Classification of outdoor games. Plot and non-plot outdoor games for preschoolers

Preschool children are able to perceive information better than others, and parents should not waste this time. New knowledge and skills are easily acquired with the help of various outdoor and board games. At the ages of 3 to 7 years, children try to copy the actions of adults and imitate animals and birds. At this time, parents need to guide their child on the right path of understanding life.

With the help of active games you can achieve success in this matter. The classification of outdoor games is quite diverse: by complexity, by degree of load, taking into account the age of the child, by the use of equipment, etc. Adults need to help their child adapt to life. However, we must not forget about the independence of the child. You can complicate the game a little, change its direction, but you shouldn’t tell your child how to act.

The value of outdoor games

Many experts in the field of raising children, including Froebel, Leontiev, Reich, noted the importance of outdoor games for a child. They argued that active games can develop children both physically and mentally. In addition, during these classes, children are always in the movement that they need.

Outdoor games for preschoolers are indispensable, as they can improve the child’s attentiveness and physical condition, his plasticity and understanding of the environment. In the process of playing, children learn about the world from a new perspective, and in addition, they strengthen and improve their skills.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of active games for a child, since here, among other things, imagination and fantasy, speech and memory develop. In addition, outdoor games are very good for health, especially in the fresh air. Children jump, run, play with a ball, which promotes normal blood circulation and increased breathing. This has a positive effect on the body, especially the growing one.

Methodology for conducting active games

Children of preschool age are in most cases extremely active, and therefore there is no need to be very surprised if the child does not stand still for even a minute. They constantly run, jump, roll a ball, wrestle, and play with their peers. The child must act and play independently; for this, the teacher or teacher must create all the conditions.

The adult’s task is to direct and provide everything necessary for the play area. Firstly, you need as much free space as possible so that the child does not feel cooped up. Secondly, you need to provide all the necessary toys that promote physical activity in children.

All children are different: some like to play alone, some are too active, and some, on the contrary, are calmer. The teacher needs to consider all this and indirectly guide the game process. But you cannot do this in an authoritative and strict manner; you need to push the child to the right decision. Some need to be helped and played with, and others need to be offered a different game. The teacher should remember that almost all children in younger groups prefer to play alone. He should try to instill in children a love of playing together. It is necessary to properly organize and present the game, thereby arousing interest. This is the method of outdoor games.

Action and story games

Author: Pivnyk Yulia Yurievna


It is very important at an early stage of childhood to lay the foundations of positive artistic perception, to raise our kids to be dexterous, smart, cheerful and sociable. Games solve these problems perfectly, you just need to follow the principle: do not focus children’s attention on leadership, instill in them a taste not for the result, but for the process itself. Games are also necessary in the classroom as an element of relaxation: relax, exercise, have fun. At the same time, they can serve as a powerful incentive - “You worked out well, now you can play!”

Some games such as “Spider and Flies”, “Frogs and Heron”, etc., are essentially skits where everyone plays their role. In this case, what is important for the teacher, and what is interesting for the children, is images, plasticity, facial expressions, and the goal of catching up or hiding becomes conditional.

In the games “Train”, “Brave Rider”, etc., to some extent, there is a spirit of competition, and here the teacher should smooth out this moment, paying more attention to the children’s correct execution of movements, the ability to hear music, navigate, act according to the idea, figuratively.

In the games “I am an artist”, “Cinema-photo”, “Monkeys”, etc., it is very important for the teacher to promptly notice, encourage, and praise even the most timid attempts at improvisation and creative independence of the child.

Spider and flies

One of the children is a spider, all the others are flies.

The spider sits down on a chair in the center of the hall, closes its eyes and falls asleep. At this time, the flies are flying around the hall (running on their toes, arms bent at the elbows, hands flapping like wings).

Night falls, the music changes. The spider opens his eyes and stands up, the flies freeze (so that he does not notice them in the dark). The spider slowly walks around the hall, and, not finding anyone, returns to its house (on a chair).

Brave Rider

Starting position – each child sits on a chair astride a horse.

The introduction to the music sounds, everyone stands next to the chair and takes the “reins” (arms extended in front of them and clenched into fists).

Children jump at a straight gallop, with a little spring in their arms.

The music stops abruptly, and everyone must run as quickly as possible and sit on a chair (in the starting position).

Comment – ​​the task can be changed: sit only in your own chair or in the nearest free chair.

I'm an artist

Everyone takes their seats - We are the spectators.

The first artist enters the “stage” (stands in the center of the hall) and orders music that matches the image invented in advance (fast, slow, cheerful, sad, smooth, energetic, etc.).

He dances, and everyone watches attentively. The artist’s task is for the audience to guess who he is portraying. After the performance, the audience applauds, then the teacher asks: Who do you think the artist portrayed?

The teacher listens to the children’s suggestions and says his own. If someone guessed first, he becomes an artist, if no one, the next one comes out in turn or at will.

The artist can portray anyone, but if he finds it difficult to choose, the teacher can quietly help him. You can depict, for example: animals, snowflakes, flowers, a robot, etc.


One child is a zoo visitor, all the rest are monkeys. The visitor can perform any actions, movements, make faces, and the monkeys must repeat everything exactly after him.

Recommendation for the presenter: you must try to show the movements clearly, without rushing.


Everyone stands in a circle. Music sounds, and a red handkerchief begins to be passed around in a circle - Do not hold the Light in your hands, otherwise you will get burned.

