inclined board on all fours. 6. Outdoor games: “Wind, cloud and sun” “Sun and rain” Birds and cat” “Flight of birds” “Swallows”

Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
1 Journey to a forest clearing


Regular, snake, legs raised high, on toes, in pairs Lightweight, on toes, galloping Complex “Natural Phenomena” Jumping over streams Throwing cones at a horizontal target, right and left. hand Climbing straight under the arc "Wind, Cloud and Sun"

"Sun and Rain"

Birds and cat"

2 Trees in spring In a column, one at a time, with a gymnastic step (along the path), on tiptoes, hands to shoulders, on heels (bear), snake Light on toes, loose, in a column one at a time Complex "Herringbone" Static balance: stand on a board on one leg. hands to the side Jumping from hoop to hoop (puddles) Throwing pebbles at a vertical target "Find your tree"
3. We are birds of passage


On your toes, arms to the sides, on your heels, half squat, Running on your toes with a wave of your arms, running fast on your toes Complex We are funny birds" Walking on a gymnastic bench with arms to the sides Throwing and catching a ball on the floor Along the gymnastic wall in any way "Migration of Birds" "Swallows"


4. We need different cars


Gymnastic step, stamping step with circular rotations of bent arms along the side surface of the body, stopping at a signal Slow, hands imitate the rotation of the steering wheel, at an average pace, on the toes in a loose manner, moving into a column one at a time Complex "Machines" Walking on an inclined board

up down (tractors are driving)

Jumping from a height (gymnastic wall) Climbing through a hoop "Colored Cars"

"Sparrows and the car"



1. Learn to walk in a column, one at a time, on your toes, hands to your shoulders, on your heels, on the outside of your feet, raising your knees high, loosely; run while performing tasks for arms and legs; with a change in direction based on a signal; with a change of presenters; snake; round .

2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking and running on an inclined board; on a bench sideways (at an additional step while performing various tasks), step over the slats of a ladder raised by h 25 cm; through medicine balls.

3. Learn to jump on two legs over several landmarks; through a short rope; legs apart, legs together, on one leg; from hoop to hoop moving forward, sideways through a raised cord; snake; jump from a height of 25 cm; length from place 50 cm

4. Learn to throw balls right and left. with your hand at a distance, at the target (horizontally, vertically), throw it over the cord; throw the ball to each other with both hands from below, from behind the head; hit the ball with one hand on the floor several times in a row; throw up and catch; throw on the ground and catch.

5. Learn to crawl under the arc, the cord without touching the floor with your hands in a group, sideways - height 40 cm; with objects in hands, crawl on a bench on your stomach, pull yourself up with your hands; on all fours with a bag on the back; on an inclined board on all fours, climbing gymnastics. wall

6. Outdoor games “Moth” “Beetles and mosquitoes” “Guess the sign” “Cars” “Who will collect the bouquet faster”

Motivation Walking Run outdoor switchgear Equilibrium Jumping Throwing Climbing Under. games
1. On the lawn


Normal, crawling on all fours (bugs), jumping forward, hands on toes at shoulders (wings) Easy running on tiptoes with a wave of the arms, usually hands behind the back (wings), in loose Complex

" Butterfly"

Walking on a tightrope with arms out to the sides Double leg jumps from one side of the rope to the other Along the gymnastic wall (climbing from one flight to another) "Moth"

"Beetles and Mosquitoes"

2 Walk with Pinocchio

(Our street)

Gymnastic step, on toes, hands to shoulders, on heels, on the outside of the foot In a column, one at a time, loosely, like a snake Complex

"Exercise with Pinocchio"

Walking on a gymnastic bench (pedestrian crossing) Throwing a ball to each other from behind the head Crawl through a tunnel "Guess the sign"


3. Walk around the city Regular, along a narrow path, with high legs raised, in pairs, in a column one at a time In a column, one at a time, loosely, circling in place Complex

with ribbons

Walking on an inclined board (bridge) Jumping from hoop to hoop moving forward Rolling hoops in a straight line "Urban transport"
4. We are happy tourists


In a snake column, turning in a circle at the teacher’s signal, in pairs Alternating in a column one at a time with running in loose Complex


Standing high jump Throwing small balls into the basket right. and lion hand Climbing the anthem wall with a climb over one flight of steps (right and left) "We are funny guys"

"Who will collect the bouquet faster"

List of used literature

  1. L.I. Penzulaeva Physical education classes with children 4-5 years old: A manual for kindergarten teachers. – M.: Education, 1986.
  2. Physical education of children 2-7 years old: detailed long-term planning according to the program ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova / author - comp. T.G. Anisimova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

