Military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” for preschool children

Military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” for preschool children


  • Children of the 2nd junior group No. 3 – 19 people;
  • Children of middle group No. 5 – 18 people;
  • Children of senior group No. 4 – 15 people;
  • Children of preparatory group No. 6 – 17 people;

Each detachment includes: a commander, a standard bearer, snipers, sappers, signalmen, reconnaissance officers, and nurses.

Attributes and equipment:

  • Military uniform for a general,
  • Rope for completing the task “ PASS THROUGH THE BARBED WIRE
  • Hoops and cones for completing the task “walk through the swamp”
  • A car with ammunition, sandbags for throwing in the competition “Knock down the enemy car”,
  • Plastic bottles dug into the ground to complete the task “Clear the field,”
  • Tape recorder, audio cassettes with recordings of marches and war songs.

For each group:

  • Elements of a soldier's uniform,
  • Elements of clothing for nurses,
  • Route plan,
  • Awards and medals,
  • Task package,
  • First aid kit,
  • Awards;

Purpose of the game:

instilling patriotism in preschoolers, developing knowledge about the military, about the defenders of the Motherland



Educational objectives:

Introduce children to the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”

Developmental tasks:

Develop physical qualities (endurance, speed, strength, coordination of movements)

Develop moral qualities: independence, discipline, mutual assistance, friendship.

Educational tasks:

Foster a sense of patriotism.

Preliminary work:

  • Creation of a headquarters for the preparation and conduct of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters.
  • Design of visual campaigning (production of posters, posters, information stand, invitation cards).
  • Formation of detachments of children with the appointment of commanders, standard bearers, snipers, sappers, signalmen, intelligence officers, and nurses.
  • Planning lessons on military topics, getting acquainted with works of art.
  • Conducting a complex of morning exercises on the theme “We are military pilots.”
  • Conducting a military song competition

Progress of the game

Marching music sounds, children, under the leadership of the squad leader, gather on the site and line up along the perimeter. Then the general comes out to solemn music.

General: I wish you good health, comrades, soldiers!




Comrade soldiers, an emergency occurred at the General Staff: very important documents were stolen from the safe. Your task is to find documents and deliver them to headquarters. This task is very difficult, you will need to overcome many obstacles. You will need courage, bravery, boldness, determination to achieve your goal. Comrade soldiers, are you ready to carry out your combat mission?




Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports and report their readiness. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander of the Snipers squad:

Squad, stand at attention!


marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Arseny Lavrushin. The report has been submitted!


The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Snipers” squad gets into formation.


The commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment:

Squad, stand at attention!


marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Sergei Demshin. The report has been submitted!


The report has been accepted!

The commander of the anti-aircraft gunners detachment gets into formation.


The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment:

Squad, stand at attention!


marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The Youth Army squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Demshin Egor. The report has been submitted!


The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment gets into formation.


The commander of the “Sharp Shooters” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Sharpshooters” detachment:

Squad, stand at attention!


marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Sharpshooters” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Polynkin Egor. The report has been submitted!


The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Sharpshooters” detachment gets into formation.


To complete this task, you will need to use a plan where the place from where you will have to start is indicated in blue, the place where you will find the package with documents is indicated in red, and the arrows indicate the path along which you need to move. When you find the document, you will need to gather here and report on the completion of the task. Is the task clear? Unit commanders receive a route plan.

The commanders approach the general and take the plans.

General: The units must begin the mission.

The squads are grouped, get acquainted with the plan, find the place from which they need to start completing the task, and begin their route, performing one task after another.



crawl under the “barbed wire” or step over it so as not to get touched.

Rules of the game:

If a child touches the “barbed wire,” he is considered wounded, and the orderlies bandage him.



Children must find buried plastic bottles under the foliage and unscrew the caps. Only in this case the mine is considered neutralized. The more mines cleared, the more points the team gets.

Rules of the game:

if a child pulls a mine out of the ground, then it is considered that it “exploded”, the soldier is wounded and needs “medical care”, the orderlies bandage him.



climb over the “mountains” - a gymnastic ladder at the sports site, without resorting to the help of adults.

Rules of the game:

The more children overcome the obstacle without the help of adults, the more points they will earn.



get over the “swamp” (hoops). Bring shells (cones), which are stored on the other side of the “swamp”.