The music suddenly stops. And the one who has the handkerchief in his hands goes to the center of the circle and dances with him to the accompaniment. Everyone supports him, clapping in unison.

Then he stands up and the game continues.


One of the participants is an owl. All the rest are inhabitants of the forest (animals, birds).

Day -

an owl sits on a tree (chair). The rest move around the hall, imitating some small animal.

Night -

the owl wakes up and flies out to hunt, everyone quickly crouches down and freezes. The owl smoothly circles around the hall, flaps its wings widely or soars.

Day -

the owl flies away, the forest comes to life

Recommendation. The task can be changed: each child must come up with an image for himself (any animal) or the teacher gives everyone one general task (bunnies, mice, titmice).



the depot:
everyone is sitting on chairs.

One of the children becomes a locomotive.

He walks across the hall towards those sitting (raises his knees, bends his arms at the elbows, makes circular movements, imitating the rotation of wheels).
The locomotive
pulls up to the first
and gives it a signal with its horn and
hooks it
to itself.
He puts his hands on his shoulders and they continue moving. Thus, the composition is assembled.
The locomotive
leads the train
in a bizarre way to the music. Suddenly, three warning signals sound in the music, and during this time everyone must run to their places.

The composition has been disbanded.

When older children are playing,
a carriage
that did not make it to
the depot
may be
put in for repairs,
i.e., miss one trip.

Sunshine and rain

Starting position – children squat in front of chairs facing the seats.

Rain –

They drum their palms on the chair, imitating the sound of rain (the more often, the better).

Gradually the rain subsides.

Let's check, has the rain stopped? –

They move their hand with their palm up and look at the “sky.”

Sun! –

everyone jumps out of the houses, has fun, jumps, dances.

Who came to us

Children sit in a semicircle.

If desired, one of the participants starts the game. The teacher offers him a choice of upside down cards with images of animals. The child takes out any card and, without showing it to anyone, puts it aside.

The teacher says: “Who came to us?”

The child, without voicing, imitates the chosen animal. Children guess. After this you can show the card.

Recommendation: it is necessary to familiarize children in advance with the plastic features of the animals that are depicted on the cards.



Children stand in a circle. The teacher announces:

“There are strong men in the arena!” –

put your feet shoulder-width apart, firmly grab an imaginary barbell with your hands and squeeze upward with great effort.

Hold the barbell!

(all muscles are very tense).

Abandoned -

throw the barbell, relaxing all the muscles -
The audience applauds -

everyone claps.


Stretch the jump rope (rope) on the floor and tie it to the legs of the chairs.

The spectators, who are also artists, stand in a line nearby.

Everyone takes turns walking along this “tightrope” on their toes, back straight, arms to the sides for balance (do not sway!).

The one who has passed the rope to the end raises his hands, greeting the audience. The audience applauds, the artist bows

and joins the audience.


Teacher: “Let’s start the show.”

Participants stand in a circle and hold hands - this is
a magic bag.
Any of the children becomes the center.

Someone says: “Only we have the best magic trick in the world.”

Everyone converges towards the center and casts a spell:
aben, trabene, boome!
Then the circle diverges, and the child in the center depicts, at his own request, the one he was turned into (profession, animal, flower, tree, ...).

The audience applauds.

The one in the center bows and stands in a circle. Game continues.

Frog and Heron

Small hoops called swamps are laid out on the floor throughout the hall.

One of the participants becomes a heron and moves aside. All the rest are frogs.

Frogs jump after mosquitoes or between swamps (sitting on their haunches, knees open to the sides, palms on the floor, jumping up, straightening their legs and croaking).

The music changes and a heron comes out. Frogs quickly (frog-like) hide: each one occupies any free swamp. They press their body lower to the floor, pull their heads into their shoulders, fall silent and freeze.

The heron walks around the hall (raising its knees high and flapping its wings expressively), and, without catching anyone, leaves.

Cats and dog

There are tree chairs all over the hall.

One of the participants is a dog, all the rest are cats.

The dog sits in a kennel (squats down and holds a hoop vertically in front of him or lies on his stomach under a chair).

At this time, cats and kittens are walking around the hall (soft, springy step, “paws” folded in front of them or making sliding movements).

The music changes and a dog jumps out of its house (the child quickly crawls through a hoop or crawls forward from under a chair).

Cats and cats instantly climb trees (sit on chairs and tuck their legs).

The dog runs from tree to tree and barks at cats and kittens, who hiss expressively and show their claws.

Tired, the dog returns to the kennel.

Fox and ducklings

On the floor in the center of the hall, a small space is fenced off with jump ropes so that all the children can fit in it; this is a lake.

One of the participants is a fox, all the others are ducklings.

The fox hid (hides behind the back of the chair) and listens.

At this time, the ducklings are walking around the lake and looking for worms (they walk in small steps, waddling from foot to foot; arms are extended down and slightly pulled back).

The music is changing. A fox jumps out from its hiding place.

The ducklings quickly (don’t get out of character!) hide in the lake.

The fox walks around the lake, eagerly looking at the ducklings (soft, springy step, holding its clawed paws in front of it), the ducklings stay on the opposite edge of the lake and press against each other. Having walked around the lake a couple of times, the fox again hides in cover.


Starting position - all participants are freely positioned around the hall and stand in the center of their hoop.

I blow bubbles -

(the teacher draws more air into his chest and blows), the children squat down, grab the edges of the hoop on both sides with their hands and stand up.

The wind blew -

The teacher smoothly waves his hands.

