Poems about the letter I for children Berries We picked berries And we kept count: Berries
Entertainment for June 1 in kindergarten for children of the middle group Holiday scenario for the Day
For those born in summer How pleasant the summer weather is, The sun shines and gives us warmth!
Pedagogy of cooperation today Processes of pedagogy of cooperation are a key element in shaping the concept of transformation
Scenario “Spring Festival” April 23, 2019 International and All-Russian competitions All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence
Long-term planning for life safety in the senior group Long-term planning for life safety in the senior group
Summary of the parent meeting in the younger group on the topic: “Safe New Year” Summary of the parent meeting “Safe
Goals and objectives of printed board games A type of primary activity of preschoolers aimed at an analytical approach in
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Physical culture and environmental leisure “Tourists” (for children of the older group) MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type