Mathematical fun for middle school children

Mathematical fun for middle school children

Math fun for kindergarten. Middle group

This material will be useful for preschool teachers and physical education instructors. Designed for children of senior preschool age.

Math fun.
(relay races) Goal : to develop children’s skills to independently perform mathematical tasks in a competitive environment. Objectives: - Consolidate and generalize knowledge about geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle); — Development of logical thinking, attention, memory; — Cultivate an interest in mathematics. Host: Why is there silence around? Do you hear how quickly the speech fell silent? This is the Queen of all sciences, she came to visit us today. Enter the Queen of Mathematics. Queen : Hello guys! I am the Queen of the mathematical kingdom. In my kingdom live numbers and geometric figures, mathematical signs and formulas. Everyone says that mathematics is a difficult and boring science, but I want to show you that mathematics can be fun. Let you guys divide into two teams, and each team will choose a name for itself after guessing my riddles. 1 competition “Guess the riddle” I have no corners And I look like a saucer, Like a plate and like a lid, Like a ring, like a wheel. Who am I, friends? Call me! (Circle) My three sides can be of different lengths. Where the sides meet - the angle is obtained. What happened? Look! After all, there are also three corners. Look at me, say my name. (Triangle) Four corners and four sides, They look exactly like sisters. You can’t roll him into the goal like a ball, And he won’t start galloping after you. The figure is familiar to many guys. Did you recognize him? After all, this is... (Square) It looks like an egg Or your face. This is the circle - It has a very strange appearance: The circle has become flattened. Suddenly it turned out... (Oval) We stretched the square and presented it to the eye, Who did it look like or something very similar? Not a brick, not a triangle - Became a square... (Rectangle) Queen : Well done! My riddles have been solved. Let's choose a name for each team. So, one team is called “Circle”, the second “Square”. I took a triangle and a square and built a house from them. And I am very happy about this: Now a gnome lives there. We'll put two squares, and then a huge circle. And then three more circles, Triangular cap. So the cheerful eccentric came out. We will not build a weirdo out of geometric shapes, we will build a boat 2 competition. "Assemble a boat from geometric shapes" . The envelopes contain geometric shapes from which you need to assemble a boat. The team that collects it the fastest wins. Queen: The jury sums up the results, and we continue to play. Once upon a time, a girl named Shura had geometric shapes in a box: Cubes, balls, squares and other brave guys. 3 competition “Assemble correctly” Cubes and balls are mixed in the basket. Teams run to the basket. The "Circles" team selects balls and carries them to their basket. The "Squares" team selects cubes and also carries them to their basket. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins. Queen of Mathematics: While the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, I suggest you take a break. They turn on the fixie song “Pomogator”, the children perform movements to the music. The Queen of Mathematics announces the results of 3 competitions. Queen: Well done guys, you did the task well. And we have the following competition: A pineapple fell by the path and broke into two halves. Three crows will never divide the two halves equally. We will not divide the pineapple halves, we will assemble a whole pineapple from two halves. 4. Competition “Assemble the Whole” Flat images of pineapples are cut into two parts (the cut is arbitrary: in half along, across, in a zigzag). The pineapple halves are laid out on the floor, the children stand in pairs, each pair must assemble a whole image from the pineapple halves. Queen of Mathematics: And now I want to find out which team is the most attentive. 5th competition “Continue the row”. Children are offered a sample of a logical series of geometric shapes, and commands following the pattern continue the logical series. The team that completes the task quickly and without errors wins. Queen of Mathematics: Our fun mathematical sports festival is over. While the jury is summing up the results, we are playing the musical game “If you have fun.” After the dance game, the Jury announces the results of the mathematical entertainment, and the Queen of Mathematics awards the winners. Queen : All the riddles have been solved, the games have been played. I'm not saying goodbye to you. We will meet again in math classes and play new games. Until next time.