Let's fly -

children run around the hall on their toes
(flying without colliding!).
Burst -

(the teacher claps his hands) the children stop, unclench their fingers and release the hoop from their hands.


A director is chosen and he commands:

Movie -

participants move freely around the hall: dance, imitate something, improvise plastically.

Photo -

everyone suddenly freezes (freeze frame).

Movie -

everyone continues their movement, etc.
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Active games during the day

Every day, teachers need to conduct outdoor games with children. Before breakfast, you need to let the children play on their own without distracting them. To do this, you need to take out the toys and encourage the kids to go to class. Outdoor games for preschoolers are not appropriate immediately after breakfast or any other meal. When choosing games, you need to consider the activities that came before them. For example, after lessons in drawing or the Russian language, it is necessary to offer active games in order to move more.

It is recommended to use outdoor games while walking, in the fresh air. You should only go indoors if the weather is unsuitable, such as heavy rain or wind. If the weather outside is just like this, you need to play in a large hall where there is enough space for everyone.

In the evening it is also recommended to play games, but with little mobility. Singing with round dances is good. This activity should last about 10 minutes. The most favorable time of year for playing games is, of course, summer. Since outdoor games during a walk in the summer are quite easy to implement. On hot days, it is advisable to conduct activities with moderate or low activity so that children do not overheat. And on cooler days, it is better to use games with the highest activity.

It is most difficult to play outdoor games in winter and autumn. Children usually wear warm clothes and bulky shoes, which makes their physical activity difficult. In this case, classes with simple movements that will not tire the kids are ideal.

Outdoor games in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) in the fresh air and in the hall contribute to a significant increase in physical and mental abilities. Kindergarten is a place that is one of the key in shaping the views and interests of a child.

Classification of outdoor games

Experts in this field note that the wide variety of active games has led to the need to divide them. As already mentioned, they are classified by complexity, degree of mobility, etc.

In the most general version, games can be divided into simple and complex. Simple ones are classified into plot, plotless, attractions and fun games.

Story-based games are characterized by a clearly developed scenario with fixed rules. They are characterized by thoughtful actions of all participants in the events; deviation from the plot seems impossible. Games of this type are popular in all groups, especially for younger ones.

Plotless games are characterized by the absence of a script, but require children to be attentive, quick and independent. During the lesson, the child must repeat a certain motor action, most often presented in the form of a competition.

Attractions and fun games also require the completion of a specific task in the form of a competition. The difference from plotless ones is that some of the children participate in the game, and the other part are spectators. These outdoor games are very popular in preschool educational institutions, as they delight children.

Almost all sports games are classified as difficult. This includes football, basketball, volleyball, and hockey. Of course, young children cannot participate in these adult competitions, and therefore classes are conducted according to a simplified system.

Active games can also be distinguished by motor content: running, jumping, projectile throwing, etc. There is a classification of outdoor games according to the degree of mobility. Examples of such games can be very diverse. There are classes of high, medium and low activity. The first group includes those activities in which the majority of children take part, most often running or jumping. The second group includes games in which all the children also participate, but the tasks are calmer, for example, walking or passing shells. In games of low mobility, the action is low-intensity and has a slow pace.

Golden collection of games for children. Developmental, didactic, role-playing, active

Role-playing games

There are a number of levels (stages) of development of role-playing games, as well as levels of relationships between children in the game.

1. Level of disorganized behavior.

A child can destroy a building made by others or take away a toy. Such behavior, as a rule, is not a sign of aggressiveness or an unfriendly attitude towards a peer. It is explained by the inability to occupy oneself, a lack of understanding of the consequences of one’s actions.

2. Single player level.

The child, without engaging in play interaction, at the same time no longer interferes with the games of other children. This is a known prerequisite for establishing positive relationships in the game and the transition to side-by-side play. Children have basic skills in handling various toys (dressing, undressing, rocking dolls and bears, building simple buildings, driving a car).

3. Game level nearby.

Two or three children are only externally united by a game situation, but in fact each of them has their own game goal, toy, and their own simple plot plan. For example, two three-year-old children are sitting on the same bench and pretending to be something: one of them is driving to dad’s car - he’s driving, the other, it turns out, is just walking; There are several children on the carpet, but each is busy with his own game: one plays with matryoshka dolls - he drives them, another builds a house, the third rolls a car.

This level is characterized by the emergence of interest in the games of a peer, the awareness that another child is also playing. The child displays a friendly attitude towards the person playing next to him, an understanding that he should not be disturbed, and the ability, if necessary, to reckon with others (to make room, exchange a toy or even give it away, etc.). Children playing nearby create conditions for the natural unification of those playing.

4. Level of short-term communication-interaction.

A child can, at least for a short period of time, subordinate his actions in the game to a general plan and align them with the actions of other children. He knows how to negotiate about the upcoming game (he strives for this), makes his own proposals, is ready to listen to the words of a participant in the game and obey a fair demand.

In games with rules, the players become dependent on them, but these rules must be mastered, one must be able to follow them.

5. The level of long-term communication and interaction based on interest in the intellectual, moral, artistic content of the game, as well as in the movements and actions that it requires.

This is a much higher stage of the game, a more complex level of relationships. The child exhibits initial forms of a responsible attitude towards his role in the overall game (even if his withdrawal from the game does not lead to the disintegration of the playing group). He begins to correctly assess the quality and result of his personal actions and the actions of his peers from the point of view of the tasks of a joint game. For example, in a creative role-playing game in a “hospital”, a boy and a friend managed to make a good pharmacy stall and cash register, and all the participants in the game bought medicine from them, everyone was interested.

