Game form of classes on traffic rules with preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Already at an early age, children need to develop the correct attitude towards traffic rules, since they are the norm of behavior of every modern person. In preschool educational institutions, children are given the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities regarding how to cross the road, behave on the street and in public transport. The life and health of the child will depend on the degree of assimilation and implementation of traffic rules.

In the first place in the entire process of teaching children are gaming technologies, with the help of which it is possible to organize various types of children's activities and maintain the constant interest of preschoolers in learning traffic rules. The ability to play is a mandatory indicator of the culture of both an individual and society as a whole.

Games on traffic rules in kindergarten

Didactic games on traffic rules in the senior group

Preschoolers in the older group already know the rules of behavior on the street; they just need to generalize the knowledge. During games, children develop memory, speech skills, observation, and their spatial orientation improves. It is important to develop discipline in older preschoolers and the desire to follow traffic rules in everyday life.

Rod of Knowledge

The game generalizes preschoolers' knowledge about the correct behavior of pedestrians. The teacher divides the students into 2 teams. To practice, you need to take a toy traffic controller’s baton, or make one yourself.

The leader alternately gives the baton to the players of different teams. The player who received the item must remember the rule of safe behavior for pedestrians. You can't repeat yourself. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Example answers:

  • the pedestrian must walk on the sidewalk;
  • when crossing the street you need to look to the left, then to the right;
  • in the absence of a sidewalk, it is permissible to walk along the side of the road towards moving cars;
  • Crossing the street is permitted when the traffic light is green;
  • You cannot play on the road or in its immediate vicinity;
  • You must not cross the road when vehicles are approaching.

Safe streets

The purpose of the didactic game on traffic rules is to form an idea of ​​​​correct walking and wheeled movement along city streets, consolidating knowledge about regulatory signs.

The board game is intended for 2-3 players. For it you need to prepare a playing field with a schematic representation of city streets, figures of people, road signs, cars, traffic lights. You can buy a ready-made board game, or you can find it on the Internet and print it out.

The teacher distributes signs and symbols across the field. Players disassemble figures of people and cars. Characters and vehicles can be completely different. You can come up with any scenarios. For example, a schoolchild returns home after school, or a truck carries groceries to the store.

Players take turns rolling dice to move characters along the street. If this is a pedestrian, then he is moved by as many cells as there are dots on the die. If a cyclist, the number of “steps” is multiplied by 2. If a motorist, multiplied by 3. A player moving in a vehicle can accept passengers and leave the car in the parking lot. In the latter case, he becomes a pedestrian. When a cube hits an underground passage, the player can immediately, in one move, move to the opposite side of the street. And if you get into an area marked as dangerous, you have to skip a move.

Guess the sign

The game improves visual and auditory perception, teaches preschoolers to remember the visual form of a road sign when mentioned verbally. To play, you need to prepare a lotto with images of different signs, as well as blank sheets of paper the size of the pictures.

The game involves 3-6 children. The teacher lays out the lotto in front of each person and distributes paper. Then he reads out a riddle or part of a poem regarding a specific road sign. The players’ task is to understand what sign is being talked about, find it on the lotto, and cover it with a sheet of paper. The winner is the one who covers all the pictures correctly and faster than his opponents.


The game consolidates knowledge of traffic rules, improves thinking ability and the ability to navigate in space. It is necessary to prepare several options for playing fields depicting streets with infrastructure and regulatory signs. It is important that the fields allow you to play out different situations on the road. A small toy car is also needed.

The teacher gives the student a task consisting of a series of actions. For example, “go to the clinic, then fill up with gas at the bus station, buy groceries at the store on the way home.” The task in the game is to do everything that is said without breaking the traffic rules. The path begins with an image of a garage or parking lot and should end there.

My street

Do-it-yourself didactic games on traffic rules are very interesting; a teacher can make a model of a street with children. For older kindergarteners, this is an extremely exciting activity. It’s good if the model represents a real street on which the kindergarten is located. All traffic lights, zebra crossings, traffic signs, and vegetation are required. We also need figures of vehicles and pedestrians.

