“Forms and methods of work in preschool educational institutions on environmental education” educational and methodological material on the topic
Features of environmental education for preschool children Features of environmental education for preschool children Modern problems
Summary of a comprehensive open lesson in the second junior group on the topic: “Transport”
Notes on the OD “What types of transport are there?” second junior group Lesson notes for children of the second junior group
Long-term project “We will save health” for children of the senior group.”
Project “On the roads of fairy tales” (preparatory group)project (preparatory group)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Short-term project “Through the pages of Russian folk tales” in a preparatory school group.
Card file of winter walks in the preparatory group
Olga Andreeva Card index of winter walks in the preparatory group Observation No. 1 Observation of changes
CARD FILE of notes on manual labor in the senior group card file on design, manual labor (senior group)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Nina Vasilievna Demidova Teacher, Children's school No. 37 “Golden Key” Yelets, Lipetsk region, Program
Calendar plan for every day “Week of Kindness” senior group
Kindness Week JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN MONDAY Topic of the week: Kindness Week Topic of the day:
Project for middle group children “Amazing Sand”
project “Game activity with kinetic sand” Currently, kinetic sand, thanks to its wonderful
Safety instructions for students; material on life safety (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Safety of children in kindergartens - a view from the parents Every parent, giving his
Topic of the week: “Transport” Schedule planning of ATS in the middle group
Topic of the week: “Transport” Calendar planning of ATS in the middle group Authors: Svetlana Ivanovna Artemyeva, teacher
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