The duration of interaction associated with interest in the content of games is largely explained by the fact that at this stage children are quite independent in choosing one or another type of game, in their combination, they can come up with an interesting role-playing game, and they know the rules of a number of didactic and outdoor games.

6. The level of long-term communication and interaction based on interest in the content of the game and mutual assessment of children in terms of personal qualities and ability to play.

The high level of relationships among children is ensured primarily by the fact that the play activity itself is characterized by a new stage, a higher “quality.”

Children have a noticeable interest in a variety of plot and non-story games. Quite stable gaming groups are being organized. Such groups require active communication between participants: the ability to agree among themselves on what to play, fairly distribute roles, follow the rules, and act in concert.

The coherence of the game, its development as an activity and the good relationships between children depend on a number of reasons. Firstly, the joint activities and behavior of children are regulated by the rules before the start of the game and during it. In didactic and outdoor games, the rules are set by adults.

In the role-playing games that are invented, there are no ready-made rules. Children “put forward” them themselves, focusing on how it really happens (“in truth”), and voluntarily obey them (for example, you cannot board a ship if it has already sailed from the shore). Children want to follow certain life rules in the game, and this helps the teacher to educate their attitudes and behavior, and the child learns the necessary norms and rules, learns to overcome negative impulsive impulses.

Secondly, a necessary condition for a “good game” is educationally valuable plot content. It is absolutely not indifferent what children play, who and how they portray, what aspects of people’s activities and behavior they convey in game images.

Thirdly, the coherence of play and positive relationships between children largely depend on the composition of children's groups. If a playing group brings together guys who have mastered moral habits of behavior, if they know how, for example, to agree on the upcoming game, on the leader, etc., then their common activity will be carried out harmoniously.

It is also necessary to create material conditions for play: select (age-appropriate) ready-made games and toys, building materials, have various “waste” materials (boards, plywood, cord, twine, wire, etc.), which children love to use in play. It is necessary to teach children to combine play with difficulty by making homemade toys, and to encourage the use of knowledge and skills acquired in classes in games in everyday practice. In this regard, independent artistic activities included in the game provide especially wide opportunities.

Play is closely connected with broad educational problems. In order to successfully manage a game and solve educational problems with its help, we must remember that in any game, especially a role-playing, creative game, there are two types of relationships: relationships between children according to the plot, according to the roles they play (imaginary), and their relationship as playmates, in connection with the game, or, as they sometimes say, real relationships.

These two types of relationships are not identical, although close connections and mutual influence are often found between them. The imaginary situation in which the child acts affects his feelings and thoughts. While playing, children convey their attitude to the events depicted and sincerely and directly enter into the role. On the one hand, the child has an internal urge to behave in accordance with the image, on the other hand, he learns certain ways of behavior: to act like a caring mother, a fair teacher, a brave geologist. As a result, the behavioral norms acquired by the child become more stable and conscious.

All this contributes to the development of friendly relationships. The most favorite games are cooperative games. The child is drawn to the company of peers.

It is known that the older the child becomes, the more and more collective nature the games acquire, and stable play associations appear. Games captivate children and help to develop in them a number of the most important social, collectivist qualities, on the basis of which the lives of people in society are built: mutual assistance, cooperation, the ability to act together to achieve a common goal, initiative, justice, principles of integrity and responsibility.

The moral education of children in role-playing games is carried out in close connection with their mental education. It is necessary to encourage children to use their existing knowledge and skills in play, in particular those acquired in classes and in work, to promote a deeper, more lasting assimilation of what they have acquired, activation of thinking and imagination, development of speech, etc.

During play, especially creative play, children constantly face a number of questions that need to be resolved and that require reflection, discussion, and communication. Therefore, adults should support and develop the intellectual interests of children related to their play: support interesting ideas and appropriate ways to implement them, ask questions and answer children’s questions, with the help of a book, picture, etc., clarify after the game what remains unclear .

Active game management

Preschool children love all outdoor games, but, of course, they cannot organize them on their own. The teacher comes to their aid with this. The teacher must remember that the main goal of such games is the improvement and development of the child’s physical and mental abilities. The ability to work in a team is also very important, which must be taught in childhood. The plan for outdoor games should be drawn up in such a way that children develop their skills and abilities during the lesson.

The teacher needs to take part in the games, thereby showing the child by his own example how interesting and exciting it is. Children love to play with adults, it makes them feel older. You need to use a cheerful tone in communication, this will captivate kids.

Organizing outdoor play is a rather difficult task, since all children are individual, and it is far from a fact that everything will go smoothly from the very beginning. You can often observe a situation where not all children want to take part in a group game due to their shyness. There is no need to put pressure on the child; you should give him a little time to get comfortable. If the baby is still shy and afraid to play with others, you can try to carefully involve him in the process. An offer to run or hide together would be an excellent way out of this situation for the teacher.

The teacher must competently manage the game and control it in order to avoid unpleasant situations. To suggest something, to encourage someone somewhere is a great option. If most children begin to play around and lose interest, it is necessary to stop the game and give the kids time to rest.

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Since the beginning of 2014, a new document has come into force, which represents a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education. Speech and cognitive, as well as artistic and physical development are the areas in which the Federal State Educational Standard operates. Each of these areas has its own tasks that will help children understand the world and develop in all areas.