At the first stage of the game, children examine the model made, answer the teacher’s questions, pointing with their finger what they mean or putting the characters in a certain place. What are these questions:

  • what buildings are located on the street;
  • traffic here is one-way or two-way, how many lanes are there on the road;
  • is there an intersection on the street, how to cross it correctly;
  • where are the pedestrian crossings, how are they marked;
  • where pedestrians walk, where cars drive, is it possible to go out onto the roadway;
  • how traffic is regulated, where traffic lights are located;
  • is there public transport on the street, what is it for, where are the stops;
  • what do the road signs on the street mean?

At the second stage of the game, the teacher asks the students to take turns “driving” and “walking” along the street, observing the rules of safe movement. Children who make no mistakes in completing the task receive a prize.

Card index of games on traffic rules for preschoolers with goals

The traffic rules card file in the middle group according to Federal State Educational Standards (federal state educational standards) with goals includes such entertainment as “Guess what sign?”, “Drivers” and “On the Road”.

"Guess what sign"

The purpose of the “Guess Which Sign” lesson is for children to consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules and independently use them in everyday life. The gameplay is represented by cubes with directional, warning and prohibition signs stuck on them in a checkerboard pattern.

Traffic rules in the second junior group - a card index with goals

The teacher should take turns inviting the children to the table where the cubes are laid out. The student takes a cube, names the sign and goes to the group of children who already have symbols of this variety.


In the process of educational entertainment "Drivers", the little ones also learn the rules, but in addition to this, they also develop thinking and spatial orientation. To conduct a lesson, you need to stock up on playing fields, toy cars and other toys. The teacher prepares 3-4 options for playing fields in advance, each of which is represented by a picture with signs. This is necessary to change the traffic situation.

For example, a kid becomes a car driver, and he needs to take the fox to the store, get gas and repair the car. The image of the vehicle represents the garage where the little one left and where he must return. The child needs to think and say in what order these points should be visited so that the traffic rules are not violated.

"On the way to"

Thanks to the lesson “On the Road”, students consolidate their knowledge about types of transport, train their memory and attention. To play the game you will need images of cars and trucks, as well as chips. The game is played outdoors, but before starting you need to agree with the children who will collect what type of cars. During the game, the little ones pay attention to the cars, name them and receive chips for each correct answer. Whoever has the most chips at the end is declared the winner.

Note! Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it is easiest for preschoolers to perceive information about traffic rules in a playful way.

Such activities will definitely be effective, because the child will study with great pleasure and interest in the circle of his friends.

Didactic games on traffic rules in the middle group

In the middle group, it is important to reinforce the rules of safe movement on the street. Children need to be introduced to the main road signs and their meanings, and to be taught proper behavior on the road.

Right or wrong

The teacher places figures of characters and vehicles on the playing field depicting the street. The children's task is to tell whether each character acts correctly or incorrectly, and why. If incorrect, players must correct the actions.


To play, you need to print out images of vehicles. The teacher reads riddles or excerpts of poetry about a specific vehicle, and the children must guess what they are talking about. Whoever names the correct vehicle first gets its picture. The winner is the player who collects the most pictures.

What applies to the passenger?

The presenter calls out a series of words, and the players must clap their hands when the word refers to passenger transport and passengers. For example: tram, ticket, walk, rest, stop, trip, dancing, seat, plane, swimming, conductor.

Traffic Laws

The didactic game “Road Rules” reinforces preschoolers’ knowledge of how motorists and pedestrians should behave towards each other, what signs and symbols to take into account. You need to prepare cardboard sheets. Glue pictures depicting different situations on the road to one side of each cardboard, and a verbal description to the other.

Children look at the pictures and try to explain the situation depicted: whether road users act correctly, taking into account road signs, symbols and traffic lights. Next, the presenter reads out what is written on the sheets so that the players understand whether they answered correctly.

