Lapbook – “Journey through Russian folk tales”

Lapbook based on Russian fairy tales

Tatyana Zakharova
Lapbook based on Russian fairy tales

The laptop was compiled by a teacher of the 1st qualification category of the Bezhanitsky Kindergarten "Firefly"

branch "Kindergarten
"Romashka" Zakharova Tatyana Vasilievna
Didactic manual " Lapbook on Russian fairy tales "

designed like a book, on the first spread there is an envelope
“My favorite
fairy tales , in which: riddles, a three-dimensional picture with a riddle based on
the fairy tale “Three Bears”
, two envelopes
the fairy tale ,
the fairy tale . The next spread contains 4 envelopes:
“ Assemble the puzzle"
fairy tales , "Make an applique"
"Finger Theatre"
, games

?" with a house for displaying fairy tales . Turning over, we find a picture with a stove and a felt page for children's imagination based on fairy tales . An additional folding page has been added to the felt page, also for displaying . When the picture is folded, we see an envelope with the didactic game “The Fourth Wheel”
. Closing
the lapbook , we find ourselves on the board game "Three Bears"
... This
lapbook promotes the active development of speech, retelling and demonstration skills in children, which has a beneficial effect on their overall development.

Lapbook “Journey through Russian folk tales” Lapbook is a universal guide that can be used in the implementation of any educational area, ensuring their integration.

Literary quiz on Russian folk tales in the middle group Literary quiz on Russian folk tales in the middle group Prepared by: Shovrina V.I. Purpose: To develop children's interest in fiction.

Abstract of the NNOD “Travel through Russian Fairy Tales” Abstract of continuous direct educational activities taking into account the integration of educational areas “Social and communicative.

Project “Journey through Russian Fairy Tales” Hello! I am Yulia Valerievna Solovyova, an educator and teacher of additional education. Kindergarten is the most amazing country where.

Scenario of entertainment based on Russian folk tales “Journey through Fairy Tales” Children's leisure in the second junior group based on Russian folk tales “Journey through Fairy Tales”. Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales.

Quiz on Russian folk tales for senior preschool age Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales “Geese-swans”, “At the command of the pike”, “Frog princess”, “Fox-sister and gray.


Master class on making a lapbook “Visiting a fairy tale”

Marina Golubeva

Master class on making a lapbook “Visiting a fairy tale”

In our MKDOU kindergarten "Smile"

work took place on the project
“This magical
fairy-tale world .
To intensify the joint work of the kindergarten and the family to develop children's initiative, I decided to use a completely new, interesting, irreplaceable teaching aid - lapbook .
It can be used both in kindergarten and at home. She called her creation Visiting a Fairy Tale

Why? And because a fairy tale occupies such a strong place in a child’s life that some researchers call preschool age “the age of
fairy tales After all,
a fairy tale plays a big role in the aesthetic development of preschool children, without which nobility of soul, sensitivity to other people’s grief and suffering are unthinkable. And it is through a fairy tale that children understand the world not only with their minds, but also with their hearts, and not only learn, but also respond to events and phenomena of the world around them, express their attitude towards good and evil. The laptop is presented in the form of a large book, consisting of eight pages. Each page has its own title.

The very first page was called “What kinds of fairy tales ?”

where little books with illustrations
of fairy tales : fairy tales, fairy tales about animals and everyday ones. This makes it easier for children to understand and remember what kind of fairy tales .

On the second page "Tell a story "

in the pocket there are cards with pictures with

with which children tell a fairy tale .

Next comes “Playing with a fairy tale "

, where educational games and crossword puzzles on the theme of
fairy tales .

On page five “We show theater”

in the pocket there are masks
of fairy-tale characters . Our children can turn into fairy-tale characters themselves and perform a theatrical performance.

On the page “Together with Mom”

"Journey to
a Fairy Tale " and books for

reading. You can take them and read them at home with your mother.

"Drawing a fairy tale "

laptop page . Here are coloring pages based on fairy tales .

Final page of the photo gallery Fairy tales in our lives

where photos are presented of the children themselves and their participation in various theatrical productions during the project.