In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard regulates the following types of children’s activities: play, communication, cognitive, perception of fiction, self-service and household work, visual, musical and motor. To achieve certain goals, each type of activity is characterized by outdoor games. The Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at achieving certain goals:

  • improving the status of preschool education;
  • ensuring equal opportunities for every child;
  • maintaining the unity of education in the Russian Federation, including preschool;
  • ensuring high quality preschool education.

This document is an excellent innovation that is designed to regulate all preschool educational institutions for the correct execution of their actions. With the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool institutions have become more responsible in this matter. Now there is a clear plan of action, following which we can provide the highest quality education to the younger generation.

Outdoor games in kindergartens for the older group

Most children before school spend most of their lives in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, holding games in such institutions is mandatory. The classification of outdoor games involves division into two parts: for very young children and older children.

The preparatory group mainly plays games with the ball. For example, you need to find out who can run faster from start to finish by tossing a ball. In addition, such games as “Mousetrap”, “Owl”, “Shepherd and the Wolf” are popular. Let's look at each of them.

Mousetrap. Children are divided into two identical groups. The first is mice, which must line up in a column one after another. The other group should form three circles, holding hands. When the teacher says: “The mousetrap is open,” the children standing in a circle raise their hands, and the mice run in turn each circle. When the teacher gives the command: “Clap,” the children in the circle lower their hands. Those mice that are inside the circles are considered caught. The game continues until all the “mice” are caught.

Owl. Children are divided into two groups: butterflies and bugs. In addition, one baby is selected to act as an owl. A circle is drawn for him - a nest, and he stands there. When the teacher says: “Day,” all the butterflies and bugs walk freely around the playground, doing as they please. As soon as the teacher says: “Night,” everyone stops and the owl begins to wander around the playground. The owl takes those children who move with him to the nest. The game ends when there are several butterflies or bugs in the nest.

Shepherd and wolf. Two children are chosen to be the wolf and the shepherd, respectively. The rest are sheep. It is necessary to draw an area for the sheep's home and for the place where they will graze. The shepherd takes the sheep out to pasture, at the command: “Wolf,” everyone must run away. The wolf's task is to catch as many sheep as possible and take them to his lair, and the shepherd is called upon to protect his pets. The game ends when the wolf has caught a certain number of sheep.

educational and methodological material Sports plotless games physical education card index (senior group)

Examples of plotless games for children with a high need for movement (“shustriki”)

Find yourself a mate (plotless game for children 5-6 years old)

Target. Exercise in walking and running with changing the pace and direction of movement: regular, dance and side steps forward, sideways and backwards; develop auditory attention, the ability to correlate your movements with the nature of the music; create conditions for training the muscular corset of the spine.

Location. Group room, physical hall, or area for d/s.

Progress of the game. Children calmly walk around the hall in pairs, holding hands. At the first signal from the teacher (clap your hands, hit the tambourine, command “Let’s dance one at a time!” with musical accompaniment turned on). They unclasp their hands and run in different directions throughout the hall, making free dance movements to the music. accompaniment. At the second signal: “Find a pair!” (stop the music, clap your hands) and the children are asked to quickly find their partner and hold hands. The teacher pairs up with one of the children. A child left without a partner is considered a loser.

Be the first (game exercise for children 4-7 years old)

Target. Help relieve motor restlessness; practice walking at a fast pace while overcoming obstacles; develop coordination of movements, dexterity, the ability to listen and hear the teacher, and respond to a signal.

Location. Group room, physical hall, or area for d/s.

Progress of the game. Children follow the leader in a column, overcoming natural (log, stream, hummock) and specially selected (arches for climbing, modular log, cones) obstacles. The teacher calls the name of one of the children. The named child quickly overtakes the column, becomes the first and the movement continues.

It's boring, boring sitting like this! (Plotless game for children 4-7 years old)

Location. Group room, physical hall.

Material. Chairs (according to the number of players)

Target. Exercise in fast running; help relieve motor restlessness; develop speed of reaction to an auditory signal; continue to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of other players, develop the ability to observe, compare and evaluate your own and others’ actions; create conditions for alternating active activities with less intense activities and rest; contribute to training the shock-absorbing function of the feet.

Progress of the game. Chairs are placed on both sides of the playing area according to the number of players. Children sit on one row of chairs, the teacher stands next to them. Together they recite the rhyming text:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,

Everyone looks at each other.

Isn't it time for you to rise

And change places?

Then the adult gives the command: “One, two, three - run!” Children rise from their seats and run to the opposite side of the playground, trying to take any chair as quickly as possible. An adult, as an equal participant in the game, also takes an empty chair. The child left without a seat is considered a loser, becomes the driver and gives commands to other players.

Katya, push - don't let go! (Plotless game for children 5-7 years old)

Location. Group room, physical hall area d/s.

Material. Tennis balls (7-10 pcs.)

Target. Practice passing the ball in different ways: with your hands, feet; develop reaction speed and dexterity; form positive relationships between players; continue to learn how to coordinate your actions with the actions of other players; create conditions for alternating active activities with less intense activities and rest; strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the upper and lower extremities.

Progress of the game. The players are divided into two teams. Children of one team stand in a circle. The leader (adult) rolls 5-7 tennis balls into the center of the circle, one after another.

Rules of the game. The balls cannot be stopped and rolled out of the circle; they can only be rolled with your foot or hand. If the children successfully follow the rules of the game, the leader rolls in an additional number of balls (up to ten). Then the players of the other team are asked to complete a similar task. The team that manages to keep the most balls within the circle wins.

Sea waves (plotless game for children 5-7 years old)

Location. Group room, gym.