Answer correctly

To play the game you need to make chips. The teacher divides the players into 2 teams. Each group takes turns asking questions and is awarded a chip for the correct answer. The team that collects the most chips wins. Here are the questions for the game:

  • Where do pedestrians go? - on the sidewalk;
  • How to behave correctly on public transport? - quiet, calm;
  • Where should children play? - in the courtyard;
  • What colors does the traffic light light up? – red (stop), yellow (wait), green (go);
  • When a pedestrian's light is green, which light is on for the driver? - red;
  • What is a person who walks called? - a pedestrian;
  • Where does public transport stop? - At the stop;
  • Is it possible for a small child to cross the road alone? – no, you need to be with an adult;
  • Where is it legal to cross the road? – at traffic lights, along pedestrian and underground passages;
  • How to get around the bus? - from behind, when he drives away;
  • What kind of transport is there? – passenger, personal, land, underground, sea, air.

What does the traffic controller tell us?

The game requires 3 cards depicting a traffic controller gesturing according to traffic signals. And also 3 mugs: red, yellow, green. The player’s task is to match the image of the traffic controller to the correct color of the traffic light.

How to make a traffic rules game with your own hands

You can make a game for learning the rules of the road with your own hands, without making any special efforts. An example of self-production can be seen in the tabletop entertainment called “What First, What Then.”

First you need to build playing fields from white A4 cardboard, which should be cut lengthwise into two halves. Each half must be divided into three parts and numbered from 1 to 3 (six playing fields will be enough). Using a computer online, you should find an image of a situation on the road that requires performing certain actions in accordance with the road sign.

At the final stage of production, in the Paint computer program, you need to draw a game character (Dunno, Little Red Riding Hood or any other) on the picture. By placing the character in different parts of the image, an algorithm of action on the road is obtained.

The preschooler's task is to place the pictures in the correct sequence.

Note! During the lesson, the future road user simulates the situation and determines the required algorithm of actions, writing everything down in a notebook.

Didactic games on traffic rules in the younger group

Kids should understand the names and purposes of vehicles, traffic lights, and main road signs.

Find the extra word

The teacher names 4 words, and the children must say which one is superfluous in meaning. Examples:

  • tram, barn, tractor, ambulance;
  • swing, excavator, trolleybus, truck;
  • boat, boat, bus, yacht;
  • scooter, roller skates, bicycle, car.

Traffic light repair

To play, you need a contour image of a traffic light and 3 circles corresponding in size to its “eyes”: red, yellow, green. The teacher explains to the students that the broken device needs to be repaired. Children place circles on the traffic lights in the correct sequence and tell what each color signals.

Collect the sign

To play the game, you need to print and cut into several parts images of road signs familiar to preschoolers of the younger group. It is also necessary to make copies of the pictures that players will use as a guide when folding the cut images. If a child quickly puts together pictures, you can ask him to complete the task without a sample.

Stop or go

For the game, the teacher prepares 2 signal cards - red and green. Hands out steering wheels made of cardboard to children. The teacher explains that when he shows the green card, the players should move as if driving a car. When the green card turns red, you need to brake.

We run across the road

The presenter has 3 cards corresponding to traffic lights. When the green one is raised, children run around the playroom, when the yellow one is shown, they jump or dance in place, and when the red one is shown, they stand still. Those who make mistakes are eliminated. The last player remaining wins.


Hula hoops are placed in the corner of the playground - these will be cars parked in the garage. There should be 4-8 fewer of them than players. The teacher turns on the music, the children dance. When the music stops, the players rush to the “garage” and hula hoop one at a time. Those who do not have time are eliminated.

Didactic games on traffic rules in the preparatory group

Preschoolers in the preparatory group are preparing for school; they already know about the rules of behavior on the street and in transport, and understand road signs and markings. You just need to consolidate this knowledge. It is also important to pay attention to the speech and mental development of preschoolers.

Find the sign

Children are shown lotto pictures depicting different situations, but without road signs. The players’ task is to find a suitable one among the separately prepared signs and put it in the picture where it should be in reality.

I am a passenger

The teacher shows the students cards depicting different situations in public transport. Players take turns taking pictures, telling what they see: whether the characters are doing the right thing or not, if not, then they explain what they would do.