Rules of the game:

You should not step on the red hoops - these are peat hummocks that can burst into flames at any moment. A child who steps on a red hoop is considered wounded.



hit an enemy truck carrying ammunition with a bag.

Rules of the game:

You can’t cross the line, otherwise you might “explode” along with the truck. The team with the most hits wins.



assemble the puzzle. For younger preschoolers, the number of puzzle pieces is smaller.

After each completed task, the team receives a part of the map. After all the tests have passed, the squad must collect the map and find the place where the package is hidden. After this, everyone gathers at the original place.


Battalion, stand at attention! Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!


marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad has been built. Detachment commander Arseny Lavrushin. The report has been submitted!


The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Snipers” squad gets into formation.


The commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment:

Squad, stand at attention!


marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The anti-aircraft gunners squad has been built. Detachment commander Sergei Demshin. The report has been submitted!


The report has been accepted!

The commander of the anti-aircraft gunners detachment gets into formation.


The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment:

Squad, stand at attention!


marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Youth Army Men” detachment has been built. Detachment commander Demshin Egor. The report has been submitted!


The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment gets into formation.


The commander of the “Sharp Shooters” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Sharpshooters” detachment:

Squad, stand at attention!


marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Sharpshooters” task force has been built. Detachment commander Polynkin Egor. The report has been submitted!


The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Sharpshooters” detachment gets into formation.


Comrade fighters! You did an excellent job with my task. All documents have been delivered to headquarters. And now I want to express my gratitude to you for participating in today’s game and award you orders and medals for the courage, bravery, courage and determination shown in this competition. Unit commanders receive orders and medals for their unit.

The commanders approach the general and take awards. The children leave to the marching music..

Author: Karpenko Irina Vladimirovna,

GBOU teacher

secondary school No. 1943

preschool department "KOLOSOK"

The article is published in the author's edition

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Military sports games in kindergarten on May 9 and February 23


Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives an important package that must be delivered to headquarters. If a WWII veteran is present at the celebration, the package can be delivered to him.

The test for speed, agility and dexterity begins at the signal of the leader. Children need to overcome obstacles on the way to headquarters: run along a bridge, crawl under a wire, jump over a ditch, go through a swamp. The last participant gives the package to the veteran.

Another version of this game in kindergarten: a squad of four fighters moves towards the headquarters, moving the boards.


Girls dressed in nurse costumes take part in the game. To do this, you can use children's costumes according to professions. They play in twos. Opposite the girls sit boys - “wounded soldiers”.

At the signal, the girls must squat down to the boys, bandage their arms and legs, and deliver the wounded soldier to the medical unit. The boy walks leaning on the girl.


Children are divided into two teams. Each participant takes one stuffed bag from the basket.

Children receive a task - to deliver bags to baskets located at the other end of the room. To do this, the “fighters” will have to run around pins, jump over circles, and crawl under arcs.


This is a continuation of the game DELIVER THE SHELLS. Children take turns running the same way to the basket, take out one projectile from there and try to get it into the hoop. They run back and pass the baton.


Children are divided into two teams. The first participant stands with his feet in one hoop, the second holds it in front of him. At a signal, he throws the second hoop in front of him, jumps into it, and repeats the same thing with the freed hoop.

In this way you need to get to the counter, go around it and return to the team.


Each team is given a sheet of A2 size with a drawn diagram of military equipment, consisting of geometric figures (the contours of each figure are marked), and an envelope with colored parts for the diagram.

The number of parts in all schemes is the same.

The following models of military equipment were selected for the competition: tank, battleship, airplane.

Teams need to post a color image on the diagram.


Children stand in a circle. Passing the flag to each other, they remember proverbs about soldiers and the Motherland.

Proverb options:

  • Hero for the Motherland by the mountain.
  • A brave fighter in battle is well done.
  • The bullet fears the brave, but the bayonet does not kill the brave.
  • Motherland. Know how to stand up for her!
  • Feel free to go into battle, the Motherland is behind you.
  • Your own land and in your fist.


This assignment will require pre-kindergarten work. The teacher must find photographs of cities that took part in the Second World War: Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, Smolensk. The selection of photographs consists of modern views and views of cities during the war.

For example, Stalingrad:


The teacher asks the children questions:

  • Which city do you know?
  • What differences do you see between the photographs?
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