Material. Two gas scarves.

Target. Practice quickly passing an object to each other, standing in a column one at a time; help reduce muscle tension in the arms and shoulder girdle; develop speed of reaction to a visual signal; continue to learn how to coordinate your actions with the actions of other players; create conditions for increasing the importance of each child in the eyes of the surrounding children; help strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities.

Progress of the game. The players are divided into two teams and squat in two columns. The leader (adult) gives the first players a gas scarf. At his signal: “Surf, surf! Run like a wave!” Players take turns standing up and passing the handkerchief to the next player. Having given the handkerchief, the player squats down again. The team whose wave reaches the last player faster and returns back wins. You need to end the game with the command “Calm!”

The most dexterous (plotless game for children 5-7 years old)

Location. Gymnasium, training area.

Material. Ball.

Target. Improve the ability to throw the ball to each other and catch it; contribute to enriching motor experience; create conditions for the development of reaction speed; maintain interest in participating in outdoor games; help strengthen the muscles of the torso and arms.

Progress of the game. Two lines are drawn on the playing field at a distance of 2-2.5 m, and the players stand behind them. A trap is selected from among the players. He occupies a place between two lines in the center of the playing court. The trap can run in the middle of the area between the lines from one end of the line to the other. Children begin to throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the player to whom they throw the ball. The driver's task is to intercept the ball without letting it fall into the hands of the players. If the ball is caught by the driver, the player who threw the ball becomes the driver.

Outdoor games for little ones

Here preference is given to games where you can observe a clear plot. It is advisable that each child has his own role. Also popular are games without a plot at all, which are the simplest, for example, “catch-up”. So, outdoor games for the younger group of kindergarten:

  1. Hen and chicks. To play this game you need a rope and two stands. A rope is pulled between them, on one side there is a hen’s house with chickens, on the other there are grains. When the hen goes to the other side, she calls the chickens “ko-ko-ko”. Having heard, the chickens run all over the territory, imitating the movements. On the command: “Home,” everyone goes on the other side of the rope.
  2. Brook. All children participate here, and there is no need to divide into teams. You need to draw a “stream” of small width and draw pebbles at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. Children stand at the beginning and must cross the stream using pebbles. If a child stumbles, it means he has “get his feet wet” and needs to try from the very beginning.
  3. Sun - rain. For this game, you need to place chairs and hoops (improvised houses) around the entire perimeter of the site. When the teacher says: “Sunny, it’s time to go for a walk,” the children leave the houses and run around the playground. At the command: “It’s raining, it’s time to go home,” all the children run back.

The purpose of outdoor games in kindergarten is, first of all, the development of personal and physical qualities, as well as teaching children to be friends and work in a team. It is generally accepted that school educates people. However, education begins in kindergarten. Thanks to active games, children perceive information more easily and quickly develop the necessary skills.

The benefits of outdoor games

Such games are especially useful for children of preschool and primary school age.
This is the time when it is important to monitor the physical condition of the child and develop it. Physical activity stimulates muscle function, increases blood circulation and breathing, improves metabolism, which contributes to the health of the entire body.

Outdoor games teach children to control their body and help them master its new capabilities and improve their motor skills.

Also in group games, the child develops the following skills:

  • ability to interact with other children,
  • ability to work in a team, help others,
  • organization and discipline,
  • agility and endurance,
  • courage and perseverance.

Outdoor games are also an excellent way to control energy. For example, if your child often becomes aggressive, such games will help him relieve stress and keep himself under control.

In addition, they have a good effect on the nervous system, helping to improve sleep quality and increase appetite. This is also a good way to cheer up.

Thematic outdoor games

Classes with a specific scenario instill in children a sense of responsibility and composure. Story games are very diverse, let's look at some of them.

  1. Sparrows and a car. All children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground. Here they play the role of sparrows who sit in their nests. On the opposite side stands the teacher, represented as a car. When the teacher says: “The sparrows have flown,” all the children get up and run or walk on the playground. On the command: “The car is moving,” all children return to their nests as quickly as possible.
  2. Aircraft. The teacher names certain children in the amount of 3-4, who stand on the opposite side from the others. At the command: “Get ready for flight, start the engines,” children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chests. When the teacher says: “Let’s fly,” the children spread their arms to the sides, imitating an airplane, and run to the other side. At the command “Landing,” children land in their seats. Then the next group of kids is selected.
  3. Bubble. The children and the teacher form a small circle, holding hands. When the teacher says: “Blow up your bubble, blow up big,” the children slowly move back, forming a large circle. After the teacher says: “The bubble burst,” the children should lower their hands and squat down, saying “Clap.” After this, you need to stand up and form a small circle again.
  4. Birds are flying. Children stand on some hill on one side of the site. After the words “The sun is shining,” the children run out onto the playground and begin to look for and peck improvised grains. When the teacher says: “It’s raining,” the children return back to the hill.

Outdoor games for small spaces

Be precise!

In this case we mean a game with many variations. The main task is to demonstrate accuracy in a given test. Tests can be like this:

1. Controlling our muscles

. This will require a children's wrist dynamometer. The presenter sets the number that the arrow should reach when pressed.

We are accustomed to the fact that dynamometers are needed only to measure strength, but in this case we are not measuring strength, but the ability to control our muscles, that is, to accurately calculate our efforts. And this is coordination of movements. With the help of such game exercises, we not only compete and have fun, but also work on developing coordination of movements. The rules are simple - the presenter sets the desired number, and the child, without looking, tries to squeeze the dynamometer so that the arrow shows the desired number. All players try to press correctly, then the results are compared; whoever was closer wins.

