Summary of educational activities for physical education in the senior group

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

GCD for physical education in the senior group “Come visit us”

Goal: To expand ideas about the small Motherland among children of senior preschool age.



  • Improve the ability to perform general developmental exercises and breathing exercises;
  • in performing basic movements (throwing the ball to each other from the chest, throwing and catching the ball after hitting it from the floor, dribbling the ball between objects);
  • Promote the development of coherent speech and vocabulary activation; developing interest in the sights of your hometown


  • Form correct posture, strengthen the respiratory muscles;
  • develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility


  • Cultivate self-control, determination, courage, organization, initiative, and the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.

Preliminary work:

  • conversations about Balakovo;
  • viewing illustrations, photographs;
  • viewing presentations;
  • reading and learning poetry;
  • listening to songs.

Integration of educational areas

  • Social and communicative development (outdoor game)
  • Speech development (conversation with children about their hometown. children’s answers)
  • Cognitive development (creating conditions for motivation, talking about the sights of Balakovo)
  • Physical development (doing exercises, improving health, instilling healthy lifestyle habits)
  • Artistic and aesthetic development (use of musical accompaniment, illustrations and photographs about Balakovo)

Methods and techniques: game, conversation, questions for children, ind. work, showing how to perform exercises and movements, explanations, directions, praise

Materials and equipment: balls d=20 cm, tennis balls, hoops; multimedia equipment (projector, laptop, stereo system)

GCD move:

I. Introductory part.

Children in a column enter the hall one by one to the accompaniment of music.

“Heroes of Sports” to music by A. Pakhmutov, lyrics by N. Dobronravov, performed by the children’s ensemble “Domisolka”

Instructor: - Be equal! Attention!

Children really need sports,

We are strong friends with sports,

Sports health, sports assistant,

Sports game, physical education - hooray!

-At ease!

— Guys, we live in a big and very beautiful city. What is the name of our city? (Balakovo) SLIDE 1.

— Tell me, do you love your city? (Yes)

Speech game with a ball “Which city?”

- What is he like? (the instructor throws the ball to the children, the children respond) handsome, dear, nice, athletic, etc.

Instructor: - Guys, where can you play sports? (Children's answers)

-What sports buildings in our city of Balakovo do you know?

( Kord , Olympic , Forum Sports Complex, etc.)

— Guys, a letter was delivered to the kindergarten today. I wonder who it is addressed to, do you want to know? (the instructor reads the inscription on the envelope:

To: Saratov region, city of Balakovo, street......, kindergarten No...., children of the senior group

From: Saratov region, Volsk city, kindergarten No. 30 “Fairy Tale”

- Let's read what is written in it.

(The instructor reads the letter).

“Hello guys, we live in the city of Volsk. We love to travel and play sports, and we would like to know in more detail what sports complexes and stadiums you have. Please tell us and record a video for us with a short excursion.

Instructor: - Interesting offer, you accept it (yes).

— I suggest you conduct a tour “Our city of Balakovo” and introduce the children to the sports facilities of their native city.

-So, you and I are going to the stadium - are you ready? Then go ahead!

— Stadium “KORD” SLIDE 2.

Instructor: — For residents and guests of the city of Balakovo there are sports grounds for leisure. As part of the Balakovo Sports , thanks to the efforts of the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin, in 2021 the construction of 3 new playgrounds was completed at the stadium, namely a tennis court, a basketball court, a volleyball court and a mini-football court. New specialized equipment was installed. Since 2021, municipal competitions “Preschoolers for the All-Russian physical culture and health complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (GTO)” Kord . Our children take an active part in the 30-meter run, in throwing a bag at a distance, in jumping length from place.

Instructor: - Attention!

Let's start preparing

Go out for a workout!

Everyone is happy and healthy

And ready for classes.

Instructor: — Before the competition, athletes do a warm-up.

We're going to warm up

And we take the balls with us

We'll work with them

And gain health!

-Group, be equal! Attention! Right 1-2! To the left, around the hall, step by step!

(The instructor distributes balls as he moves. It sounds

music by E. Simoni, PopCom (Sportloto)

Instructor: - We don’t cut corners, we occupy the entire area!

Walking in a circle on your toes - the ball at the top, on your heels - the ball in front, on the outside of the foot - the ball behind your back, walking in a “snake” with the ball on your right side; running on toes, running with high knees - the ball is at the chest, normal walking with breathing restored (children put the balls in the basket as they go)

Breathing exercise “Blow up a balloon”

Gently draw in air - inhale

Inflate the red balloon - exhale

Let him fly to the clouds - inhale

I will help him myself! – exhale

Instructor: - So, our excursion continues, we go to the OLYMPIC SLIDE 3

-Attention to the screen!

-The sports school is the center for organizing and holding competitions in artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, sambo and judo, Greco-Roman wrestling and boxing among children's, youth and adult teams.

The departments of artistic gymnastics, sambo, judo, boxing and Greco-Roman wrestling recruit boys and girls for training sessions. Girls are recruited into the rhythmic gymnastics department for training sessions. Every year, our children take part and take prizes in municipal sports Olympiads among children of preschool educational institutions in the city of Balakovo, in the following disciplines: 30-meter run, stuffed ball throwing (1 kg), standing long jump, stuffed bag throwing (200g)

to the musical accompaniment of “Olympic Anthem-80” performed by N. Koroleva. (backing track) Changes are being made.