Everything together looks like this:

Lapbook “Heroes from the country “Bumba” (master class) On the eve of the 575th anniversary of the Kalmyk epic “Dzhangar”, the topic of studying folklore is extremely relevant in modern society, it contributes. Master class “Lapbook “Knowledge Day”” I am simply in love with this form of presenting information as the LAPBOOK. This is a real flight of fancy! I offer a master class on assembling a lapbook “Day. Master class: lapbook “Matryoshkas” The new school year is coming soon. To replenish the patriotic corner, I made a lapbook “Matryoshkas”. Since the nesting doll is a symbol. Master class Lapbook “Tagil - City of Masters” Having collected the necessary material about the past of my city, I thought for a long time about how to make it all in one place. And she came unexpectedly. Master class on making an educational game-aid from felt “Finger Theatre. Four fairy tales" Master class on making and using educational games made from felt: "Finger theatre. Four tales" Compiled by: Paderina. A master class on making a goat to decorate the fairy tale “Silver Hoof” in our kindergarten group is a tradition. For the New Year, each group draws up a fragment of a fairy tale with a winter plot. This year I'm working in high school. Master class on making a model of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” Preschool childhood is inseparable from the word “fairy tale”. Some researchers call preschool childhood the age of fairy tales. After all, I like fairy tales.


How to make from cardboard

You can make a laptop with your own hands even from cardboard. How to assemble the product correctly is described below in the article.

To begin with, a model of the future cardboard book with activities is also drawn. It is convenient to do this on A4 sheets folded in the form of a laptop. Next you will need to come up with and prepare all the details.

The table offers interesting options:

Lapbook partsPeculiarities
Curly pocketsCan be made in the form of a bird's nest and eggs, a basket and vegetables/mushrooms/berries, a backpack and educational accessories.
Classic pocketsThe easiest way is to write questions on the pockets themselves, and make cards with answers to insert into them. For example: which mushrooms are edible?
EnvelopesThey can be curly or regular. Parts of games and tasks are placed inside the envelopes.
Spinning circlesIt would be interesting to make them in the form of a planet, a wheel with a calendar or seasons.
StripesThe most interesting option is a strip folded several times. You can write a title on its main part. For example, "Insects". And on the folding part of all their popular representatives.

Curly pockets

Envelope pockets

Volume pockets

Rotating pockets

Strip pockets
When making the product under discussion, a rectangle of cardboard is laid out on the table. Approximately 1/3 of it on each side is folded. Afterwards, you can attach all the prepared games and decorations to the base. High-quality glue and double-sided tape are suitable for this.

Lapbook “Our favorite Russian folk tales”

Yulia Barinova

Lapbook “Our favorite Russian folk tales”

More recently, a new teaching tool has appeared in modern pedagogy - LAPBUK . This is a thematic folder containing many pockets that can accommodate a large amount of different material on the topic of your choice.

I would like to present to your attention a lapbook created during the implementation of a project on Russian folk tales .

The laptop served as a good assistant in the teacher’s work with children. It enriches vocabulary, develops children's coherent speech, develops fine motor skills and thinking.

To make a lapbook, various tasks were selected (cut-out pictures, mini coloring pages, images of fairy-tale characters, etc. )

This is the lapbookOur Favorite Russian Folk Tales ” that I came up with.

1. Task “Collect a picture”

2. Finger Theater. Allows children to develop imagination, imagination, and coherent speech.

3. Game “Whose shadow”. Develops thinking and attention.

4. Which fairy tale is the hero ? Develops memory, observation, thinking.

6. The fourth is odd.

7. Color the picture.

8. Draw a fairy-tale hero .

I would be glad if my lapbook will help you in developing your own manual for the development of your students. And their interest in the new benefit will definitely please you.

Didactic manual “Lapbook “Russian folk patterns” Folklore, folk motifs - A simple and life-like plot, Beautiful impulses of the soul Sculpt a creative portrait! The northern mob is beautiful, Finifti.

