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Number three verses *** Fluff treated his girlfriend - the Bug-eyed frog. "I am not greedy. On
environmental week in preschool educational institutions (middle group) on the topic Ecological week in the middle group of preschool educational institutions
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Project in the middle group
Sports drawing competition In every preschool institution you can hold such a drawing competition for sports
Progress of observation Invite the children to see if there is sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what
PROJECT “SPEECH GAMES” I. stage - pre-phonemic II. stage – phonemic Pre-phonemic stage On
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes. The purpose of this lesson: Cultivating children’s love for arts and crafts
Project on health-saving technologies in the senior group “I want to be healthy!” Municipal preschool educational
The brochure presents the experience of methodological work on developing the foundations of patriotism in preschoolers, and provides scenarios