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Leisure summary in mathematics in the middle group “Magic Land of Shapes”


Teacher Zueva E.V. Moscow, 2016

Goal: To learn to distinguish and name the following geometric shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle, to be able to navigate in space.



Expand children's knowledge about shapes. Learn to group them by color and size.


Develop observation and attentiveness. Develop memory, thinking and speech.


Contribute to the development of collectivism and mutual assistance when working in a team.

Stimulate interest in mathematics.

To develop skills of cultural behavior in society.


For children - a card with four stripes, circles (large and small) in four colors: green, blue, yellow, red; geometric figures.

For the teacher: Four baskets with stickers of shapes (for example, the first basket is a triangle, the second is a square...) Geometric shapes according to the number of children of different colors. Four bags of different colors: green, blue, yellow, red. Three keys. Soft toy.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to the mat; all the children come up and stand in a circle; in the center of the circle there is a teacher and invites them to go to a country that is not simple, but magical, geometric, and in this country everything consists of figures. The entrance to this land is enchanted. In order to disenchant the entrance to the magical land, you need to get three magic keys.

Q: I invite all children to hit the road soon, trials await you,

difficult tasks.

Our path will be long with obstacles. Are you guys ready to go on this journey?

D: Yes, ready.

Q: In this case, you can hit the road. The teacher and the children come to the first table. There are geometric shapes on the table.

Q: Our first task: There are different figures on the table, you need to take one piece at a time and name them.

D: Everyone takes turns taking a piece from the table and clearly names the piece they took.

Q: Well done guys, you all answered correctly. We completed the first task correctly, the path to our country is becoming shorter, we received our first key. (the key was under the last figure.) Let's move on to the second task:

On the chairs in the group there are four baskets, each with figures glued to it (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)

Q: Guys, each of you has a figure in your hands; our task is to group all the figures by size. To do this, whoever has the squares, stand next to the basket with the square. Whoever has circles, stand next to the basket with the circle. Whoever has rectangles, stand next to the basket with the rectangle. And whoever has triangles, stand next to the basket with triangles.

D: They find their baskets and stand up.

Q: Guys, if you are ready, raise your figures up. Well done, now put the pieces in your baskets. And in one of the baskets the children find the second key. Now we can move forward.

They approach the rug and there the entire rug is strewn with different figures of different colors. (while the children were completing tasks, the junior teacher poured out the figures onto the rug.)

There are four bags of different colors on the mat.

Q: Guys, this is our last task. In order to get the third key you need to collect and group the shapes by color and then put them in bags.

D: They complete the tasks and find the third key in one of the bags.

Q: Well done guys, you completed the task. The magical land is disenchanted!!!

Guys, while the country was bewitched in the “dishes” , all the cups were mixed up on the shelves. You need to help clean up the store. To do this, sit at the tables; each child has a card with four stripes and 14 circles.

The teacher explains. “These are (points to the mugs) Large and small cups.

They need to be arranged on shelves in whatever way they want.”

Options could be:

  • mugs lie in disarray on every shelf
  • mugs are on two shelves (large and small)
  • The mugs are arranged by color on four shelves.

The teacher asks each person how he arranged the cups and on which shelf there are more and on which shelf there are fewer.

You can invite the children to arrange them so that on each shelf there are “cups” of the same color. Ask which “cups” are more: red or blue; yellow or green.

Q: Well done guys, they put things in order in the store, now residents of a magical land will be able to come to the store and easily choose cups. I suggest you tidy up your toys and go for a walk; there will be a lot more interesting things there.

You can play a game on the street: “Find the hidden toy.”

Using a counter, the leader is selected:

The seagulls lived at the pier,

The river pumped them with water.

One two three four five.

Help me count them.

The presenter goes out the door. Children hide a toy. To find it, the driver is given directions: “Go from the swing to the sandbox, turn right from the sandbox, take three steps and look there.”

Game options: The teacher indicates the direction of the asphalt with arrows of different colors.: The child indicates the direction: “First, go where the blue arrow points, then walk three steps and look there.”