Lesson summary for the middle group “Russian folk tales” Lesson “Russian folk tales from a magic chest” Description: For children 4-5 years old. This material may be useful for educators.

Literary quiz “Our favorite Russian folk tales” for children of senior preschool age Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales Objectives: • Enrich and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Russian folk tales”.

Project “Russian Folk Tales” We provide the project “Russian Folk Tales” Our project is educational, creative Participants of the project: children 4-5 years old, group teachers.

Project “Russian folk tales” Project: “Russian folk tales” Project type: educational and gaming Project duration: long-term Project participants: children.

Project “Russian folk tales” Project. “Russian folk tales” Prepared by: teachers of MBDOU kindergarten No. 21 combined type Kunina N.V., Gordeeva N.Yu.

Presentation of the project “Russian Folk Tales” The children of our second junior group are very interested in reading fairy tales, but in the modern world full of various cartoons, books about superheroes.

Presentation “Russian folk tales” 1. Authors of the project: Maksimenko Anna Alekseevna 1.2 Chelyabinsk region 1.3 Miass 1.4 MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 39” 2. Description of the project.

Project “Russian folk tales about animals” Project “Russian folk tales about animals” Type of project: informational - creative, short-term. Project participants: children of the group, teachers.

Presentation for the quiz “Russian folk tales” Relevance of familiarization with fairy tales: “Fairy tales allow a child to experience perseverance and courage for the first time, to see good and evil. Fairy tales claim.


Lapbook “Folk Tales”

Elena Palagina

Lapbook “Folk Tales”

Goal: Creating a lapbook and then using it in a variety of activities, including theatrical play, with children of early preschool age.

Every teacher regularly asks himself the question: “How to make the learning process effective?”

In my work, I started using a completely new, interesting teaching aid - LAPBUK . It can be used both in kindergarten and at home. A laptop is interesting and useful because it can be made by a teacher together with parents and children.
Folk Tales laptop helps children understand the content
of a fairy tale , and this is an excellent way to develop speech and broaden children’s horizons. In addition, the content of the lapbook can be varied and accessible to all children. This benefit is commensurate with the eye, the actions of the hand, and the growth of the child. It is good quality, aesthetically pleasing, attractive. The laptop is easy to use and makes you want to act with it. The lapbook
Folk Tales presents
folk tales : Mitten, Ryaba the Hen, How the Goat Built a Hut, Puff, various types of theaters and educational games.
Didactic game "Mittens"

Goal: to train children in the ability to agree on joint actions, develop the ability to cooperate, and cultivate respect for other people’s opinions.

Description of the game: to play the game you need mittens cut out of paper with various unpainted patterns. The number of their pairs must correspond to the number of pairs of participants. Each child is given one mitten cut out of paper, and the children are asked to find their own pair, that is, a mitten with exactly the same pattern. When a pair of identical mittens meets, children must color the mittens identically as quickly as possible and most importantly. Each pair is given only three pencils of different colors.

Age group: senior group, pre-school group.

The fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"
fairy tale ) is a theater on a stick and educational games
"Who's the odd one out?"
“Bird yard”
a fairy tale .

Role-playing game “Bird Yard”
(3-5 years old)
Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how poultry calls and to develop correct sound pronunciation.

Game rules: everyone pronounces sounds loudly in chorus, imitating birds.

Description of the game: The teacher invites the children to remember how geese, ducks, and chickens cry. Children make sounds in chorus. “That’s good, you all remembered how poultry screams differently. How does a dove coo?” If the children find it difficult, the teacher himself says: “Gru-gru-gru-gru!”

“Now listen to the poem. When I name different birds, you will scream like them.

Our ducks in the morning.

And the turkey is in the yard.

Our little walks are at the top.

Next time the teacher divides all the children into groups: “ducks”

, etc.

Didactic game “Collect a fairy tale

Goal: to teach children to compose a picture based on a fairy tale into a single whole from several parts.

Assignment: A fairy tale corresponds to 2 cards, one of which is cut into pieces along the lines, and the second is used as a sample when folding the picture. When children learn how to fold cut pictures well enough, they don’t need to use samples.

