Topic: “Furniture. Furniture parts." Week from to Senior group. Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday Transcript
To be remembered Unfortunately, the only monument to the most famous and beloved poet has been erected so far.
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Lesson summary on the fairy tale “Turnip” for
The essence of game teaching methods Game methods have an advantage over other teaching methods, since
Calendar planning in the middle group on the topic “Clothing. Shoes. Hats" Week (22.11.- 26.11.2020)
Notes for the younger group "Traffic light" "Our friend the traffic light." Topic: “Our friend is the traffic light” Purpose: to introduce children
Approximate planning on the topic “Legal Education”; Grades 1-4 Goleva Marina Aleksandrovna Primary school teacher
Contents of self-care work Self-care work has great educational potential. During self-service
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The magical world of stones What is the reason for the popularity of drawings on stones? The thing is,