Materials used and Internet resources


Cheat sheets for exams and tests

See also...
Methods of physical education and development of preschool children part 2
Sport exercises
Individual work with a child
Skating lessons
Roller skating
Teaching preschoolers to ski.
Skiing technique
Objectives of learning to ski in different age groups
Ski training
Physical education classes at preschool educational institutions.
Hygienic requirements
Preparing a teacher to conduct a lesson
Medical and pedagogical control
Physical and psychological stress in classes and methods of regulating it.
General and motor density of the lesson
Organization and content of outdoor physical education classes.
Outdoor lesson structure and duration
Features of conducting physical education classes in different age groups.
Non-traditional forms of conducting physical education classes with preschool children.
Morning exercises at a preschool educational institution.
Gymnastics after sleep
Physical education minutes
Types of physical education minutes
Recommendations for conducting physical education sessions
Examples of physical education minutes
Forms of active recreation in preschool educational institutions. Physical education holidays and leisure.
Party host
Vacations and health days in preschool educational institutions.
Pedagogical requirements for organizing holidays in kindergarten
The simplest tourism.
Methodology for organizing tourist excursions
Contents of tourist walks
Forms of kindergarten work with parents on physical education. The importance of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families
Physical education equipment.
Planning work on physical education in preschool educational institutions.
Approximate distribution of basic movements
Physical education lesson plan
Rules for recording physical exercises
Brief description of the “Childhood” program by V.I. Loginova. Contents of the section “Raising children strong, healthy, cheerful” (Babaeva T.N., Notkina N.A.)
Brief description of the “Origins” program. Contents of the sections “Physical development” and “Health” (Runova M.A.)
Young child
Older child
Organization of sectional and circle work with children in physical education.
Individual approach to physical education of preschool children: taking into account health status; taking into account the level of physical fitness; taking into account the nature of physical activity.
Job responsibilities of the head of physical education
Basic qualities, skills and abilities of a physical education specialist
Design of the method room
All Pages

Page 35 of 47

Planning work on physical education in preschool educational institutions. (The concept and meaning of planning; types of planning: long-term plan for promoting health and motor development, annual work plan of an educational institution, calendar plan for the work of a teacher; planning requirements, recording rules).

The development and improvement of a child’s comprehensive physical education and its impact on the body is a long and complex process. Therefore, careful planning of teaching material in preschool institutions is of great importance. It involves the distribution of physical exercises and techniques for their implementation in various forms of physical education work for a certain period of time.

The program for solving problems in a child’s physical education includes general developmental exercises, basic movements, outdoor games, relay games, and exercises with sports elements.

The teacher carefully thinks through the system of preparatory exercises leading to the development of basic movements , takes into account the basic physical principles - systematicity, consistency, etc.

When planning, it is important to take into account the stages of training , which provides a system for mastering program material.

In preschool institutions, various forms of planning , cyclical planning taking into account the changing seasons. The most common is spiral , providing a gradual complication of motor action from age to age, from group to group. It obeys the law of negation of negation, which ensures the extinction of primitive forms of movement as the skill is formed and new, more coordinated and complex technical types of movements appear.

When planning motor material , the following factors must be taken into account :

1. The choice of exercises is a complex process of physical education, which predetermines the comprehensive physical improvement of children. When planning, it is necessary to take into account specific economic and living conditions, hygiene rules, work and rest schedules, features of the innate physical development of children, the correspondence of the number of movements and the child’s ability to perform them. It is important that the child experiences positive emotions during this process.

2. Planning must guarantee the correct and timely implementation of educational, developmental, recreational and educational tasks at different stages of training, taking into account program requirements, group size, and working conditions. Based on this, the content of physical education classes is compiled and teaching methods are selected.

3. It is planned not only to learn new exercises, but also to further stages of training, ensuring the solid formation of motor skills.

In preschool institutions, an annual work plan , as well as a schedule for each age group.

The general annual plan is developed by the head of the preschool institution together with the physical education teacher and the entire teaching staff .

The physical education section of the plan outlines specific tasks, activities that contribute to the successful solution of educational tasks, teaching methods, equipment and inventory.

The plan must indicate what sports equipment and equipment are available on the territory of the preschool educational institution, what will be purchased, etc. The general plan should also reflect the contacts of the kindergarten with parents, their joint activities to improve the health and comprehensive physical development of children.

Educational work in a preschool educational institution is a systematic, constant, clearly directed activity . The organization of physical education classes must meet these On them, children learn basic movements that gradually become more complex. Classes should be held on the same days of the week and hours , which helps to form in children certain habits, a love of physical exercise, and a desire to achieve better results.

During the classes, all the tasks of physical education facing a preschool educational institution, as well as specific tasks, are solved. They should be dominated by elements that develop children's movements, forming their posture (children learn to stand, sit, lie, walk, run, jump, throw, climb, etc. correctly). In order for children to acquire the skills to correctly perform basic movements, it is best to perform them not statically, but by moving.

It is also very important to properly plan and distribute program material among individual classes. The most suitable is graphic planning . IN THE SCHEDULE PLAN it is advisable to use the spiral planning method , i.e. study the same exercises in several classes in a row and return to them after a month, two, three, etc. It is recommended to study 2-4 exercises during one lesson.

to draw up a schedule in accordance with the time of year , taking into account the complexity of the exercise and its impact on the physical development of the body. The sequence of exercises should correspond to the children’s ability to learn them.

In the schedule, the exercises of the program material should be presented in such a way that all the tasks of physical education are consistently set : the physical development of the child’s body, the development of correct posture, the assimilation of the basic movements mentioned in the program, the creation of conditions for the free development of positive character traits in children. To achieve the intended goals, it is necessary to teach children to overcome difficulties and take into account the interests of the team.

When drawing up a schedule, the following principles apply :

1. Select exercises for each lesson in such a way that they develop the main muscle groups: arms, shoulders, lower back, abdominals, legs.

2. While performing these exercises, children should receive the necessary physical activity.

3. Exercises are selected so that complex, difficult ones alternate with easier ones. After static, non-dynamic exercises, consider performing more dynamic and moving ones.

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