Instructor: - March in twos through the middle of the hall! - March into the column behind the guide! (Reform into the original column)

- March in threes through the middle of the hall!

- March into the column behind the guide! (Reform into the original column)

-March in two columns through the middle of the hall, diverging from left to right!

- All around! 1-2!

II. Main part.

The instructor distributes hoops to the guides and gives the command to distribute them to the children in columns.


Olympic ring –

It is endless.

We'll take it in our hands

And let's start gymnastics.

Outdoor switchgear complex with hoops

to the song “Olympic Anthem-80” performed by N. Koroleva.

1. I.P. Narrow stand. Arms bent at elbows, hoop in front of you with girth at sides. Follow the hoop with your eyes. 1- lift the hoop up, move the right leg back, 2- return to the I.P. (also with the left leg) -6-8 times

Guidelines: monitor breathing, posture

2. I.P. Legs slightly apart. The hoop is held vertically in the right hand, extended to the right. Passing the hoop over the top from hand to hand, combined with a high knee lift (alternately with the right and left foot). -6-8 times

Methodical instructions: take the starting position, monitor your breathing

3. I.P. Narrow stand. Arms bent at elbows, hoop in front of you with girth at sides. 1-sit down, raise your arms up to the right; 2-accept i.p; 1-sit down, 2-raise your arms up then to the left, etc. -6-8 times

Guidelines: straight back, keep your heels off the floor

4. I.P. Narrow stand. The hoop behind the back is clasped with hands from the inside.

Bend the torso forward while simultaneously lifting the hoop up. Alternately, one leg is bent at the knee, the second is placed back on the toe. -6-8 times

5. I.P. Kneeling stand. The hoop is pressed to the chest, arms are bent at the elbows. Turns the body left and right. -6-8 times

Guidelines: watch your posture and breathing

6. I.P. Hoop on the floor. A child sits in a hoop. Legs are bent at the knees.

Hands rest behind your back on the floor. 1 – raise straight legs up, 2 – place legs bent at the knees behind the hoop, 3 – raise straight legs up, 4 – lower legs bent at the knees into the hoop. -6-8 times

Methodical instructions: raise straight legs

7. I.P. Lying on stomach. Basket (the hoop is held with hands and feet,

arms and legs rise up, back bends). 15-20 sec

Methodical instructions: raise your legs up, bend your back

Instructor: - We turned the back up and together made a basket.

The children get up and leave the hoops on the floor. They lift the hoops from the floor with the help of their feet - put one foot under the hoop, press the hoop with the other foot, and catch it with your hands.

Breathing exercises “Blow into the ring” . Feet together. Hold the hoop in front of you with your arms bent at the elbows. Inhale through the nose, exhale - blow into the hoop.

Instructor: - So, we continue the excursion, we go to the FORUM SLIDE 4

— In the Forum you will find a gym, a universal sports hall, table tennis, and group fitness and dance classes. Every year the boys and I take part in the municipal dance and sports marathon. Our kindergarten teachers also take an active part in the municipal competitions “Sports - Kindergarten”

- Now you and I will find ourselves in the sports games hall. Here they train and play handball, volleyball, and basketball. All of these games use a ball.

Main types of movements:

  1. Throwing the ball from the chest to each other while standing in ranks.
  2. Throwing and catching the ball after hitting it from the floor, standing in ranks.
  3. Dribbling the ball between objects (flow method)

Game - relay race with the ball: “Calling numbers” .

Children line up in two columns, each player has a ball in their hands. The instructor calls a number, the players who have this number run to an empty basket, put a ball, and take another from another basket and stand in their place. The player who stands up faster gets a point. The team with the most points wins.

Instructor: - Our excursion is coming to an end, but to leave the sports complex, you need to go through the tennis hall.

SLIDE 5 (photo “Table Tennis” )

III. Final part

Instructor: - Guys, I’ll tell you a secret that with tennis balls you can not only play tennis, but also, for example, give a massage!

“Self-massage” (in a circle, standing):

  1. Palm massage (rolling up, down; clockwise, counterclockwise) 3 times;
  2. Back massage in a circle (the same) 3 times.
  3. Foot massage (circular rotations) 3 times.

Instructor: Health...

Children: - Power!

Instructor: - Be healthy!

Children: - Always healthy!

Instructor: - Follow the guide, march! Alignment

- Well, our excursion has come to an end. Now we will send you our video – an excursion to the children in kindergarten No. 30 “Fairy Tale” in Volsk.

Letter: - Dear guys, we are sending you a video tour “Our city of Balakovo” , we hope that our information about the city will be interesting and useful. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to tell everything about the city and therefore, our group of guys invites you to visit our city and introduce you to the new sports buildings of our city


- Guys, where have we been today?

— In which sports building did you like working out the most?

— What main types of movements did you perform with maximum accuracy? (Children's answers)

— What helped you overcome difficulties along your path? (Children's answers)

Background music is playing, the group “Dream” (Balakovo)

City of youth Balakovo

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