Despite the fact that the dynamometer is a wrist dynamometer, you can squeeze it with both hands. Before you start using a dynamometer, you must first introduce the children to its structure, the approximate principle of operation, let them try it, check who has what strengths, so that the children know their absolute values, and from these results they can choose the ones they need for the game. For example, he did the maximum, and then, without looking, let him try to squeeze out half or even a quarter of his result, how will he succeed? The kids can have fun on their own by trying to hit the given numbers. They will ask themselves questions, and then they will try to achieve the desired result. The more practice they have, the better the guys will begin to cope with the task.

2. Let's try to remember time periods

. Let's start small - remember ten seconds. To do this, the presenter himself counts down these ten seconds to the guys for the first time (using a stopwatch, of course). Then he commands: “Attention, march!” and the guys are trying to count down these ten seconds themselves (not out loud, of course, to themselves, so as not to disturb the others). The one who has counted and decides that time is up raises his hand. When everyone raises their hands, the presenter announces the most accurate players. The longer the time period is set, the more difficult it is to remember it accurately and hit it by raising your hand. So training helps!

Since guys tend to spy on each other and focus on the actions of others, you can give the task to count the seconds with their eyes closed, and open them only by simultaneously raising their hand. The player who opens his eyes to look at the others is eliminated or is considered to have finished counting.

You can motivate children by asking them to practice this memorization themselves at home. If they become interested and want to win, they will probably practice. Everyone has a watch with a second hand. And with the proliferation of mobile phones that have stopwatches, this technical training task is becoming even easier.

Just for fun, when the guys are already well accustomed to this task, you can try giving them longer periods of time - ten, twenty, thirty minutes. For example, they started doing their homework, the countdown began, and whoever decided that the time was up reported it. The presenter reports that the specified time has passed, either when everyone has spoken, or two minutes after its end. So, if the set time was ten minutes, then the presenter says that the time is up in twelve minutes. Let's see who comes closest. We add two minutes for those who may be mistaken by one to one and a half minutes, but after the allotted time.

If in previous versions the presenter with a stopwatch counted the time and monitored the accuracy of the execution, then this time the child gets the stopwatch in his hands. And he will try to get to the right time without looking at the gadget. It is done like this: the child is given a certain time (10 seconds, 12, etc.), he closes his eyes, presses the button, then, when he decides that ten seconds have passed, turns off the stopwatch. Let's see how much the player made a mistake or how accurately he hit the target. It is advisable to give three attempts and record the best result. Then another player tries his hand and so on. At the end, all the results are compared and the winner is determined - the most accurate player.

When using this option, everything is measured very accurately and clearly, so that there will be no more disputes, and the player will not be guided by anyone; here, as they say, it’s a one-on-one fight with a stopwatch. And the presenter will not have to remember who made a mistake and how much (usually he selects only three or four of the most accurate ones). It's not so easy when there are more than ten players involved. In addition, now all players can be placed in order from first to last.

3. Calculating the force of pressure

. A bathroom scale will be required for this test. The task is basically the same as with a dynamometer, but now you need to calculate the force of pressure on the scales with your foot. The child stands with one foot on the floor and the other on the scale. Now his task is to press the scales to the desired weight. You need to choose comfortable numbers so that it is not so difficult to press, and so that the weight of the leg alone is not enough. Before competing, the kids need to be allowed to get used to it, let them try to push the scales, feel how much they need to push up to five kilograms, five and a half, etc. We compete in the same way, a certain weight is set, convenient for all players (so that it doesn’t work out, that for a big student it is enough to put his foot, and he has already missed by a couple of kilograms, and for a light student he still has to press and press to the required value), everyone, with their eyes closed or blindfolded, steps with one foot and presses on the scales. We record the results and compare them at the end. Whoever is closest wins.

4. Get to the point

. On the wall with chalk we draw various dots (crosses) at the level of the players’ hands, each dot gets its own number or a special design (star, cross, circle, dot, etc.; you can use small stickers, which can then be easily removed from the wall). The player’s task is to stand with his back to the wall and, on command, with his eyes closed, try to raise his straight arm so as to hit the desired point. Before the game, you can let the kids practice, let them watch and raise their hand, this way we help the muscles remember the required efforts, and the head understand to what degree the hand should be raised. Players take turns trying to hit the right spots; Whoever is more accurate wins.

Players can even play with each other themselves. One stands against the wall, looks at his partner, he commands him to what point he should raise his hand, and the first one tries to follow the instructions exactly. But this time the performing player does not close his eyes, but looks directly at his partner. In this position, it will be a little easier for the player, since the landmarks around us undoubtedly help, but still not as good as we would like.

To measure the accuracy of a hit, you can use a regular ruler. The player put his hand down and used a ruler to measure how many centimeters he missed. Or, using a protractor, the wall can be drawn with chalk lines of five to ten degrees, then it will be more convenient to measure misses in degrees. But if we draw with chalk on the wall, we can no longer lean against it. In this case, you will have to look like this, without touching.

5. Hit the spot with your foot

. Dots are drawn on the floor (or we use various stickers), but so that the child can reach them with his foot. The point at which the child should hit the toe is set. This time it is not at all necessary that the player keep his legs straight, so the points can be set next to the legs. You can play leaning against a wall or standing in the middle of the playing area; in the second case, the player receives greater freedom of action, which means more points that can be set.

