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Summary of educational activities in kindergarten on experimental activities for the middle group Summary of direct educational
Child and society article on the topic CHILD AND SOCIETY Relationships with other people arise and
Card index of walks for the summer in the 1st junior group SUMMER CARD 2 1. Observation of
The purpose of the didactic game “Professions” The purpose of the game is to expand and consolidate ideas about all kinds of professions,
Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “We play, we study the rules of the road.” Lesson notes
GCD for cognitive development “We will see everything, we will learn everything” Summary of GCD for cognitive development “Everything
Preview: Summary of a drawing lesson in the 2nd junior group on the topic: "Rug"
Card index of observations of indoor plants and labor middle age Card 29 “Getting to know balsam”
Lesson on speech development in the middle group “Profession postman” Lesson notes in the middle group