When turning, the child must say where he turned: right or left.

The game is played several times at the request of the children.

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FEMP leisure activities for children 4-5 years old “Journey to the City of Figures”

Leisure notes on mathematics in the middle group of kindergarten

Topic : "Journey to the city of Figur."

Goal : to improve children’s understanding of geometric shapes,
to develop thinking, imagination, attention, and memory.
Program content.

To consolidate previously acquired knowledge in children, to develop ideas about geometric shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle. Exercise in correlating the shapes of objects with plane geometric figures. Train children in the ability to make geometric shapes from parts and counting sticks, lay out a picture of geometric shapes according to the model. Strengthen children's ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. To instill in children perseverance and the ability to finish what they start.

Integration of areas:

cognition, communication, physical education, music, socialization.

Types of children's activities:

cognitive-research, gaming, communicative, motor.


geometric shapes, pictures with objects, Tangram, counting sticks, labyrinth (on a sheet of paper, houses of geometric shapes, Dunno hat, surprise (cookies in the shape of geometric shapes), audio recording.

Progress of the lesson

I. _ Introductory part


The group includes Dunno (teacher).


: Hello children! Do you know my name?

Children's answers.


: Yes!
I am Dunno and I know everything in the world! (I take a coin out of my pocket) here! I even know what shape this coin is! She…..shapes…..(difficult to answer). The children tell Dunno what shape the coin is.
Dunno: Yes! I know where the figures live. Would you like to come with me to visit the city of Figur?

Music plays, and the children and Dunno enter the city of Figures and see various geometric shapes (oval, circle, square, rectangle, triangle).


Oh! Look who is meeting us, what are these figures?

Children's answers.


Do you know how a circle differs from a triangle? What about a square from a rectangle?

Children's answers.

II . Main part:


: I see that you know geometric shapes, but can you cope with the tricky tasks in this city?

Dunno gives a task

: We came to a clearing called

“Find something similar.”

You need to look carefully at the pictures with geometric shapes and match them with pictures with those objects that are similar to one or another geometric shape (for example, a circle - the sun).

Children complete the task.


: And in this clearing you have to help the residents of the city of Figur collect a rug, a tangram, which was scattered by the evil wind. You also need to fold these rugs as shown in the picture. But I think that in order for us to cope faster, let’s divide you into teams.

(Dunno divides children into subgroups).

Children assemble tangrams from geometric shapes and patterned rugs.


: You did a very good job, and the people of the city of figures thank you very much. Because you collected their favorite rug, they said that at the end of our journey through their city, a surprise would await you, but what? You and I will find out when we go through all the clearings of the city of figures. Well? Go ahead?

And the next clearing to which we are going is called

"Funny Geometry"


And here guys, the task is the most difficult. You probably won’t even be able to cope with such a difficult task! Even I couldn’t do it... Look, there are counting sticks here, but not for you and me to count them, but you need to use these sticks to make a square, a rectangle and a triangle.

Children begin to lay out geometric shapes from counting sticks



: I see that you managed to cope with this difficult task!
Let's go further to the " Take a rest
" clearing.

Let's take a little rest here and play the game “If you have fun, do this.”


Now let’s go further on our journey to the Labyrinth clearing.


: Here you go! It's time to complete the last task.

Children! Look, whose houses are these?

Children's answers.


: That's right, houses of geometric shapes that are lost in the forest and cannot find their way to them. Let's help them. But first tell me, which figure, which house will we take?

Children's answers


Final part:

: I see that you are really great! We completed all the tasks and helped the residents of the city of figures collect their favorite rug and find the way home for the lost figures.

What tasks did you like?

Now, let's see what kind of surprise the inhabitants of the city of figures have prepared for us? What are these figures? Who remembers?

Children's answers



: Well done! Well, now let's go for a surprise.

Music plays, the children move to a clearing where there is a basket with a surprise (cookies in the shape of geometric shapes).

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