Name the signs

A couple is playing. Players take turns naming the road signs they know. The one who remembers the most wins.


The teacher introduces students to the types of intersections, shows the corresponding pictures, and tells them how to cross them correctly. Children should learn that intersections can be controlled or unregulated, and their configurations are cross-shaped, T-shaped, Y-shaped, or with a roundabout.

Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten “Studying traffic rules”

Bibliographic description:

Gold, E. A. Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten “Studying traffic rules” / E. A. Gold. — Text: immediate // Current tasks of pedagogy: materials of the X International. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, January 2019). - St. Petersburg: Own publishing house, 2021. - pp. 21-26. — URL: (access date: 12/19/2021).

Basic functions of a didactic game. A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child’s personality.

Didactic games as a gaming method of teaching are considered in two types: game-activities and didactic games .

In the first case, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who, to increase children’s interest in the activity, uses a variety of gaming techniques, creates a gaming situation, introduces elements of competition, etc. The use of various components of gaming activity is combined with questions, instructions, explanations, and demonstration. With the help of games-activities, the teacher not only conveys certain knowledge, forms ideas, but also teaches children to play. The basis for children’s games are formulated ideas about the construction of a game plot, about various play actions with objects. It is important that conditions then be created for the transfer of this knowledge and ideas into independent, creative games, the proportion of which in a child’s life should be immeasurably greater than learning to play. Game-activities therefore refer to the direct teaching of children using a variety of play techniques.

A didactic game as a form of teaching children contains two principles: educational (cognitive) and gaming (entertaining). The teacher is both a teacher and a participant in the game. He teaches and plays, and children, while playing, learn.

The didactic game as an independent gaming activity is based on the awareness of this process.

Independent play activity is carried out only if children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if these rules have been learned by them. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? Children love games that are familiar to them and enjoy playing them. Each such game contains interest in game actions.

The teacher’s task is to ensure that the children play independently, so that they always have such games in stock, so that they themselves can organize them, be not only participants and fans, but also fair judges. The teacher takes care of complicating the games and expanding their variability. If the children's interest in the game wanes, it is necessary to come up with more complex rules together with them.

Independent play activities do not exclude control by an adult. The participation of an adult is indirect: for example, the teacher, like everyone else who plays, participates in the game, rejoices if he wins, that is, he is an equal participant in the game.

When determining the winner, the teacher gives the children the opportunity to evaluate the actions of the players and name the best. But in the presence of a teacher, this stage of the game also takes place in a more organized and clear manner, although he himself does not influence the assessment, but can only, like each participant in the game, express his “for” or “against”. Thus, in games, in addition to the formation of independence and activity of children, an atmosphere of trust is established between children and the teacher, between the children themselves, mutual understanding, an atmosphere based on respect for the child’s personality, attention to his inner world, to the experiences that he experiences during the game. . This is the essence of collaborative pedagogy.

Children can play educational games on their own both in and outside of class. The classes use those didactic games that can be played frontally with all children. They consolidate and systematize knowledge.

But wider scope for developing independence in didactic play is provided to children during the allotted play hours. Here children are independent not only in following rules and actions, but also in choosing a game, a partner, in creating new game options, in choosing a driver.

Didactic games, especially in younger age groups, are considered in preschool pedagogy as a method of teaching children role-playing games: the ability to take on a certain role, follow the rules of the game, and develop its plot.

The use of didactic games in teaching children traffic rules.

The content of didactic games forms in children the correct attitude to the phenomena of social life, to the education of the concepts “I am a pedestrian”, “I am a passenger”, “I am a future driver”, systematize and deepen knowledge about the rules of the road, contribute to the formation of a culture of behavior in children streets.

Many didactic games are aimed at assimilation, clarification, and consolidation of knowledge.

With the help of didactic games, the teacher teaches children to think independently and use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Games develop in children the cognitive processes they need for correct and safe orientation on the street, form practical skills and habits of safe behavior, the idea that the road is potentially dangerous and the child must be disciplined and focused.