Game exercise “What first, what then”

Goal: compiling stories based on fairy tales .

Assignment: you need to arrange the cards in the correct sequence and write a descriptive story based on the fairy tale .

Didactic game “What grows where?”

Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits, to consolidate knowledge about the place where they grow.

Assignment: children choose a card, for example “Vegetable Garden”

, and from the proposed cards, select the appropriate illustrations
(cucumber, radish, tomato, etc.)
General options for tasks for children:

“Find out the fairy tale from the illustrations


“Know a fairy tale by its beginning

(read by the teacher,

"Guess the fairy tale "

(based on the picture, based on an excerpt from
the fairy tale ,
“Guess the riddle”

a fairy tale , about a fairy-tale hero ,
“Find a pair”

(pictures from one
fairy tale ; pictures for classification.
fairy tales is consolidated in the lapbook , fairy tales and you can play didactic games with a teacher in a group. For example, in the didactic game “Who’s the odd one out?”

children remove the extra hero.
In the tabletop theater and the theater on a stick, children themselves try to act as artists, pronouncing phrases from the text of their hero. The laptop meets all the requirements for partnership activities between an adult and children:
- inclusion of an adult in activities on an equal basis with children

- free movement in space (with appropriate organization of space)

- voluntary participation of the child in activities without mental coercion.

As a result of using this technology, children develop skills such as:

- liberation (there is a desire to perform in front of peers and dolls)

- development of speech understanding

— activation and enrichment of children’s vocabulary.

- the emergence of the skill of mastering all available types of theater (tabletop, flannelgraph, magnetic, etc.)

the laptop Folk Tales in work

will contribute to the development of creative abilities and speech of children of primary preschool age, since the proactive independent use of words in the conditions of situational business communication with a teacher serves as a criterion for the appearance of active speech.
Finger theater made of felt “Russian folk tales” Good afternoon everyone!
I finally finished sewing the second felt book, “Russian Folk Tales.” There are four fairy tales in the book: “Turnip”, “Teremok”. "Russian folk tales". Abstract of GCD Synopsis of GCD “Russian folk tales”. Author: Ivanova M. A., teacher at MBDOU No. 299. Topic: “Russian folk tales” Purpose: Systematize. Lapbook “Our Favorite Russian Folk Tales” Quite recently, a new teaching tool has appeared in modern pedagogy - LAPBUK. This is a themed folder containing many pockets. Lapbook “Belarusian folk crafts” The Republic of Belarus is famous for its crafts: pottery, blacksmithing, wicker weaving, straw weaving, embroidery, weaving, carving. Lapbook “Folk Crafts” (junior group) Relevance: Currently, children are little familiar with arts and crafts. Therefore, we decided to make a lapbook on this topic. Lapbook “Russian folk instruments” I would like to bring to your attention the lapbook “Russian folk instruments.” The purpose of my work: To consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Russian folk instruments. Lapbook “Spring Folk Holidays in Rus'” The purpose of making the lapbook “Spring Folk Holidays in Rus'”: introducing children to Russian national culture based on ancient ones. Master class “Lapbook “Folk Crafts of Russia” Modern requirements imposed by the state on the quality of education do not allow us to stand still, they force us to move forward. Project “Russian folk tales” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, kindergarten of general developmental type No. 9, Donetsk RO Pedagogical project.


Tips and tricks to follow

Themed lapbooks are a great way to save money on toy purchases.

Often, after watching cartoons, children ask their parents to buy various products with the image of the character they like. Requests are repeated after each new video. Instead of buying toys, you can make a themed lapbook with the story of your favorite character. It will also be an excellent educational tool.

The product can be for school subjects. A laptop is a great way to learn new information and consolidate old information. This is a way to get to know an unloved subject better and change your attitude towards it.

Instead of colored paper, the base of the product can be covered with felt. Then the parts can be attached to it with miniature Velcro.

If you wish, you can make a lapbook with your own hands quickly and easily. At the same time, you can either repeat existing ideas using other people’s layouts, or create a unique book/box personally for your child.

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