6. Checking accuracy with a ball

. But now we must not hit some target, but must roll the ball so that it reaches a certain place, for example, a certain desk. That is, the player must roll the ball in the passage (between desks) to a certain desk, for example to the second. If the ball rolls too far or does not roll, then a miss is counted - since the desk is quite wide, the ball must fall at least a little into this space.

It is easy to change the game by placing students in a column or line, and giving the player the task of rolling the ball to a certain student.

It is not necessary to use large or medium rubber balls; small balls made of different materials can also be used.

7. Hit the right key

. We'll need a keyboard with an icon stuck to each key (cute little stickers work best). The child’s task is to learn to hit the desired key with his finger (of course, this must be done with his eyes closed). First, the child can practice on his own, and then the presenter will name the picture, and the child will try to hit it with his finger. Here you can agree in advance on how many keys you can miss: one or two (no more needed). With older children, you can use a regular keyboard; at the same time, let them learn how the letters are arranged on it; this skill will certainly be useful to them in life, considering how often modern people have to type. And most importantly, with the help of this game exercise, and at the same time competition and interest, we develop the children’s coordination of movements, motor memory, and ordinary memory (try to immediately remember where which pictures are located!).

To make the task even easier, you can highlight the keys by color in squares or rectangles, for example, fours (four keys of the same color are highlighted), sixes or eights. Then it will be easier for the guys - they are given a color, they try to get into this square or rectangle. Any key of a given color is hit - excellent, the hit is counted. Accordingly, you will have to select many colors, maybe even eight to ten.

Everyone can play together if there are enough keyboards for each player. Then everyone sits at their desks, the keyboards are on the table in front of them, the players hold their hands on their knees. The signal for action is the picture, letter (number) or color named by the leader. Players must quickly place their index finger (or any given finger) on the desired key. Whoever is faster gets one point. You can play for a while, and then sum up the results, looking at who scored how many points, and declare the winner. Penalty points can be awarded for pressing an incorrect key. An important condition: after the child puts his finger on the key, he can no longer change his decision. A change is a mistake that is “punished” with a penalty point.

To learn letters, numbers and symbols, you can play open-ended. That is, now the presenter calls a key, and the players must place their finger on it as quickly as possible. If there are many players involved, then in addition the player must raise his hand up, signaling that he has done everything. After this, you cannot move your finger or move it anywhere until the presenter checks whether he hit it correctly or not. After checking, the first player receives one point. It is advisable to go through all the letters and numbers in this way, and at the end calculate by points who knows the location of the letters and numbers on the keyboard best of all.

8. Catch the number

. Now we will use a stopwatch that the child can press to turn it on and off, stopping time. The meaning is simple: a time is set, for example 13 seconds. The player’s task is to look at the stopwatch and press it as accurately as possible. If we have a stopwatch with hundredths of seconds, then the error will be more noticeable, and then it will be easier to compare the results. This is not the same option when we memorized the time period. In this case, the speed of reaction to the number that appears is worked out.

It's fun to play together. The leader sets a time for the first child of the pair, for example fifteen seconds. The second player, at the command of the first, turns on the stopwatch, and then the first must tell the second in time when the stopwatch should be turned off. Under no circumstances should the first one give prompts, only dry commands - “march” and “stop”. All additional prompting words: “it’s still a long way off, don’t rush yet,” etc., as well as movements (pointing with a finger, nodding, etc.) are considered a clue, and the pair loses. First one commands, then the other. The time of their error is summed up. Then the remaining couples also try their hand, after which the results are compared, and the winner is announced.

Plotless outdoor games

They are designed to teach children agility, speed and spatial orientation.

  • Find color. The teacher gives each child a flag of a different color. Typically the color scheme consists of red, yellow, green and blue. Four children stand with flags next to a specific flag of a similar color. When the teacher gives the command: “Go for a walk,” the rest of the children scatter around the playground in a chaotic manner. After the words: “Find your color,” children need to run to the flag of their color as quickly as possible.

  • Do not be late. The teacher lays out some rattles in the shape of a circle. At his command, the children scatter around the room away from them. When the teacher says: “Don’t be late,” the children run back to the center of the room.
  • Find your home. Children are divided into several groups, each of them stands near a certain tree. It is their home. At the teacher's command, the children scatter in all directions. When the teacher says: “Find your house,” the children should gather in certain groups near the trees where they stood at the beginning of the game.

The classification of outdoor games is designed to highlight those that are necessary for a child at a certain age. The most popular is the division into plot and non-plot. Both are called upon to develop children, to instill in them certain qualities. Outdoor games are necessary for the normal development of every child, and their importance should not be underestimated.

Types of outdoor games

Games are usually divided into the following groups:

  • Plot. The game has a certain plot that reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life, where each child is assigned a certain role. The beginning and end of the game, the interaction of participants are determined by rules that everyone must adhere to. These games are suitable for groups of children of any age.
  • Plotless. They don’t have a plot, but they have rules and distribution of roles. Games are associated with the performance of a specific motor task and require children to be more dexterous and quick. Children show independence and learn to navigate in space. Games using objects are also considered plotless. In this case, they are carried out in small groups.
  • Sports. To carry them out, a special site and equipment are required. Children are subject to strictly regulated rules. Such games are characterized by complex movement techniques and certain tactics of behavior, so the participants undergo preliminary training. Each game is designed for a certain number of people. For younger children the rules are simplified.
  • Fun games. Children perform normal motor movements in unusual conditions. These games often have a competitive element.
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