Also, didactic games develop children's sensory abilities. The processes of sensation and perception underlie the child’s cognition of the environment.

Through the game, preschoolers are taught road vocabulary and included in independent creative work, which allows them to study and understand the danger and safety of specific actions on the streets and roads in the process of completing tasks. Formation of internal motivation of students, responsible and conscious behavior on the streets and roads, so that they comply with traffic rules not under external pressure, but through knowledge and “feeling” of the need for their strict compliance.

I offer you several didactic games that our kindergarten students enjoy playing.

Rice. 1, 2. Game "Tracks"

Rules of the game: students must connect two paired pictures. The path can be drawn with a marker, or it can be laid out with small objects - sticks, buttons, etc. The main thing is that the lines do not intersect and there are no empty cells.

The game is complicated by the number of cells on the playing field. Can be used individually or with a subgroup of children.

Lotto "Transport"

Goal: to teach children to distinguish and correctly name different types of transport and their purpose; develop attention and memory; cultivate moral qualities: consistency and cooperation.

Rules of the game: students receive one or two playing fields. The presenter (at first the teacher will be the leader, and as the game masters, the child will) must pull out a card with a picture and, without showing it to the players, explain what is drawn on it, come up with a riddle, etc. The child who covers all the cards on his or her own wins. field.

If children find it difficult to write riddles, the teacher can guide them by asking questions. The game can be played by 2–6 people.

Rice. 3. Lotto game “Transport”

"Third wheel"

Goal: to learn to combine objects into a set according to a certain property.

Rules of the game: the teacher places 3-4 cards with pictures of transport in front of the child. One of them is redundant. The child needs to choose an extra item.

Rice. 4. Game "Third Man"

"Think about what's missing"

Rules of the game: the student receives a playing field and a set of cards with the same pictures.

One or more images are missing from the field. The student must understand the pattern of images of modes of transport or road signs and fill in the empty cells with cards with pictures.

The game becomes more complicated by increasing the number of empty cells on the playing field. Can be used individually or with a subgroup of children.

Rice. 5. Game “Think what’s missing”

Game "Paired Pictures"

Goal: the game will help develop memory and consolidate knowledge about types of transport.

Rules of the game: the student needs to collect as many pairs of cards as possible, i.e. two cards with the same picture.

The cards are laid out on the table face down. The youngest player starts the game and moves proceed clockwise. Children take turns turning over two cards so that everyone can see the pictures on them. If the pictures on the cards are the same, then the player takes them. He can continue the game as long as he finds cards with the same pictures. If the pictures on the cards do not match, then the player puts the cards back, pictures down, and the turn passes to the next player sitting on the left.

The player who has the most paired cards at the end of the game wins.

This educational game can also be used individually.

Rice. 6. Game “Paired Pictures”

"Fold the picture"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop logical thinking, attentiveness; Foster a culture of safe behavior for children on the road and in public places.

Progress of the game: The child receives an envelope with picture puzzles depicting road signs or transport.

At the teacher’s command, children open the envelopes and put together their signs from the pieces (puzzles). After 5-7 minutes the game stops. Whoever collected the most pictures won.

This didactic game can be played individually, without taking into account time. A conversation is held with the child about different types of transport and the meaning of a particular road sign is explained.

Rice. 7. Game “Fold the picture”

To make games interesting for children, you can change the conditions of the games, add new attributes, and use them in all types of activities in kindergarten (in continuous educational activities, independent activities of children, in individual work).

Work to prevent children's road injuries should be carried out systematically and cover all aspects of kindergarten life and all types of work.

Rice. 8. Card index of teaching aids for studying traffic rules


  1. Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children. Work planning. Conversations. Games: St. Petersburg, Publishing House “Childhood-Press”, 2015.
  2. “Traffic Light” program Teaching preschool children the rules of the road. T. I. Danilova: St. Petersburg, “Childhood-Press”, 2021

Key terms
(automatically generated)
: game, child, didactic game, game rule, picture, teacher, card, kindergarten, independent play activity, traffic.

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